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  • #16

    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    What I like about Dannion is that he has contributed greatly to relieving the suffering of countless veterans. I understand the intentional and planned corruption against veterans as I was a military brat for 20 years and my first hand witness, I'll just leave it at that!!! Has influenced my life to this day and it drives me intensely!

    His views, based on 3 near death experiences...struck by lightening, having his brains fall out on the operating table, etc... and his experience of what he perceived during "death" influenced his mission. I don't necessarily believe his personal beliefs on religion and other spiritual matters...some I do, some I don't, but he is definitely an interesting person who has had a positive impact on countless people.
    Wow, what experiences.Sounds like 3 miracles to me. I will check him out.

    I also know how badly our vets. are mistreated. Been helping a retired paratrooper(21 yrs.) with shrapnel in both legs, numerous knife & bullet wounds, and ptsd. After 1 1/2 years we finally got V.A. to get him in an apt. and straighten out his medical records so he can get needed care, but they are still giving him only $23.00 per month in food stamps to live on and charging co-pays on lots of his med's. and hospital visits plus his having to go for various meetings and treatments with no help from them for transportation. He has also dealt with incompetent doctors, lying and/or lazy and incompetent case workers and burrocratic(not a misspelling) area managers. It's a #!%*XXXX national disgrace!!!



    • #17
      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      Hi Al,

      With your perspective on the bible, do you believe Genesis with the story of Adam and Eve to be:

      Literal - That family lineage exists literally up to Kind David and to Christ.

      Story - Merely a story to demonstrate certain teachings.

      Multiple Topology Teaching - It is both literal and also any divine writing will have truths on multiple topologies meaning that the story of Genesis and Adam and Eve has other meanings that go deeper than face value in addition to the face value.

      Something else - ??

      For example, Adam...literal translation? Man/Thinker/etc...? If that translation is true, are there possibly other meanings of these stories real or not that we're supposed to get besides any literal interpretation?
      Hi again AAron!

      They are multiple topology teaching, but you need to use sound rules for finding any other than the literal interpretation or story and use other scriptures to support it.

      Have you read any of the books on Bible codes? Rabbi's and bible scholars believed for centuries there were codes in the bible but the work by hand was nearly impossible. Using computers it is incredible what they are finding and where. These codes seem to support that there is much more in there than we ever dreamt. Grant Jefferies has some good books on recent discoveries.



      • #18
        Just laugh!!!

        Hehehe! I agree with Doug there! I am not religious too, I was more involved in eastern philosophy, but even with that knowledge there's a dogma too, I just pick up what I personally think what is useful for me. Hey, I don't want to debate and argue, not my style. I just want to have fun and contribute to this forum, no personal issues!

        Boys just wanna have fun too!


        • #19
          Okay and wow

          To all:
          Now I understand why posting a thread can be hazardous to your health. Maybe I should have tried a thread on Eldon slot cars. Now for something completely different.
          Once again, Hey Al,
          The friends that I talked to about religous beliefs, I haven't seen in over 25 years, and yes I do know about Jews for Christ, at least that is what it is called around here, in Houston. Haven't practiced Catholicism in over 35 years. I do believe in G-D, and Yeshua, say my prayers every night. That said,(I know, I use "that said," always before hammering time), I don't believe organised religion is in any way something that I can, or have benefitted from. Not to say religion doesn't help others, just not for me.
          I know that may seem like a double(?) standard, but this is my point: Why would anyone's interpretation of any writings be more accurate than mine, or anyone else's? Why is it the interpretations of writings, not only religous, but law, that makes one so right over another?
          And now to the meat of the subject. What I do not understand is the deification of hell, Yeshua, David, Satan, etal. Why do you, or anybody think that when a man writes a religous text, that somehow G-D wrote it?
          Think very carefully about your answer. You may want to rethink the idea of heaven, if it must contain hell. Great example, why is it that when superman appears, super criminals appear? Without hell there can be no heaven. I disregard that silly idea out of hand. There is only heaven, the lack of heaven(G-D's love), is hell only to those who rejectG-D's love. Therefore hell is not a place, it is an existance.
          If hell must exist as a place, then heaven must be its friend, so as to include hell in free will. I couldn't buy a god that did that.


          • #20

            Hey Doug,
            I am unfamiliar with this guy that "died" three times, but dead is dead, how is it that someone was dead,and came back to life? Dead is dead,not an ancillary term to describe those that are qualified to be dead by some doctor? Try some other method of descibing death, as opposed to brain waves,or breathing.
            Thanks for posting here, Hopefully we'll hear from you again! Sarcasm is the breath of all intelligent arguements. At least in my opinion.


            • #21

              To all,
              I was in a band, back around 1980. forget the exact year. We were playing on Memorial Day for a group of veterans at a Holiday Inn. I will never forget this day. All the men there each had a room reserved for their group, Or what have you, I apologise to any military people that know the difference. Well one of the vets seemed to have a room all to himself, there were plates and siverware for about 20 people. And he sat and ate all by his lonesome. I asked him later why he had a room all by himself. With no malice, he said he was the only one of his platoon to survive an attack. He asked me why I asked, and I said I wondered why he chose to dine alone. He said "I didn't".
              Nothing has stuck more in my heart and soul, than one vet's "I didn't"
              Another time I was working at this guy's house, turns out he was another vet, said thank you for serving, almost brought the guy to tears.
              Both are Vietnam vets. If you see a vet say thank you.


              • #22
                Adam and Eve

                Hey Aaron,
                Just to put my two cents in, Genesis, as far as Adam And Eve goes, is probably the most misunderstood part of the "bible". Or, the most misinterpreted. The Tree of Knowledge is where Eve ate the apple,then "coerced" Adam to eat of the same. Then G-D sent them out of Eden. So, if G-D is all knowing and all seeing wouldn't this G-D have stopped the temptation in the first place? Why not? Think of a better way to denigrate women? And if the "bad" thing coerced Adam and Eve, to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, what was "bad"?


                • #23
                  multiple meaning

                  Hi Al,

                  I believe in the multiple topologies too.

                  With the Bible Codes, yes, I have seen several variations of interpretations of what it is about and there seems to be some schools of thought on it that are more accurate than others in my opinion. Overall, the entire concept is utterly profound and blows my mind.

                  There are differences of course in future, present and past tense. Have you noticed any overall theme to the tenses used in the Old Testament and the New Testament?

                  With multiple topologies, there are multiple ways of looking at that too I think.

                  For example, without getting into the belief of what each thing actually represents Revelation, what I mean is that if someone that isn't familiar with analogies, parables, and allegories, someone I believe is supposed to envision dragons, etc... because that is appropriate for their level of understanding and fits the purpose just fine.

                  Someone that may have done deeper into the learning of what represents what, they may come to the understanding of the political meaning behind some things in Revelation that the beasts, etc... represent.

                  So, the same story has the same underlying meaning for 2 different people at the same time, yet both are essentially true.

                  A "litmus test" for me on what may be "of canon" or not or divinely inspired is that a certain "truth" will ring true at multiple levels at the same time.

                  If something only rings true on one level of understanding but not on other levels, then that to me, may be a sign that it isn't divinely inspired.

                  There will be things of course that are obviously at face value. But when it comes to the "mystery" of different things...that is usually when I feel and perceive in my own way, multiple topological meanings simultaneously and they are apply at the same time.

                  Muttdog - Genesis is one of my favorites and I won't go into my own beliefs on it right now, but am authentically interested in this overall subject and will look forward to where this conversation can go.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #24
                    Okay okay okay, Dan

                    Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                    Hey Doug,
                    I am unfamiliar with this guy that "died" three times, but dead is dead, how is it that someone was dead,and came back to life? Dead is dead,not an ancillary term to describe those that are qualified to be dead by some doctor? Try some other method of describing death, as opposed to brain waves,or breathing.
                    Thanks for posting here, Hopefully we'll hear from you again! Sarcasm is the breath of all intelligent arguments. At least in my opinion.
                    Dan!!! You're killing me with exact-a-mundo verbiage requirements!! saying he saw his body laying there as he was up above it watching the doctors... Is a lot to type 3 times! Get on his personal website from the original post and you can learn more about the situations... would saying he went through 3 body deaths be better?? Our soul continues on no matter what, even if Starbucks would run outta coffee, we're still going.
                    Yes, beware the sarcastic zingers, now and then
                    Thank You,
                    With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

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                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                      You authored a book? If so, start a new thread with the subject line as the exact title of the book.

                      Dannion is a friend of mine, I agree...very profound person.
                      You know Aaron,
                      I am starting to feel like I should write one with all I've experienced so far, hmmm....

                      That's pretty cool he's a friend of yours, he was a blast to listen to. No one was falling asleep in the audience!
                      With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                      Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                      • #26
                        Dead is dead

                        Hey Doug,
                        You said you liked sarcasm! Phooey on you. There is a difference between out of body experiences and a person that is actually dead. I have had a few out of body experiences. I am not even into transcendental meditation, however some of my friends were, so I knew what was happening. It was cool,but very freaky, looking down on yourself. You still feel your body, but feel an extreme lightness of being. Hasn't happened in 30 years, but I can still feel the sensation. And no, I didn't land on Pluto, see the Sphinx, or become Superman for a day.


                        • #27

                          Hey Aaron and Al:
                          I have heard of bible codes, but do not know the term topology, except how it applies to topography. Mathematical codes are present in any writing, if you are looking for them.


                          • #28

                            What I mean by topologies...maybe not the best term...but multiple layers of the same thing. Like the transparencies of geography or the human body. They're all the body, but one is bones, one is muscles, etc... or Roads, waterways, etc... Along those lines.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #29
                              Hey Dan.

                              The bible codes are els ( Equidistant letter spacing) codes, not math. codes, although they were first conclusively proven by Israeli mathematicians about 1990 using computers. A hard-nosed skeptical New York times journalist wrote the first book on them in 1997 after he was convinced they were real (The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin). If you want to check them out I suggest his book as it is the best I've seen in explanation and actual examples. What they are revealing is fantastic & I believe it's more proof that the Bible is the word of God.

                              Using the same method they have tested other books like "War and Peace". At that time they found about 17 phrases in W. & P. while finding over 1000 in the Bible (and have since found thousands more- no more for W. & P.) and the ones in the Bible appeared overlaid upon the scriptures relevant to that phrase, name, etc.



                              • #30
                                Yes, died and came back....

                                Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                                Hey Doug,
                                You said you liked sarcasm! Phooey on you. There is a difference between out of body experiences and a person that is actually dead. I have had a few out of body experiences. I am not even into transcendental meditation, however some of my friends were, so I knew what was happening. It was cool,but very freaky, looking down on yourself. You still feel your body, but feel an extreme lightness of being. Hasn't happened in 30 years, but I can still feel the sensation. And no, I didn't land on Pluto, see the Sphinx, or become Superman for a day.
                                Awesome Dan!!!
                                The outta body experiences or astral traveling is really something we all do (but no one tells us that so we don't know to remember). Sometimes waking up in the morning with a jolt is your astral body zipping back into the physical one in a hurry because you saw something that didn't agree with ya. It's pretty cool you've been able to remember your experience!!
                                Good old Dannion died... No signs of life for whatever minutes it was. He was in the afterlife realm and learned a lot of things he talks about in his books. So yeah, he died at the hospital, etc. You remember his viewing his life in the first post, right - the 360° view??? (I think they have surround sound now up there) Check out his website or the books.
                                With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                                Hear how here: Live the Energized Life

