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about the Ferrocell (ferrolens)

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  • Yes Dyetalon,

    How come I do not see the Center Plane anywhere on the 3D Image?...But a Solid Bubble enclosing N-S?

    Your Ferrocell depicts clearly a center Division between both polarizations on the side view of a magnetic field (Right Image Projection).

    I know it seems like Ken's image...


    Let us first read the paper before we jump to conclusions...

    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Yes Dyetalon,

      How come I do not see the Center Plane anywhere on the 3D Image?...But a Solid Bubble enclosing N-S?

      Your Ferrocell depicts clearly a center Division between both polarizations on the side view of a magnetic field (Right Image Projection).

      I know it seems like Ken's image...

      This graphic does not show the 'twists', but is more of a shadow projection.
      Think Moebius vs hourglass- they have the same shape from the side.
      You will see where the cross-over region is on a moebius, but not the hourglass.
      That's the difference between pix Markgoul posted earlier and the one above.


      • Originally posted by Markoul View Post

        Let us first read the paper before we jump to conclusions...

        It's not my paper. I am a contributing author, tho.

        It will be part of a presentation at the 2018 International Magnetism conference in San Francisco.
        A collaborator of mine from Brazil is lecturing about the cell to a global audience.

        I'll see him there in July.
        (I'll be a 'fly on the wall' 'cause I'm not a real scientist).

        I'll post a link to the paper after the conference has ended.
        It's F'n sweet !


        • Magnetic flux coming out from the Bloch domain

          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Dear Markoul,

          The only reason I care about correcting your slight error(s)... is to make you understand for the best results of all your conclusions...therefore, your final paper.

          Ok...on your example: A "whirlpool" does suck from one end...BUT, Expels/Exhausts from the other "must" expels what was sucked right?

          A Tornado is a perfect example of a sucks from the bottom side on earth then exhaust on top spatial ends.

          A Magnetic Field Dipole is composed of Two small Tornadoes...Both suck from the center of the field to expel at each pole ends.

          Low Pressure, Low Magnetic Force is at Center of Magnet...while higher potential forces are located and distributed equally at each ends of the magnet...without any distinction for North or South.

          Wrong my friend...what the word "accretion" means to you?...increase or adding by adherence...

          Any "return" of any flow, whether in hydraulics or in Physics in general, are points of low pressures...then how come the poles of any magnet are the strongest potential of magnetic forces...while the center of any magnet is where the lowest forces are found?

          The Center Plane of a Magnetic Field is the very starting point, for the two linear, but opposed forces which expel spatially and centrifugally outwards into space.

          Take a look at the drawing is originally from K. Wheeler...but I can not find the it is not on his least the Edition I have..So, I reproduce it:

          Exactly the same way a Magnetic Field is formed....right from the very center of a coil>>> outwards, in opposite directions.

          It is kind of hard to understand this, since we make a line from one end to the center...but only the one that math offers dividing length in two...

          Now, imagine each "line" coming from center...spins then return back to its origin...the center...However, both spirals are spinning in the same exact direction...can you understand that?



          Dear Friend Ufopolitics,

          I agree, here is how the nature draws a line, thus bidirectional starting from the middle:

          Magnetic energy shown by the flux, is ejected (generated) simultaneously at the Bloch domain ground state of any dipole magnetic field into two opposite direction jets along the Bloch axis. The opposite jets yellow and blue each is circulating separately around each pole and the domain wall closing circuit.

          That's my take, of course I could be wrong on that.

          Kind Regards,

          Attached Files
          Last edited by Markoul; 05-28-2018, 05:27 PM.
          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


          • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
            Dear Friend Ufopolitics,

            I agree, here is how the nature draws a line, thus bidirectional starting from the middle:


            Magnetic energy shown by the flux, is ejected (generated) simultaneously at the Bloch domain ground state of any dipole magnetic field into two opposite direction jets along the Bloch axis. The opposite jets yellow and blue each is circulating separately around each pole and the domain wall closing circuit.

            That's my take, of course I could be wrong on that.

            Kind Regards,

            From a 'stringy' point of view, sure. That's how I envisioned it since I took that picture.
            Here's a recent paper you all may want to look at:



            • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
              Dear Friend Ufopolitics,

              I agree, here is how the nature draws a line, thus bidirectional starting from the middle:

              Magnetic energy shown by the flux, is ejected (generated) simultaneously at the Bloch domain ground state of any dipole magnetic field into two opposite direction jets along the Bloch axis. The opposite jets yellow and blue each is circulating separately around each pole and the domain wall closing circuit.

              That's my take, of course I could be wrong on that.

              Kind Regards,

              How about this below?

              I agree with your Left Upper Arrow (yellow) to the Right Lower one (blue) (Both Circled by Me in white on your picture)...but not with the others, coming out from center...if you notice -the ones which I agree with- they do align going towards center plane.


              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-28-2018, 06:58 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                How about this below?

                I agree with your Left Upper Arrow (yellow) to the Right Lower one (blue) (Both Circled by Me in white on your picture)...but not with the others, coming out from center...if you notice -the ones which I agree with- they do align going towards center plane.


                OOOH baby, we're getting closer, I can feel it!

                I've been staring at this image over 13 years and there is still lots of information to be gathered from it.

                Go back and look at a this pix without all the lines and arrows.
                Notice how the 'bands of light' seem to be indented on the right side but extruded on the left?

                That should give you some indication of where the 'pressures' are and which direction the 'arrows' should point.


                • A Hydraulic Pump Analogy...

                  Hello Markoul,

                  Ok, I will cite an Analogy with a Hydraulic Pump...a typical one..

                  It have an Outlet (High Pressure) and an Inlet (Low Pressure)...and can not have the two (Inlet + Outlet) in just one port, that is completely impossible!...As both flows will collapse by having opposite directions...can not say they will cancel out as they have different pressures.

                  Think of a Magnetic Field as a DUAL PUMP ASSEMBLY, stack one on top of the other, with Two Outlets at each opposite polarization (High Pressure) and Two Returns (Inlets) located at same Center of the Field.

                  Or Two Pumps joined by their two Inlets Ports at center of the assembly.

                  Both Poles DISCHARGE at same Center Plane.

                  We use Magnetic Interactions, whether in Motors or Generators; the poles ends of the magnetic field...and never the center or the "sides"...why?...because that is where Higher and Stronger Forces are.

                  Can not put it any simpler than that...


                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                    OOOH baby, we're getting closer, I can feel it!

                    I've been staring at this image over 13 years and there is still lots of information to be gathered from it.

                    Go back and look at a this pix without all the lines and arrows.
                    Notice how the 'bands of light' seem to be indented on the right side but extruded on the left?

                    That should give you some indication of where the 'pressures' are and which direction the 'arrows' should point.

                    Couldn't that be due to light source (small incandescent lamp) being "off center" related to camera capturing angle?

                    Just considering "possible human error" leading to wrong conceptions...

                    Edit: Notice left side of image (extruding light)...that bulb is partially showing a higher bright white glare...than left side?


                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-28-2018, 07:39 PM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • Let's talk about direction.
                      If magnetism follows the same patterns as other energies we measure, the path goes from inside to outside.
                      It's a property of things that spin.

                      Just because we don't know the source of a magnetic field, doesn't mean we can't measure or detect it's form, intensity and direction.

                      A couple of stellar examples:


                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by dyetalon; 05-28-2018, 07:40 PM.


                      • side view of a GALAXY


                        LOOK CLOSER


                        • Yep. Seems this stuff comes from within and has a natural dipolar nature.


                          • Happy to hear about Timm being represented and recognized in San Fransisco.
                            Also thanks Markoul for taking the time and showing the hologram. If it is only a representation it is a nice representation.

                            Crystals and electrical properties in making many things. Few traces of interference in natural crystals in most cases we find
                            natural magnetism effect that form dipoles really pressure. I see the quantum level contribution being spin without loss and
                            alignment being significant to a process that uses direction and density differences of neutral particles.

                            Comparative liquid crystals to SPM from 1953 on have advanced as an indicator in instrumentation pico, femto range.
                            It is difficult to learn outside corporate research lab. Hard to understand journals research or make sense of the patent claims and drawings.
                            Much reference to private lab terminology jargon used on ferro chemical engineers secrets like photo quality printing Xerox and Kodak hp ect.

                            The electrical component having relationship with crystal formation seen in nano ferro structures.
                            Also in meiosis and replication of DNA the crystals having almost an intelligent role in assembling complex helix structures.
                            Few traces of interference in natural crystals in most cases we find natural magnetism effect that form dipoles really pressure.
                            I see the quantum level contribution being spin without loss and alignment being significant to a process that uses direction and
                            density differences what happens at the central boundary is a conversion not a buzzsaw.

                            Last edited by mikrovolt; 05-29-2018, 07:36 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                              How about this below?

                              I agree with your Left Upper Arrow (yellow) to the Right Lower one (blue) (Both Circled by Me in white on your picture)...but not with the others, coming out from center...if you notice -the ones which I agree with- they do align going towards center plane.



                              Dear Ufopolitics,

                              Sorry for taking me so long to reply to your post.

                              I really like the flow of energy you overlayed in the image and had it actually considered it in the past the same as you depict there.

                              The thing is no one can say with certainty what the flux direction flow is, since this flow of energy is happening at superluminal speed I believe and we perceive it as a static field.

                              There is a thing actually we can experimentally do, this to record using a strong microscope or electronic microscope and a high speed camera the flow of nanoparticles at the exact time the external magnetic field is applied on the ferrocell to observe their initial direction flow.

                              Apart of these there are a couple of points we can say from observations with the ferrocell which DO NOT support your proposed directional flow of the flux of the field as you depicted.

                              These are:

                              1) Ferrocell is not showing any flow of flux along and in parallel the N-S axis of magnet inside the physical body bulk of the magnet. If that was true then we had to disregard the geometry shown by the ferrocell and return to the geometry shown by the iron fillings clasical experiment which indeed is showing lines (I don't say flux since I don't believe iron filings is showing flux really but only positions of poles) going straight inside the magnet body North to South or South to North, whatever you like.

                              Additional to what Ken says may I also add that nature and specially magnetism does not draw straight lines but curves.

                              It is my believe I submit that there is no any flux of magnetic energy inside the body of a magnet travelling along its N-S axis, except its Bloch domain wall from where magnetic energy or flux gets ejected in two opposite steams initially perpendicular to the N-S axis. From there all flux line trajectories curl and swirl outside of the body of the magnet in space around each pole and return through the pole center void entry point back to the Bloch wall, to make up the two familiar torus geometry fields of the magnet we observe with the ferrocell on the poles.

                              2) The fountain flow you propose in you drawing implies that the flux exits a pole and returns to the Bloch region with opposite directions splashing in the domain wall. I don't know if that would be the most energy efficient way nature would choose. That actually would disrupt the flow of energy on each pole I submit.

                              I don't know maybe I am wrong and you are right. It is an ongoing investigation.

                              Kind Regards,

                              Last edited by Markoul; 05-29-2018, 09:57 AM.
                              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                              • Go back and look at a this pix without all the lines and arrows.
                                Notice how the 'bands of light' seem to be indented on the right side but extruded on the left?

                                That should give you some indication of where the 'pressures' are and which direction the 'arrows' should point.

                                I see what you say but to be fare we can not disregard that the incandescent small lamp you have used is not exactly centered or the angle from which you took the photograph was not 90 degrees and therefore light source appears positioned more to the left side of the magnet. This makes the left side of the domain wall to appear more bright than the right side and is an inhibiting factor for your above conclusion.

                                Apart of the above I have said I agree with your intuition although I can not prove it conclusively.

                                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST

