Originally posted by Iamnuts
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I'm really jumping the gun here, but wtf:
I've developed a new fluid mixture. It's worse drawback is it has a short life-span (only a week or so). The mix is so thin, It's experiencing evaporation regardless of what type of sealant I use. So its time for a new vacuum pump and chamber. Gotta do some deep vacuum and see if that helps.
This new mix has such a wide frequency response (higher than blue, violet even ultraviolet) that I decided to see if I can 'guide' gamma rays like we can with light (and the old mix). I don't want to say too much here, because I'm writing a paper about this in hope of publication.
I will say that my gamma test chamber is almost finished. I just have to wait for a couple of dry days so I can fire up my outside furnace and melt the lead. Got the scintillator/pmt, gamma spectrometer, software and isotopes ready.
Nobody has ever 'guided' gamma rays with magnets. I'm going to attempt to do so using these new cells. If it works, I post some stuff here.
Wish me luck!