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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • #76
    Real greatness

    Not great, just perceptive. Here is greatness;


    • #77
      Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      Not great, just perceptive. Here is greatness;

      Psychologists explain Trump: He's literally a narcissistic psychopath

      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-08-2017, 05:27 PM. Reason: 1,031


      • #78
        Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

        Obama just ordered everything so now the senate has been returned
        their power so right and left put the bag on TRUMP.

        Trump has no AG the dem's want TRUMP gone.Trump has the right to
        do whatever he wants anyway yet by dealing with the senate this
        way the swamp green slime sticks up it's head.

        We can't just cover natural relations without the un-Natural.

        Donald Trump Orientation. Right-wing- no grass skirts on men.
        Trump will set back the gay agenda for generations.

        Drop your bar of soap art poster, downtown D.C.


        This is the REAL reason Pope Benedict resigned. No games. He was
        facing criminal charges by the People's Common Law for crimes
        against humanity perpetrated by the Vatican church. Slaughter of
        innocent Native children in Canada, poisoning of populations,
        human trafficking, child torture, and many more things. Someone
        finally had the courage to stand up.

        Thank you Kevin Annett. ITCCS.ORG

        Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 07:46 AM.


        • #79
          LGBT, not so simple

          Bro Mikey, just to give perspective. "We" have flooded the world with all kinds of chemicals. MANY of them are endocrine disrupters. The amphibians have the most permeable skin and are suffering the most. All those double-sex frogs. These chemicals affect higher organisms like mammals also. All these endocrine disrupters are playing havoc with the fetuses.
          After a fetus begins life, the mother gives it a "shot" of hormones at the beginning of each trimester. These shots determine if a fetus will be male or female,,, and to what degree.
          I'm sure that you've seen girls that are really girly-girly. Then, there are girls that are "butch". The same is true with men. We run from the Van Damme type to the limp-wristed queens.
          The Chinese of old would never give the empress bad news while she was pregnant for fear that it would adversely affect the gender of the baby

          Read, "The Edge Effect" by Braverman to get a better understanding of how chemicals and specifically, neurotransmitters affect the brain.
          Mother Nature has specific plans for limiting over-population. In the very crowded populations, 10% of female seagulls are lesbian.

          The chemical pollution has reached a point to where, doctors are often called in to determine the sex of a baby. Some are born with both sets of genitals. They have to flip a coin to come up with an answer.
          The LGBT question isn't just as simple as choice. I'm not going to get drawn into this but, the non-hetero lifestyle can be pretty tough. Most people would not choose it if there weren’t extenuating circumstances.


          • #80
            Collusion and hacking

            The swamp represents saturated collusion by the ONE party. When Trump was campaigning, lots of Reps joined the Dems to oppose him. They outed themselves. Fast-forward to recent events. Trump demands and investigation into vote fraud. The Supreme Court wants to investigate. A group of Dems and Reps get together to block any funding of an investigation into vote fraud.
            Those who have the most to lose scream the loudest.
            Can the ONE party actually come out and try to block the Supreme Court? Should be interesting.

            SCOTUS is interested to see if the Russians changed the outcome of the election. How can they investigate if the ONE party blocks the investigation into vote fraud?
            John McAfee has this to say; " The sloppiness of the alleged DNC hack by itself proves it was not organized by a nation state, and the “utter nonsense” presented as proof of Moscow’s involvement is rather evidence of intelligence agencies being “ignorant and naïve,” John McAfee told RT.

            Cybersecurity legend McAfee is one of the modern computer tech pioneers and the developer of the first commercial antivirus program, who has been in the business for the past 50 years."
            “Seriously, if Russia declared war on us because we hacked Russia and the head of the CIA and the intelligence committee came to the Congress and they ask him ‘What happened?’ – ‘Oh, well you know we didn’t have time to remove English language, we didn’t have time to move the date stamp, the guy could not use a Chinese keyboard, so we gave him our regular keyboard. And also there was my wife’s birthday so I could not remove the IP address.’”

            "John McAfee: US election hack was a bored '15-year-old in his bedroom"
            Once again, the Trump camp has put the ONE party into a huge bind.


            • #81
              Donald Trump’s Executive Order Will Let Private Equity Funds Drain Your 401(k)

              Why Trump thinks individual workers must have the freedom to choose poison for their retirement funds is unclear.
              But one reason could be that his friends in private equity have long sought to add their particular form of junk food to that menu.

              But private equity has been accused of deliberately reporting exaggerated returns to harvest fees.
              And even if the returns were legitimate, this would still throw millions of retirement dollars into an industry that
              has been sharply criticized for its predatory version of capitalism.

              Private equity firms buy out companies and load them with unsustainable debt, forcing severe cost-cutting to maintain survival.
              Because private equity serves as manager and investor, they favor short-term gain over a company’s health,
              whether through using bankruptcy, favorable tax strategies, or monetizing assets.
              Workers often get left behind, with lower wages, lost jobs, or restructured union contracts.

              The destruction of the Mervyn’s department store chain provides a salient example.
              Once a major retailer with 30,000 employees, Mervyn’s was bought out in 2004 by a consortium of private equity firms,
              who split off the company’s real estate assets and forced stores to pay exorbitant rent to service $800 million in debt.
              Within four years, Mervyn’s liquidated the entire operation in bankruptcy.
              The private equity managers, however, earned profits through the real estate deals and came out ahead.




              • #82
                The usual assassin

                It would be nice to believe that Trump is aware that corporatism is killing America. Sadly, that belief is just a bridge too far. He plans to cut taxes on corporations. Think they'll spend the savings on higher wages and more employees? Historically, they have always spent stimulus on stock buy-backs and bonuses.


                • #83
                  According to many money managers unless the middle class of
                  mom and pop million dollar (Peanuts) operations can retain enough
                  capitol to hire and expand, the average worker has no funds
                  to buy TV's, houses, eat at a restaurant, buy their kids some toys.

                  Now as for letting the billionaires go completely tax free I don't think
                  TRUMP had in mind.

                  Here is what has become evident.

                  Trump is going to fight an uphill battle with 50,000 plus white shirts
                  trying to twist, pervert all of his policies to smear TRUMP. The people
                  are very much aware of this plan.

                  401k, SS, Medical are all little people programs that will become the
                  best in history if TRUMP has his way, but it remains to be seen.

                  It is my belief that a higher power I call the SELF EXISTENT ONE is
                  in charge. Since I know that to be true and have watched the time
                  clock of the President's who have come and gone for the last 50 years
                  I can tell you that TRUMP is against dirty government.

                  Here is the basis for my argument for Trump. When you see this you
                  should be prone to rejoice.

                  God HIMSELF said that when a Nation's leaders gang up on the lesser
                  or weaker to oppress them HE is not pleased with that.

                  HE is not pleased with the murder of the unborn as we have seen here
                  in America on an assembly line crusher that sells the tissue to make

                  GOD HIMSELF has spoken about two men being married to one another
                  and that a man married to a goat being on the same plane.

                  Now having pointed out these few items (Yet key) TRUMP has shown
                  the working class a form of repentance that our Nation is ready for as
                  we are ashamed.

                  The LEFT will never be ashamed of anything as the BIBLE or COMMON
                  LAW is only something THEY seek to change to suit their feeling from
                  day to day. This is a terrible lack of wisdom as THEY have only the
                  early kind. BIG DOY EATS LITTLE DOG> or "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"

                  When the leaders of our Nation get in who hold to one or all of these
                  Christian standards GOD'S face begins to turn back toward us.

                  Someone will say that this is just "MY OPINION" or my interpretation
                  of what I think GOD likes.

                  Those who are dead in their trespasses and sins can not see clearly
                  they operate in fear and wonder what will happen tomorrow that is
                  good based on the views of others such as Idols on TV or Chuck S.
                  or Hillary and on and on.

                  They are not able to think for themselves being easily deceived or
                  tricked in to the trap of oppression.

                  Now all of this is THE PLAN of GOD for any NATION thru out
                  recorded history they become oppressed in every way because they
                  are permitted to have their way, "THEIR WAYS" are the ways of

                  Instead the command is to "choose life" but a people void of GOD find
                  it totally impossible so this is when GOD always changes the heart
                  of poweful men at the right time in key positions.

                  HE put HIS sword in the hand of the men who have sinned the most
                  because those who have been forgiven MUCH do love MUCH.

                  This is what you are seeing. You are seeing TRUMP be hated by ALL.

                  TRUMP has it all and has recently commented that he knows the richest
                  men on earth who are not finding happiness at all in their lives.
                  The rich are the most sad people on earth today.

                  If you know what is right consider yourselves rich and protected.

                  "TOUCH NOT MINE ANOINTED" these people in gov have no idea who
                  they are touching when they seek to continue the slaughter of

                  The clock has struck 12 and things will begin to change but as always
                  only as a means to determine which side you have chosen. It's up to
                  you now and this is your turn to shine.

                  "THE RIGHTEOUS are as BOLD as a LION"

                  Now you got the preacher.

                  The young preach who stood on the streets of Detroit in 1970 who
                  was told by gay men that GOD made them to have relations with
                  other men because that they hated women so badly.

                  The preacher who grew up with the Muslims in the most LEFTIST city
                  on earth. Now it is your chance to stand on the right side.

                  The drugs must be stopped, 12 year old's selling for the Judges and
                  the Gov leaders who behind the curtain have set this all up for the last
                  70 years.

                  It really does not matter what I say or all the reasons for my assessment
                  what does matter is that man is incapable of coming to the light unless
                  GOD by HIS spirit draws man.

                  TRUMP ha a personality change two years ago, if you can see that
                  then maybe there can be rejoicing in you heart's. Maybe now you can
                  be reassured that GOD loves you and that seeings how HE made
                  your eye, you will see HIM and the ear made to hear HIM.

                  I love you all and hope good things for you.

                  Someone asked me who I was speaking to and I am always reminded
                  of what GOD said: Speak to the wind or just let MY WORD reverberate
                  out into the air and whether people hear and let it take root or not is
                  no affair of mine.

                  Besides once you know the truth you can not do anything to stay quiet,
                  it bubbles over or staying silent becomes a bitter cup.
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 02-09-2017, 11:36 PM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                    401k, SS, Medical are all little people programs that will become the
                    best in history if TRUMP has his way, but it remains to be seen.

                    I can tell you that TRUMP is against dirty government.

                    New York Post, Fox News promote macabre 9/11 human remains map -


                    Last edited by aljhoa; 02-10-2017, 03:46 AM. Reason: 1,174


                    • #85
                      Attention TRUMP administration, Harp machines need to be removed
                      from the control of the secret Government.

                      Trump airplane sabotaged

                      Shoot Trump March 6th

                      It doesn't matter what I think, what you think is everything
                      for you.



                      • #86
                        THE circuit courts in WASHINGTON STATE refuse to honor
                        the constitutional rights of the PRESIDENT of the USA.

                        Just like so many innocent people are in jail today due to court
                        corruption. The rule of law has been lost in our country, TRUMP
                        is here to clean these RATS out.

                        All other Presidents were within their power to use this same ban.

                        NOT DONALD TRUMP because THEY can not control him. This is THEIR
                        way of saying we do not recognize Donald TRUMP.



                        • #87
                          9th Circuit swamp Judges moon the President, Oh well, what a
                          bunch of azzez

                          1182F is met with "screw the Pres............" Constitution? Who cares.

                          So many people are in jail for life to fill jails because of the twisted
                          judgements in the 9th circuit. This court let's the drug lords and human
                          traffickers go free while locking up the innocent as a fall guy strategy
                          because someone has to pay.

                          The tables will soon be reversed where these Judge must be
                          put out of office, the jails need to have reprocessing of criminals
                          because most are not bad.






                          Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 07:48 AM.


                          • #88
                            Foreigners vote against AMERICAN PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP
                            and chant hate toward the USA, death to the constitution. Let the
                            9th circuit court judges run the country replacing the people's choice.

                            Arrests are coming on those who are on walfare and it why the Mexican
                            president does not want that burden dropped onto their welfare system
                            not to mention drawing free social security mula.

                            Globalist break the medical systems mean while our citizens
                            just can't figure out that Donald Trump is not responsible for that.

                            Like little white mice American's follow everything their professors
                            demand. Just go against the flow and watch how your jail cell gets
                            warmed up. Cowards fall in line. If the sign said
                            Castration benefits right next to the flu shot lines, everyone would get

                            It seems like things are breaking down, it must be Trump's fault.

                            This is the reality of higher learning.

                            I must be going crazy.



                            Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 07:49 AM.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                              It seems like things are breaking down, it must be Trump's fault.




                              • #90
                                This is the proper way to destroy the CNN mud suckers.

                                Put a firebrand up with his hair on fire for ethics. What a great young
                                man. A man with a brain.


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 02-16-2017, 07:51 AM.

