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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • The system is rigged, all news agencies bought and paid for by the
    special interest. Rich folks doing brain warp on the average Sally Sue.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 01-09-2019, 01:33 AM.


    • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


      • Comment


          hi faggots, I created a graphic that attempts to summarize the connections contained within the "Q" notebook left in a hotel a few weeks ago by the ex-wife of a Virgin exec. for simplicity I only included the info on the Virgin Mobile money laundering, human trafficking, securities fraud portion. It's definitely relevant to the research Q has been pointing us too. It's just another layer of the worldwide corruption/ human trafficking scheme that is being dismantled

          basically (Sir) Richard Branson and the "Virgin Group (et al)" is a False/Front Illegal Offshore Company @ Virgin Mobile, including but not limited to:

          Virgin Mobile, Latin America - VMLA

          Virgin Mobile, Middle East + Asia aka Friendi Group

          Tribe Mobile Inc

          PAIN IS COMING

          >PAIN IS COMING

          PAIN IS COMING

          >PAIN IS COMING

          PAIN IS COMING

          >PAIN IS COMING


          • Comment

            • Declaration of a National emergency



              • So, Trump IS guilty

                This was from a random reading suggestion.
                "In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

                The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence."

                "threat to national security. "
                There you have it. Trump is trying to wind down the wars in Korea, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria. Trump is trying to avoid wars with Russia and China,,, mostly Russia. China will collapse on it's own. America will desperately need Russian oil when fracking is finally wiped out.

                America desperately needs to bring an END to the glorification of war and the world cycle of wars. We're killing ourselves at the same time as we create endless wars for profit.
                Trump's closest enemies are trying to undermine his efforts to bring peace.
                Pentagon: “We Don't Take Orders From Bolton” - Infowars

                This is a war of memes. The war mongers must convince Americans that a reduction of foreign wars reduces our security at home. Trump must convince Americans that our security is best maintained by ending the war cycle.
                For decades, we glorified the killing of American Indians.
                Then, we glorified the killing of Japanese and Germans.
                Next, it was Koreans
                Currently, it is the killing of Arabs of all stripes.
                We're working up enthusiasm for killing Persians.
                The CIA foments brushfire wars as an excuse for the military to come in and REALLY blow things up.
                Trump is definitely guilty of trying to stop this. Netanyahooo is fuming


                • The Democrat's took money from the American tax payers to win
                  back the HOUSE using PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Grand Jury deliberations
                  under way now in several states.


                  Listen to how "Q" talks. Remember who "Q" is. They are a collective
                  of more than a million white hats. Sworn to secrecy inside the govt
                  jobs they hold during their life time. Of course only a few authorize
                  the release of new info.

                  Here is "Q"


                  D House focus on POTUS = 'insurance' extension from MUELLER to House.

                  GJ testimony underway in several states.

                  Attempts to BLOCK/PROTECT themselves will FAIL.

                  Far beyond political corruption/sedition.

                  Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

                  Lights on.


                  Last edited by BroMikey; 01-14-2019, 02:29 AM.


                  • Dts

                    GOVT SHUTDOWN SWAMP DRAIN

                    Big Govt bloated now shutdown and draining.

                    Smaller Govt. 100 Billion for the wall with the past Presidents was
                    somehow lost because THEY never intended to build a wall THEY got
                    money for. Now we are searching for so much money.



                    • Hannity

                      Dirty FBI, Dirty DOJ, Dirty deep state Govt agencies many
                      Dirty CIA and you name it. Following the money brings us to top
                      officials funding drug traffic, organs, sex, smearing anyone in THEIR
                      way using tax payer money and news networks plotting against the
                      innocent. We have all known the govt was dirty.

                      I know cops in Pontiac who control the traffic taking a cut and this is
                      why clean cops get shot because the runners have more power than
                      the police.

                      Everybody knows it in Detroit, has been like this 40 years.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 01-15-2019, 04:07 AM.


                      • Trump, war and drugs

                        Trump has a talent for causing his (our) enemies to come out of their closet and declare their true intentions. The neocons are frothing at the mouth at the prospect of Trump + Putin bringing an end to the war cycle.
                        The Republicans have show some awareness that a modern WW III would be the end of civilization. FED GOV has always promoted a cold war to accomplish Keynes' admonition that we need perpetual warfare to stimulate the economy. We get the stimulation without the destruction.
                        The Dems are the new (old) war party because the neocons needed to attach to somebody.
                        America goes around the world destroying everything it can because, OBVIOUSLY, we are the good guys.
                        Trump wants to destroy the illegal drug trade. Truth be told, the legal drug trade kills millions. Trump wants to strike at the source. Banks and organized crime want to block him.


                        • Shooting of FBI dirty cops are continuing in the cities on sight.

                          FBI on the take.



                          • Showcasing all the skeletons

                            The HRC administration was to be a continuance of the obummer administration. There would be a continuation of illegal practices. Hillary would be president,,,, the only prospect that gave her more pleasure than molesting little children. Since all the presidents on Mt. Rushmore were war presidents, she had to have a big war of some kind. Obviously, her tunnel vision never included the possibility of actually ;losing a war with Russia.
                            Her dreams of being president made it to the cover of Newsweek but, no further. No Mt. Rushmore for her ugly mug and. no war for the neocons.

                            It took a LOT of dirty dealings in the obummer administration to set the stage for her. As far as Bengazi goes, she expressed her disdain by exclaiming, "what difference does it make?"
                            Well, she is finally getting an answer to her question. A federal judge ruled that the crimes of the obummer administration are still crimes that must be investigated.
                            This will slowly lead back to obummer. The Dems are trying to move heaven and earth to win the 2020 election.
                            16 days after the election, Trump was preparing to run in 2020. This negated any attempts by back-stabbing Republicans from trying to enter the race and fracture Trump's voter base. Trump sidelined a big part of the competition to oust him.
                            This leaves about 20 or so Dems vying for a nomination. As the investigations of crimes in the obummer admin, is advanced, it will implicate a LOT of people,,, probably culminating in a plea deal from obummer.
                            Trump plans to air out a LOT of dirt in the runup to the 2020 election.


                            • Attention SNOWFLAKES


                              • OMG what if Trump wrote a letter and maybe an email that might
                                get him into trouble and so forth? WHAT IF?

                                News from the congress here

                                "One dark day in the middle of the night
                                two dead boys got up to fight
                                back to back they faced each other
                                pulled out a knife and shot each other"


