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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • 2020 elections and the inablity of the left & right to ever agree

    I have another post that is fairly complex and takes quite a bit of reading.
    Reportedly, 40% will always vote Dem regardless.
    Reportedly. 40% will always vote Rep regardless.
    To win an election fairly, a candidate must sway / convince a big part of the undecided,,, or cheat.
    Obummer "won" everywhere that did not require photo ID and,,, lost everywhere that did require photo ID.
    So, America got it's first homo president and his homo husband / tranny. This was all quite disgusting but, we shrugged our collective shoulders and, moved on.
    When HRC lost, the left went absolutely BERSERK. When obummer was installed in the White House, NOBODY was screaming to the heavens that "he's not MY president".
    The left is totally freaked out about the upcoming 2020 election. They are perfectly willing to destroy the entire tripartite system to block Trump.

    The Atlantic is a bastion of Liberal everything. They recently reviewed new research that qualifies the difference. The researchers were totally taken by surprise by the results. You really should read the whole article.

    The left is all pissed off because Washington night life has been screwed up.
    They figure that Trump will eventually be gone and, things can return to normal.

    Senate Committee Finds No Facts Suggesting Collusion Between Trump and Russia
    House Dems Reopen Useless Russiagate Probe

    So, what is really going on? Just what are they investigating? This article my provide an answer.

    Unfortunately for us and world peace, JFK was killed before he could get rid of the CIA. The CIA, et al are focused on perpetuating war. Trump not only has the legislature against him, he also has the Pentagon and Intel against him.

    Back to the Dems and the upcoming election. There are plenty of life-long dems like Kunstler who are disgusted with the actions of the Dems under HRC. The Dem party has become the party of WAR and big corporations. The Dems founded the KKK. A sizeable portion of the Dems has rejected the mainstream Dem platform and now, want JUSTICE.
    Armstrong, " The Democrats will not break party rank and will refuse to comply with anything. The government never acted like this until Hillary lost. Neither side will accept the election in 2020. Western society will crumble by 2032. There is no going back. "
    The 2020 election will bring all of this into the forefront. Trump will Ilkley win because the "justice Democrats" will split the party. The howls of rage will turn into destruction.


    • Code is a way of life for those in power, way over your heads sorry, true.


      • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


        • Don't worry, Pelosi said that there will be NO shutdown

          EVERYONE ignored Trump's campaign promise to get us out of Syria.
          EVERYONE attacked him for actually demanding a pullout.
          EVERYONE knew that he would have to walk back or abandon the pullout.
          Trump ignored the brass and spooks. He talked to the commanders.
          He told CENTCOM in no uncertain terms to GET OUT.

          Trump shut down the FEDGOV over the wall impasse. After a period of "stress test", he opened GOV back up. He needed some time to fine tune the shutdown. The Dems were jubilant that they had forced him to eat their $hit. Meanwhile, Trump made some changes
          to get money to certain parties. EBT cards were charged up ahead of time.
          US Government On Brink Of Another Shutdown As Nothing Has Been Resolved On Trump's Wall
          [B]Lawmakers Reach Agreement In Principle To Avoid Shutdown[ /B] Wanna bet ?
          EVERYBODY knows that Trump will be forced to abandon his wall.

          The spooks were especially hard hit by the shutdown.



          • Math challenged

            Trump got $1.3 billion dollars for 55 miles of wall,,, actually, a nice fence. He folded to the Dems. They only approved this limited amount of money. I suspect that the wall was approved carte blanch. The money is the big restriction.
            So, take 55 (miles) and multiply by 5280 (ft.) and divide that sum, 290400 into $1.3 billion.
            You get a wall that is funded for $4476.58 per foot.
            Yep, the Dems really taught Trump not to mess with them.


            • What I like about the whole deal is that congress is forced together
              to do their jobs which they have not done for decades and at the
              same time the Dem's are splintering apart with some going away
              from the dixiecrat ideology. Once the chain is broken the house
              falls down. And that the rightside Dem's are no longer afraid of
              being hit by the Clinton cartel for breaking ranks.

              here ya go, new deal plus a new deal.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 02-14-2019, 12:32 PM.


              • The new yellow deal

                Poor President Trump, I'm laughing at the Dem's, art of the deal
                boys and girls. I the mean time the Dem's are exposed for who they
                really are. Dem's got many billions over several decades and threw up
                a few fences leaving mostly open southern border and kept the bulk
                of the money. Trump will get it done. Dem's talk a good game, lied to
                the American people never intending to finish the wall because the
                trafficking is where they get most of their big money. Dirty cops at the
                FBI, dirty DOJ get owned by da man.

                Last edited by BroMikey; 02-15-2019, 06:46 AM.


                • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


                  • DEM'S happy to serve the Trump admin. Cool.


                    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-15-2019, 11:55 AM.


                    • Existing money

                      Well, Trump declared an emergency. Here is a pretty good article. I found a very interesting note in the article.
                      "This senator, like most Republicans, would prefer Trump to stop short of declaring a national emergency and use existing anti-drug corridor laws to fund the border wall."

                      Another headline from the same page.
                      Trump’s National Emergency Is Great News for Future President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
                      I guess the plan is for the next DEM president to fund everything by decree. AOC is all for socialism. Reportedly, she killed the Amazon deal that would have provided 27,000 jobs. I suspect that she will continue to drive voters to Trump


                      • Sedition

                        Kunstler writes about all the various CRIMES against the republic that are coming to light. Seemingly, ALL orchestrated by HRC.
                        Worms Turning - Kunstler

                        2010, At least $500 million has been spent on Guantánamo Bay renovations ...
                        2018 $19 million contract, The award to URS Group Inc. of Morrisville, North Carolina said the expansion of the so-called Expeditionary Legal Complex at the U.S. Navy base's Camp Justice should be complete by June 2019.
                        So, who do they plan to try? They say that they are going to try the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks.

                        Kunstler also writes, " But what will happen in the meantime as their enablers are dragged into courts of law to answer for their roguery? My guess is that it will drive the “resistance” to new depths of delusion and, eventually, derision, as its narrative cloak gets shredded in public testimony and their audacious mendacity is revealed. The heat from these future events may be so intense and disruptive that it will interfere with the 2020 election."
                        I suspect that the runup to the 2020 election will be a time of orchestrated, great violence in America.
                        Last edited by Danny B; 02-16-2019, 03:37 PM. Reason: Misteak


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          2010, At least $500 million has been spent on Guantánamo Bay renovations ...
                          2018 $19 million contract, The award to URS Group Inc. of Morrisville, North Carolina said the expansion of the so-called Expeditionary Legal Complex at the U.S. Navy base's Camp Justice should be complete by June 2019.
                          So, who do they plan to try? They say that they are going to try the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks.
                          Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] and self-styled watchdog group[2][3] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials.

                          Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton, although it has sued Republicans as well including the administration of George W. Bush. It has also filed lawsuits against government climate scientists; Judicial Watch has described climate science as "fraud science". The group has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, which have been picked up by right-wing news outlets. The vast majority of its lawsuits have been dismissed.[1]




                          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            [COLOR="Blue"]Judicial Watch....targeted Democrats, in particular the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton,
                            A vast right wing conspiracy


                            • Many billions were ordered up by the past administrations of
                              4 decades knowing that they would show the American public
                              the best barriers while right next to those walls this is the rest
                              of the story. So many lies.

                              The billions were sent to other locations, not the walls.

                              It doesn't make sense to build a little fence and leave the rest
                              open, sorry. Mean time the young girls being trafficked don't get to wear
                              underwear because the cartel men remove them, rape the girls
                              and their panties are hung on trees all over these deserts.

                              As many as 10 to 20 men rape a single girl to prepare her for her new
                              life in the cities turning tricks. The money goes to high profile officials.




                              Last edited by BroMikey; 02-17-2019, 08:34 AM.


                              • Arizona desert ops on the border to stop traffickers.


