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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Hit'em in their pocketbook.



    • Comey


      DEACTIVATED (Hail Luey)



      • Will the republicans convict or not?

        Apparently, the deep state is confident that they can muster enough republican votes in the senate to impeach AND convict Trump. The big push at the moment is to get to Barr.

        "It is for this reason that they pivoted from collusion to obstruction when special counsel Robert Mueller failed to prove Trump was collaborating with Boris and Natasha to win in 2016. It’s also why they are targeting Attorney General William Barr for his refusal to recommend indictments against the president despite the lack of evidence of obstruction.

        The Democrats’ reliance on impeachment is part and parcel of the progressive left’s approach to politics; if they can’t defeat their opponent through normal means, they must seek out other ways to gain power. It is why companies like Facebook and Twitter aren’t willing to allow debate, but rather shut down views that conflict with their ideology. The Democrats know that the American public isn’t on board with a far-left socialist agenda or hand-wringing over who is more oppressed than whom.

        If the Democrats are afraid they cannot convince voters to swing their way, it is no surprise they hope for impeachment. Unfortunately for them, a GOP-controlled Senate is unlikely to vote to impeach Trump on scant evidence or the fact that he hurts people’s feelings. If the Democrats want victory, they will have to earn it the old-fashioned way."

        "Rep. Al Green (D-TX) made an appearance on MSNBC and discussed the initiative to remove Trump from office. It’s not the first time he has broached the subject; in 2017, he introduced articles of impeachment in the House. “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected,” "

        The 2016 election gave hope to a lot of deplorables. I suspect that they will turn out in droves for the enxt eelction


        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
          Apparently, the deep state is confident that they can muster enough republican votes in the senate to impeach AND convict Trump. The big push at the moment is to get to Barr.

          Do you believe in stubbornness and witchcraft/magic spells?
          This is how those who run things get down. They don't hide it.

          Hidden in plain sight cause yer to stupid to see it and deserve to be slaughtered.
          Now you can call each other stupid, stupid and THEY win.



          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-11-2019, 10:39 PM.


          • NO SLEEP IN D.C.



            • Global Warming is here to stay.



              • Headlines from Rense

                We all know what happens after a failed coup.
                Trump's payback begins
                Trump Accuses Comey, McCabe, Strzok AND Page Of Treason!
                Trump Lists Some Of Those Involved In The Failed Coup Attempt On Him By Name
                Trump To Send Invoice To Sponsors Of Illegal Aliens Receiving Welfare Benefits

                This has precedent. If you marry and bring an alien into the country, you are responsible to pay back GOV for any benefits that they collect for the next 10 years.
                Trump Signs Order Cracking Down on Welfare-Dependent Legal Immigration
                Trump Moves To Escalate Investigation Of Intel

                The Dems are freaking out because the coup trail leads right back to obummer.

                Trump Orders FBI, CIA To 'Fully Cooperate' With Barr
                Grants 'Full And Complete Authority To Declassify'

                Just how far back will "declassify" go?
                James Howard Kunstler, the national dumpster fire.


                • Tick Tock BOOM!!!!

                  PAIN IN DC

                  Jerry got the memo GITMO COMING SOON



                  • The only good politician is a jailed politician.


                    • Originally posted by Pot head View Post
                      The only good politician is a jailed politician.

                      SerialBrain2: Trump, Sally Yates & the Enemy's Agenda. (Part 2)



                      Let’s listen to the Speech Writer Riddle: until 32:19.

                      Ready for the Grand Finale? Can you decode this tweet: Img22


                      • It's those damn Britts again

                        This is an interesting article about just who is behind the Russia-collusion mess. It seems to lead back the British elites who love communism.

                        "The British aristocracy has a condescending view of the hoi polloi who voted for Brexit, regarding them as easily manipulated Pygmalion-like by smarter people. They assumed Vladimir Putin was somehow playing Professor Henry Higgins to the flower girls who voted to reject the EU, because that’s how they see the world. Among the Cambridge class, this simple prejudice renders Russian collusion a first principle with no need for supporting evidence….

                        Without supporting evidence to prove their fantastical worldview, the global elite set out to manufacture some"
                        These hoi polloi may not be as malleable as the Cambridge class believes. Nigel Farage has given them quite a kick in the teeth.
                        5/25 Whatever happens now, Nigel Farage has already won – Yahoo


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post

                          Without supporting evidence to prove their fantastical worldview, the global elite set out to manufacture some"

                          Here is a fantasy for you all, Keshe drinking blood from a pumping
                          heart. This is Satanism for the Hollywood Elite. The Elite talk cannibalism
                          all day long on the web. This is not done in a corner, it is done on MTV.

                          Trump is fighting the Global Elite with their Satanism, child trafficking,
                          organ trafficking, sex trafficking. These so called Elite don't hide any of
                          this because we have been dumbed down to stupid and brainwashed
                          in THEIR universities taught that the devil is not real.

                          Satan is laughing at you.

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2019, 12:31 AM.


                          • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


                            Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2019, 12:01 PM.


                            • Modeling the 2020 election

                              Prof Says Dems Must Impeach Trump To Win 2020 Presidential Election
                              Trump Distances Himself from Bolton on Iran And North Korea
                              Trump correctly reads the desires of the nation. We are ALL tired of the wars.
                              5/29 Top U.S. security aide: Iranian mines likely caused UAE tanker blasts – Reuters
                              I already posted pics and links. There were NO EXPLOSIONS OR BLASTS. Their prime example of a damaged ship showed a ship with damage to the stern where it had bumped into a pylon of a dock. The other pictures showed damage high up on the side of the bow. There were irregular holes, not very big,,, with no metal deformation. Probably done with a plasma cutter,,, on a derelict.
                              The deep state is frothing at the mouth from Trump's failure to get a good war going. If he can continue avoiding wars, he will be very popular with most voters.
                              They can impeach him but, they have yet to come up with a crime. There is no way they could come up with a conviction.
                              Look at it from the perspective of the Dems. The same modeller who predicted Trump's 2016 win is predicting a 2020 win. How much enthusiasm can the Dems muster if they already know that they are going to lose?


                              • A few more headlines

                                Nadler - There 'Certainly' Is Justification To Impeach Donald Trump

                                Dershowitz - Impeachment Is 'Kiss of Death for the Democrats' in 2020

                                Trump Continues Putting Saudi Arabia Firs...And That Is grounds For Impeachment

                                Special Counsel Was 'Insurance Policy' For Trump's Crime Of Winning 2016 Election
                                Ex-CIA Officer = Trump In 'Historic Battle' With 'Treasonous' Deep State

                                Trump to Tell May US Won't Share Intel With UK Because of Huawei - Report
                                The Brits were heavily involved in trying to stop Trump.

                                Russian Jets Unleash Hell On Idlib After Ceasefire Talks With Turkey Collapse

                                Purchase of S-400 systems will be 'devastating' for Turkey's F-35 program – Pentagon

                                So, Turkey has bought the super-duper S-400 missiles that will shoot down anything.
                                AND, Russian jets are blasting Turkish troops in Syria.

