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Has our civilisation peaked?

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  • Has our civilisation peaked?

    This is something I have been thinking about. and here are the reasons why.

    1) The world is mad and totally uncivilised in terms of politics.
    2) Most people are incapable of having a conversation without getting nasty
    3) Literacy is on the decline and it would appear IQ is too
    4) The worlds fastest plane was built 70 years ago
    5) The worlds fastest air liner was decades ago
    6) We could go to the moon in the 60's but cant now, and we have lost the evidence.
    7) Antibiotics are failing
    8) They are creating Vaccines for mental conditions.
    9) People are loosing the ability to count.
    10) The media lies and cant be trusted.
    11) Corporations are psychopathic.

    and on and on

    Im sure you can think of many more and yes there are conspiracy theories for many of these but the fact remains we are less capable than we were before in all these fields.

    Yes I understand things have improved in the areas of miniaturisation microchips and surveillance tech but is that because of us, or is it because our machines are doing it?

    It is as though advancements stopped fifty or more years ago.

    Back in the 80's I am sure we could do anything they do today if we had the budgets they have now, and more.

    It may be that we are in decline, and for sure if there was an EMP weapon used that took out all computers vast amounts of knowledge will be lost. As each hard drive goes down now we loose not only data but real knowledge that had been stored on it.

    Again, has our civilisation peaked?

  • #2
    if you look at the solar output of the sun and the rise and fall of past civilizations, then every civilization on earth is at its end any time now


    • #3
      I would not say it is caused by sun cycles although that may turn out to be possible.

      To me it is because of small minded psychopathic oligarchs.


      • #4
        the sun cycles are linked because it sets the farm output
        my guess is that the small minded psychopathic oligarchs panic when there is not enough extra to tax everyone like they were doing before


        • #5
          These days its like a feeding frenzy.


          • #6

            We have reached peak jobs,, peak cheap oil,,,peak social cohesion,,,, peak wages,,, peak birth rate,,, peak marriage,,, peak morality.
            We are on our way to reaching peak debt,,, peak drug addiction,,,peak ocean pollution,,, peak corruption,,, peak police state,,, peak fresh water,,, peak pollinators,,,peak pesticide,,, peak herbicide,,, peak background radiation,,, peak taxes.
            And, most of then new music sucks.


            • #7
              we can read in history how a civilization rises and falls,
              here is my favorite account of that
              Medieval smokestacks: fossil fuels in pre-industrial times - LOW-TECH MAGAZINE
              so, knowing what is likely to happen, I have preemptively moved to the country side and am trying to start a farm.


              • #8

                Civilization has peaked. We are no longer very civilized.



