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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Deep State USA govt criminals suppress and censer information warfare.


    • "Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity," Vigano began. "I write to you as an archbishop, as a successor of the Apostles, as the former apostolic nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the 'voice of one crying out in the desert' (John 1:23)."

      The archbishop said it's a historic moment in which "the forces of evil" are "aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of good."
      He cited attacks against "the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business."
      "Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021," wrote the archbishop. "For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic.


      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        "Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity," Vigano began. "I write to you as an archbishop, as a successor of the Apostles, as the former apostolic nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the 'voice of one crying out in the desert' (John 1:23)."

        The archbishop said it's a historic moment in which "the forces of evil" are "aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of good."
        He cited attacks against "the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business."
        "Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021," wrote the archbishop. "For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic.
        Yes Danny very good. The Bishop also says that mama mary is the savior of the world (PUKE)

        Listen to Andy from Italy talk about what this really means. many are sleeping while existence teeters on the brink, but we will not fail.


        • Andy from Italy talks a lot but, says little. You can't hop all around a subject and, cite various problems. You must organize your thoughts and, present a coherent idea.
          Here is a post from Armstrong on what is happening in Europe.

          "There was a very serious uprising in Florence during demos against the Corona measures as reported by DWN. The “police officers acted particularly brutally against the demonstrators. The officers also beat bystanders.”
          The people are chanting “We want to work. We are hungry”. The EU lockdowns have already seriously reduced the food supply and their new measures that everything has to be organic will drastically reduce the food supply, even more, fulfilling our model. Our Revolutionary model for Europe is right on target. The EU politicians are fully on board with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset."
          "The plan is taking shape that they know the present Keynesian-Economic Model is collapsing. They will be unable to fund themselves with borrowing and the recent sale of the EU bonds was an attempt to try our warning that the debt had to be consolidated if the Euro was ever going to be competitive with the dollar. But this is too little too late. The individual states still need to issue debt and the central bank must keep rolling what it already has purchased."
          The Great Reset is a scheme that tells the government to end all debt, public and private, thereby restoring Communism 3.0 claiming you will own nothing. All pensions will be replaced with Guaranteed Basic Income. They will simply print the money as needed ending private ownership. This is what the politicians are up to because they know the financial system is collapsing and it is taking socialism with it."
          Even Lenin distinguished Socialism from Communism and recognized that Socialism cannot work without a totalitarian state. This is the future they are trying to create which is why these lockdowns never end.

          Even Boris Johnson has reversed everything and is trying to prevent BREXIT. He too has reinstituted a full lockdown starting this week and refuses to say that it will not be extended cancelling Christmas as well. Our models on the civil war in Britain also turned up here in 2020. This can be as profound as the English Civil War (1642–1651). This runs straight into 2032 where it does not appear there will be a Britain still standing as we have known it."
          Meanwhile, the Dutch Parliament has just voted in favor of new legislation called the “corona law” which even will allow them to make masks mandatory. They can now enter and arrest people in their houses and they can arrest people for not keeping 1.5m distance. This is clearly a major effort in Europe to crush the economy into dust in hopes of rebuilding it Green at the direction of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab."

          10/31 Covid-19 reaction to close economies worse than pandemic itself – Jim Rogers

          From The Automatic Earth In early October, Nabarro also cautioned against lockdowns in an interview with the Spectator, saying, “we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus.” Perhaps the most jarring part of his warning was when he described the economic impact of imposing strict lockdowns. “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said."


          OK, so here we are. There is a huge push to bring in totalitarian control.
          Is this done for just the sake of control?
          Is this done primarily to reduce the population?


          • More from Armstrong;
            "Yes, it may be a Great Reset, but our computer shows they will NOT win and we are headed into the rising tide of civil unrest around the globe which is revolutions and the prospects of international war. I would certainly say that your prophecy stating that God will use Russia and China against the West is certainly plausible here given that these people are trying to overthrow Trump so they can use the power of the United States to force China and Russia to comply with their New Communist Green World Order."
            This is a bit of a stretch. Armstrong believes that China really isn't communist any more. You can't own land in China because it all belongs to the State.

            "Our computer clearly shows that they will lose. They will succeed in breaking up the West as we will see people rising up and even overthrowing their governments because of these lockdowns which Europe is once again imposing after they have already destroyed 1/3 of small businesses. They seem to be hell-bent on wiping out the remaining small businesses, impose their new Great Reset, end all-debts, and hand out Guaranteed Basic Income which will be at best a 70% level of a basic salary."
            Once again, Armstrong is stretching on the salary figure. He is correct in stating that the Great Reset is designed to quash all small business. The State can control a handful of mega corporations easier than it can "herd cats".

            "Our computer shows that this is NOT the end of the world, but indeed a Great Reset where nations will fall but this is more like the final battle against communism and these people who worship Marx."
            This is the conundrum of Widespread automation.

            So there is agreement among the main religions that the end of days or time awaits us. The computer agrees there is a great confrontation being thrust upon us as this Great Reset. I find it absurd for NEVER has anyone ever been able to force a single mind upon all of humanity. I cannot stress enough that what these people are doing is beyond all comprehension. They cannot force this agenda upon the entire world. The computer states plainly they will fail."

            What if failure is what they want? What if failure brings death?

            "Klaus Schwab has looked at the previous technological evolutions and he is trying to bring it about by crushing the current world economy into dust so he can be the brains behind rebuilding it."
            "None of the previous revolutions were ever organized nor were they directed from some central authority. Schwab is deliberately advocating lockdowns to destroy our economy, in that respect like Nero, so he can redesign it the way he thinks it should operate. He is using the World Economic Forum to direct governments to destroy their economies and create the world in the eyes of Schwab. He thinks he can force the collapse of society and create his Fourth Industrial Revolution which is why Big Tech is censoring free speech to be part of his agenda."


            • See i told you. The war is right in front of everyone and all they can do is think tanks or pop guns.
              The war is on the erosion of values, out with the old and hookwink the young. Not as long as the boomers are still here.

              meanwhile the people still wonder what is happening around them, duh Don't worry we won't fail you greenhorns.

              TRUMP 2020 Landslide thanks to the old fogies (Boomers)We are the anchor
              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-01-2020, 09:18 PM.


              • Armstrong;
                COMMENT (SCOTLAND): Hello Martin
                All I can say is God help us if Trump is not re-elected. It feels like humanity is on a knife-edge and if Biden becomes President then its game over. I'm in Scotland and would never have believed that the fate of humanity would lie in the hands of an American president!"
                REPLY: It is amazing all the emails coming in from around the world all praying for a Trump victory to stand up against these efforts to crush the economy and wipe out all small business which employs 70% of the civil workforce. This is their war of imposing Communism by sheer force. I fully understand for I see what is unfolding in Europe and Australia but Americans are oblivious to the real agenda. The American press will never tell them the truth and this thing that we can have Communism 3.0 with a high-end oligarchy to rule the great unwashed."
                Trump is so outnumbered it is scary
                It will be very interesting for even if Trump wins George, Florida, and North Carolina, they will not concede a Trump victory and they will drag this out tooth and nail.

                Zero Hedge;
                "As far as the media is concerned, President Donald Trump is already defeated, and the Democrats have secured control of the House and taken a majority of the Senate. God is in His Heaven, and the (Democratic) order in the United States has been restored."
                "A study released this week from MRC Newsbusters found, unsurprisingly, that while Trump received 92% negative coverage from ABC, CBS, and NBC nightly newscasts during the period of July 29th through October 20nd, 2020, Biden enjoyed 66% positive reporting."

                Scarborough brags - We'll censor Trump if he declares victory

                Biden Promises 'New Approach To Globalization' To Let International Community Decide US Econ Policy - Giving The US To World Communism

                Trump And Biden Camps At War Over Election Night Winner - Biden Camp Says 'Under No Scenario' Can President Trump Declare Victory

                Either way, this election will be biggest emotional blow that America has suffered in decade

                Leaked Zoom Calls Reveal Federal Workers Are Conspiring To Shut Down The White House And Disrupt The Federal Government

                Red Alert - Commucrats Collude With CIA To Launch Intel Op That ALTERS Voting Machine Results In PA And Other Swing States

                Trump plans to declare Victory On Nov 3 Evening if He Is Ahead - PA May Try To Delay Its Alleged Final Mail In Ballot Results For Days

                The Complete Election Cheat Sheet What Happens On And After November 3


                OK, the solution is obvious, buy more popcorn, Pepsi and bullets
                Last edited by Danny B; 11-03-2020, 04:56 AM. Reason: 1 more


                • Feeding the trolls.
                  "Not The Onion: Most Common Female Name For A Biden Voter Is "Karen"
                  "describes an overly interfering, obnoxious, self-entitled female who always tries to police other people’s behavior and ‘complain to the manager’.


                  • Trump will get to 286 electors


                    • Armstrong
                      "What they hate about Trump is the same thing they hated about Kennedy – reduce American presence in absurd wars. It was Kennedy who set off a gold panic in 1960 during the debate by saying to support the dollar it would be easy by closing offshore military bases"
                      Once again, the long arm of the CIA is disrupting another election.


                      • And the winner is;






                          • Mike King writes about the "sting operation".
                            Keep in mind that everything that has happened is quite predictable. Being predictable, the coup is open to be preventable. If not completely preventable, one would think that the damage is repairable. The unfolding fraud was completely necessary from the communist point of view. Reportedly, the Trump camp was not content to just repair the damage. "They" set a trap to devastate the plotters.


                            • Don't look,,, don't ask,,, don't tell.
                              Ages ago, the Dems were the "workers party".. It has been much more profitable being the bankers party. That is NOT working out for elections.


                              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                Don't look,,, don't ask,,, don't tell.
                                Ages ago, the Dems were the "workers party".. It has been much more profitable being the bankers party. That is NOT working out for elections.
                                True, masquerade party now. I use to be DEM because I thought drugs were okay.

