Wow, what experiences.Sounds like 3 miracles to me. I will check him out.
I also know how badly our vets. are mistreated. Been helping a retired paratrooper(21 yrs.) with shrapnel in both legs, numerous knife & bullet wounds, and ptsd. After 1 1/2 years we finally got V.A. to get him in an apt. and straighten out his medical records so he can get needed care, but they are still giving him only $23.00 per month in food stamps to live on and charging co-pays on lots of his med's. and hospital visits plus his having to go for various meetings and treatments with no help from them for transportation. He has also dealt with incompetent doctors, lying and/or lazy and incompetent case workers and burrocratic(not a misspelling) area managers. It's a #!%*XXXX national disgrace!!!
Originally posted by Aaron
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I also know how badly our vets. are mistreated. Been helping a retired paratrooper(21 yrs.) with shrapnel in both legs, numerous knife & bullet wounds, and ptsd. After 1 1/2 years we finally got V.A. to get him in an apt. and straighten out his medical records so he can get needed care, but they are still giving him only $23.00 per month in food stamps to live on and charging co-pays on lots of his med's. and hospital visits plus his having to go for various meetings and treatments with no help from them for transportation. He has also dealt with incompetent doctors, lying and/or lazy and incompetent case workers and burrocratic(not a misspelling) area managers. It's a #!%*XXXX national disgrace!!!