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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Q Team decode via the Maestro DJT

    Q posts, time stamps, capital letter gematria messages, picture size
    changes, 1200 rule and 2400 rule. Riddles with increasing probability.
    Trump grew up in slimy Hollywood learning their comm's. Color coordinated
    news casting and much more. These people grew up learning this.

    Coming declas brings down the house of cards

    The Web's Best Gematria Calculator - ed=0ahUKEwiBy6C63cfiAhVSXq0KHdyhCFoQ_AUIECgB&biw=1 067&bih=470

    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-01-2019, 07:13 AM.


    • potential political crisis as momentous as the Civil War,

      Kunstler has a lot to say about the fight in the swamp.
      " The evidence for gross prosecutorial misconduct on the part of Mr. Mueller and his associates is mountainous compared to the molehill of Mr. Trump’s temper tantrums over the seditious hoax he was subject to. And that matter is now moving in the direction of adjudication.

      So instead, Mr. Mueller has set in motion a potential political crisis as momentous as the Civil War, but completely unlike it. "
      "The US government itself will be discredited and crippled. At one end of Pennsylvania Avenue, you’ll have the impeachment circus in which the misdeeds of the RussiaGate perpetrators will be revealed in all their naked political indecency; and at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue you’ll have many of the same government officials involved in all that indecency marched into courtrooms to be tried by Mr. Barr’s prosecutors on charges possibly as grave as treason. On the sidelines, you will see something like a fight to the death between the White House and the rogue leviathan that the nation’s “intel community” has grown into "****-nat...e-to-a-fiasco/


      • I like this guy Klunster, the rest couldn't find their heads with both hands.
        This guy is so right on as to the coming trials.
        GITMO has already been prepared and the ship mates
        of the old guard are going under.

        They eat children, traffic them, organs, drugs, murder and order
        slaughter to their gOd Luey who has now left the battle field to
        watch the old guard be erased. More where that came from,
        6 million professing Satanist to choose from that are unknown
        (perfect stealth Luey style) to work behind
        the curtain to continue all things money, position power
        without conscience.

        Not this time, these pigs in the wind have been uncovered.

        Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        Kunstler has a lot to say about the fight in the swamp.
        " The evidence for gross prosecutorial misconduct on the part of Mr. Mueller and his associates is mountainous compared to the molehill of Mr. Trump’s temper tantrums over the seditious hoax he was subject to. And that matter is now moving in the direction of adjudication.

        So instead, Mr. Mueller has set in motion a potential political crisis as momentous as the Civil War, but completely unlike it. "
        "The US government itself will be discredited and crippled. At one end of Pennsylvania Avenue, you’ll have the impeachment circus in which the misdeeds of the RussiaGate perpetrators will be revealed in all their naked political indecency; and at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue you’ll have many of the same government officials involved in all that indecency marched into courtrooms to be tried by Mr. Barr’s prosecutors on charges possibly as grave as treason. On the sidelines, you will see something like a fight to the death between the White House and the rogue leviathan that the nation’s “intel community” has grown into "****-nat...e-to-a-fiasco/
        Last edited by BroMikey; 06-01-2019, 09:14 PM.


        • Trump takes on the CIA & organized crime

          "Thomas Jefferson was in Paris on diplomatic duty during the time the constitutional convention was being orchestrated, but sent two trunkloads of books to Madison to review in preparation (true to form, he itemized the list and cost in a letter). Many of the works of de Mably, an 18th century philosopher with expertise in Roman history, were included in the shipment--and repeatedly referenced in the founders' voluminous correspondence.

          The founders studied writings and histories on each extensively. Their collective examination and analysis of ancient democracies is what shaped their wisdom and decisions involving the creation of a representative republic, and the method of electing its president."
          Many of the books were about democratic experiments that failed. Keep in mind that the Athenians had democracy for freemen AND 1/3 of the residents of Athens were slaves.
          The founding fathers created a system of governance heavily influenced by 2,000 years of history. It was to be a democratic republic with a tripartite system of checks and balances.
          The founding fathers NEVER envisioned the rise of a fourth branch of governance that was outside of the system of checks & balances.

          As our continuous wars imbued the military with increasing power, the military had an ever-increasing need for military intelligence. Whereas the FBI was fairly well controlled, military intelligence had little oversight. Since military intelligence was involved in wars, it had plenty of opportunity to loot and plunder. This incentivised the military intelligence to create more wars. More loot and more plunder meant that the CIA became self-funding. The NSA was a signals group and, not near so rotten.
          As the CIA became self-funding, it looked into expanding operations. Since it was, ostensibly, a U.S. government operation, it had cover & access to do things that organized crime was unable to do. It used GOV controlled military to protect poppy crops and, punish Colombian producers who did not pay protection money.

          It used NATO bases to do drug transportation in Europe. It had extensive drug distribution in America.

          They have regular supply lines with bills of lading, etc.

          I know a L.A. sheriff who was involved in big drug busts. The CIA would swoop in and, send the sheriffs home. There was never any follow up.

          The marriage between the CIA and the organized crime is an arrangement that Trump will have a hard time destroying.


          • The Green New Deal? SHUT UP!!


            Last edited by BroMikey; 06-02-2019, 09:42 PM.


            • Bombs over silicon valley

              The Bay area techies are so powerful that they openly attacked Trump believing that they are immune from any kind of retribution. San Francisco is a long way from the power center in the district of corruption. The techies seem to think that this distance means something.
              6/03 Alphabet shares drop as DOJ prepares Google antitrust probe – CNBC
              6/03 Trump calls for a boycott of AT&T to force ‘big changes’ at CNN – CNBC
              6/02 Should private companies be drafted in the cyber war? – The Hill
              The libtards in the Bay area aligned with the manipulators in MSM to constantly bash Trump.

              Trump threatens 'SNL' with federal probe – again - USA Today
              Trump calls to 'challenge' NBC's license.
              Trump's Sinclair Deal Meddling Puts FCC's Ajit Pai in Tight Spot

              This guy, Ajit Pai is an obummer appointee. What else do you need to know?
              "Here is President Obama's 332-page plan to regulate the Internet. I wish the public could see what's inside."


              • Bob Mueller & The Democrats Are Desperately Try To Stop Whats Coming!


                • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


                  • A few headlines

                    The Latinos all pretty much stick together when it comes to giving Uncle Sam the runaround. I drove around Mexico for 10 years and, speak Spanish. I also drove to Peru from L.A. I crossed the frontera with Mexico / Guatemala at Tapachula. It is all pretty much dense jungle there. If the Mexicans wanted to stop the inflo of Central Americans, they could do it easily. America is considered to be the "relief valve" to population pressures south of the Rio Grande. The Mexican government had no particular motivation to stop the flow. Trump lit a fire under them with the tariff threat.

                    Some Invaders detained in Mexico are sent BACK to Guatemala
                    Mexico to Deploy 6,000 Troops to Guatemalan Border Under Migration Deal
                    The standard operating position in diplomatic circles is to treat everybody with kid gloves. Trump has no time for all these diplomatic niceties that drag on forever.

                    Other Trump headlines. Remember, I have claimed that Trump, Putin and Xi want to bring an end to the war cycle.

                    Huh? Trumps Tweets - NASA 'Should Not Be Talking About Going To The Moon'
                    Trump Launches Vicious Attack On Pelosi - Calls Her 'Nasty, Vindictive And Horrible'

                    He didn't mention, UGLY as sin.

                    May Resigns as Conservative Party Leader Race for UK PM Office On
                    Trump went to London and, backed Nigel Farage. England is crashing badly. Trump / Farage want to make lots of side deals on trade. The lizard queen had to acknowledge that Farage is Trump' choice.
                    The English have previously beheaded tax collectors and they are getting very weary of being broke.

                    Macron in Hot Water overPutin D-Day Anniversary Snub
                    A lot of people get in hot water when the bang heads with Trump. The D-day celebration was a celebration of victory over Germany. Why did Merkel attend?
                    Trump Says He Doesn't Want Iran to 'Fail as a Nation' Claims He Can 'Turn That Around'
                    Trump has quite a history if rattling sabers but, evading war.
                    Ocasio Says 'Powerful People Are Trying To Bribe Trump Into WAR'
                    No doubt.
                    US General Claims Iranian 'Threat' in Gulf Region Remains 'Imminent'

                    Video Allegedly Exposing Iranian 'Sabotage' of Tanker Shows Men Doing Stunt on Greek Ship – Report

                    Probe says 'state actor' likely behind attack on tankers off UAE, doesn't mention Iran – report

                    The military is frothing at the mouth to get a war going. ANY WAR! Yes, actor is the operative word on the tanker sabotage.
                    Mexican Government Admits 80% Of Populated Territory Run By cartels
                    And people wonder why Mexicans want to come here. Honduras is even worse.


                    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                      The Latinos all pretty much stick together when it comes to giving Uncle Sam the runaround. I drove around Mexico for 10 years and, speak Spanish. I also drove to Peru from L.A. I crossed the frontera with Mexico / Guatemala at Tapachula. It is all pretty much dense jungle there. If the Mexicans wanted to stop the inflo of Central Americans, they could do it easily.

                      Mexican Government Admits 80% Of Populated Territory Run By cartels
                      And people wonder why Mexicans want to come here. Honduras is even worse.



                        Post # 173 -
                        Trump’s Visit to the UK and the Explosive Truth about Meghan Markle

                        Transgender Male


                        • SerialBrain2:

                          Trump’s Visit to the UK and the Explosive Truth about Meghan Markle.



                          • Hot off the press, read it dry bones and live.

                            D-Day Decode



                            • Dry your weeping eyes USA time for WINNING!!!!!!!!



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 06-13-2019, 01:44 AM.


                              • Better study this historic climax in history. Try to understand.

                                The video mate for this is coming up soon so read it first.


