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about the Ferrocell (ferrolens)

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  • here is a collection of relevant research by a MIT Professor:


    specially this publication:

    Last edited by Markoul; 09-14-2018, 08:36 PM.
    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


    • here is video of Dr. Bush
      MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
      MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
      BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


      • Question

        Is the world “realistic” or quantum mechanical?


        • The analogue to the ferrocell but for sound!

          The analogue to the ferrocell but for sound! - I think this is kind of important to make a comparison with the ferrocell function and operation.

          Gymascope, it is using fluids to visualize sound rather than magnetism.



          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


          • It all becomes clear...

            It all becomes clear... - True form of magnetic fields shown by the ferrolens and their correlation with Maxwell EM Theory and Faraday's experimental observations
            (An outline analysis)

            Dear All,
            In response to my fellow researcher Eue Jeong notification, I quote:

            " According to Maxwell's equation, the magnetic flux has to be straight toward the opposite pole and not spiraling around on its way.
            I think this fact is the key discrepancy from the Ferrolens effect than what we normally expect from the magnetic flux profile.
            Could it be possible that Maxwell's equation is not a complete picture of the electromagnetic phenomenon as we know it?
            If Maxwell's equation needs to be modified, how should it look like?"
            To the above question we have also to remember that at the same time Maxwell developed his EM theory, he took into consideration the experimental findings of his friend Faraday. One of Faraday's experiment Maxwell saw was also the iron filings experiment.

            This gives me the perfect opportunity to clarify things about the field of the magnet shown by the ferrolens and latest findings and why it differentiates from the classical old Maxwell -Faraday view.

            I am currently investigating if the difference of the display on the superparamagnetic ferrolens of a dipole magnetic field and that obtained by ferromagnetic sensors instead, is due an intrinsic property of the sensor material used or its relative particle size or both and also the possibility of the field imprint we get in both cases not to be the actual undisturbed magnetic field of a magnet but an interference distortion pattern.

            There are experiments I can perform to come to a conclusion. Until now my outline findings are as following:
            It all becomes clear if you explain it with vortex hydrodynamics If you imagine a magnet as two counterspin (depending the observer relative position) back to back hyperbola vortices or else whirlpools. In the water pool picture, fig.1, we see this but with the two counterspin vortices to be side by side (see fig.1).

            The problem with macroscopic ferromagnetic sensors is analogues to that they are too deep in the water. (i.e. relative large saturation magnetization, large magnetic anisotropy, very low reluctance) which causes them to sense only the highest magnetic potential of the field namely the colored underwater tube in the the pool photo, fig.1. But they totally miss to align and show the surface vortices formed, two polar fields, on the surface of the field.
            The situation is analogues with if you throw some heavy bits in the pool (ferromagnetic sensors) they submerge and get caught by the submerged flow of the vortices and on the other hand if you throw some light material which floats on the pool surface, these get caught by the surface vortices.
            So we need a relative "light" magnetically sensor to imprint these polar vortices.

            The ferrolens superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles Fe3O4 are such a material.

            In other words for ferromagnetic iron filings for example used as field imaging sensors, these are really little compasses pole indicators/locators nothing more and unsuitable to imprint the actual vortex flux nature of a magnetic dipole field. Strictly speaking by a flux perspective these sensors are actually bridging (shortcircuiting) the two monopolar vortex fields together giving us a false imprint of the actual dynamic vortex flux of the field.

            As I said before the macroscopic (not nanoscale) ferro sensors in analogy to the water pool experiment, fig.1, are showing the general net gravitational suction force of the whirlpools on water but not the whirling, vortices of the field.

            Unfoortunately, all these years therefore we had a very basic and incomplete image of the true geometry and the actual mechanism taking place and dynamics involved of static magnetic fields.

            "It's like being on the sea and sucked in by a giant whirlpool, you feel the attraction force but you don't know what entity is causing it."

            Also adding, when the imaging sensor is very relative smaller (nanoscale) compared to the magnet size and area of its field, the individual nanoparticles can align more closely to individual flux lines which increases the spatial resolution of the obtained magnetic imprint of the field allowing us to observe more geometrical details. In contrast if the size of the sensor (μm and up) is relative close to the size of the magnet you loose resolution and the sensors behaves like a compass indicating the pole positions of the magnet and not really the flux of its magnetic field.

            Also this consistent 90 degrees vector difference between the ferrolens and iron fillings field imaging is also evident when the field of two attracting or repelling magnets is shown, see fig.2.

            What the ferrolens field imprint for dipole interactions is showing is perfectly consistent with vortex flow dynamics and actually is a proof of concept for the vortex nature of magnetism. (see fig.3, explaining magnetic attraction and repulsion as shown by the ferrolens using vortex dynamics)(must download the picture to see more clearly).

            Lastly some words, for the North to South vector direction convention shown in the classical field schematic of a dipole magnet. Physically by the new field vortex geometry observed by the the ferrolens this is false I submit. Both of the poles of a dipole permanent magnet pull in other ferromagnetic materials (non permanent magnets) and when approached to an other permanent magnet pole, attract or repel accordingly to their polarity namely polar vortex spin direction as explained in the previous picture fig.3.

            So vortex geometry vector field illustration will be like in fig.4.

            At the end in figure 5 attached a comparison of static dipole electric field vectors with classical static dipole magnetic field vectors is made in conjunction with the new quantum magnetic field view as shown by the ferrolens is illustrated and their hydrodynamic electric charge - magnetic polar field analogue in figure 6 attached.


            copyright©Emm Markoulakis TEI of Crete 2018
            Attached Files
            MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
            MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
            BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


            • WOW, I love the holographic water through vibration analogy to ferrocell !
              Its a very nice example how we could imagine the fractal toroidal electromagnetic standing wave. Not so much a sine/cosine wave, but a point oscillation


              • SSML,

                There are no standing waves in the ferrocell or other boundary conditions like the Gymascope. Static magnetism gets right through everything. The field you see in the ferrocell is the field you would see in free empty space.

                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                • Static magnetic fields have constructive and destructive wave patterns, which can be observed even with iron filings.
                  For ferrocell, its spin-waves.
                  As its "permanent" magnetism, i think there must be permanent waves, which only can be standing waves. At least this somewhat makes sense to me


                  • In the gymascope the sound was reflected from the cell edge walls back to the centre. In the ferrocell no magnetism is reflected but the curled field is extending indifinetely out to space. That's what I meant.

                    There is no interference between the centrifugal field lines of the vortices I believe, however the centripedal vortex field lines are both going and are angered at a singularity at the domain wall. Both vortices are holding on the domain wall. That is why
                    when you approach the pole from another magnet the domain wall gets shifted.

                    But this stuff is too advanced and we can only speculate right now.

                    You have definitely constructive and destructive interference of the centrifugal field lines nevertheless when you approach the poles of two magnets depending repulsion or attraction.
                    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                    • Amazing Brian Kerr!! First Time! Magnetic field of uncored coil with the ferrocell



                      Very important ! Please read description and comments on the video page!


                      Pole of coil (figure below).
                      Pole on the coil shown by the ferrocell. Flux lines of magnetic polar field seem to go straight into the ferrocell terminating on the black hole void at the center of the coil, pole of coil. This picture is unique since the ferrocell physically depicts the actual magnetic pole (black hole at center) of a no-core fitted d.c. current coil! Something the classical iron filings experiment (shown farther down in page) can not depict!!

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Markoul; 09-25-2018, 05:19 PM.
                      MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                      MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                      BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                      • EM,

                        I notice only one direction spin with coil in contrast to opposed spins with permanent magnet.
                        I have an idea what to conclude from this, but I wonder, what are your thoughts about it before I bias you with my opinion

                        Really really awsome to have permanent magnetism, electromagnetism (light, photons) and electric (electrons), all interacting with each other in one single experiment!!!!!!! <333

                        Last edited by Selfsimilarity; 09-25-2018, 05:31 PM.


                        • A first analysis of the above experiment

                          [VIDEO][/VIDEO]A first analysis of the above experiment

                          Brian I believe you really should cut the diameter of the coil at half using the same number of windings of your coil. This will compress the field of the coil and bring it closer to the ferrocell when the coil is placed at the upright position which is the most interesting view for this experiment for viewing if there is a dielectric plane inside the field of a coil as we have with normal magnets (similar like placing a bar magnet sideways on the ferrocell) making the lines more visible.

                          Maybe after all you have to do these two holes on a ferrocel

                          As a first observation of what I could see, there was NO DIELECTRIC PLANE depicted on the ferrocell of the inner field of the coil, which is an astonishing fact since this is the first time ever a ferrocell to show more or less the same field pattern (side view) as iron filings did for the same experimental setup!!

                          But I keep a question mark until we get some more visible results. The field made visible when you inclined the coil because it came closer to the ferrocell. You have to reduce the diameter of the coil and zoom more with the camera on the field.

                          Notice that a magnet inside the coil will align its poles with the poles of the coil at its two ends. Meaning after you energized the coil, the north pole of the magnet will facing to the direction where the north pole of the coil is and the south pole of the magnet where the south pole end of the coil is. So it's different than than the case of two magnets left freely to be attracted they always will join with their opposite poles. Also the field of the magnet is too strong and therefore masks the field of the coil.

                          Also when you place the coil face down we see for the first time that which iron filings can never depict namely the black hole void at the center, the pole of the coil!

                          Again I repeat, this video is unique on the internet since IT IS THE FIRST VIDEO OF THE FIELD OF A D.C. COIL WITHOUT A FERROMAGNETIC CORE SHOWN BY A FERROCELL!!...




                          Initial experiment with iron filings for comparison.You can watch it from this time stamp if you like
                          Last edited by Markoul; 09-25-2018, 05:32 PM.
                          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                          • SSML,

                            We have to see more clearly first before we make conclusions.

                            MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                            MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                            BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                            • Need more Brians doing experiments around the world :O I need to organize a coil and powersupply for myself aswell


                              • Seeng magnetic polarity on the ferocell? Is that possible?

                                At 4:06 of video after Brian energizes the coil we see when magnet is placed with one of its poles on the ferrocell the flux lines are facing downwards into the ferrocell and when the magnet is placed on its other pole the flux lines are facing upwards towards the observer.

                                Thus another indication of the two counter toroidal polar separate fields of a magnet and that no flux lines are going directly from North to south pole of a magnet but instead flux lines are closing circuit between each pole of the magnet and its middle (Bloch domain wall of magnet.)

                                For the first time

                                we can see polarity of a magnet on the ferrocell when plaeced inside magnetic field of a coil!!? Is that possible?

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Markoul; 09-25-2018, 06:06 PM.
                                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST

