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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017
Not, completely off topic. The whole impeachment thing was a death march pushed by HRC. She and Bill have a body count reckoned at 140. The Dems committed suicide. They were driven to suicide by the murderous madame. The party members could either commit suicide OR, possibly, be murdered. Seth Richards proved that one. Bill is well known for having opponents thrown into a hog pen with hungry hogs, The Dems elected to allow suicide of the party rather than risk personal death.
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Originally posted by BroMikey View PostList Of All US Politicians Charged Or Convicted
of Sex Crimes Against Minors
Hi Chicky yes you are correct, trafficking of organs or for sex is bad enough but the Satanist want the blood to drink and Hollywood too. Sold to the highest bidder, fresh adrenicrome. got to torcher the victims to get it before they die but what's the diff? THE PAIN IS COMING
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Not saying I think he has this right by any means, far from it, but nevertheless whether a coin intel or whatever else, it's still a he...ll of a good read.
"The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
Originally posted by Gambeir View PostNot saying I think he has this right by any means, far from it, but nevertheless whether a coin intel or whatever else, it's still a he...ll of a good read. comes alive on camera the same way off.
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You've heard of the Great Leaders 5 year plans but have you heard of the 16 Year Destroy America Plan?
Qanon Illegal funding of Ukrainan War under Obama
Remember Oliver North & Iran Contra?
Christ Sakes here we have worse and who was on trial?
The scary part is that these pedophiles, I mean these people, whomever they are, are so corrupt and perverted that I and others fear that the failure to impeach President Trump puts these same killer clowns in a desperate situation: They are capable of anything and they have a support base of radicalized political followers no less dangerous than any other type of fantantical fringe.
G.A. Stewart had some things to say about this, and of course all along Stewart had predicted they would remove President Trump. We are now in extremely dangerous waters. I expect that the fear of being found out for all their crimes will drive these people to the most radical and dangerous ideas.
16 year plan to destroy America.pngLast edited by Gambeir; 02-09-2020, 04:04 AM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
Did 'Mueller' open the door to Ukraine?
Did 'Mueller' open the door to FISA [illegal]?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did 'Impeachment' provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did 'Impeachment' harm or help POTUS [public]?
How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?
Why didn't POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?
Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS' agenda w/o bias or confrontation?
How do you 'awaken' the 'induced coma' public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?
Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….
Logical thinking.
Apparently, Trump is the only president to do anything about human trafficking. The border States are the worst. Maybe he should build a wall.
Originally posted by Danny B View PostApparently, Trump is the only president to do anything about human trafficking. The border States are the worst. Maybe he should build a wall.
Originally posted by Chickadee1948 View Post
He disrespected and abused thousands of helpless children seeking refuge in the USA. Some died. Trump has a black heart in need of rehab.that is a media talking point and completely wrong thinking. You will see. One thing I can tell you is that the 100,000 children tied up and moved around to be bought and sold each day are thank full. What you think does not matter. They are being saved daily while you flip on the NBC brain washing.
Daddy Bush they called Poppy was executed, did you know that? Would you even believe the truth? I wonder. Your dreams (wet) of impeachment are a nothing burger. Better get a new hope.
Those that scream the loudest have something to hide. Nothing is going to stop this, just so you know.
Can you people imagine how these youth's must feel who are sold to whoever has money? If these children heard the average American who has been hoodwinked say what's the use? Yeah what's the use? It has broken many children's hearts to realize no one has cared or has had half a brain to realize what has been taking place for generations. The people are like, dumb dogs that can not bark, this is what the kids think and they are right in general. Apathetic, careless, delicate programme's. Divided, hateful, self centered, worthless to these childrenIf this continues you and I are going to be next. Millions disappear annually in the US.
Wake up or die a fool's death.May God help us all. WWG1WGA (Where we go one we go all)
Last edited by BroMikey; 02-12-2020, 11:37 PM.
Lambs for the slaughter
Here ya go chicky answer the questions. 800 generals vs chicky girl, you're a tough cookie.Off the dept of DoD's website
What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?
What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?
What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?
What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?
What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?
What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?
Fact becomes fiction?
Fiction becomes fact?
When does news become propaganda?
Identity creation?
How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?
Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?
Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?
‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].
[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]
Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?
Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?
Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?
Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?
Threat to intellectual freedom?
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Read again – digest.
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Logical thinking.
Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?
Pre/post 2016 election?
Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?
Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?
When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.
Control of the narrative = power
When you are blind, what do you see?
They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control.
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
b72263a1ee85bc65b234b80e4a40f9a13d4bd30aeb8fa071e5116060fa7b8358.jpgLast edited by BroMikey; 02-13-2020, 03:30 AM.