Thanks for the ideas Markoul. your right with the light source LED forming the lines, yet the toroidal geometry remains 
Just had another thought.
What if PI is the mathematical ratio of Bloch wall (circles diameter) to the holographic magnetic sphere (toroid)? PI is circumference divided by diameter at the end
Circle divided by "line/Bloch wall" whereas the line is actually 2 times radius, therefore diameter is actually two lines originating from a center in 180° phase
What if PHI/Fibonacci is the scaling law of such spheres, the sphere's relative to each other, their ratio, making the fundamental magnetic toroid visible to the naked eye? Many small spheres (electrons) create through alignment 1 big magnetic field? Many small vortecies forming 1 big hurricane
There is sphere's and vortecies on the makro, there must be sphere's and vortecies on the micro --> Toroidal dynamics, otherwise no vortex. We get higher geometries such as hexagons by overlaying 6 spheres (beautifully seen with soap bubbles), which should be correctly viewed as 6 overlaying/embedded toroids instead of spheres, as the sphere is included in the toroid. The sphere also lacks the point-connection through vortecies. The toroid doesnt. The fundamental pattern must be toroidal, not spherical

Just had another thought.
What if PI is the mathematical ratio of Bloch wall (circles diameter) to the holographic magnetic sphere (toroid)? PI is circumference divided by diameter at the end

What if PHI/Fibonacci is the scaling law of such spheres, the sphere's relative to each other, their ratio, making the fundamental magnetic toroid visible to the naked eye? Many small spheres (electrons) create through alignment 1 big magnetic field? Many small vortecies forming 1 big hurricane
There is sphere's and vortecies on the makro, there must be sphere's and vortecies on the micro --> Toroidal dynamics, otherwise no vortex. We get higher geometries such as hexagons by overlaying 6 spheres (beautifully seen with soap bubbles), which should be correctly viewed as 6 overlaying/embedded toroids instead of spheres, as the sphere is included in the toroid. The sphere also lacks the point-connection through vortecies. The toroid doesnt. The fundamental pattern must be toroidal, not spherical