Hello all...
I guess its going around again...or for me at least. Was there a post in here before about how to really hit the gas companies in the kisser and drop gass prices (i.e. not a one day gas fast)? I guess an ex Haliburton executive was caught saying how to really get prices down would be to stop buying from the # 1 and 2 (now just one) selling gas co..Exxon/Mobil until they are forced to bring their prices down. Then other companies would have to fallow. We'd have to stick to the boycott till we got the price we wanted...($1.50-1.75 a gal is whats proposed.)
The e-mail about it is giong around again but i guess my cut and paste skills need honing..cuz I cant get it to transfer into a post??? Anyone else already post it here? (or have it to post?)...Our town dosent have a Exxon/Mobil station. I wonder though, if they dont sell to or create sub-companies to sell for them? Dose anyone know or have a good link to a Gasoline buisness lineage??? The idea of putting a choke hold on one company makes sense to me if we really knew all its outlets. So this is my part of sending the info to 10 people....
Then again maybe all our growing LOA powers and Free energy creations will just make ALL the oil companies obsolete!
I guess its going around again...or for me at least. Was there a post in here before about how to really hit the gas companies in the kisser and drop gass prices (i.e. not a one day gas fast)? I guess an ex Haliburton executive was caught saying how to really get prices down would be to stop buying from the # 1 and 2 (now just one) selling gas co..Exxon/Mobil until they are forced to bring their prices down. Then other companies would have to fallow. We'd have to stick to the boycott till we got the price we wanted...($1.50-1.75 a gal is whats proposed.)
The e-mail about it is giong around again but i guess my cut and paste skills need honing..cuz I cant get it to transfer into a post??? Anyone else already post it here? (or have it to post?)...Our town dosent have a Exxon/Mobil station. I wonder though, if they dont sell to or create sub-companies to sell for them? Dose anyone know or have a good link to a Gasoline buisness lineage??? The idea of putting a choke hold on one company makes sense to me if we really knew all its outlets. So this is my part of sending the info to 10 people....

Then again maybe all our growing LOA powers and Free energy creations will just make ALL the oil companies obsolete!
