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about the Ferrocell (ferrolens)

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  • Thanks for the ideas Markoul. your right with the light source LED forming the lines, yet the toroidal geometry remains

    Just had another thought.

    What if PI is the mathematical ratio of Bloch wall (circles diameter) to the holographic magnetic sphere (toroid)? PI is circumference divided by diameter at the end Circle divided by "line/Bloch wall" whereas the line is actually 2 times radius, therefore diameter is actually two lines originating from a center in 180° phase

    What if PHI/Fibonacci is the scaling law of such spheres, the sphere's relative to each other, their ratio, making the fundamental magnetic toroid visible to the naked eye? Many small spheres (electrons) create through alignment 1 big magnetic field? Many small vortecies forming 1 big hurricane

    There is sphere's and vortecies on the makro, there must be sphere's and vortecies on the micro --> Toroidal dynamics, otherwise no vortex. We get higher geometries such as hexagons by overlaying 6 spheres (beautifully seen with soap bubbles), which should be correctly viewed as 6 overlaying/embedded toroids instead of spheres, as the sphere is included in the toroid. The sphere also lacks the point-connection through vortecies. The toroid doesnt. The fundamental pattern must be toroidal, not spherical
    Last edited by Selfsimilarity; 10-12-2018, 09:51 PM.


    • What particle is streaming inside the magnetic flux lines?

      Originally posted by Markoul View Post
      Here is the link with answers:

      The best respond from the above link is this one:

      I like this one more.

      ... Pernament magnets don't need any additional work, to generate magnetic fields. Opposite polarities are attracted to eachother, but they don't cancel eachother out - if you connect 2 magnets, they will work as a single magnet and the magnetic field will be stronger. Source of electric field is in the electric charge of a subatomic particle, while the source of magnetic field is in it's quantum spin. those are 2 different intrinsic properties of a particle and both are equally important...According to official science, atoms can generate magnetic fields, because of electrons, which move around the core, producing the magnetic field by induction. Problem is, that the concept of an electron, moving along an orbit, just like a planet around a star is completely wrong. Electrons create clouds, in which their position, velocity and quantum spin orientation remain in constant superposition and are not determined until measured - so there's absolutely no way for the electron cloud, to induce a determined and uniform magnetic field.And finally... No one actually knows, what might be a physical carrier for "virtual" field lines in space - and static fields can interact with eachother from a HUGE distance (thousands of light-years) - ...
      - Astral (age 33)
      So to answer your subject question:
      What particle is streaming inside the magnetic flux lines?

      None. There is no particle in a field line. There are actually no field lines. Just the field. An attempt is made to describe or visualize the field by talking about "virtual" field lines. And there is no flow in the static magnetic field of a PM.




      • Yep, space is holographic, no particles

        From point to Bloch wall (line) to sphere (toroid) is dimensional reduction/or expansion. Magnetic hologram (3D) & dimensionally reduced electric (2D)? Like shadow/hologram is a dimensional reduction.
        I think waves through bloch wall are longitudinal, instantaneous, waves through magnetic hologram are at the speed of light
        Last edited by Selfsimilarity; 10-12-2018, 10:16 PM.


        • Light accumulates towards bloch walls and circumference, just like ratio of diameter and circumference (mathematical PI)

          The magnetic bloch wall is the "sphere's" shared surfaces, the sphere's diameters
          Last edited by Selfsimilarity; 10-13-2018, 10:43 AM.


          • Originally posted by bistander View Post
            I like this one more.

            So to answer your subject question:
            What particle is streaming inside the magnetic flux lines?

            None. There is no particle in a field line. There are actually no field lines. Just the field. An attempt is made to describe or visualize the field by talking about "virtual" field lines. And there is no flow in the static magnetic field of a PM.


            On the contrary, this guy is talking about deformation of empty space.

            There is no such thing like empty space.

            I am talking of deformation of the aether medium that fills the space.

            Therefore magnetic lines of force or else flux lines (i.e. force lines are vectors tangent to every point of a flux line) are deformations or else waves on the omnipresent scalar aether field.

            So now what substance is the aether medium made up of?

            That is the question!!

            I believe from magnetic monopoles on an inert state which they call today as dark energy and dark matter or also vacuum energy. But that is just an hypothesis of mine.

            MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
            MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
            BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


            • Originally posted by Selfsimilarity View Post
              Thanks for the ideas Markoul. your right with the light source LED forming the lines, yet the toroidal geometry remains

              Just had another thought.

              What if PI is the mathematical ratio of Bloch wall (circles diameter) to the holographic magnetic sphere (toroid)? PI is circumference divided by diameter at the end Circle divided by "line/Bloch wall" whereas the line is actually 2 times radius, therefore diameter is actually two lines originating from a center in 180° phase

              What if PHI/Fibonacci is the scaling law of such spheres, the sphere's relative to each other, their ratio, making the fundamental magnetic toroid visible to the naked eye? Many small spheres (electrons) create through alignment 1 big magnetic field? Many small vortecies forming 1 big hurricane

              There is sphere's and vortecies on the makro, there must be sphere's and vortecies on the micro --> Toroidal dynamics, otherwise no vortex. We get higher geometries such as hexagons by overlaying 6 spheres (beautifully seen with soap bubbles), which should be correctly viewed as 6 overlaying/embedded toroids instead of spheres, as the sphere is included in the toroid. The sphere also lacks the point-connection through vortecies. The toroid doesnt. The fundamental pattern must be toroidal, not spherical
              Finding the exact mathematical relations of the geometry of the magnetic field observed by the ferrolens is a very difficult and somehow subjective task since we are not sure about the possible geometry distortion introduced by the ferrolens itself at the field. We can only approximate.

              And frankly it is not in my priority right now we have to understand more elementary physical things, I think that's a job more for a mathematician although I acknowledge the merits of such an analysis in explaining the geometry of matter in nature through magnetism.

              All I can say is that the most closely mathematical model I could find for describing the quantum field of the magnet we see with the ferrolens is the
              Riemann conjuncture and analytical continuation.


              See your self the analogy with the two distinct flux circuits of a dipole magnetic field as observed by the ferrolens:


              Last edited by Markoul; 10-13-2018, 12:28 PM.
              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


              • No Bloch domain wall formed when two repelling poles are forced together

                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                • Quote.

                  David Tong says:

                  The Heisenberg uncertainty relation means that a quantum field cannot sit still. Instead, it froths and boils, a bubbling soup of particles and anti-particles, constantly created and destroyed.

                  So I say that you can borrow from said field so long as you pay back quickly
                  Is that what we’re doing?


                  • Backflow.

                    Saskia Angenent says:

                    We have shown that backflow can always occur, even if a force is acting on the quantum particle while it travels. The backflow effect is the result of wave-particle duality and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, and it is already well understood in an idealised case of force-free motion."


                    • Insists.

                      One major point that Theoria Apophasis tries to convey and most people
                      don't seem to get is the concept of a field.
                      When you look into quantum you find that the field is the whole of space,
                      the magnet just perturbs said field.


                      • Unfortunately

                        Unfortunately Pinestone himself and Mike Palazzola seem to have lost interest.
                        What I'd like to know is the relationship of the chains to tbe magnet.
                        In one of Mike's brilliant microscope videos the chains, or parts of, follow
                        Mike's hand as he moves it round his microscope.
                        There seems to be two important facts to consider, one being C. and the
                        other perpendicularly.


                        • Like poles forced together shown by the ferrocell - No Bloch domain wall formed

                          Like poles forced together (glued) shown by the ferrocell - No Bloch domain wall formed at their joint


                          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                          • Excited

                            Looking forward to seeing where your investigations lead us to.
                            I feel that you have a good grasp of the basics which, in my opinion,
                            have to be respected.


                            • Circular concentric magnetized ring array under the ferrolens


                              Same field as a toroidal solenoid. No field inside or outside the ring.

                              Flux is confined only in between the 12 magnets forming the ring array. 24 Poles in total in a circle.

                              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                              • Attempting to make a ferrofluid

                                Just to get an appreciation for ferrofluid.

                                MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                                MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                                BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST

