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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Tactical retreat

    Trump Signs Bill Ending Shutdown - Claims
    He Didn't Cave (How About Collapse?)

    Ann Coulter Rips Trump Over Border Wall

    Trump In Complete, Total Surrender To Dems

    How Pelosi Broke Donald Trump

    Trump Signs Bill To End Partial Government Shutdown

    Trump signs bill to reopen the government after record shutdown

    Schumer - 'Hopefully, The President Has Learned His

    Trump Rolls Over To Dems - Agrees To Separating Wall
    From Shutdown And Reopen Govt For 3 Weeks

    Trump, Dems Agree To Reopen Government For
    3 Weeks...Until February 15

    17 US Intel Agencies Say Trump Is A Threat
    To US Due To 'Impulsive Behavior' - NIS Report

    AMAZING, the swamp seems to think that this is the end of the standoff. They are a bunch of weak-minded twits. They believe that Trump is just like them, The fireworks are going to be spectacular.
    BTW, this page is buggy


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      “The Democrat agenda is the agenda of the extreme far-left. They've gone crazy, folks. They've gone totally loco.”



      • RIF 30 day rule, checkmate

        12 moves ahead in the game. DTS.

        You guys better check this guy out.



        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          RIF 30 day rule, checkmate

          12 moves ahead in the game. DTS.

          You guys better check this guy out.


          The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a due process clause.
          Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the due process clause acts as a safeguard
          from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property ($) by the government outside the sanction of law.




            Yes but that was all covered in the video information I posted and what
            was also given was something you did not mention. Shows you did
            not review the material. Or just missed it all.

            Not a problem. Better listen closer to the part about the executive order
            signed into law under marshal law. The order was signed in 2017 sep
            and targets bottom feeders who oppose leadership. DTS.

            So we can't live in the past without the new information. Nothing is
            happenings? I am glad most people don't see it going down the
            drain because there would be a sudden influx of snowflakes to the
            point of ridiculous.

            Reorganization of certain groups within the govt. First these dept are
            graded using a number and the lower grades go first. Remember Trump
            going for the juggler(Money) that is the way he is wired.

            Dirty govt cleaning. Dirty DOJ, Dirty FBI, dirty dirty dirty CIA and the
            list goes on from A-Z agencies paid for by the federal income taxes.

            Clean'em out is what say. What you missed in this series of complicated
            video talks by officials is that a variety of stipulations can augment
            a single piece of litigation.

            When you get time run the video's again and you will see what I mean.
            It not so cut and dry as you suggest.

            Example of opposition party:

            Not long after President Trump said the nation's intelligence chiefs were "naive" about Iran and perhaps should "go back to school," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that it was the president who needed tutoring.

            Schumer, D-N.Y., called on Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, to stage an intervention with Trump after the president took the unusual move Wednesday of criticizing Coats, CIA Director Gina Haspel and FBI Director Christopher Wray after their Tuesday appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

            "President Trump's criticism of the testimony you and other intelligence leaders provided to Congress yesterday was extraordinarily inappropriate," Schumer wrote to Coats, adding later that "I believe it is incumbent on you, Director Wray and Director Haspel ... to impress upon him how critically important it is for him to join you and the leadership of our Intelligence Community in speaking with a unified and accurate voice about national security threats."
            Last edited by BroMikey; 01-31-2019, 08:12 AM.


            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

              Yes but that was all covered in the video information I posted and what
              was also given was something you did not mention. Shows you did
              not review the material. Or just missed it all.
              [6] Property interests that are subject to due process protections are not created by the federal Constitution.
              "Rather, they are created, and their dimensions are defined by existing rules or understandings that stem from
              an independent source such as state law ...." (Board of Regents v. Roth (1972) 408 U.S. 564, 577 [33 L. Ed. 2d 548, 560-561, 92 S. Ct. 2701];
              Paul v. Davis (1976) 424 U.S. 693, 709 [47 L. Ed. 2d 405, 418-419, 96 S. Ct. 1155].)
              California's statutory scheme regulating employment in civil service "confers upon an individual
              who achieves the status of 'permanent employee' a property interest in the continuation of his [or her]
              employment which is protected by due process." (Skelly v. State Personnel Bd., supra, 15 Cal. 3d 194, 206.)




              • The real Trump revolution

                There is a growing awareness of what the Trump revolution really is.
                Winston Churchill, " WW II could have been avoided but, the bankers wanted it"
                The Jewish bankers had a stranglehold on Great Britain and, to a certain extent, America also. It took a lot of subterfuge to finally drag America into another European war. They had to prime the situation by causing a Pacific War. After WW II and the Holohoax, the West annexed Trans-Jordan and handed it to the jews so that they would finally have a homeland where they wouldn't eventually get expelled. To accomplish Israeli plans, it was necessary for them to extort support from the Western World. This was accomplished first by obtaining nuclear weapons and threatening ANYBODY who crossed them or, didn't go along with their demands.
                The second part of their well-thought out plans involved the Jews getting complete control of mass media. This, they did very effectively and profitably.
                The third part of their control system was a comprehensive program of buying American elections at all levels, so that nobody would be able to oppose them in the legislature.
                When Netanayahoo addressed congress, he received 26 standing ovations. They knew who the boss was and, it was NOT the American taxpayer.

                The jews had American media completely locked down. If a potential candidate did NOT make the obligatory trip to Israel to be approved and anointed, he stood little chance of ever getting nominated or elected. The Israelis had a complete lock on American elections.
                David Rothschild said that the internet should not have been invented. I'm sure that he would be doubly condemning of social media in general and, Twitter in particular.
                The Trump camp saw and, exploited Twitter to make all kinds of outrageous claims and statements. MSM constantly quoted him to show what a crazy person he was / is. Previously, the jews and MSM had an effective firewall between UN-approved candidates and, ANY kind of media exposure. They frequently quoted Trump in MSM to show what a loser he was. He had played them and, got them to give him MSM exposure even though he had not gone to israel previous to campaigning.
                MSM isn't at ALL bashful about their control
                "Mika Brzezinski: “Our Job” to “Control Exactly What People Think ..."
                She is a TV journalist and, was complaining that Trump was trying to control what people hear and think.

                The more that Trump went to war with MSM, the more that they quoted him to show what a loony he is. He may very well come off as a loony to Mika and her NYC friends but, his message was well received by the deplorables. Nobody can make America great again if we continue to spend $ trillions funding wars for israel. We can't possibly protect ourselves from terrorists if we create them by the millions. Trump does not need to do hour-long speeches to connect with Americans. His tweets get the message across adequately. Trump refused to stop Assad from retaking his country after it was destroyed by the American & israeli & Saudi mercenaries (ISIS) This served notice to israel and netanayahooo that he was serious about making America great.
                Even worse, Trump has other plans.
                Trump Vows to Return US Troops From Afghanistan...If Peace Deal Signed

                Remember that Afghanistan is the center of opium production. The Taliban cut it back to almost nothing and, we invaded 4 months later to get the production back up to 2,000 tons.
                So, who deals this opium?
                Is Israel becoming a mafia state? | The Times of Israel
                Top 10 Jewish Crime Syndicates - Listverse
                Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader ...

                Trump wants to cut off drugs and human trafficking. That makes him even more of an enemy.
                The current Cause du jour against Trump involves Russian influence on Trump. NOBODY would even mention israeli influence on American elections.
                The current hot-button issue is Iran. One theocracy hates another theocracy. Netanayahoo is frothing at the mouth because he can't get Trump to Attack Iran. The Israeli Defense Forces have clearly stated that an attack on Iran would be completely suicidal.
                Europe Launches SWIFT Alternative To Fund Iran In Collision Course With Trump
                The number one jewish supporter, Schumer asks US spy chiefs to 'educate' Trump on Iran
                I think that Trump has made up his own mind, Trump Now Says His Intel Chiefs Were Misquoted In Their Comments About Him

                All Trump has to do is ; propose something and the Dems will block it. He keeps playing them and, they keep falling for it.
                'No wall money' - Pelosi draws line in the sand on border budget ahead of potential second shutdown

                The Dems big problem (one of many) is that they haven't got any candidates that have any chance of winning in 2020. They keep trotting out various possibilities to see how they are received. They are betting money that they can run a woman and take votes away from Trump. The various women presented so far are pretty bad.
                Ocasio Cortez has been trotted out to see the reaction.
                Radical Socialist Ocasio Joins With Sen Ed Market To Launch 'Green New Deal' - AOC Continues To Get Enormous Free MSM Publicity...
                She is going to disappear pretty soon.
                They already have enough trouble with Obama's legacy. Update! - Twitter Began Blocking 'Fleshjack' Followers' Page Right After Obama's Post Was Noticed!
                They will lose in 2020 and Armstrong said that the losers will riot.
                Trumps' use of Twitter is not something that MSM and the jews can counter


                • 2nd link did not work try this one


                  Hughes has bluntly described organ harvesting as

                  "paying the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies."


                  • MSM, war hawks, Putin, israel, the future of war

                    Putin completely blocked israel from stealing Syrian land and oil. Evidently, the Democratic party has become the dastard step-child of the war-mongers. MSM owned by the chosenites is using the dems as a vehicle for attacking Russia in any way that it can.
                    As Armstrong points out, the next election will bring riots like nothing seen here before.
                    No matter, the chosenites will carry on with the destruction of America. damn near everybody in D.C. is trying to block Trump's peace initiatives.

                    Idiocy - MSNBC's Maddow Warns That Those Evil Russians Might Attack US During Polar Vortex..
                    Armed Services Committee Chairman Warns US And China 'Headed For World War III'

                    US-China War Is 'Just A Shot Away'

                    China, Russia Preparing For 'Blackout Warfare'With 'Super-EMP' Bombs
                    US Intelligence Chief Claims Russia And China Will Meddle in 2020 Elections

                    So, who is doing this?
                    2/03 Forever war, evermore: the congressional left saves NATO – FFF

                    2/03 Sheldon Richman on America’s bipartisan pro-war consensus – FFF

                    Not content with wars in the middle east, it appears that the chosenites want a war in Venezuela to get all that oil AND block Russia.
                    2/02 The N.Y. Times’ support of U.S.-backed coups in Latin America – Truthdig
                    Paul Craig Roberts, "Since Donald Trump won the Republican presidential nomination, the media has been allied with the military/security complex and the Democratic Party in an effort to deep-six Trump. As I expected would be the case, Trump had no idea how to staff a government that would have supported him against the Establishment. He has been blocked on every front from normalizing relations with Russia to establishing control over US borders to withdrawal from Syria. The latest line from the military/security complex and the presstitutes is that the US cannot withdraw its troops illegally occupying a rump section of Syria, because ISIS is resurgent in Syria and Iraq and will renew the war if US troops are withdrawn. "

                    The swamp that Trump is battling is the war swamp.... the organized crime swamp. The titular head of the swamp enterprise is Benjamin Netanayahooo. I would venture to say that the average israeli just wants to live in peace. There have been enormous demonstrations against the government. The israelis can se the writing on the wall.

                    WHY, you say,,, why would the israelis turn on their titular leader? The world is getting quite tired of endless war for the chosenites. They are tired of being roundly condemned for killing Palestiians. Forget about the many millions of other people who were killed by neocon wars.
                    History is closing in on israel. The problems created by it's "founding" have grown too serious for it's survival.
                    Iranian commander: Israel will be gone in 10 years - Israel National ...
                    Kissinger “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.” - Gazeta ...
                    Has our expiration date arrived? - Opinion - Israel News |
                    Henry Kissinger says, " I repeat: In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.
                    Why did Kissinger expect Israel to no longer exist as soon as 2022 ...

                    The MSM attacks on Trump as an indirect attack on Russia are not wise if israel is going to disappear in the near future. It would be nice to believe that the chosenites would tone down their attacks on America as a survival strategy for the jewish population. HOPEFULLY, they plan to oust Netanayahoo as a start to a new israeli position on all these wars. HOPEFULLY, Trump could benefit from this.


                    • Prepare to be surprised!

                      Is this not the message? It only seems logical to me...

                      1. The information presented by the MSM, the main sources of misinformation, is largely bogus.

                      2. The bulk of the supposed elected figure heads are corrupt or compromised.

                      Conclusion: Whatever happens will not be logical or predictable without access to secret hidden behind the scenes knowledge.

                      We are all in for some big surprises!

                      Hopefully your sources of information are accurate and true.
                      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                      • Trump Tribunals

                        Keep in mind David is saying some good things but is a space
                        chicken guru calling on spirit guides and the masters of the universe

                        Another false/blind guide. But he is right about some stuff. Mix
                        alittle truth with the mystery religious, aliens, inter earth, off world
                        communities for all.

                        Of course to get in on the fun you will have to buy his entire collection
                        that would make him one of the richest men who ever lived

                        He started this a few years back and someone threatened him, running
                        him off. Now he is back again spreading good info mixed with rubbish.

                        He and the other David (Icke) are on the same page.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 02-04-2019, 10:39 AM.


                        • American security memes

                          We have 17 known intelligence agencies with a budget of $81 billion. They collect tons of info from spooks, moles and satellites. America is permeated with the war mentality. The spooks are in the business of perpetuating all these wars to keep the money rolling in to the military and military contractors. The spooks give Trump a daily briefing that they consider to be the most important news that the president could ever hear. Trump is a business man. He sees no value on keeping the American economy on a permanent war footing. The MIC is trying to convince him that American security depends heavily on making constant war.
                          Donald Trump Rejects Intelligence Briefing Facts | Time
                          They complain that he is dumb
                          Everybody knows that Bush was dumb as a rock. It didn't matter. Cheney was running the show. Since Trump is running the show, they must convince him That everything they say is true and important.
                          2/04 Donald Trump rejects intelligence briefing facts – Time
                          The MIC has their own set of "facts"


                          • Who does Pelosi think she is?



                            • To whom it may concern

                              Optics are important.

                              Stealth bombers silent?

                              Re_read Mueller re: 'designed to' drops.

                              Probe conclusion coming?


                              Coincidence 'conclusion' occurring as new AG installed?

                              What is the purpose of WHITAKER?

                              Re_read drops re: 'Scaramucci' model.


                              Who did Scaramucci remove?


                              Optics important?

                              What occurs post installed 'BLOCKADE' removal?


                              [RR] 'complete' removal?

                              OIG release of findings?

                              How are they preparing to combat [narrative = vital]?

                              House intel launch of more 'FAKE' investigations in attempt to retain 'FALSE NARRATIVE' and claim 'POLITICAL ATTACK(S)' if investigated/prosecuted themselves?



                              Attempts to retain 'BLOCKADE'?

                              Attempts to prevent public release of the TRUTH?

                              ZERO leaks re: HUBER?


                              Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.

                              "This is not another 4-year election."






                              -Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

                              -[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

                              -[Ohr] removal

                              -[1-4] removal

                              -Barr install

                              -Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order

                              -Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight - DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]

                              -Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.

                              -Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff

                              -Barr meeting Huber & OIG

                              -OIG report

                              -House D's threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….

                              -House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

                              -Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)

                              UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)

                              -D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)

                              -Public Awakening

                              -Narrative damage control

                              -Placeholders active

                              -Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)

                              -Red/Green Castle per orig plan

                              Dark to Light.




                              RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

                              FAKE NEWS attacks continue?

                              Ask yourself, why?

                              What happens when the news no longer reports FACTS?

                              What happens when the news no longer reports TRUTH?

                              Enemy of the people.



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 02-10-2019, 11:43 AM.


                              • When you have balls, you can ignore the BS

                                Reagan was famous for having his efforts stymied by underlings. I'm sure that Trump knows this.
                                Syria Withdrawal, the withdrawal has been condemned by leaders from across the political spectrum—including from Trump’s own party. South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham called keeping troops in Syria “vital to our national security interests.” Senator Marco Rubio described the decision as “a major blunder.”
                                Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, called the withdrawal “a bad idea”
                                Indeed, the reaction to Trump’s decision was so overwhelmingly negative that Washington pundits speculated that it was only a matter of time before Trump “walked back” the decision
                                In fact, that not only hasn’t happened, the president has dug in his heels, issuing eyeball-to-eyeball orders to military commanders that are anything but ambiguous.
                                “I want us out of Syria,” the Centcom officer with whom I spoke quoted Trump as saying. “There wasn’t anything ambiguous about it,” the Centcom senior officer added.

                                “There were no qualifiers, no conditionals,
                                Trump’s decision provides a window into what actually constitutes a direct order from a president and how it is implemented

