Originally posted by Aaron
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I'm not quite sure what you mean by tenses in the Bible. Usually with very careful reading you can understand if the writer is talking about some current event, something in past history or something yet to come. Is that the kind of thing you mean? Revelation is particularly hard to follow as John jumps around a lot.
For example Rev. starts with John in prayer. He relates the messages from Jesus Christ to the 7 churches through chapter 3. Then in chapter 4 he sees the door in heaven and "in the spirit" again he is taken to Heaven. There is a time period between the 2 events but it is not expressed.
As far as topological interpretations I think you have the right idea. Most of the problem with various conflicting meanings comes from people not familiar enough with scriptures and that don't use sound methods of Biblical interpretation and/or they are not Christians.
You sometimes also have to take into account when the verses were written as in Revelation Chapter 9 when John describes the weapons and results of warfare. How else would you describe modern weapons (tanks, helicopters, missles, atomic bombs, etc.) to a 1st. or 2nd century person or anyone until the 20th century when these things were invented.
It also sounds like we have about the same "litmus test". To be more explicit, in my case I believe The Holy Spirit that lives in me and all true Christians helps to determine what is correct or true and what isn't. A quick example; when I read The K.J.Bible it "sings" to my spirit, but when I read, say, The Gnostic Gospels I felt only that I was reading another collection of man-made rubbish.
I also look forward to a discussion of Genesis. As to favorites I like Jack Hyles comment; "Just open it up , it's all good".