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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Hillary for president

    Bannon Joins Rense Saying Hillary May Face Trump
    In 2020 - Says Dems Have No One Who Can Win
    Jeff Has Been Naming Hillary For The Last 30 Months
    Hillary's Superfans

    The Epoch Times;

    China Hacked Clinton's Email Server, Congressman Confirms - AMAC ...

    Jun 28, 2019 - In an interview with The Epoch Times published on June 26, Gohmert said that the Chinese “actually hacked Hillary Clinton's personal server—as our intel ... had determined that a copy of virtually every email from Clinton's server was ... The FBI regularly documented its meeting with the ICIG before Strzok ...

    Those 39,000 emails that she erased went straight to China. I seriously doubt that HRC will be running for any office.


    • Q team or Q Research was label a neo nazi right wing murder group
      by CEO of Cloudflare in the UK so they could shadow-ban us.
      The mockingbird media did this in the USA, lied on the group CHAN'S

      Mitbitigate took the q team back up in a few hours.

      Here is ROB'S quote

      The registrar’s CEO Rob Monster said that it did not solicit 8chan’s business and is evaluating whether to offer it DDoS mitigation. Here’s Monster’s full statement about moving to the registrar.

      Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental rights in a free society. We enter into a slippery slope when we start to limit speech that makes us uncomfortable. The censorship we’ve seen across major social media platforms as of late has created a vacuum. Our services fill the ever growing need for a neutral service provider that will not terminate accounts based on arbitrary reasoning or political pressure. Our philosophy is, if the customer is not breaking the law, they are protected under our umbrella of services.

      Specific to any of the “Chan” sites, Epik did not solicit this business. We have not made a definitive decision about whether to provide DDoS mitigation or Content Delivery services for them. We will evaluate this in the coming days. From what little we know so far, the Chans are not lawless and do have moderation, especially in regards to DMCA and content which is illegal in the United States. Ultimately, we believe that the best disinfectant for darkness however this must absolutely occur within the bounds of the law.
      Last edited by BroMikey; 08-06-2019, 02:44 AM.


      • Fake news



        Post # 187 - Epstein dead?
        Not according to the comms.

        Ok, so we are told by the Fake News and the New York Times in
        particular that Epstein was found dead this morning at 6:30 AM
        at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

        ​Channeling “officials”, the New York Times specifies Epstein
        “hanged himself”. link

        ​As a Q reader, what do you immediately do to verify the information?
        Yes, you check the Maestro’s tweets.

        ​Q3453 Note the date of the post - Nov 2017. Note events happening
        today. Reconcile. News unlocks. Q

        ​The first tweet of the day was posted at 6:40 AM and immediately
        sets the tone by talking about the New York Times, Maggie Haberman
        and yet another fake reporting about POTUS. The tweet pulls Q640
        which links to a video where the Witch comments about the passing
        of her KKK mentor Robert Byrd. From this tweet, we get the first
        piece of the puzzle. Read very carefully: Img1

        ​Then, at 6:58 AM, the Maestro tweets about Kim Jong Un and
        North Korea and gives us the second piece of the puzzle: Img2

        ​Let’s follow the Maestro’s instruction and go back in time on
        North Korea.

        ​We don’t have to go too far. On May, 30 2019, the Fake News
        reported that North Korean’s negotiator Kim Yong Chol was
        executed by Kim Jong Un over the collapse of the summit in Hanoi.
        Look, it made all the headlines: Img3 and for example, here is
        ABC enjoying reporting that Trump made friends with someone
        they want you to believe is a sanguinary dictator: video

        ​The problem is this was not true. 2 days after these reports,
        Kim Yong Chol was seen with Kim Jong Un at a show organized
        by the wives of the KPA military officers: link

        ​Q1402 Puzzle coming together?

        ​At 7:07 AM, the Maestro posted the last piece of the puzzle just
        to make sure we are all on the same page regarding Jeffrey Epstein.
        Read very carefully: Img4


        ​The fake reporting about Kim Yong Chol is just one example
        among many others illustrating how the Fake News and the
        New York Times in particular tried to derail the Maestro’s efforts to
        pacify the region diplomatically and free North Korea from the Cabal.
        They tried many tricks that you can read about in articles like How
        ‘The New York Times’ Deceived the Public on North Korea or What
        the New York Times Got Wrong About North Korea. We all know
        how it ended: they failed and the meeting at the DMZ happened.

        ​Do you remember my childhood friend Frank? The one who used
        to borrow my bike and would always return it with some kind of
        damage? In this article about how the Maestro navigated through
        the Fake News on North Korea, I told you that to finally preserve
        my bike, I would invent an imaginary problem every time Frank
        would try to borrow it: Oh Frank, I’m sorry: flat tire today or “well,
        today the chain needs to be fixed” or “OMG Frank can you believe it?
        The handlebar needs to be changed!”

        ​That’s the play here.

        ​From this article and the related drop:

        ​Q3491 Eyes on. Q

        ​we know the Cabal tried to eliminate Epstein in his jail cell and that,
        because of what is at stake, they would never stop trying until
        he’s gone.

        ​So? White Hats broke the bike.

        Now that the Fake News has reported Epstein is dead in an attempt
        to scare away those who were thinking of cooperating, trying to kill
        him again will be a little more problematic… He can now be listed in
        a witness protection program or something similar until the apotheosis
        of the Grand Finale.

        ​I am pretty confident AG Barr has a good surfing board to make the
        best of the magnificent wave the Fake News has just offered him.

        ​Enjoy the show.

        ​Q2452 Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions!
        Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. Q+
        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-11-2019, 09:52 AM.


        • Armstrong was in that same jail.
          'In this case, the stories of Epstein and Clinton are far too numerous to allow such a case to go to trial not to mention others. He had to die.

          Welcome to American justice. Anything they will never allow to go to trial always ends up with the defendant dead, or in my case, I survived after being in a coma. If Epstein was truly suicidal, he would have been on suicide watch and they will even handcuff you and your legs to the beg, which is concrete when they want you to testify. In this case, Epstein was to be silenced for they did not want him to testify against anyone else'

          He also mentions that the ceilings are too low to hang somebody.


          • Fun Video's



            Last edited by BroMikey; 08-11-2019, 10:04 PM.



              Last edited by BroMikey; 08-12-2019, 01:21 AM.


              • Democrats have demonized every Trump voter as a ‘deplorable’

                Universal Studios has canceled the release of its violent new R-rated massacre movie, “The Hunt,” for now, but the fact it even was made shows we’ve reached a dangerous new point in our political culture.

                You have to wonder what twisted minds would dream up this liberal fantasy of jet-setting elites hunting down conservatives like vermin.

                “They’re not human beings” the Hillary Swank character says at one point, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

                “The Hunt,” originally titled “Red State vs. Blue State,” is a sign of where irrational Trump hatred has taken us.

                It’s what the left is doing in real life. They’re dehumanizing their opponents and trying to incite violence against them.

                The president’s detractors have tried for almost three years to break him. Russia didn’t work, Stormy didn’t work. Impeachment won’t work.
                00:30 / 00:30
                Top articles
                READ MORE
                Five children dead in Pennsylvania day care fire:

                They’ve smeared his wife, his kids. They call him a fat slob, a psychopath and a Russian agent.

                They’ve used the most violent rhetoric imaginable, from Madonna thinking about blowing up the White House to Kathy Griffin posing with a severed fake Trump head to Robert De Niro wanting to punch Trump in the face.

                But nothing works. The more they abuse him, the more he relishes baiting them. He is impervious to their attacks, and his approval ratings haven’t budged.

                So they have gone berserk. First, they projected their own murderous thoughts onto Trump, blaming him for the recent El Paso and Dayton massacres.

                And in the next breath, they issued death threats against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

                “Just stab the motherf–ker in the heart,” said one charming protester on the lawn outside his house last weekend.

                For Trump haters, the means justify the ends, and everyone knows that removing the president from public life is the only end worth pursuing, no matter how foul the means.
                see also
                Movie about killing deplorables canceled after angry Trump tweet

                The real coarsening of American life comes not from a president who tweets low barbs at his enemies 24/7, it comes from his opponents, who have broken every rule of truth and fair play in politics and journalism.

                So unscrupulous are they in their blinkered hunt for Trump’s scalp that they don’t care if the lies they tell endanger people and deepen the divisions in the country, even while they lament the coarsening of the political debate.

                Now, having failed in their pursuit of Trump, they’re coming after anyone who supports him. It’s demonization by association.

                When Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro published a hit list of 44 Trump donors on Twitter last week, he knew exactly what he was doing

                With the approval of his brother, 2020 Democratic candidate Julián Castro, he knew that the outcome would be a Twitter mob intimidating and abusing those innocent people, bombarding them with hateful phone calls, boycotting their businesses and potentially committing violence against them.

                In a country where guns are plentiful and emotions are high, why would you risk that unless you regarded your political opponents as vermin?

                This is the new normal for Democrats: If you disagree with their agenda, you are a deplorable, a bigot, a racist, a white supremacist — and any retaliation is acceptable.

                It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. Truth is whatever version of reality best suits your purpose.

                Almost 63 million Americans voted for Trump, in part because they reject the leftist project to remake their history and their culture.

                It is not rational or healthy to imagine you can intimidate them into not voting for him in 2020. But that is all the Democrats have.



                  Post # 188 - Epstein secured. Scaramucci and Maher nervous.
                  Let’s watch the $nakes at the zoo


                  • SerialBrain2:
                    Epstein secured. Scaramucci and Maher nervous.
                    Let’s watch the $nakes at the zoo.



                    • Young Donald Billionaire meets Epstein in "92" later though Epstein
                      out when Trump caught him recruiting girls who were under age
                      at Mara-logo

                      The media is now saying Trump built the Island Temple for Epstein
                      by funding operations as a trafficking outlet for hot girls.

                      The Trump hating media mafia will do the same thing to you.


                      Last edited by BroMikey; 08-16-2019, 10:02 PM.


                      • Fake News
                        Goin 4 the guns




                        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-17-2019, 04:28 AM.


                        • Rise of the Grey Champion

                          Mikey, here are a couple of articles for you to ponder. Where will Trump fit in history? Mt. Rushmore has 4 presidents, all of them war presidents. HRC planned to get her ugly mug up there. It's only fitting. 3 of the presidents on Rushmore started wars with false-flag operations.
                          Strauss & Howe wrote the book, Generational Turnings. We are in the fourth turning. S&H write about the rise of the "Grey Champion".
                          You should give the subject a good read.

                          "We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning"
                          "The most important point to comprehend is the death of the existing social order always occurs during the course of a Fourth Turning. Thus far, those constituting the Deep State hierarchy have fended off their demise. They are utilizing every tool at their disposal to retain their wealth, power and control."

                          When Trump refused to bomb Assad a couple of years ago, he demonstrated that he did NOT believe in the Wolfowitz doctrine of endless neocon wars for israel. Ever since then, the attacks have been relentless.

                          "he Gulf States feared losing the umbrella of the US protection which, it was believed, inoculated these monarchies as much from repression of their internal reformists, as from Iran. Then, with the arrival of President Trump, the opportunity seemed to present itself again to lock-in that US ‘guarantee’ by inciting the new President, already obsessed with his notion of Iranian ‘malignity’ into action.

                          But suddenly, the Gulf chimaera of Trump retarding a resurgent Iran through inflicting a couple of generations worth of missile damage on its infrastructure faded under the desert heat. When Iran took the initiative with its counter-pressures, the US finally did not react, either to Hormuz, or to the loss of its high-spec drone.

                          It’s not over yet: Iran remains a grave flash-point, but in the region it is understood that the US neither has the political will, nor the capacity, for protracted military action (as opposed to a quick ‘one and done’, to which Iran has promised substantial retaliation). This sense of a ‘shift’ has been reinforced by Trump’s repeat last month of his call for withdrawal from Syria, and by his almost indecent haste in trying to exit Afghanistan. The omens are plain: America is on its way out from the Middle East."

                          Trump supports both the Pentagon and israel but, he stops short of war. Thus, the relentless attacks.
                          When the Taliban took over in Afghanistan, they eradicated opium. This precipitated a U.S. invasion 4 months later. The bankers desperately needed the liquidity from drug sales. Production went back up immediately. J.P. Morgan just got caught bringing in 20 tons of Cocaine. NOBODY assembles 20 tons of cocaine without word getting around. This bust indicates that drug smuggling is not going to continue as before.

                          So, what about the enormous barrage of attacks on Trump?
                          Kunstler says it best. Remember that he is a long time Trump disparager.
                          "That is why the Democratic Party can’t find any credible male candidates. And that is how come the country happened to elect an imperturbable Golden Golem of Greatness."
                          The article shows that much of our national hysteria is a direct result of FEMALE hysteria. Women are pre-disposed to drama. Hysteria is just an extension of drama.

                          "excess of yin and not enough yang, meaning, he went on to explain, too much of the female principle in operation and not enough of the male principle. "
                          "Mr. Tolle is onto something. Just take, for instance, a recent column by The New York Times’s op-ed writer Gail Collins: How to Torture Trump. Could she have put it more plainly? Does she not sound like a woman who has gotten advice from an unscrupulous divorce lawyer (excuse the redundancy)? In fact, the USA is looking like a really bad marriage. The yin of America is stuck in an hysterical rage at the yang"
                          "The aim of the national matrimonial hysteria is to make sure that whatever conflict is at issue remains unresolved. The melodrama goes on for its own sake. It’s fun living on the verge of a nervous breakdown. That is exactly why the US political scene is so disordered and distressed."

                          Scaramucci and Kristol in private talks to findGOP candidate to replace Trump in 2020
                          The Mooch Predicts Trump Will NOT Run For Reelection
                          And That The GOP Will 'Primary Him' Off The Ticket AsThe Economy Fades And 'Business Will Turn' On Trump

                          The economy WILL tank on Trump's watch. The media WILL whip up hysteria.
                          The main problem is; globalism just doesn't work. A failing corporation will liquidate it's non-performing assets to stay alive. In this case, those non-performing assets are pensioners and retirees. Unlike obummer, Trump knows finance.
                          This is a good article even though it has some glaring inaccuracies.


                          • In the deep states sick dream America will collapse and then
                            came the Q Team.

                            The Secret Reason Trump Said He Wanted To Buy Greenland


                            Read the decoded messages even if you have not yet learned the comm's

                            Links below.


                            Last edited by BroMikey; 08-21-2019, 02:54 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                              Mikey, here are a couple of articles for you to ponder.

                              The economy WILL tank on Trump's watch.
                              My reply is simply FAKE NEWS



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 08-21-2019, 03:05 AM.

