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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Rules for radicals, Avoid the facts and change the subject.

    Evasion. Welcome to the death of the Democratic Party.



    • Beginning of the end for President Trump



      • hating peace

        I ran across a very strange article today. It is obvious that Trump is being attacked by legions of war mongers and war profiteers. Pox Americana is the largest weapons dealer in the world. Trump pulled out of Western Syria at the same time that Netanayahooo pushed to annex the Golan Heights. Now, he is trying to get out of the rest of Syria but, is slowed down a bit by the Kurdish problem. He would love to get out of Afghanistan but, the generals and drug dealers / bankers are sandbagging him. More than anything, he wants to have peace with Russia. Peace is fast breaking out on the Korean peninsula. China is collapsing so, he doesn't have to worry much about war with them.

        This article is ostensibly about the breakdown of empire.
        "To be a great empire, you must also be a certain kind of culture, society, place— a people with a certain set of values, a certain kind of attitudes. You must cherish control and prize possession over humanity and empathy and wisdom. You must value brutal competition above all else — and train your children to be little warriors, basically, whether tossing them into seas, like Spartans, or making them do “active shooter drills.”

        You must be domineering and controlling and vengeful, feared, not loved — you must come to prize anger and rage as the only true or worthy emotions in life, not, say, intelligence gentleness, kindness, or happiness. The primary objective of your institutions, the aspiration of your best and brightest, must be subjugating others, instead of lifting them up — after all, empires are made of subjects, not equals. You must instill in people an admiration for violence — since empires are run with bullets, whether fired from drones or armies. Your science and art and so forth must be dedicated, fundamentally, to the proposition that somehow, you are the natural masters of the world which is your dominion — no matter how they claim to admire freedom and equality and truth. You cannot plan for any kind of long term good — your primary motive is simply to acquire, colonize, plunder, take the next possession.

        In other words, to be an empire, you must cultivate the qualities of cruelty, of selfishness, of greed, of tribalism, socially. Of materialism and acquisitiveness and conformity to greed and selfishness, mentally. You must encourage the rise of supremacy and triumphalism and bigotry and misogyny, culturally. You must attach to all human life just one purpose: not happiness, or belonging, or the growth of meaning and purpose, but material gain, whether it’s measured in colonies, protectorates, slaves, bodies, or GDP. "

        He gives a pretty good description of the modus operandi of Pox Americana in recent decades. The glories of war are inculcated constantly by mass media. Then, he goes on.
        "Everyone — even the weak — must come to buy into this principle, treasure it, cheer it, applaud it — even when they themselves are the ones being destroyed. Just think of how Donald Trump embodies all those values to a comical, disgusting degree."
        You would think that he was talking about Bush. Trump and Putin are conspiring to bring an end to the long-running war cycle. The neocons are trying to blow up anything in the middle east that is not israel. The war mongers are trying to spend more $trillions on armaments. The CIA is trying to get any brushfire wars going that they can,,, so that they will grow into big wars.

        Trump is working to stop ALL of this. So, just who is this author Umair Haque? He is a Pakistani whacko.

        Meanwhile, back in the USA, Trump was starting to lose some popularity because of the shutdown. He plays the Dems like a cheap violin.
        Trump Offers To Let Million DACA And TPS Illegals Stay Longer In Exchange For Wall - Dems Refuse
        The expected result;
        Democrats Immediately Reject Trump's Offer

        'Amnesty Trump' Lies Again, Breaks 'No DACA' Campaign Promise Again - Amnesty To Illegals Gives Dems Permanent Voting Majority In US - 'National Emergency' Talk Was BS
        Trump "enrages" his base trying to work with the Dems.
        Trump Grounds All Congressional Air Travel on Govt Planes Amid Shutdown War
        Pelosi blocked him from making the State of the Union Address. Trump is ratcheting up the pressure on the Congress, not on joe sixpack. Trump will keep offering concessions and, the Dems will block him NO MATTER how reasonable his concessions are. He offers concessions, they offer nothing.
        This paralysis is part of what will bring us down.


        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
          I ran across a very strange article today.
          He offers concessions, they offer nothing.
          This paralysis is part of what will bring us down.


          • Govt Shutdown 12D chess

            30 day rule is game changer, just a few more days.



            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Govt Shutdown 12D chess

              30 day rule is game changer, just a few more days.

              Federal government employees can be fired after 30 or more days of government shutdown.

              Mostly False

              About this rating

              What's True
              Under some circumstances, federal employees can be laid off in targeted "reduction in force" plans, or RiF, after 30 days of government shutdown.

              What's False
              The current shutdown is an "emergency shutdown" in which federal government employees cannot be laid off in RiF actions.

              Can Federal Government Workers Be Fired After 30 Days of Shutdown?



              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                What's False
                The current shutdown is an "emergency shutdown" in which federal government employees cannot be laid off in RiF actions.[/COLOR]

                I think you are right.

                Federal news release here



                • Or maybe not

                  The rest of the information



                  • Or maybe Trump is looking at the money wasted.

                    Anonymous Senior Official releases this statement



                    • What you se as waste is MY job

                      Y'all need to look at this from a different perspective. The more that automation and foreign low-wage competition reduce the need for workers in the private sector, the more that the State steps in to take up the slack. What you see as waste, the State sees as "taking up slack labor."
                      FED GOV spends about 22% of the GDP,
                      There are claims that the number is as high as 42%. Also, FED GOV counts the money towards the GDP when it is printed AND, counts it again when it is spent.
                      This is somewhat of a trap. For every one dollar of additional taxes, the economy is reduced by $3. So, FED GOV can borrow money to employ all these people but, that incurs interest charges. Currently $500 billion a year to service public debt
                      . ZIRP lowers the cost of servicing the public debt. At the same time, it wipes out interest income needed by pension and insurance funds.
                      TSA Advertising Job Openings on Top of Pizza Boxes - Lowering the Bar

                      FED GOV is trying to inject money into the cohort of the labor force that is least likely to find a job in the private sector. All that waste is giving somebody a paycheck. They're going to send them money as welfare anyway, why not give them some sense of self-worth by giving them a job.
                      The State is forever a parasite. This means that it is ALWAYS at odds with the desires of the producers. That is why ALL sovereign debt eventually collapses. The State does redistribution to itself. It must earn the approval of the voters so, it does redistribution to them too. all democracies eventually collapse. The average livespan is 150 years.

                      All States do redistribution. Socialism just does a LOT more redistribution. The State may believe that it is being benevolent The eventual result of redistribution is a gross reduction in MOTIVATION. There is no escaping human nature.


                      • The walls

                        It turns out that the Dems really love walls.
                        The Secure Fence Act,


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          So why Trump claims credit for decades-old border structures?



                          • >.....And to the democracy for which it stands?.... <
                            >.....One nation under God.......< indivisible?

                            You see this is not a democracy which would be nothing more than
                            survival of the fittest where the mob rules. The mob or mafia that
                            is the biggest, richest, toughest would be fully in charge. Mob rule
                            is the survival of the fittest doctrine.

                            Not a banana republic.

                            "and to the republic for which it stands" I do solemnly swear before the
                            God of God's as shown by the Law of Moses. Thou shalt not. The Holy
                            book of the Law of the self existent one.

                            Not like the republic of China either and yes they have many gods that
                            looks like a mob rule or mafia rule system.

                            The survival of the fittest doctrine can never supersede the rule of Law
                            as per the plan written in the constitution of the United states of America.

                            This republic under God is and will always be invincible. No dog eat dog
                            system can out do true brotherly love which just means we follow the
                            Law of the Prophets loving your neighbor as yourself after first following
                            the one God of gods with all your heart soul mind.

                            And to the republic for which it stands, one Nation UNDER GOD.

                            It must be under God or God first. Meaning THAT republic can never
                            replace God or be without it.

                            A man-child is about to be born into the KINGDOM AGE. It is a one of
                            a kind place in the spirit that God himself has set up many thousands
                            of years ago. It is much more advanced that the "Survival of the fittest"
                            system of thinking.

                            When Pres...... speaks about conservative values? And leaders? Nobody
                            knows what he means.

                            People who love and follow this LAW will operate inside of vengeance
                            to save their posterity. THAT smoking rage against those who would
                            destroy without conscience is assisted by an invisible force. Nothing
                            can match it.

                            Ever understood the book "RULES FOR RADICALS?"



                            Last edited by BroMikey; 01-24-2019, 06:45 AM.


                            • Never interfere with your enemy when they are destroying themselves.



                              • I hate to say it "I TOLD YA SO" just keep reading the fony newspapers
                                gorge on CNN ABC MSNBC and the like, you'll be eating your cats
                                so you don't starve.


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-25-2019, 02:53 PM.

