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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Removed because this thread is useless
    Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 08:20 PM.


    • Symbolism will be their downfall



      • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        Is a dialog between two like minded people really a conversation?

        I put no stock in politicians. By the word of politics I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of God. I've seen too much politics in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. And goodness - what God desires - is here [head] and here [heart] and by what you decide to do every day you will be a good man...or not.
        There are no good men only God Men, all flesh stinks. By the fruit of
        an individual he is known, tomorrow he may do devilishly. people say
        many things but their actions speak louder than words.

        Quoting scripture and even casting out devils might only result in
        "Sorry I never knew you, depart from me you cursed"

        It is all about intent. Hiding behind good words is often a strategy
        to gain advantage with men personage. Vote for me, look at me, see
        me? Me me me. See what I mean? But doing right is where you are
        going to be able to take a decent measurement.

        God always uses one man to lead in the battle but that man must be
        prepared sometimes 40 years to fulfill any given task. Donny Boy is
        being used there is no doubt.

        DJT is God's anointed to the Nations, like it or not with all his stinky
        fleshly ways. There will be no apology, only a sword of truth.

        Trump 2020

        As far as your statement about religion and wooden cHurches?
        You are correct. Not one large organized so called worldwide
        cHurch group ever represents the KING.


        • QNN is here WWG1WGA

          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-07-2019, 09:43 PM.


          • The strategy of losers

            The Democrats and Republicans are often called "2 wings of the same bird". Just the same, they fight tooth & nail for control. The current platform adopted (forced) by the Democratic party is not even logical. It is completely unpalatable to the "justice Democrats.
            Armstrong and others are projecting a split in the party. How can they possibly hope to win in 2020 if the party splits and has a platform that alienates millions? Here are some headlines from Rense.

            Tlaib To Present Articles Of Impeachment Against President Donald Trump This Month
            Is Trump Laying The Groundwork for De-Legitimizing The 2020 Election?

            Are the Dems laying the groundwork to claim that the election was fraudulent? They worked hard on that one in 2016.
            Hannity - Radical Socialists Have taken Over The Dem Party - AOC Will Destroy Any Who Don't Fall In Line
            Clapper claims he 'didn't lie' about NSA spying on Americans just 'didn't understand' the question
            The plotters of the coup drag up the flimsiest excuses. Killary will eventually have to face a court of inquiry.
            Ocasio Not Invited To Bernie's Campaign Kickoff
            Ocasio And Chief Of Staff Illegally Moved $885,000 In Campaign Contributions 'Off The Books' Says FEC Complaint Allegation

            Trump has to run against a party that is disintegrating. "Their" alternative strategy is to impeach him or,,, delegitimize the election beforehand. Here is a good vid that lays it all out.


            • The republicans are controlled opposition no better than this
              worthless new version of a democrat. Most all of them are sleeper
              cells for the swamp. The swamp refers to a brand of folks who are
              willing to either sell out America to line their pockets with gold or
              have been assimilated by one of the secret societies which in essence
              is their religion. It is all about the new world order.

              Congress can't get anything much done when it is vitally important to
              our nation security, in fact you can't be for national security if you are
              for a new world order. That is all it is. Congress men and women say one
              thing and do another. This is how they are eventually marked as a globalist
              no matter what the tittle.

              Many republicans are being blackmailed because of their past dirty
              deeds or some are threatened til they feel their families are in danger.

              Congress is a joke.
              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-08-2019, 02:59 AM.


              • Comment

                • Removed because this thread is useless
                  Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 08:21 PM.


                  • Hypocrisy says Trump is a sinner when we all are, get a life.

                    Of course he is a sinner, he has not hidden that. Besides America can
                    overlook the bad boy syndrome of youth as long as he isn't gettin it
                    with a man or goat. How bout you?

                    You can't mix religion(the goat ) and politics they say so that pretty
                    much cuts off everyone's free speech. I can't hear you? Where did you go?

                    Trump is the flesh, that The Self Existent One has chosen to straighten
                    up the nest, we can't keep havin all these dirty birds run
                    the country that are globalist.

                    It is high time to put a regular guy in who hates it when his fortunes are
                    being stolen by the FED which is an indicator that your IRA or retirement
                    fund is headed south.

                    Trump likes the girls, so what.
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-08-2019, 08:57 PM.


                    • Trump's "Q" team is stopping worldwide genocide.



                      • You may not understand the coded messages at first yet the
                        answers are here for those who wish to understand our secret
                        ongoing war here at home in the USA.



                        • War against the evil Cabal for the 2020 election

                          The choice to know will always be yours



                          • szzzzz



                            • ...........



                              • DING DONG THE WITCH HUNT IS DEAD, total ya.

                                Report release, fake news, enemy of the people.


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-23-2019, 08:46 PM.

