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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017
The coming "sort-of" election,,, starving the war hawks
Hillary And Establishment Dems Voice Panic Of The
Grim 2020 Donkey Field - Hillary Must Enter SOON And Disavow The Communist Leftist Fringe Candidates
Democrats Star Chamber Impeachment Coup Aims To Put The Final Bullet In America's Head
Shimatsu - CIA Must Divulge Their Whistleblower's Sikh Terrorist Connections - Part 2
Looney Lizzie Warren - Black Trannys, Nonbinary People Are The 'Backbone of Our Democracy' - she's crazy!
Drag Queens Fundraise for Planned Parenthood with 'Slave-Style Auction' of Christian Pastors
So, these are the planks in the Democratic platform. Just WHO do they think that they are going to attract as voters?
Next, we get to the power behind the curtain
American Weapons Giant Lockheed Martin Reportedly Sponsors Anti-Trump Video
The weapons manufacturers are a big part of the deep State.
US 'Deep State' Is Out For Blood Says Former Environment Agency Staffer - Report
Then, we get to the next twist. Putin is securing peace in the Kurdish border regions. Meanwhile Trump is securing the oil fields.
Pentagon - We'll Shoot Any Syrian Official Who TriesTo Access The Syrian Oil (That Trump STOLE)
Assad didn't get any of this oil anyway. He doesn't particularly care. Many Americans are happy to hear that Trump is "stealing" oil. I'm sure that Trump is using the oil proceeds to pay for the occupation. The important part is; ISIS and Turkey get cut off from funding.
Turkey Slams US Claims About Syrian Oil Fields as Contradiction of International Law
Trump is squeezing them financially. Putin too.
Trump doesn't like the waste of war.
Trump Regime Wants S Korea to Pay for US Occupation
Yep, make everybody pay for war and, they may just cut back on expenditures. Trump told Germany that they had to start paying their share.
Grim future for dems
Kunstler writes about the future of the democratic party.
BTW, Armstrong's computer predicted this.
11/13 Democrats look to build case that Trump tried to bribe or extort Ukraine – NY Times
There is no law against this.
Shrink and toss
If Trump follows the suggestions of Martin Armstrong; print currency to pay FED GOV bills, this would upend the entire world financial system. Trump certainly knows how to make enemies. He better NOT go to Dallas.
Originally posted by Danny B View Posthttps://headlineswithavoice.com/2019...use-next-week/
If Trump follows the suggestions of Martin Armstrong; print currency to pay FED GOV bills, this would upend the entire world financial system. Trump certainly knows how to make enemies. He better NOT go to Dallas.
US taxpayers are paying for it all.
Paris accord = scam (trillions)
Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)
WAR = scam (trillions)
Who audits where the money actually goes?
Re-read carefully.
Spy_insert [EC] known?
Re-read drops re: Spy_insert.
What do these people have in common?
Pelosi's son
Kerry's son
Romney's son
Biden's son
Hint: Geo location: Ukraine
Hint: Energy
When [GS] calls, D's always answer.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
QLast edited by BroMikey; 11-14-2019, 05:25 AM.
Here is Q back again using DoD number 2 advanced internet. No
more speculation.
The stuff will hit the fan, I have been telling you.
Also here is what Q stated about they're absence for 93 days (planed)
[Jul 8 2019]
"SURV of SC/JS terminated." - Q
Relevant to upcoming 'DECLAS' events?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Mathematically impossible?
But, the ‘narrative’ suggests nothing is accurately ‘forecasted’ and this is simply a big ‘conspiracy’ theory [looney].
Ask yourself a very basic question – would the FAKE NEWS complex [NYT, WASHPOST, NBC, ABC, BBC, ………………………………………………………….] attack us if we weren’t a ‘real’ threat?
Ask yourself a very basic question – why is the ‘forum’ where [drops] are made under constant attack?
Narrative: De-platform necessary ‘because’ precursor to violent acts posted there prior to carry-out.
Precursor postings occurred on 4ch? FB? Twitter? Reddit? IG? …………..
Push to de-platform?
Why only 8ch?
[Bonus Question: Was the time of the posting pre/post actual ‘event’]
Logical thinking.
[Mar 20 2019]
“Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].” - Q
You are witnessing the largest ‘organized’ disinformation campaign to ever be perpetuated on the public.
Trust yourself.
Be free in your thoughts.
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a non-corrupt President who works on behalf of the American people and not himself.
America is no longer for sale.
Hillary Says 'Many, Many, Many People are Pressuring Her To Join The 2020 Primary Race' She Will Enter And Will Be The Front Runner
Real Clear Politics;
Former Clinton Advisor Doug Schoen to Hillary Clinton: "Go Home, Shut Your Mouth"
Institutionalized insanity of the left,,, Shiff is looking like Mt. St Helens
The Cloward-Piven strategy out of the Chicago calls for the left to make such burdensome claims for public assistance that it bankrupts the government.
'Voters Don't Want To See Crazy Stuff’ - Obama Asks WTF Are 2020 Democrats Doing
Obama takes veiled shot at Warren and Sanders...warns 2020 Dems Americans don’t want to Hear ‘tear down the system’ Talk
Looney Lizzie’s Tax Plan Would Bring Rates Over 100% for Some Taxpayers
[B]Dem Communists Blast Obama For Warning Them Not To Use 'Tear It All Down' Rhetoric
The Atlantic is about as far left as you can get. They have a long article about all the damage done by the power-wars between the Dems and Reps.
"Ziblatt points to Germany in the 1930s, the most catastrophic collapse of a democracy in the 20th century, as evidence that the fate of democracy lies in the hands of conservatives. Where the center-right flourishes, it can defend the interests of its adherents, starving more radical movements of support"
So, the center-right is responsible for holding back the loonies.
The net is a collection of soap boxes. Some soap boxes have more exposure than others. Zero Hedge has a LOT of contributors. There are a lot of people in the know,,,, maybe on just one subject but, still in the know.
Adam Schiff involved in illegal sodomite drug den Exposed? - Zero Hedge
Even Fake News CNN is Bailing on Adam Schiff
What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?
What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?
What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?
What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?
What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?
What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?
Fact becomes fiction?
Fiction becomes fact?
When does news become propaganda?
Identity creation?
How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?
Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?
Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?
‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].
[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]
Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?
Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?
Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?
Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?
Threat to intellectual freedom?
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Read again – digest.
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Logical thinking.
Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?
Pre/post 2016 election?
Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?
Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?
When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.
Control of the narrative = power
When you are blind, what do you see?
They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control.
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
QLast edited by BroMikey; 11-23-2019, 03:05 AM.
Corruption,,,, elections,,, war spending
Rats, my post got zapped again. I forgot to save.
Here are some headlines and snippets that tell a story.
When Joe Stein claimed that "we Jews run Hollywood" , He was admonished to not be quite so transparent.
Netanyahu Gets 29 Standing Ovations in Congress, Obama Got 25
Both Bibi and his wife have been repeatedly indicted for corruption. He is betting that he won't be convicted as long as he is in office.
A few years ago, the IDF reported that israel could expect 231,000 incoming missiles if they should be stupid enough to attack Iran. That would be 11,000 missiles a minute.
That article is completely erased from the net. The only thing close is;
"The former Israeli diplomat then painted a very shilling picture of what Israel could expect when the long-anticipated war with Iran becomes a fact.
The Israeli military would have to cope with 4.000 incoming missiles and rockets daily during such a conflict and all of Israel would come under fire."
Bibi, in all his stupidly stated that, "I know it would be bad but, we are prepared to accept the consequences.
The average israeli just wants to go about his daily life. He doesn't want a war. Bibi expects to be safe somewhere. I think this fact is what swayed the elections against Bibi.
Now, Bibi is trying to make points by saying that he will annex the Jordan valley. That would certainly open the gates of war and, the Samson Option.
"Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer and George Soros "bought" control of Congress for Democrats.
It states that "the news of impactful, real progress on turning our nation around was undercut by biased media and hundreds of millions of dollars of anti-Republican propaganda put out by liberal special interests, funded by deep-pocketed far-left billionaires George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg."
"These left-wing radicals essentially BOUGHT control of Congress for the Democrats," the letter reads."
" 78 members of congress hold israeli passports."
The media is currently saturation bombing America with anti-Trump vitriol.
Repeat something often enough and, a lot of people will believe it. But, the courts won't entertain hearsay.
A lot of people are going to go catatonic if Trump isn't eviscerated.
Israel #1 in Child Trafficking & #1 in Organ Trafficking ...
Haaretz; Israel, Promised Land For Organized Crime
Times of Israel
Is Israel becoming a mafia state?
Some 25% of the revenue of Israel’s lauded high-tech sector comes from shady or fraudulent industries; three-quarters of MKs are said to be in thrall to special interest groups
Tel Aviv
When Hope Ends in Slavery:
Human Trafficking in Israel
Lecture & discussion with Rabbi Levi Lauer,
Trump's attack on the swamp is, to a great extent, an attack on organized crime. Non-Russian organized crime appears to be headquartered in Tel Aviv.
Trump went out of his way to go along with the "Jerusalem is the capital of israel" and
I believe that the hatred and fear permeating the media is sourced and projected from Netanayahooo
All the israelis that I have talked to tell me that israel is socialist / communist. This was news to me. I went to Jerusalem in 1984, shortly after israel had destroyed their bond market. They had to knock off three zeros on the Shekelum. I suppose that this event is no surprise if israel is indeed socialist.
I was staying in a hostal just outside the Jaffa Gate. I read the Jordanian newspapers and the Jerusalem newspapers.
Israeli TV show puts wall between secular and ultra-Orthodox ...
The war that will decide Israel's future won't involve airstrikes ...
How Ultra-Orthodox Are Harming Israel - The Atlantic
Remember that Kemel Ataturk waged this same battle in Turkey to try to keep the government secular.
Attaturk prevailed but, Erdogan is now reversing this.
The problem is, Theocracies just can't survive. In their service to god, they forget the people.
The Culture War Behind Israel's Political Crisis - WSJ
A Climax to the Saga of Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman
Ortho Jews opening wallets for Trump in 2020
You can see that the battles in israel have been carried over into American politics. The orthodox jews are anti-military AND get financial support while they study the Torah all day.
A few years ago, 10% of the population of israel held a big demonstration on Rothschild blvd. They were protesting the government AND the bankers. They brought out a HUGE guillotine. I suppose that they were trying to get a message across.
In short, you can't ignore politics in israel if you want a good understanding of politics in America.
Top Evangelical TV Host Spends Entire Hour Blasting 'Seditious Jews', 'Lynching' Trump
The jews control the media and, with that tool, they are bring israeli battles to America.
The orthodox jews are anti-war and, support Trump
The secular jews are pro-war and, against Trump.
It's Time for a U.S.-Israel Defense Treaty
A Defense Treaty With Israel Would Be a Huge Mistake
A Mutual Defense Treaty With the United States
Proceed With Caution on a Defense Pact With Israel - WSJ
Remember, it was a mutual-defence treaty that got us into Viet Nam.
Merkel says NATO is 'more important' now than during Cold War... so forget ex arch-rival (Warsaw Pact) is gone
Three in Four Americans Support Foreign Military Interventions, Survey Finds
Question - Could the US Navy 'Unretire' Its Iowa-Class Battleships?
John Bolton - US National Security Commitments 'Under Attack From Within'
ABSOLUTELY, we need lots more wars and war spending.