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about the Ferrocell (ferrolens)

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  • What is happening to the actual poles of magnets when attracting or repelling

    Here is a video demonstration of how the poles (shown as black holes in the ferrocell) of the magnet dynamically and in real-time react on attract or repel mode which can NOT be shown by any other method (i.e. iron filings or modern magnetometer) :

    Showing clearly that poles of magnet expand in size when attracting and contracting (closing up) when repelling.

    No other method or device (except the magnetic viewer film) can show the geometrical shape and size of the pole itself and display dynamic information. All other methods show and measure only the sourounding flux and not the actual poles of the magnet.

    Therefore the ferrocell shows the complete field of the magnet including the poles. It is logical that poles expand in size when attracting trying to encompass the other pole and join whereas when repelling the poles are contracting and closing resisting the flux intake and joining.

    Even the third pole formed between the two repelling poles shown in Selfsimilarity's poster above can be explained by vortex dynamics.

    Everything suggests the vortex nature of magnetism. Period.

    There is nothing static in nature. Static magnetic field is only a static imprint of a dynamic and probably also superluminal process.

    Last edited by Markoul; 08-31-2018, 12:29 PM.
    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


    • Originally posted by Selfsimilarity View Post

      Guys, when I compare the image from ferrocell to what we know about electric and magnetic fields, it look like neither of them. Its the point inverse mirror image of electric fields aswell as of magnetic fields. Like "anti"-electromagnetic fields. Could this be right? What you guys think?


      Your are a bit confused I believe

      Instead this over thinking complicated "anti-electromagnetism" stuff you are referring to !!

      Why not just thinking more straight and unhooked from mainstream indoctrination and acknowledging the fact that there is something wrong with macroscopic ferromagnetic sensors (including iron filings method) for magnetic field imaging and measurements applications?

      There is actually a very good video made by Ufopolitics about this specific topic:

      You can access the important part from this time tag here

      He compares the attraction and repulsion patterns from all four methods, iron filings, magnetic viewer film, ferrocell and CRT and TURNS OUT ALL DISPLAYING ALTHOUGH DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES THE SAME PATERNS EXCEPT THE FU**ING IRON FILINGS SENSORS.

      Makes you wonder if there is something wrong with the classic iron filing fig(a) field image

      ... this goes also for the false dipolar interactions patterns shown by the iron filings on your poster above. Here is the CRT showing the same patterns for attraction and repulsion as with the ferrocell...seems to me that old grandpa iron filings is put in the corner... hahahahahaha!

      Attached Files
      Last edited by Markoul; 08-31-2018, 06:39 PM.
      MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
      MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
      BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


      • Hi Markoul,

        I almost agree. Im aware that iron filings does not show intermediate pression return in aquatorial axis as shown by ferrocell, crt and viewing film. But you miss a detail, there is a point-inversion visible in repulsive magnet setup seen through ferrocell (in the excact middle between the two repulsive magnets). This is not displayed by viewing film, nor CRT!

        For me this hints to not only is sine-wave cosine-wave type EM, there is also point-oscillatory EM, like a pulse, from center out back to center. Nature's standing wave


        • Originally posted by Selfsimilarity View Post
          Hi Markoul,

          I almost agree. Im aware that iron filings does not show intermediate pression return in aquatorial axis as shown by ferrocell, crt and viewing film. But you miss a detail, there is a point-inversion visible in repulsive magnet setup seen through ferrocell (in the excact middle between the two repulsive magnets). This is not displayed by viewing film, nor CRT!

          For me this hints to not only is sine-wave cosine-wave type EM, there is also point-oscillatory EM, like a pulse, from center out back to center. Nature's standing wave

          Hi SSML,

          Wrong when close enough and with the right distance of the two magnets from the screen and powerful magnets this is also displayed in the CRT.

          I will show you. I try to remember where i saw the video and post it here.

          However remember when a magnet is placed on its side on the crt the poles usually do not appear as a black disk, is not that sensitive as the ferrocell on that matter, the magnet must be fu**ing strong to get the same effect on that position on a crt specially to get the third black dot in the middle.
          Last edited by Markoul; 08-31-2018, 11:07 PM.
          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


          • Cool! Looking forward to the video
            So if we assume the magnetic field is understood incorrectly, missing the intermediate pressure mediation, do you think, for electric field, it looks the same? Because as you see in my slide, electric field and magnetic field have the same geometry with iron filings. As they are a conjugate, I would assume the electric field would require the same field geometry as the magnetic field seen through ferrocell.
            Is the geometry seen through CRT attributed to electron and not magnetism? Therefore misunderstood?

            Is there anyway to see the full electric field symmetry aswell? Timm was suggesting to use YAG particles to visualize the electric in a ferrocell. I wonder what the field symmetry would look like.

            Do you agree on the point-symmetry? The electromagnetic pulse? As I understand in the toroidal symmetry? Do you also think this toroidal pulse is the standing wave? Doesnt it make sense to think of standing wave as a pulse oscillation (oscillation between contraction and expansion), not a transverse electromagnetic wave?

            Sorry that I have so many questions^^



            • Originally posted by Selfsimilarity View Post
              Cool! Looking forward to the video
              So if we assume the magnetic field is understood incorrectly, missing the intermediate pressure mediation, do you think, for electric field, it looks the same? Because as you see in my slide, electric field and magnetic field have the same geometry with iron filings. As they are a conjugate, I would assume the electric field would require the same field geometry as the magnetic field seen through ferrocell.
              Is the geometry seen through CRT attributed to electron and not magnetism? Therefore misunderstood?

              Is there anyway to see the full electric field symmetry aswell? Timm was suggesting to use YAG particles to visualize the electric in a ferrocell. I wonder what the field symmetry would look like.

              Do you agree on the point-symmetry? The electromagnetic pulse? As I understand in the toroidal symmetry? Do you also think this toroidal pulse is the standing wave? Doesnt it make sense to think of standing wave as a pulse oscillation (oscillation between contraction and expansion), not a transverse electromagnetic wave?

              Sorry that I have so many questions^^

              Exactly. The field depicted by the ferrocell is the correct. Don't kill the messenger.

              This alone, electric field vectors matching the magnetic field vectors on static fields when theory says otherwise, is a strong indication that it is BS.

              Last edited by Markoul; 09-01-2018, 04:25 PM.
              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


              • Third pole of repelling magnets also shown on a crt

                Sorry, could't remember the video I mentioned previously. I found a second video that demonstrates this quite nicely.

                Magnetic dipolar attraction:

                Magnetic dipolar repulsion:

                Magnetic dipolar repulsion when same poles are brought very close:

                Note: Ellipsoid pattern changes to a circle due to condensation. Magnets are not strong enough to produce a black circle on the crt and in between the poles circlular pattern appears colored and much more magnified by the crt. In a ferrocell the circle appears much smaller and black due to the greater sensitivity and spatial resolution of the ferrocell.

                source video:


                Attached Files
                Last edited by Markoul; 09-03-2018, 07:01 PM.
                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                • Are magnetic fields modons?

                  A striking resemblance of the quantum field of the magnet shown by the ferrolens fig.1 with Modons [1] fig.2 (i.e. counter rotating joined side by side vortexes or whirlpools). A strong indication of the joined counter spin double vortex nature of dipole magnetism and that field of dipole magnet consists of two distinct (monopole) joined vortex fields (poles of magnet).

                  Fig.1 Quantum field of magnet as shown with the ferrolens.

                  Fig.2 Modons. Two distinct vortices whirlpools joined together at the middle. Striking resamblance with quantum field of magnet as shown in fig.1 previously.[1]

                  Video Demonstration of Modons:

                  Fig.3 Modons can transfer matter as magnetism does. The only fundamental difference in the geometry of Modons and quantum dipole magnetic field vortices is that Modons are joined side by side on the same plane whereas dipole magnetic vortices are joined through a common axis of rotation on their center as shown above.

                  Fig.4 A modon on a pool. Some food coloring is used to make visible the vortices (poles) joint (domain wall).

                  copyright©Emmanouil Markoulakis TEI of Crete 2018.


                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Markoul; 09-03-2018, 07:53 PM.
                  MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                  MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                  BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                  • Merging Modon - Maybe the secret for magnetic mopole field creation?

                    Notice the third vortice created as also shown on the ferrocell for opposite repulsing magnetic fields.

                    Notice also here the initial two vortices have the same spin direction not counter spin therefore initially repulsing but due the general circular movement of the water in the area are forced to merge resulting in a single vortex.

                    In my opinion the third black hole we see in a ferrocell when repulsing same polarity magnetic poles are approached, is a magnetic monopolar field.

                    Also maybe if someone can squeeze enough the Bloch domain wall (separation void between polar fields) the poles of a magnet will merge to one monopolar field.

                    But I don't know how much energy will be needed to achieve this.


                    Figure. Same polarity polar fields collide resulting to repulsion. A third pole is formed in the midpoint as shown in the ferrolens.

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Markoul; 09-06-2018, 09:56 PM.
                    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                    • square magnet vortex

                      What about my square vortex using 4 magnets with poles the same way. Iv been calling the thing in the middle of two similar poles a mono pole or conjoined pole and it acts like a pole in a Ferrophoto.




                      • These comparisons are very convincing.
                        But I think its realistically impossible to separate the north spins from the south spins. They are intertwined and co-dependent forces that can not exist alone. I believe each is required to create the effect we know as magnetism.
                        How could you have a force with only one point of origin and no where to go?

                        Ed Leedskalnin had a sensible way of explaining their co-dependence:
                        Last edited by dyetalon; 09-03-2018, 09:25 PM. Reason: accuracy


                        • Im leaving my youtub up but new posts will be on B eye T Chute


                          • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                            These comparisons are very convincing.
                            But I think its realistically impossible to separate the north spins from the south spins. They are intertwined and co-dependent forces that can not exist alone. I believe each is required to create the effect we know as magnetism.
                            How could you have a force with only one point of origin and no where to go?

                            Ed Leedskalnin had a sensible way of explaining their co-dependence:
                            Yes I tend to agree. Magnetism can be manifested in ordinary matter only as a dipole radiation. If you squezze the domain wall to much is like closing the door to magnetism.

                            However, there is another way for monopolar magnetic fields creation...
                            MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                            MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                            BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                            • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
                              Yes I tend to agree. Magnetism can be manifested in ordinary matter only as a dipole radiation. If you squezze the domain wall to much is like closing the door to magnetism.

                              However, there is another way for monopolar magnetic fields creation...
                              Field suppression is one way, but we're not really seeing a monopole. Using bismuth or a superparamagnetic material like our nanomagnetite will give the illusion of a monopole, but it's really 'folded back' into itself.
                              Every source requires a sink. You haven't gone anywhere until leave one place and go somewhere else. North must have South in order to exist in our reality.

                              Like time without space
                              Last edited by dyetalon; 09-04-2018, 01:33 PM.


                              • A vortex has one singularity thus one pole.
                                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST

