Joseph Newman died March 6, 2015. His biggest and most successful device was named "Big Eureka". In true Tesla fashion, Joseph died a pauper. Towards the end, he cannibalized Big Eureka for the copper to sell as scrap metal. A very sad ending.
Wiki; "Joseph Newman applied for a patent on his perpetual motion machine in 1979 and was turned down. From 1979 to 1986 he filed lawsuits against the patent office to force the award of his patent.[7]"
"The number of independent scientists who verified and spoke in favor of Newman's technology is astonishing. Even a high official in the US patent office was convinced and disgusted that the USPTO did not award a patent. He's shown on film in this documentary. A U.S. Congressman tried to get Congress to bypass the Patent Office, since patent power lies with Congress. He's had a lot of very influential people, including media, government, academia trying to help him get his technology to the people.
On March 10, 1987, Congressman Rober W. Kastenmeier, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Court, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice states: "This is the greatest conspiracy against any human being in the history of the world."
Joe Nolfe helped and collaborated with Joe Newman ever since the beginning of Big Eureka. He says that he understands all the characteristics of the device and the technology. Newman thoroughly demonstrated his tech to several groups of investors. He convinced them of the validity of his technology but, at the same time, he convinced them that he was impossible to work with. These investors are still around for the most part.
Nolfe, et al are forming an LLC and working with investors. I spoke with them about a very important application for Joe's motor technology. There are many thousands of desalination plants in operation. One of the biggest operating expenses is powering up all the motors that force the salt water through the membranes.
All over the world, aquifers are falling fast. The water is falling so fast in the central valley of California that the level of the land is falling also. Whoever has the deepest well gets the water. The outflow from the Oglalla aquifer is reported to be equal to the flow of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. NASA predicts that the drought will get worse.
There are already parties interested in using his tech for desalination so, I wasn't the first to get the idea.
Whisky is for fighting, water is for killing
Wiki; "Joseph Newman applied for a patent on his perpetual motion machine in 1979 and was turned down. From 1979 to 1986 he filed lawsuits against the patent office to force the award of his patent.[7]"
"The number of independent scientists who verified and spoke in favor of Newman's technology is astonishing. Even a high official in the US patent office was convinced and disgusted that the USPTO did not award a patent. He's shown on film in this documentary. A U.S. Congressman tried to get Congress to bypass the Patent Office, since patent power lies with Congress. He's had a lot of very influential people, including media, government, academia trying to help him get his technology to the people.
On March 10, 1987, Congressman Rober W. Kastenmeier, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Court, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice states: "This is the greatest conspiracy against any human being in the history of the world."
Joe Nolfe helped and collaborated with Joe Newman ever since the beginning of Big Eureka. He says that he understands all the characteristics of the device and the technology. Newman thoroughly demonstrated his tech to several groups of investors. He convinced them of the validity of his technology but, at the same time, he convinced them that he was impossible to work with. These investors are still around for the most part.
Nolfe, et al are forming an LLC and working with investors. I spoke with them about a very important application for Joe's motor technology. There are many thousands of desalination plants in operation. One of the biggest operating expenses is powering up all the motors that force the salt water through the membranes.
All over the world, aquifers are falling fast. The water is falling so fast in the central valley of California that the level of the land is falling also. Whoever has the deepest well gets the water. The outflow from the Oglalla aquifer is reported to be equal to the flow of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. NASA predicts that the drought will get worse.
There are already parties interested in using his tech for desalination so, I wasn't the first to get the idea.
Whisky is for fighting, water is for killing
