Originally posted by Danny B
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Q states "THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID" meaning that the world wide
Satanic cabal of the scull and bones societies and the like.
Q states "WE ARE SAVING ISRAEL FOR LAST" Many evils against man
kind come from the false Khazar Jews. Just like any nation the true
patriots have pointed them out for decades with nothing being done about
This is a war, good against evil, not race against race. Murder is evil,
drinking blood is evil, eating human flesh is evil, stealing. organs from
humans is evil, selling red cross blood bank blood to those so called
elite groups for millions, to drink in rituals, is evil.
Anyone partaking in such practices do not think properly, they are
easy to out fox as long as you have the power of light on your side.
All of THEIR delicacies will vanish, all of THEIR sacrifices will become
null. All of THEIR money will become meaningless.