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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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    The Secret Reason Trump Said He Wanted To Buy Greenland.



    • Interesting Rense headlines

      Trump boasts Israeli Jews love him like 'the second coming of God' he quotes radio host
      Trump - 'I Am The Chosen One' (he believes it)
      MSM hurls FAKE 'anti-Semitism' charge against Trump rather than Talk Of his Total Devotion to Israel

      Trump knew that if he didn't support full-on war for israel, he would be smeared with the catch-all phrase of antisemitic. He openly gives great support for israel but, refuses to go to war.

      Trump - (Knows Hillary Is Looming) Says Google Should Be 'Sued' For Allegedly Manipulating 16 Million Votes To Help HIllary
      HRC isn't looming at all. She is lucky that she isn't in prison. Isn't it interesting that they tried to crucify Russia for manipulating American elections? It is EASILY proven that google DID manipulate American elections. There are a lot of laws that could be used to string up Alphabet and others,,,, probably at the time of Trumps choosing.
      Hillary SNAPS When Trump Shares Google's 2016 Interference Report, Author of report corrects her

      If Trump Declassifies These 10 Documents Democrats Are Doomed (Already Are)
      Trump needs to continue to trickle in the corruption news in the run-up to the election. The economic collapse is going to hurt him.
      Trump is finally having some success at getting Russia back into the fold.
      Trump wants a huge rate cut at the FED and hands them lots of blame.
      The blame goes all the way back to the power mongers who created the welfare-warfare State many years ago.

      Trump Administration Files Official Brief To Dismantle the Unconstitutional DACA Program Why Did It Take Him 943 Days In Office?
      Well, he was tied up on the Russian collusion problem for 2 years.
      Unhinged Ex FBI Director Targets Trumpers
      So, he went to pedo island too.
      10 Declassified Russia Collusion Revelations That Could Rock Washington This Fall

      Congressional Testimony From Clinton Era Reveals Pedo Blackmail, Mind Control, AndGovernment-Sanctioned Child Abuse - Vid

      This will all be trickled out leading up to the election.


      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        [B]Trump boasts Israeli Jews love him like 'the second coming of God' he quotes radio host
        Trump - 'I Am The Chosen One' (he believes it)
        Great headlines Danny

        Trump says he enjoys it. he is the master troller goating the media
        to make fun of God and country. The media mafia mob is stupid


        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-22-2019, 08:45 PM.


        • Serial Brain coding, intel. R U learning the comm's Bill Maher
          has known the comm's since he was very young. Trump also.

          Post # 190 -

          The reason Trump said: “I’m the Chosen One”.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 08-26-2019, 02:42 AM.


          • G-Unit

            Post # 191 -

            Trump just confirmed the Idaho Riddle decode all the way from the G7!



            • Modern art found in the homes of the controlling Elite's, so called,
              that is special to them. Riches most powerful. They get off like this.


              • Former FBI director gets another free pass, so go ahead and leak
                everybody. Message sent. The deep state will go back to sleep.
                Lights out coming.



                • SerialBrain2: The reason Trump said: “I’m the Chosen One”.

                  Hip Hop link here in decode


                  Last edited by BroMikey; 08-30-2019, 09:45 AM.


                  • Dr. Steve Pieczenik.... Mike King

                    Mikey, I "subscribe" to Mike King's blog, Anti-New York Times.
                    Here is an excellent article about the whole mess. You might not have read this info.
                    AUGUST 2019


                    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                      Mikey, I "subscribe" to Mike King's blog, Anti-New York Times.
                      Here is an excellent article about the whole mess. You might not have read this info.
                      AUGUST 2019
                      Alex and Steve are only riding the information for the bucks, this knowledge
                      has been around for generations but people still have not believed it
                      all yet. No I didn't see this write up and thx. Remember not everyone
                      is riding the info train for a good reason. Some do it to derail the real
                      truth. Maggie and the likes? Check their Instagram, Twitter and more
                      where you will see their medallions, pendulums, large rings all giving
                      honor to Satan. Allegiance to skull and bones, Allister Crowley and the
                      list goes on to the hundreds of men who practice magick.

                      Sacrifice of human life, trafficking organs or sex, red cross blood bank
                      brings high dollar for the rich who do ritual. The world is NOT what it
                      looks like.

                      Thanks Danny


                      • Post # 192

                        - It’s Now Time for the Q ANON Storm. Buckle Up



                        • Fell Right Into The Trap, Next Wave Coming, Pain



                          • Video reading of SERIAL BRAIN DECODE

                            Those that know can not sleep



                            • Serial Brain strikes again




                              • Payback for the coup will be a long-running event

                                Rense; Hillary Gives Razor Sharp Speech (No Teleprompter) ...The Dems Have NO ONE Else To Run In 2020
                                HRC is wearing s suicide bomb vest. Trump has the remote that sets it off. Trump was a businessman and NOT a politician when he went to the District of Corruption. He made a near-fatal mistake by letting all the obama holdovers keep their jobs. They damn near sunk him. Their attempted coup was partly inspired by their visions of grandeur and power. They believed themselves to be untouchable because of the deep state machinery. They left themselves highly exposed.
                                James Kunstler is a good example of an American who is a lifelong democrat. Much as he despised Trump, he could not countenance the destruction of our constitution. He has put aside his hatred of Trump to attack and revile those people who were part of the coup. He even suggests that obama will be in the dock to explain his part.

                                "Think: former CIA Director John Brennan in his future role as ping-pong round-robin manager at the Allenwood, PA, penitentiary; Loretta Lynch paring turnips at Camp Alderson, WV; James Clapper trying to catch a little tan in the ‘yard’ at Lompoc…. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to point a finger at Mr. Obama and those who were around him in the dear dead days of 2016."
                                Keep in mind that the Soros people specifically want to destroy America to bring in Communism. Trump may very well cut a lot of deals to try to minimise the turmoil.

                                "There are trends which have unfolded in politics that cannot be repaired and reflect the decline in confidence in the government which is dominating the future into 2032. We face not only the polarization of politics which is emerging into hate politics, but we are also witnessing the attempt to subvert the political system for political power."
                                "The loss of Hillary in the 2016 election has set in motion such hatred it is unbelievable."
                                "The polarization in American politics she set in motion has gone so far, that this is clearly contributing to the model’s forecast that not merely will the United States decline and fall, but we can see how the 2020 election is shaping up which will be a real political war."

                                "All the media is on board and are in full swing to desperately try to defeat Trump. There has been no president in American history who has been so attacked"
                                When has America had an anti-war president?
                                "The problem with this has been the polarization of politics. It is boiling down to the point where this is all about retribution and vengeance. That is only inspiring the hatred on the other side"
                                "The 2020 elections will be the most violent we have witnessed since the ’60s. We can see the country being torn apart at the very seams. "
                                "Based upon my personal experience, I see this position of the Democrats in the same light. What they are really doing by allowing as many people in from South America is to hopefully change the political demographics. They believe these people would then vote Democrat and they will be able to crush Americans and impose all their policies that they have been unable to secure at the ballot box. "

                                Obviously, Trump will blow up HRC and obama at the time of his choosing. A lot of people are actively working towards bringing on a recession to try to defeat Trump. Between the economic collapse in the spring,,,, and the November elections, there will be a lot of plotters who will find themselves in front of a federal judge OR, a military tribunal. Even Prescott Bush was charged with trading with the enemy.

