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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Democratic Senate Swamp Officials hate the will of their
    own people or are these leaders really true Democrats and
    who do THEY represent?
    with the formation of Corp. U.S.; as shown above, the Constitution provided Congress with the authority to pass any law within the ten mile square of the District of Columbia; however, with the creation of such a thing; the people would have to remain more vigilant to make sure that such a corporation was not used to extend authoritarian power beyond bounds of said District to usurp authoritarian styled power over the people of the nation by force.
    Corp. U.S. Mythology



    • #17
      Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
      with the formation of Corp. U.S.;
      as shown above, the Constitution provided Congress with the authority
      to pass any law within the ten mile square of the District of Columbia;
      however, with the creation of such a thing; the people would have to
      remain more vigilant to make sure that such a corporation was not
      used to extend authoritarian power beyond bounds of said District
      to usurp authoritarian styled power over the people of the nation by

      Corp. U.S. Mythology

      Here is the answer to balance of power. The red sea crossing
      will always be something the next generation faces.

      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:21 AM.


      • #18

        Last edited by aljhoa; 02-02-2017, 05:07 PM. Reason: 234


        • #19
          Are you having a break down?

          What sense does your post make?

          Is this small talk?

          Last edited by aljhoa; 02-03-2017, 04:09 AM. Reason: 253


          • #20
            We already have war, it continues with Christians being beheaded
            and teen girls being raped. You live on this planet also, why are you
            ignoring these facts? Instead you want to transfer blame onto TRUMP
            or any one who will stop these injustices.

            You can't kill the minister of vengeance, take it up with THE KING HE
            raises up and HE puts down. You want to kill Jews? Saying they are
            all evil, same thing. Just because you don't pull a damn trigger you
            think your words do nothing so terrible.

            Hating without a cause does seem to be at large these days. Nobody
            wants continued war and blood shed and eventually something must be
            done. You can't look the other way forever.

            This is the same as watching a man murder a woman on the street corner
            because the men is bigger and stronger than the woman and you don't
            want to offend the man swinging the knife.

            This is the equivalent.

            This is how it goes down in other countries but in AMERICA if a man is
            killing a woman on the street corner, someone knocks his head off.

            I suggest maybe moving to India? BYE

            How do you like my reasoning?

            Alex Jones Goes to Hell on Air


            Last edited by BroMikey; 02-03-2017, 08:14 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              We already have war....
              In some fields, being a psychopath is actually a great way to get ahead.

              Just 1 percent of the overall population qualifies as psychopaths; in prison, that number skyrockets to 25 percent.

              Contrary to popular notions, lots of psychopaths aren’t raging lunatics or violent criminals; in fact, most of them get along perfectly well in society.

              1. CEO.The corporate lexicon is full of bloodthirsty metaphors. Business is cutthroat; those who succeed are sharks; and they make a killing. What better place for a psychopath to really shine? Lots of CEOs are perfectly lovely, I’m sure, but study after study suggests that 4 percent of them—four times as many people as in the general population—qualify as psychopaths.

              2. Lawyer.

              3. Media (television/radio). This one seems like kind of a no-brainer. Is it any surprise that the sort of person who might imagine herself so important that everyone should be exposed to her, is a person who might have some narcissistic tendencies? Obviously, not everyone in film, television or radio scores high on the Hare meter, but if you think of some of the most glaring psychopathic personalities in both media, it all sort of makes sense.

              6. Journalist.

              8. Clergy.

              10. Civil servants.

              10 Careers With the Most Psychopaths

              Last edited by aljhoa; 02-03-2017, 03:14 PM. Reason: 285


              • #22
                Trumpism can be reduced to:
                (1) think of the absolute most visceral, kneejerk, gut response to any given problem;
                (2) immediately stop thinking at that point;
                (3) attack anyone who points out the problems with your reasoning


                • #23
                  I can only imagine how proud you all are of your new leader.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Houston we have a problem
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      I can only imagine how proud you all are of
                      your new leader.
                      Trump has delivered more in 100 hours of being Pres.......... than
                      Bush/Burning Bush 16 years/Clinton/Obama did in 30 years.

                      All talk and no action. Canada GOV are bringing in more ISIS members
                      as they leave the USA, BYE

                      The hair is great, no problem



                      • #26
                        Mexico synonymous with Gov run drug cartel thugs
                        threatens Trump with carnage.

                        Officials claim Global Warming is in opposition to free trade.

                        LOOZIFER is Loozing so he is having all of his media channels and
                        figureheads come out against Trump to lie on him. And naturally
                        most people want to hear a lie so they side with these false

                        Lap it up, your troth is so full you will gag on it. This is a time of
                        choosing sides and each expression further exposes the heart
                        of man.


                        Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 08:11 AM.


                        • #28
                          I don't say it much Danny but your stuff is so over the top, I can never
                          find all of these jewels you consistently post. Can't say your report is
                          lopsided. We all may not like things about one another or TRUMP but
                          atleast you show the record properly. The Demoncrat's will never
                          acknowledge the good coming from this admin nor the college boys
                          indoctrinated by Prof. LEFT.

                          That report about jobs thrills me to no end, while the grumblers
                          say under their breath that it would have happened anyway.

                          What a world of people blinded by fake education.



                          Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 08:13 AM.


                          • #29
                            Burning down Trump car


                            Police stand down

                            Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 08:14 AM.


                            • #30
                              Chicago Muslims take to the streets chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA"

                              Shame on Donald Trump for ruffling their feathers, Trump should
                              make nice and maybe Allah will spare his life.

                              Just keep changing the channel finding another hate speech against
                              Trump as the problem. God is going to save you anyway against your will
                              because you are damaged goods, unable to make proper choices, silly.

                              A dumb dog that can't even bark. It's crazy, but hey it was me
                              who grew up in Detroit not you so maybe now you will listen.


                              Last edited by BroMikey; 02-04-2017, 11:07 AM.

