Hi Pamela, (of course ALL the forums here are important to me) 
Today was the heaviest downpouring thunderstorm I have seen in a long time but there is always the calm after the storm. I don't know much about all these rose bushes in my yard and have been wondering when they're supposed to start opening up and I guess all the rain/moisture really kicked them in and the very first one finally started to open!
So here is a rose for you and all the wonderful ladies here at Energetic Forum! Since I'm not an artist, these snapshots will have to do
I'm guessing they should be more open tomorrow.

Today was the heaviest downpouring thunderstorm I have seen in a long time but there is always the calm after the storm. I don't know much about all these rose bushes in my yard and have been wondering when they're supposed to start opening up and I guess all the rain/moisture really kicked them in and the very first one finally started to open!

So here is a rose for you and all the wonderful ladies here at Energetic Forum! Since I'm not an artist, these snapshots will have to do
