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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Fighting the secret police

    "At this point Trump has no alternative but to fight. He can take down the secret police agencies and the presstitute media conglomerates, or they will take him down. Dismissing Flynn was the worse thing to do. He should have kept Flynn and fired the “leakers” who are actively using disinformation against him. The NSA would have to know who the leakers are. Trump should clean out the corrupt NSA management and install officials who will identify the leakers. Then Trump should prosecute the leakers to the full extent of the law.

    No president can survive secret police agencies determined to destroy him. If Trump’s advisers don’t know this, Trump desperately needs new advisers."
    The Stakes for Trump and All of Us -- Paul Craig Roberts -
    Keep in mind that Flynn's "agenda" could easily be guided by Flynn operating out of the limelight.


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      "At this point Trump has no alternative but to fight. He can take down the secret police agencies and the presstitute media conglomerates, or they will take him down. Dismissing Flynn was the worse thing to do. He should have kept Flynn and fired the “leakers” who are actively using disinformation against him. The NSA would have to know who the leakers are. Trump should clean out the corrupt NSA management and install officials who will identify the leakers. Then Trump should prosecute the leakers to the full extent of the law.

      No president can survive secret police agencies determined to destroy him. If Trump’s advisers don’t know this, Trump desperately needs new advisers."
      The Stakes for Trump and All of Us -- Paul Craig Roberts -
      Keep in mind that Flynn's "agenda" could easily be guided by Flynn operating out of the limelight.

      Whether a civil war between Freemason vs Rothschild is true or false may ultimately depend upon which layer of the onion you peel back.

      From one perspective the divisions are very real, and the conflict seems to be inflicting some heavy damage, particularly to the traditional globalist agenda, to ruling political parties, and the reputation of the mainstream corporate media. The political and psychological foundation of the NWO is being striped bare.

      Peel back another layer, and this conflict might appear to be a hasty, desperate, chaotic reboot of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula, Plan B, a new approach to salvage the NWO.

      Peel back yet another layer, and you might find outside forces still manipulating the duality game, feeding off of our collective fear, hatred and victim consciousness.

      Irrespective of which layer you peel back, humanity remains enslaved. All secret societies seem to desire the same thing – to overthrow the current order and rule over the globe by the divine illumination of their own ego-driven agenda, or they would have little need to remain secret – they would just be another religious cult. But to the victor goes the right to rewrite the narrative for the next 200+ years, with little regard to the overall welfare of humanity.

      If Trump truly wants to save America, and silence his critics, then he needs to start with DISCLOSURE, and a relatively safe roadmap begins with disclosure of 9/11 to fix our foreign policy, disclosure of the Federal Reserve to fix our economy, and disclosure of vaccines to begin to scratch the surface of the vast network of immoral activities of which most Americans are asleep. [ETs and Antarctica should come later – America needs to learn to walk before it runs.]

      The greatest good that can come from any war is EXPOSURE, DISCLOSURE and global AWAKENING.

      Uncovering The Trump-Freemason Connection

      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-21-2017, 03:14 AM. Reason: 2,339


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

        Whether a civil war between Freemason vs Rothschild is true or false may ultimately depend upon which layer of the onion you peel back.

        From one perspective the divisions are very real, and the conflict seems to be inflicting some heavy damage, particularly to the traditional globalist agenda, to ruling political parties, and the reputation of the mainstream corporate media. The political and psychological foundation of the NWO is being striped bare.

        Peel back another layer, and this conflict might appear to be a hasty, desperate, chaotic reboot of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula, Plan B, a new approach to salvage the NWO.

        Peel back yet another layer, and you might find outside forces still manipulating the duality game, feeding off of our collective fear, hatred and victim consciousness.

        Irrespective of which layer you peel back, humanity remains enslaved. All secret societies seem to desire the same thing – to overthrow the current order and rule over the globe by the divine illumination of their own ego-driven agenda, or they would have little need to remain secret – they would just be another religious cult. But to the victor goes the right to rewrite the narrative for the next 200+ years, with little regard to the overall welfare of humanity.

        If Trump truly wants to save America, and silence his critics, then he needs to start with DISCLOSURE, and a relatively safe roadmap begins with disclosure of 9/11 to fix our foreign policy, disclosure of the Federal Reserve to fix our economy, and disclosure of vaccines to begin to scratch the surface of the vast network of immoral activities of which most Americans are asleep. [ETs and Antarctica should come later – America needs to learn to walk before it runs.]

        The greatest good that can come from any war is EXPOSURE, DISCLOSURE and global AWAKENING.

        Uncovering The Trump-Freemason Connection

        All of these links are very old and have obviously been debunked as the
        same people putting symbols on Trump say that Trump is having sex
        with his own daughter and 100's of hot girls he rates.

        According to these same sources Trump and Putin are queer for each
        other. Trump knows all of THEIR signs and SYMBOLS and his father
        may have also passed down some artifacts pertaining to the Masons.

        Some call it art forms. The pure hatred for Don shows who he is.


        • ???????????

          Which layer do you have to peel back to find the global depopulation agenda? It IS coming.


          • Trump goes after the PEDO-PIGS CIA head resigns

            We have a world of mentally ill people


            Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:31 AM.



              Trump has his legal team in place now so steam roller coming.

              Release at the end of the week. 9th circuit needs to go.


              Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:31 AM.





                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Which layer do you have to peel back to find the global depopulation agenda? It IS coming.
                  It's here.




                    New bills and new orders with all of the old laws being enforced
                    thank you very much.


                    LOCAL NEWS COMPILATION
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:31 AM.


                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      Recycled thoughts


                      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:32 AM.


                      • Trump was Right again. Remember his comment? On Sweden? Just now coming into view.






                        Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:32 AM.


                        • muslims and cars,,, fun fact

                          Almost 1,000 cars torched around France on New Year's Eve but government insists it 'went particularly well'


                          • Trump shakes Masonic with Comey and the democrat's go to jail.



                            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                              Trump shakes Masonic with Comey and the democrat's go to jail.

                              Largest Spy Scandal In American History Warned Could Collapse Entire Government

                              By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

                              An absolutely astonishing Federal Security Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that the entire United States government (if not the whole nation) is in danger of collapse should President Donald Trump approve a Department of Justice (DOJ) memorandum calling for the immediate arrest for treason of nearly all of the Democratic Parties (DNC) top officials—including former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, and not less than two dozen Democratic members of the US House of Representatives, all of whom are involved in what can only be described as the largest spy scandal in American history—and that this nations mainstream media has not allowed their citizens to know about.
                              Largest Spy Scandal In American History Warned Could Collapse Entire Government

                              There is a high chance that "Sorcha Faal" is actually David Booth, the owner/operator of the website, or someone collaborating with him.
                              Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki



                              • FEB 23rd 2017 White House Breaking News on Leaks.
                                Senator McCain Pegged As White House Leak


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2020, 09:33 AM.

