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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Trump's competition

    Kunstler is a life-long Democrat but, he just can't abide the legions of criminals that control the Dem party. He is in FINE form here.
    "You’d think Hillary Clinton might come up with a better zinger than “Russian asset” when she flew out of her volcano on leathery wings Friday and tried to jam her blunted beak through Tulsi Gabbard’s heart. Much speculation has been brewing in the Webiverse that the Flying Reptile of Chappaqua might seek an opening to join the Democratic Party 2020 free-for-all. "****
    “Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain."

    Still, there is speculation that Tulsi is more than she appears to be. Could the globalists be falling back to regroup behind a more acceptable candidate who is ostensibly anti-war?

    Hillary's Attacks On CFR Globalist Gabbard Sow More Dem Division Than Moscow Could Ever Dream Of
    Globalist Zionist CFR Tulsi Gabbard Speaking To Christians United For Israel Conference 2015 - Vid

    Globalist CFR Zionist Ultra-Leftist Tulsi GabbardPosing With Portland ANTIFA Leaders

    CFR Queen Gabbard Says She's Taking Back The (Communist) Dem Party From Clinton, Corrupt Elite

    Zionist CFR Globalist Queen Tulsi Gabbard - Winner Of The 2016 Champions Of Jewish Values International Award - Pictures Along With Sheldon Adelson

    Inquiry Finding Dozens New Names And Docs In The Impeachment Inquiry - Vote By Thanksgiving Doubtful

    Trump Challenger Joe Walsh Says Most GOP In Congress Privately Want Trump OFF The 2020 Ticket

    American Deep State Would Sooner Sacrifice The Republic Than Lose Again To Donald Trump
    OK, so, how do we interpret these headlines?
    Trump's war against the swamp is, by necessity, a war against organized crime headquartered in Tel Aviv. Tulsi with Adelson indicates that she is somewhat within the orbit of the mega-criminals.
    Tulsi pictured with antifa may just be an error in judgement.

    Trump is making huge inroads against organized crime. The criminals may throw EVERYBODY under the bus of they think that Tulsi has the best chance. Biden screwed the pooch. His crimes are just to well documented. OLD Bernie may not last a whole lot longer. He would never have the energy needed to operate as president.
    Pocahontas keeps shooting her toes off.
    Israel Will Get US Aid Only If It Ceases Settlement Constructions, Lizzie Warren Suggests (As She Watches Her Zionist Donors Vanish')
    The Dem party is so fragmented that it isn't likely to pull together behind ANY candidate.
    Every time that they scrape up some kind of unity, Trump will release even more dirt on everybody within obama's orbit.
    Last edited by Danny B; 10-22-2019, 02:39 PM. Reason: Mo info


    • The CFR and, avoiding imperial over reach

      Rense headlines;
      CFR Zionist Globalist Queen Gabbard Calls Clinton Foreign Policy A ‘Devastating Disaster’

      Hillary Quotes Beyonce About 'Taking Power' As Her Expected 2020 Rematch Announcement Nears Hillary Says, 'Obviously, I Can Beat Him Again'

      Democrats Seek To Withhold Pay To Force Impeachment Cooperation
      I'm sure that this will go over real well.

      Looney Lizzie Warren's Fake Cherokee, Fake Victim And Fake Media Narratives Catching Up With Her

      NYT Editorial Board Member 'Trump Is Right ...The Deep State Is Alive And Well'

      The Pathocracy Of The Deep State - Tyranny At The Hands Of A Psychopathic Government

      Great Britain lost it's empire and, the influence of the Pound Sterling by imperial over-reach in WW II. This scenario has played out before. Adolf Hitler came up with an economic system that completely sidelined the banks. France and, the City of London were frantic. They started a war by signing a mutual defense pact with Smigly of Poland. Then, they convinced the idiot to invade Germany. Then, France invaded Germany. Both countries soon learned that they had bitten off too much. They desperately needed America to rescue them. The Americans wanted NO part of European wars. Roosevelt blockaded Japan (an act of war) to induce them to attack.
      It was felt that America could be dragged into a European war if it first could be dragged into a Pacific war.

      Just the same, Great Britain lost it's empire and, the dominance of the Pound.
      Reportedly, Tulsi is from the CFR. Has the CFR come to the conclusion that it is better to retrench than to lose everything from imperial over-reach?

      The Strategic Vacuum Trump Created In Syria Will Grow To Haunt US Interests For A Generation
      NOT TRUE, pulling out of MENA will force change on the COMPLETELY intransigent criminals in Tel Aviv. 78 members of congress hold israeli passports. I'd be willing to bet that NOT ONE member of the Russian Duma holds an israeli passports. Trump has wrenched away the power of war from Tel Aviv and, handed it to Moscow. Russia has $75 trillion in natural resources. They don't need any more oil or water or land, or anything. they have no motivation to plunder Syria or any other land. Russia now has the power of peace and, this infuriates the war mongers.

      Has the CFR and, American PTB decided that it is better to retrench than to lose the whole empire from imperial over-reach. The crash is coming. An invasion of Iran would result in the blockage of the Straights of Hormuz, Straight of Malacca and, Bab-el Mandeb.
      This would result in a complete crash of the world economy,,, outside of Russia. The PTB and CFR have probably decided to avoid this scenario. A couple billion would die and, the world would be set back to about 1750.
      Trump is trying to fight imperial over-reach. It may be that the PTB have decided that now is a good time to do exactly that.
      Last edited by Danny B; 10-24-2019, 04:12 PM.


      • Drip drip drip, oh the pain, fisa, declas, drip drip impeachment fails
        more high level leaders being exposed for treason. Some have and will
        be privately removed.

        The cabal has been using their MSM to code messages to their players
        since before you were born so catch up or live in the dark. How many
        examples do you need before it becomes a mathematical impossibility?

        A=1, B=2, ... Z=26, 1200 rule, various calculators to speed things up,
        capital letters adding up to a number that is put in the cruncher.

        Q will be here soon because we are bypassing the non free speech servers
        run by silicon valley. Block chain is peer to peer, much more difficult
        but it is time to break the chains of censorship. All planned, trust it.

        This video is a deconstruct of the Cabal's message to Romney
        hidden in plain sight. If the Cabal has it all, know also that the NSA
        has it all as well. Thanq

        Last edited by BroMikey; 10-25-2019, 01:25 AM.


        • Gerrymandering and hatred

          When obama got elected (only in districts that did not require picture ID), we all just figured that; the election was over and, we would just go back to our regular lives. He gave his first speech from behind a 4 inch thick wall of plexiglass,,,, Lexan, no doubt. Nobody shot at him or, his husband. We were all disgusted with him but, we moved on.
          When Trump got elected, there was NO SUCH acceptance. The hatred has only gotten worse. Nobody going through their normal day would dream of wearing a MAGA hat in the city. Nobody beat up obummer supporters. That isn't the American way. When the Bush election went to the supreme court, we all just waited for the verdict.

          The hatred against all things Trump has infected large parts of the populace. It has split apart friends and partners. This hatred has caused many politicians to do exceedingly stupid and illegal acts. All rational judgement seems to have left the haters. There is NO point in talking to them,,,, nor, them to us. There is no way to justify the obscene criminality of HRC but, millions would vote for her. What happened to rationality, fairness and, the laissez faire electorate?

          Somebody finally has an answer. It is the worst possible news. It has to do with the enormous amount of information floating around. We tend to listen to opinion and info that reinforces what we already believe. This information "gerrymandering" is creating an ever-increasing of level of hatred. The important part of the vid starts at the 5:00 mark.
          When obama got elected (only in districts that did not require picture ID), we all just figured that; the election was over and, we would just go back to our regular lives. He gave his first speech from behind a 4 inch thick wall of plexiglass,,,, Lexan, no doubt. Nobody shot at him or, his husband. We were all disgusted with him but, we moved on.
          When Trump got elected, there was NO SUCH acceptance. The hatred has only gotten worse. Nobody going through their normal day would dream of wearing a MAGA hat in the city. Nobody beat up obummer supporters. That isn't the American way. When the Bush election went to the supreme court, we all just waited for the verdict.

          The hatred against all things Trump has infected large parts of the populace. It has split apart friends and partners. This hatred has caused many politicians to do exceedingly stupid and illegal acts. All rational judgement seems to have left the haters. There is NO point in talking to them,,,, nor, them to us. There is no way to justify the obscene criminality of HRC but, millions would vote for her. What happened to rationality, fairness and, the laissez faire electorate?

          Somebody finally has an answer. It is the worst possible news. It has to do with the enormous amount of information floating around. We tend to listen to opinion and info that reinforces what we already believe. This information "gerrymandering" is creating an ever-increasing of level of hatred. The important part of the vid starts at the 5:00 mark.

          We are in a downward spiral of co-operation at the same time that we need cohesion to face an economic crisis.


          • Pain Coming, It Will Devastating For The [DS]
            Watch Those Who Scream The Loudest



            • 8KUN is ramping up.

              Here ex-cia man Jim Watkins streams and answers questions world wide.



              • THE WHOLE BALL OF WAX



                • DC big wigs irrelevant, Trump pulls out of Syria Graham goes
                  wild then bypasses leaking DC and kills Baghdadi. DC collective
                  is irrelevant.

                  Think Trump-Military-Marshall Law



                  • Patriot News

                    Truth and art TV

                    Whistle blower named and now thrown out. Democrat planned.
                    3 year process still rolling along



                    • All roads lead to Rome

                      And, all leads in the coup lead to Obama.


                      • Burn'em To the Stake


                        • Trick or treat

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 10-31-2019, 11:24 PM.


                          • 2 articles from Kunstler

                            You really need to read both articles,, they both are short.
                            I'll cite one line that is of paramount interest. Remember that Kunstler is a life-long democrat.
                            " You could read the desperate anxiety on Speaker Pelosi’s fright-mask face in her various fleeting public statements since August. She might suspect that this long-running enterprise of sedition leads to a political fiasco more violent than anything seen in the USA since the Civil War. Or just perhaps she is foolishly oblivious, misinformed, and badly advised. If we are fortunate, the damage to come can be confined to the death of the Democratic Party. "

                            Kunstler has also speculated that they may not be an election in 2020.


                            • Count Down

                              I fear KUNSTLER is right. Meltdown is near. American's don't want
                              their paychecks to cover abortion or endless murdering wars just
                              because. The AWAKENING will burn out the dross.

                              Here comes "Q" guys AGAIN

                              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-02-2019, 09:41 AM.


                              • Army General

                                Q is who?


