Originally posted by bistander
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I see, so in my model you suggest the pencil line is the magnet.
Well, I say the magnet factory made the pencil thus the magnet and the magnet draws the lines on the paper thus the magnetic field.
So now you are saying the lines (field) will stay there permanently thus the pencil (magnet) is not more necessary and can be disposed.
However, this in our case is not feasible since we know from experience that by the time the magnet vanishes so does its field. Therefore the field radiates out from the magnet and radiation means necessarily flow thus movement.
There is no such think like a static flow.
I believe these field lines are continuously drawn in space by the magnet otherelse the lines would remain fixed in space even when the magnet was moved or removed.
Fixed phenomena are incompatible with relativity theory. And this is not how nature works.