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My Apology

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  • #46
    Hi Val

    I keep meaning to say this, and I always plan to say it at the end of a post, but by then I always forget, so I'm going to say it right now before I forget again:

    Your Artwork is ABsolutley BRIlliant!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had a look at all of what you have on your page - the sculptures are Incredible and the photography mesmorising, interesting, emotive and Extremely Impressive!!!

    I've been wanting to say that since I first saw them!

    Okay, now to answer your last post:
    (By the way, if you'd like to use the quote option, copy and paste the text, then select it all, and then, just as you'd click on the B to bold it, click on the little page with writing on it - if you hover above it, it'll say "wrap quote tags around selected text")

    This has happened many many times. Earlier this summer I declared that I HAD GOTTEN SO HUNGRY I WOULD CRAWL THROUGH CACTUSTO GET FOOD. and I decided to change my life. I determined to try positive thinking, various stuff, and signed up for Paths. Just around then, the IBS pain got worse. And I have had it now for 5 months, half the time of agonizing torture. I became deflated. Why bother being positive when the next bad thing is going to crap all over me? I know you are going to tell me this is a perception, that "bad" stuff happens to us all, and perhaps it is, but I could site many instances in my life where I decided to change my life for the positive, and it was followed DIRECTLY by something bad.......often NOT of my own making, an EXTERNAL I developed the philosophy of laying low, and why bother, and be afraid.
    I know this experience VERY well - as you will know if you read my post "Rock Bottom"

    Here's what I know, having been through that experience for most of my life, and coming out the other end...

    The reason for the apparant cycle of everytime you try to change your life for the positive, you get "crapped on" - or as I put it at the time, every time I get up, I get slapped back down again - is because when you try to change something that's engrained that deeply, the programming causes things to swing the other way to get the balance back to the status quo.

    If you try to change a child's bedtime from 10pm to 8pm, he'll kick up a massive fuss. It'll take a few tantrums and dramas - and Unwaverying Consistancy - before he'll accept the new bedtime, and go to bed when you tell him to at 8pm.

    You have been programmed to treat yourself a certain way -and that carries across mentally, emotionally, physically, materially and spiritually. And the key point here, is that that programming is UNCONSCIOUS. It's in your cells, so you cannot reason it out, and it doesn't change through only conscious effort. Conscious effort is vital to get the changes started, but it takes Consistancy in Conscious Effort to get those changes in programming to soak through to the subconscious.

    When you are dealing with a ROOT Belief - which is the FOUNDATION of your very existance, you're dealing with Survival Beliefs. You have been programed to believe (as contradictory as it sounds to the conscious mind) that your very survival depends on your treating yourself the way you do. The reason this is possible is because the unconscious doesn't reason. It does as it's programed to do. So it doesn't matter that it's illogical to believe that your survival depends on treating yourself badly. If that's that program, that's the belief and that's what your existance is currently based on.

    So.... when you try to change a ROOT belief like that, your unconscious mind goes into survival mode and does whatever it takes to regain the status quo. In other words:

    * Root Belief = Survival is treating self badly
    * Changing Root Belief = Threat to Survival
    * Threat to Survival = emergency repsonse to protect Root Belief

    * Treating self well = Attempt to Change Root Belief
    * Treating self well is a threat, and the emergency response to counter it, is to create enough consequence to return to treating self badly, which is the Root Belief and is therefore "safe mode".

    I don't know if I've explained that well enough. It makes sense in my head lol, so I hope it makes sense in what I've written.

    My sister came up with a great analogy last night (she is the Queen of analogies! ) ...

    Imagine a family of deer. This family of deer is disfunctional due to something from generations back. This disfunction results in the belief that they are carnivores. They eat mice and other small rodents. They've adapted their behaviour and survival skills to include hunting small creatures, and they've become good enough at this to survive. They've developed hunting instincts over the generations, and when new deer are born, they're taught to survive by hunting small creatures and eating them.

    This generally works despite the fact that they're not the healthiest of deer, and don't live up to their full potential. They don't run as fast as they could, and they often get ill. They're also not happy, but they have no idea why.

    Then, one baby deer feels a compulsion to eat grass and leaves. And when she does, she feels blissful. She enjoys it so much she feels like she's in heaven.

    Her elders catch her in the act, and react with disgust and anger. "What's wrong with you!! How disgusting!! Grass makes you weak, we don't EVER want to catch you eating grass and leaves again! Eat meat like a REAL deer!!" The baby deer is shamed, she feels like she could crawl under a rock. The other deer in her herd look at her with such contempt. She will never attempt to eat grass or leaves again. Even though it made her so happy while she was eating them - the pain and shame she felt when she was caught are now forever connected to eating grass and leaves.

    As she grows, she feels guilt every time she feels that compulsion to eat grass and leaves, and she hates herself for it. There's definitely something seriously wrong with her. Every other deer in her herd take pride in hunting and eating meat, and yet, she secretly longs to graze. A shameful and terrible secret. Eventually she convinces herself that grass and leaves will poison her if she eats them. So she starts to feel ill at the thought of eating them. And yet, despite the fact that she follows the herd, she still feels a core devistating unhappiness. She also feels weak and fragile and ill. In fact, she feels the way she's been told grass and leaves would make her feel. And yet, she's not eating them. There MUST be something wrong with her. What's wrong with her, she's a complete disaster of a deer. Her elders were right, she's disgusting and there's no hope for her. And no matter what she tries, she can't get it right.

    And yet,...... from our perspective, we can see quite clearly who was right! How sad there's no-one to tell her.

    Treating yourself well and with love and kindness IS the right thing to do, it IS the natural instinct you were born with, but you have been programmed to supress it. That is Tragic. BUT, unlike the little deer in that story, You HAVE been told - by others as well as me - that that is the right instinct, and that the aversion to it that you feel is just the wrong programming. And so You HAVE the choice to go against your parents' programming.

    And when it seems that things go wrong when you try to change - that's the defense mechanism of the old programming. You have to just ride that wave, and go "I'm damned if I'm going to give up and go back to the status quo. I WILL keep treating myself well because that is the KEY, and the more things go wrong, the better I'll treat myself!" .... and the over-writing of the programming will begin. But if you keep giving up when the defense mechanism kicks in, you'll keep reverting back to the status quo. And you'll then be choosing to stay where you are, in the status quo.

    Think about some of the most successful people in the world. No-one experiences more failure than they do! Richard Branson, for example has had infinitely more failures and had more set-backs than you or I - because he's done more. And the only way to not fail, is to not try. And it is also the way to not succeed. And so, the trying and failing and trying and failing... is all part of the eventually succeeding. It's not a sign of "no point in trying".

    Understanding the defense mechanism, hopefully helps you to accept that there will be challenges. But even if those challenges a few months with you pushing through them, determined to consistantly treat yourself well come hell or high water.... surely that's still better than just sitting in the same place you are now.

    I don't know if any of this will help. I remember when I was where you are now emotionally and mentally, and I remember that a lot was said to me, and I read a lot.... and much of it didn't penetrate the hopelessness I was living. But something must have. Because, in putting it all together, I began to force myself to relax and I began to force myself to STOP doing what didn't feel good, and I began to Force myself to do things that felt good.... and I went through hell sometimes as my programming fought to the death to hang onto the Root Beliefs of survival..... but I refused to live like that any longer.... and eventually, as the new habits of treating myself with kindness started to take hold, the work that Paths was doing was able to break through, and I was able to start to see results.... and so, my Root Beliefs slowly changed.

    And, Val, I can GUARANTEE you, it's WORTH IT!

    Hmmmm... I've been told by the forum my post is too long again lol so I'm cutting it here, and will post the rest in the next post....

    Love and Light and Magic xxx
    Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
    Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
    Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


    • #47
      `I don't feel I am worthwhile. I take up air. I am not worth it.
      EVERYTHING you are suffering - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, the issues with your cat, the issues with the building and EVERYthing else - is rooted in this one belief. You may or may not believe that. And you may not be able to see how all of those things can be rooted in that belief, especially the building work and your cat, but I'm just giving you the information. It's up to you to focus on changing that one belief in order to see everything else resolve as a result... or to continue trying to address the symptoms.

      As I say, I know it's difficult, and the truth is that, having been where you are emotionally and mentally, I'm well aware that there's a very high chance that no matter what I suggest, you'll stay where you are anyway, but I figure it's worth it for me to give you all the information (and of course for others who read this) and then you are Empowered by that information - whether you recognise it or not - to decide to do or to not do, as you choose to play the game.

      To summerise my suggestions throughout this thread:

      * Write those letters to your parents. Re-read my posts on them for the reasons why, and for the answers to your objections.

      * Give yourself a break. Focus only on what feels good.

      * Pick at least one thing each day to do that you Love doing.

      * Watch your Paths every day and remind yourself that you can't see a broken leg mending until, mooooonths later, you can walk again - in the same way, you will see the results from the work Paths is doing, when the foundation work is complete. And the more you beat yourself up emotionally and mentally, the more you hinder the foundation work and the more you cause that delay, the longer it will be before you start to see visable results.

      * Drink Extra water, and get Extra sleep. I know you mentioned trouble sleeping. And what I mean by getting extra sleep is, when you're feeling overwhelmed or worried or whatever it is, try sleeping. If you can't get to sleep, distract yourself with something that feels good. But sleep whenever you CAN, not necessarily when you SHOULD (ie at night).

      * I don't believe in laziness. Laziness is just lack of excitement and motivation. If you were told you'd won the lottery, I doubt you'd still be "lazy" If money and time were no object, what would you do? If you won the lottery tonight, what would you do. If you were physically well, what would you do? Plan it. Another cure for "laziness" is to become so fed up with where you are, that you become Passionately Motivated to change it.

      So, I have given you all the information and tools that I know of, and now it is up to you to FIND a way to use them, or to choose to give in to automatic beliefs that you can't use them.

      Have a Fabulous day, and for God's sake, play some Chess! *

      Love and Light and Magic xxx

      * Lol, I've just seen your addition to your previous post, saying you played a game!! WELL DONE YOU . You may not be able to see the connection at the moment, but that doesn't matter, keep playing because it's fun and you enjoy it - and the rest will come Automatically. WELL DONE Val, for what you are doing, and it just takes little steps like that, one at a time, and if you're determined, and you keep going with the little steps, you'll one day look back and realise you've come further than you thought possible - and you'll keep going.
      Last edited by illusions; 10-24-2008, 05:39 PM.
      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


      • #48

        Question: If I believe that the Universe is inherently cruel, and that no matter how I try to improve my life, the Universe will dump on me and ruin it......AND I was raised by my parents to fear life because I WILL be dumped on, and I still believe that at 45 years can I believe change will happen or that I can be happy if cruelty will prevail? I think I have such trouble TRYING because I expect the above will happen, so it seems so impossible for me.
        I offer you a new beginning. <

        Everything that you manifest in your life is based on your beliefs.

        Your beliefs come from your upbringing, your environment, and your genetics.
        As you live your life… you have countless urges to follow your old historical path, but in each current moment… you select for future possibilities.

        If you say “I can’t beat my history, and this is my belief… you likely never will.” Or, you can think about where you have been, reflect and invent a new path. God gave you a mind, don’t let the historical body make you a slave to its limits.

        All things in life can
        be seen two ways.

        #1 < Beginnings
        #2 > Endings

        Ask youself as a way of life… How do I see this? The answer you give yourself will likely be your destiny. The world isn’t cruel, it just favors those who act accordingly.

        Everyday since your conception, you have created narratives about how your life must be. Each day you take steps to fulfill those narratives. If your narratives are always about the end… you will surely be contained by those extents.

        According to many... more learned than me, you only need to form thirteen narratives of human life. These narratives can form the foundation of your life. They are works in process (evolving) as you mature. Example Narrative: Health, Family, Spirituality and ten others. If you can craft these basic narratives, and commit to the discipline of living in them, you will open the possibility of a new future... new ideals that you will manifest brick by brick. Conversations of a radiant future... a beginning.

        Think, be and live <


        • #49

          Think, be and live <


          • #50

            Think, be and live <


            • #51

              Hi DavidE!! I truly appreciate your posting to me.........I will answer...Your quotes are not in bold....

              Everything that you manifest in your life is based on your beliefs.

              Yes, this is the Law of Attraction.

              #1 < Beginnings
              #2 > Endings

              Ask youself as a way of life… How do I see this? The answer you give yourself will likely be your destiny. The world isn’t cruel, it just favors those who act accordingly.

              DavidE.......even people who "act accordingly".......tragic things happen, bad things one is immune from these would you explain that? I ask in all seriousness....

              According to many... more learned than me, you only need to form thirteen narratives of human life. These narratives can form the foundation of your life. They are works in process (evolving) as you mature. Example Narrative: Health, Family, Spirituality and ten others. If you can craft these basic narratives, and commit to the discipline of living in them, you will open the possibility of a new future... new ideals that you will manifest brick by brick. Conversations of a radiant future... a beginning

              Well.........I have bad health, and I understand you are saying this can be changed, but I don't have any family, I have turned away from spirituality, I have tried it, and it I felt abandoned, so I get an immediate angry reaction to it......I don't know the others......
              You are correct about the building blocks of someone like me, who's core beliefs take root and continue. As I am talking to illusions about, everytime I feel I start a beginning, it falls apart. I looked into the law of attraction and it may very well be the way the universe works. I don't deny that......I just don't feel at all equipped at the moment to impliment it.

              I do appreciat your help, and you are very sweet to post. Thank you DavidE!

              Blessings and Peace to All --Val


              • #52

                Hi Odille,...........I tried to do the Quote thingee and it didn't work. Actually, I have a lot of technical problems with this forum, so I will still have to copy and paste..not a big deal.

                First, thank you so much for your kind words about my art. I haven't done it in a while, or nearly as much as I know my inner child wants to. And no, it isn't connected to my parents, becasue they actually thought I was talented and encouraged me to do it. (one of the very few things they liked).....I just have "issues" with doing art, which would take up a lot of room to describe. I don't know how to get myself doing it again. I would like to respond to your post. I so appreciate how you take the time and are so thoughtful about what you truly are an angel.

                Your quotes are in purple.

                First, I will look for your post "Rock Bottom....

                The reason for the apparant cycle of everytime you try to change your life for the positive, you get "crapped on" - or as I put it at the time, every time I get up, I get slapped back down again - is because when you try to change something that's engrained that deeply, the programming causes things to swing the other way to get the balance back to the status quo...........You have been programmed to treat yourself a certain way -and that carries across mentally, emotionally, physically, materially and spiritually. And the key point here, is that that programming is UNCONSCIOUS. It's in your cells, so you cannot reason it out, and it doesn't change through only conscious effort. Conscious effort is vital to get the changes started, but it takes Consistancy in Conscious Effort to get those changes in programming to soak through to the subconscious.

                Are you saying that EXTERNAL events are caused by ME on a SPIRITUAL and MATERIAL level???????

                Here is what happened, as just one example. I played the chess game last night. Today......the building people moved to a place where the noise was HORRIBLE. door, that apartment is being renovated, and I have lived with noise for 2 weeks, but today was the worst it has ever been. Now.....Of course I know the renovations and building work will end.... someday.....but the very DAY after I do something for myself, was a day of pure torture. It is now 2 hours after they stopped, and I have just stopped shaking, (you may say go outside, but I am to tired and have other health issues, plus I don't want to leave my cat alone all day with this, it scares her) and my poor cat!!!!! she hears so much more than I do, and she has become so upset over this. And this will continue, I am told, for several more weeks, if not more. 9 am - 5pm. The apartment vibrates, and my pictures on my walls are crooked.

       question about all this is......are you saying I caused this on a spiritual level???? This work was going to be done irregardless of me, it is the timing of the intensity of it after I did something for myself I question, based on what are saying...... What about my poor cat??? She didn't do anything, she doesn't deserve this, she is sooo upset, and I cannot change these events and they will be back on Monday, I am very worried about her. If I caused this on a spiritual and material level, that is actually scary, who knows what else I might manifest?? To me, this perpetuates the idea of a cruel universe!!!

                If I just got sick or I lost a job, or lost a lottery ticket, or broke my foot... etc........that I can see, but external events?

                * Treating self well is a threat, and the emergency response to counter it, is to create enough consequence to return to treating self badly, which is the Root Belief and is therefore "safe mode".

                Yes, I understand what you say about root beliefs, and I agree with that. But, what if the consequence is external, (I know I am repeating myself......)

                EVERYTHING you are suffering - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, the issues with your cat, the issues with the building and EVERYthing else - is rooted in this one belief. You may or may not believe that. And you may not be able to see how all of those things can be rooted in that belief, especially the building work and your cat, but I'm just giving you the information. It's up to you to focus on changing that one belief in order to see everything else resolve as a result... or to continue trying to address the symptoms.

                Again....... I don't understand about the building or my cat. Okay, I am repeating myself too much.........I do agree with you about the physical, mental, emotional......but this idea of spiritual is new to me.......I want to change my self esteem, which is why I hope Paths will help.

                * Write those letters to your parents. Re-read my posts on them for the reasons why, and for the answers to your objections.

                * Give yourself a break. Focus only on what feels good.

                * Pick at least one thing each day to do that you Love doing.

                I can try to do the last two, but the writing of the letters.......I have done that multiple times, and it never worked. My objections remain the same...... In fact, it made me feel worse EVERY time, not in the way I am getting stuff out, but made me more angry, and enraged........I need to confront my parents, and that can't be done. I know letter writing works for many people, but doesn't seem to work for me.

                Odille, I thank you so much for everything you have written me, I think you are out of ideas for me ........If you could address the spiritual and material that I seem to have repeated endlessly above, I would be grateful. That is new to me. I know there is only so much someone can tell someone else, and then you are repeating yourself. And don't want to take up your time........

                I really appreciate your insight, you are truly a brilliant person.

                PS.... I just looked at the thread about ROCK BOTTOM.......seems the thing that got you really started was Paths. Seems like Paths starts helping a lot of people pretty early on, within a few weeks, even people who have suffered life long stuff, like me. I have yet to feel ANYTHING, at almost 3 months..............I don't know if I believe in it anymore, or don't have reason to still be afraid of the powers that control everything, based on the above theory in this post. (make improvements, suffer bad things)

                Odille.....I am not asking you to answer this, you are probably very tired by now. That's okay. I understand.

                I am very glad you and everyone else here have been able to make such improvements. I wish you all much happiness.

                Last edited by VJoy; 10-25-2008, 02:22 AM.
                Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                • #53

                  DavidE.......even people who "act accordingly".......tragic things happen, bad things one is immune from these would you explain that? I ask in all seriousness....
                  -The world is perfect, humans are imperfect. Everything in existence is moving to one of two peaks, each a polar opposite. Human existence, awareness, existence, concentrations of meaning and purpose. The opposite being potential, stardust, any and all fractional essence disassociated from organization or form. So which do you choose to move toward... a cow, or a cow pie?

                  If you giggled, it is proof of the wondrous nature of two aware humans... intersecting with a shared thought. If you didn't, it probably means that you edge closer to the fresh steaming pile of potential. You can't beat the laws of the universe. You can influence the direction of travel.

                  Well.........I have bad health, and I understand you are saying this can be changed, but I don't have any family, I have turned away from spirituality, I have tried it, and it I felt abandoned, so I get an immediate angry reaction to it......I don't know the others......
                  You are correct about the building blocks of someone like me, who's core beliefs take root and continue. As I am talking to illusions about, everytime I feel I start a beginning, it falls apart. I looked into the law of attraction and it may very well be the way the universe works. I don't deny that......I just don't feel at all equipped at the moment to impliment it.
                  "I have bad health." -I am sorry you are afflicted, but I have proof that you are very alive. You can choose to celebrate life, or hasten your departure. It is called free will, it is your call to make... in each moment.

                  "I don't have any family." -I have not studied your situation, but consider family is nothing more than a declaration... then consistent practice in tolerance for diversity of opinions. If by choice or situation you have no blood family, consider adopting one. Become a valued member of a group that is rich in family values. Contribute, selflessly give to the families cause.

                  "everytime I feel I start a beginning, it falls apart" -The process of observing, shaping the world into meaning, is what produces snow men in the front yard each Winter. When you are older, this shaping goes on to relationships, and countless other things that naturally ebb and flow over the passage of time. Assemble-Disassemble. Existence-Potential. It is the natural way.

                  "I just don't feel at all equipped at the moment to impliment it." - Behaviorally we all go through many stages through the course of life. Birth-Adolescence-Adulthood-Transcendense. The stage we choose to act in has little to do with age in years, but more about a willingness to see/act in a wider range of concerns. At birth it is all new, all wonder. At adolescence, it is where the self obscures ones view of the larger world. Adulthood, an acceptance that imperfection is inevitable... the only chance of success comes from working together with others. Transcendence, a pure selfless giving to those at any of the other stages of development. A celebration of all creation.

                  With love in my heart... let me say you seem to choose adolescent positions for your views of life (a choice of behavior). Bad things may have happened to you earlier in life, but if so come to terms with whatever that is... step forward and be an example of a wider view. Begin... tumble, begin again...

                  If I met you on the street, I would pull you from the path of a speeding car and give my own life to save yours. You would say, "there it is again, tragedy. I say "no, I chose to give my life so that you may do it for another." I have complete faith that in that moment it would be transformational for you, and for me that is of sufficient purpose.

                  Yield to that which you cannot control. Consider inventing a glorious existence, as a sign of gratitude to the creator, who made your life possible at all.

                  Last edited by DavidE; 10-25-2008, 02:40 PM.


                  • #54
                    Are you saying that EXTERNAL events are caused by ME on a SPIRITUAL and MATERIAL level???????

                    There are many explanations for this, many of them based in belief and faith... but I know those won't wash with you.

                    So here's the Scientific explanation of how External occurnaces and material things are affected litterally by our emotions...
                    Listen to the following interview with Gregg Braden for details of Scientific Experiments that not only prove that external things are affected by our emotions and thoughts - but HOW!












                    The interview is devided into 11 short sections, which is why there are 11 links.

                    Listen to the full interview for the full proof.

                    Will continue below - post too long for system again.

                    Love and Light and Magic xxx
                    Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                    Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                    Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                    • #55
                      Here is what happened, as just one example. I played the chess game last night. Today......the building people moved to a place where the noise was HORRIBLE. door, that apartment is being renovated, and I have lived with noise for 2 weeks, but today was the worst it has ever been. Now.....Of course I know the renovations and building work will end.... someday.....but the very DAY after I do something for myself, was a day of pure torture. It is now 2 hours after they stopped, and I have just stopped shaking, (you may say go outside, but I am to tired and have other health issues, plus I don't want to leave my cat alone all day with this, it scares her) and my poor cat!!!!! she hears so much more than I do, and she has become so upset over this. And this will continue, I am told, for several more weeks, if not more. 9 am - 5pm. The apartment vibrates, and my pictures on my walls are crooked.
                      but the very DAY after I do something for myself, was a day of pure torture.
                      You have no idea how well I identify with this!! But let me assure you, from having been there and come out the other side - it IS a choice of perception, even though it doesn't seem like it. The fact is that when you're trying to turn self loathing and resentment into Self Respect, Love and Compassion, as I explained in my previous post, all hell can break loose first because your entire system is hanging onto the old patterns for dear life - under the delusion that it is protecting itself.

                      The best way I've found, to deal with this kind of thing is to say to yourself "Yes, maybe it is a case of 'The one day I do something for myself is followed by a day of pure torture!' but I get to choose whether I accept that or not. And I choose to not accept that. I CHOOSE to accept that it was just funny timing, and has no bearing at all on the fact that I'm doing something I love. I CHOOSE to be even kinder and more loving to myself because of this racket. In fact, the more disturbing this building work, the more stuff I'm going to do that I love, so THERE!"

                      And Whatever you CHOOSE, will come to be. If you choose to accept the scenario that it's every time you do something good for yourself, something goes wrong (a program you've learned from your parents - based on nothing more than their perception which became their experiences - no fact involved, pure perception) - then that is what it is, and it is what it will continue to be.

                      If, however, you CHOOSE to accept the scenario that there's a bit of "playin' up" from old patterns, and you choose to ignore it until it settles down, just focus on your mission - which is to do things you love, no matter WHAT is going on around you, and that it will all settle down as long as you keep treating yourself well... then THAT is what it is, and that is what will happen.

                      Val, it really comes down to just this:

                      You don't have control over whether there's building work going on, where, when and how long it goes on for.
                      You DO have a Choice over how you react to it. And that reaction will determine your experience and how you feel.

                      That's just a fact.

                      I'm not saying that if you pretend it's not happening it will go away. I'm saying that your response to it affects you in two ways:

                      It affects your immediate experience:
                      If I'm having to wait outside in the cold, and I'm not wearing a coat, I can choose to react in the following two ways (ignoring, for the purposes of clarity variations on these ways ):

                      1. I can shiver, really feeeeel the cold, repeating to myself just how cold it is; complain about being in the cold; get angry for having to wait in the cold; get angry that I left my coat at home, or that no-one told me I'd be waiting in the cold or I would have brought it; keep looking at my watch, getting progressively more angry as the time drags on and I get colder and colder.... and so on.

                      The result of this response will be:
                      The Sensation of Cold will be Piqued - I will feel every single icy moment - in technicolour! My senses will be particularly hightend to just how cold it is, and I will suffer much more - every freezing shivering moment will be crystal clear and unavoidable. The time will feel like it's going on foreeeeeeever.

                      2. I can allow myself to curse and complain for a moment. And I can acknowledge that it's really frustrating that I have to wait in the cold, and I can acknowledge that it's cold. And then.... I can Choose to take my focus Off the cold, and I can Choose to focus on something else. First, I can take a look around to see if there's a place that's out of the wind where I can stand or sit, if not, I can start thinking of warm and sunny places, I can start planning a trip I may never take, but it's fun to daydream about it and it lifts the spirits as well as the temperature; I can dance a little to keep warm, or jog to the end of the road and back; I can think of some funny things I've heard recently and laugh; I can sing; I can try and see how many red cars I can spot without a certain letter on their number plate... I can make up all sorts of games; if I have an ipod, I can listen to some music and jump to it to get warmer; if I have a cell phone, I can send texts or phone a friend for a chat..... and so on.

                      The result of this response will be:
                      I'll still feel cold - VERY cold... but nowhere NEAR as cold as I would if I chose response number 1.
                      Although none of this makes the weather any warmer, and it doesn't fast-forward time - it does make me less Sensitive to the cold and the wait. The physical activities can warm me up, but if I wasn't able to do those for some reason, then my mind alone can make the difference! Just what I Choose to focus on will make: the cold less biting, the time seem to go faster, the entire experience a LOT less excrutiating than if I had chosen response number 1.

                      If you can't physically change something right now, and you have to go through with it, then you might as well at least make it less traumatic.

                      Focusing on how bad it is makes it seem even worse.
                      Focusing on something else, even though it doesn't get rid of it, makes it less potent.

                      It affects your future experience:
                      I used to have a real issue with noisy neighbours. I realised one day that I was responding EXACTLY the way my mother always responded. I mean Exactly! And do you know, I kept finding myself in situations where I was inconvenieced by noisy neighbours. I remember one specific incident. I'd invited friends over for lunch one Sunday. And at 11am that Sunday morning, the man living next door to me (semi-detached house, so sharing walls!) started drilling and banging - he was having a new fireplace put in.

                      Well, I was Furious!! I stormed over there, and demanded to know why he had to do this on a Sunday! He was furious back and said he worked during the week, and Sunday was the only day he could do it. I said he could have let me know, even just put a note under my door, in which case I would have arranged to be out, and at least I wouldn't have invited friends over that day!.... and so on. It was a LOT of stress and frustration and indignation and drama.

                      And I realised that whenever there was banging or drilling from neighbours, my hackles rose and it was an instinctive reaction, to feel angry. And I began to realise that it was programming. I'd watched my mother react that way all my life, and without even realising it, that reaction had become programmed into me.

                      I decided that since I couldn't control the noise from the neighbours, I would focus on my own reaction. I started finding alternatives. Now there were times when there was no alternative - I couldn't go out - sometimes I was ill, or I had work to do. But I decided that focusing on the noise itself and all the emotions that went with it - how unfair it was, how trapped I was, how the timing was typical... and so on, I made the choice to practice detaching from it. And it was tricky at times, but again, focusing on the negative was still a worse experience than turning my attention to something else that's positive.

                      Now, it's amazing - I hardly ever hear noise. One of our next door neighbours has a little motorbike thing that is UNbelievably loud!! I mean really it sounds like it's in our living room. And sometimes they rev it in their yard - and I used to catch myself reacting automatically as I used to... and then I'd stop and CHOOSE to ignore it and to focus on something else. And do you know, I hardly ever hear it now. Either they use it when I'm not here, or they don't use it much, I don't know.

                      Funnily enough, this morning after I'd read your post and was thinking about this answer, I heard them start it up - at exactly that moment lol. But it didn't last long - I mean litterally just about five minutes and then it stopped.

                      So, the first way your choice of response affects you, is how you feel in the moment - whether you get the Full Unadulterated Experience, or whether you get a watered down version because you're not fully throwing yourself into it emotionally and instead, you're focusing on something else.

                      And the second way your choice of response affects you, is whether you continue to attract those kinds of experiences or not in the future. And I know you don't believe in the Law of Attraction, but have a listen to the interview above for the Scientific explanation of how this works.

                      The same for your cat. If there's nothing you can physically do to remove her from the noise, then it's about whether her experience is going to be the Full-blown drama or whether it's going to be watered down. And by that I mean, whether you are going to add to her distress with your reactions to the noise and your worry for her, or whether you're going to calmly stroke her and reassure her and pour love into her energetically instead of spurting out fury and frustration at the building work.

                      I can try to do the last two, but the writing of the letters.......I have done that multiple times, and it never worked. My objections remain the same...... In fact, it made me feel worse EVERY time, not in the way I am getting stuff out, but made me more angry, and enraged........I need to confront my parents, and that can't be done. I know letter writing works for many people, but doesn't seem to work for me.
                      Lol, it's Amazing how Everyone resists this letter-writing exercise! It is of course completely up to you. I know there's no point in trying to convince you. It took me 6 years before I finally took my sister's advice and did it properly - even though I knew how effective it had been for her. I had the same reasons as you do - and a few more. But of course you must do what feels good for you, and if you find that you can manage to be good to yourself without having to clear the anger by writing the letters, then that's great.

                      Oops - still too long - have to make it three posts....

                      Last edited by illusions; 10-25-2008, 08:55 PM.
                      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                      • #56
                        I just looked at the thread about ROCK BOTTOM.......seems the thing that got you really started was Paths. Seems like Paths starts helping a lot of people pretty early on, within a few weeks, even people who have suffered life long stuff, like me. I have yet to feel ANYTHING, at almost 3 months.
                        Here's the ONLY thing that is making the difference in time scale:

                        By the time I started Paths, I had already learned to be good to myself. I had already given up beating myself up emotionally and mentally and I had given up the guilt and feeling I had to struggle and work hard all the time. I had given up forcing myself to do things I didn't want to do. I had taken my sister's advice and I had STOPPED and I had spent a few months litterally just focusing on doing only what felt good.

                        By the time I wrote that post, I'd done all of that, which is why I was so frustrated that my financial situation hadn't changed much and I was still failing financially - BUT, the ground work had already been done for Paths. In other words, the patterns had begun to change - some of the CORE patterns of struggle and self deprication had already been cleared, I had already broken through to be able to Feeeel for the child I was. (For a very long time, one of the reasons I couldn't write those letters was because I couldn't feel sorry for the child I was. I felt tough. Eventually, the way I broke through that was when my sister asked me to imagine it was my son who was treated the way I was treated - that brought the feelings out and from there, I could look at a photo of me as a child and feel real compassion for that little girl - something I could never do before).

                        So a LOT of foundation work had already been done, and I was by that stage doing what felt good. This meant it was frustrating from the point of view that LOA didn't seem to be working for me, which is why that post has so much frustration and hopelessness in it - I WAS focusing on feeling good and yet I still seemed to be in the pattern of no matter what I did, I failed.

                        But, although it was frustrating that being good to myself didn't seem to be changing my financial patterns, it meant that I saw visable results from Paths from some modules much quicker because that work had already been done.

                        Like a house being built. If you've already completed the foundation, when the building company comes along, they may be able to get that house up much quicker than a plot where they have to start from scratch with the

                        I hope this makes sense.

                        Love and Light and Magic xxx
                        Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                        Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                        Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                        • #57

                          DavidE saysYield to that which you cannot control. Consider inventing a glorious existence, as a sign of gratitude to the creator, who made your life possible at all.

                          Dear DavidE....thank you very much, I must confess, I feel somewhat of a dunce here. , I do not understand everything you have written. But I think that the gist of what you are saying is, good and bad happen, polar opposites. Make the choice to live the best life we can. Am I correct?

                          The thing is, in the above quote from you in purple, which was the last thing you wrote, I don't feel any gratitude to the creator, and maybe I don't want this life??? ANY life???, ........I feel the creator is cruel to have created a world with such suffering. I don't know how to change that attitude. I wish I felt differently, but that kind of belief is not something that can be changed like we change moods or is ingrained in me from my experience and what I observe. I simply just don't get all the suffering.

                          I thank you for your kindness and your wanting to help me DavidE.

                          Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                          • #58

                            Dear Odille.....the links you provided all led to the same page that said

                            The URL contained a malformed video ID

                            But I AM aware of the work of Gregg Braden. If I am not mistaken, he says that we attract to us what we BELIEVE. He says, we must absolutely, totally believe what we want, and we will get it. He says the universe is like a mirror, and it reflects back to us what we put out. The problem I have with that is getting to the part of the completely believing. I have no idea how to get to that place. I heard a radio interview with him, and he was asked, how do people do this? His answer was too simplistic, I think. He said, well, once you know the truth of how it all works, you can just do it. That is almost impossible for someone like me and millions of other people, a HUGE leap that must be worked on for a while to get to that area, while for some, it may be easy. But yes, I know him a bit.[/B]
                            [B]It seems to me that some of what you say contradicts this theory? Why should my playing a chess game bring a bad result? According to Gregg Braden, it should bring more good. I do understand what you say about all hell braking loose and shifting and adjusting, etc.......does he say that? I honestly don't know....

                            And Whatever you CHOOSE, will come to be. If you choose to accept the scenario that it's every time you do something good for yourself, something goes wrong (a program you've learned from your parents - based on nothing more than their perception which became their experiences - no fact involved, pure perception) - then that is what it is, and it is what it will continue to be.

                            Okay, this is what I am talking about....changing that belief is HARD!!! I know you have gone through it, and I applaud you for it. You are a very strong woman. But I look at it, and my jaw drops in despair. I guess I don't see myself as strong and capable of this. Or deserving.

                            If, however, you CHOOSE to accept the scenario that there's a bit of "playin' up" from old patterns, and you choose to ignore it until it settles down, just focus on your mission - which is to do things you love, no matter WHAT is going on around you, and that it will all settle down as long as you keep treating yourself well... then THAT is what it is, and that is what will happen.

                            I understand.........I can TRY this.......

                            By the time I started Paths, I had already learned to be good to myself. I had already given up beating myself up emotionally and mentally and I had given up the guilt and feeling I had to struggle and work hard all the time. I had given up forcing myself to do things I didn't want to do. I had taken my sister's advice and I had STOPPED and I had spent a few months litterally just focusing on doing only what felt good.

                   this is troubling to me......not in that it helped you , but that maybe I have to do it BEFORE paths will work for me. And, I am having trouble doing it!!! I don't know how to give up the enormous guilt yet, or beating myself up, etc. But don't other people try paths and it starts helping them before they have done the kind of work you have done??? How do you know that paths did much for you, that you didn't do it yourself? I actually wondered for a while now if paths has a placebo affect on some people....No one has said anything to me that I have to build a foundation first before paths will help....nor have I read it anywhere.

                            And I understand what you are saying about the perception thing. How we choose to percieve something. I know that is how most people make their lives happier..........I can say I will try, but I am so consumed with all kinds of guilt.......An example.......I just realized within the last few days that I am FULL of guilt about my angel cat, whom I love dearly, and is the most sweet, loving, kind, gorgeous cat on the planet.........but it has been 7 years of grueling health/medical caretaking, and I don't want it anymore. But she isn't ready to go. And I would never, NEVER shorten her life because I am tired. It is like a person taking care of an aged family member, and it consumes so much of their day, they just start to go crazy. They love their family, but the caretaking takes it's toll........and I know that is very human to feel that, but I don't know how to deal with my feelings about the fact that I don't want to do the medical stuff anymore......the GUILT!!!! I love my baby..I feel horrible just saying this...and I do WANT my beautiful cat, but I don't want the burden of the medical caretaking anymore........but I am tired. I confessed this to hubby, and he told me he feels the same way sometimes, but doesn't let the guilt get to him much, because he reallizes he is human, and what I described about caretakers happens all the time. Doesn't mean he loves the cat any less, just is tired. So, even knowing this., I am having a hard time with the guilt. AND.......I am sure she picks up on THIS!!!! AND THAT BREAKS MY HEART BECAUSE I LOVE HER SO MUCH.....I feel like a run away train that can't stop though.......UGH!!

                            I understand the perception issue, but I still can't shake the feeling of a cruel universe, and I guess the ONLY control I feel I have left in a cruel universe is to remain ANGRY at it. Like the universe can't take that away from me.
                            I know it is completely stupid, because it only hurts ME, and the universe doesn't give a crap......but I am having a hard time letting go of that one last thing I can control regarding that. Also the fact that is scares me wittless..what will happen to me next?.......

                            I know you will tell me there are millions of other things I can control, which is true., but this issue about a cruel still in me. Even trying to equate stragegy vs. Luck = life.......well, luck to me sounds a lot like the cruel universe.

                            I really am trying to embrace what you say to me. I really, really am.....:

                            sorry if this sounded a bit disjointed, I am again drugged up tonight against the pain.

                            Thank you Odille.......

                            Last edited by VJoy; 10-26-2008, 01:07 AM.
                            Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                            • #59
                              Hello again Val

                     this is troubling to me......not in that it helped you , but that maybe I have to do it BEFORE paths will work for me. And, I am having trouble doing it!!! I don't know how to give up the enormous guilt yet, or beating myself up, etc. But don't other people try paths and it starts helping them before they have done the kind of work you have done??? How do you know that paths did much for you, that you didn't do it yourself? I actually wondered for a while now if paths has a placebo affect on some people....No one has said anything to me that I have to build a foundation first before paths will help....nor have I read it anywhere.
                              Okay, I need to clarify this:

                              Every person is unique in their experience, in their issues, and in the way their brain is wired. Every person has a unique need. Not every person will have experienced the same kind of childhood trauma, and even if they did, they wouldn't experience exactly the same damage.

                              Every person is in a unique state at any one time - a unique state of mind, and in a unique stage of healing.

                              Not everyone will need the same work done. There are 79 Paths modules, some will work faster for some people than others, simply because they're wired differently.

                              Paths goes in and gets on with the job, whether the person's done some work already or not, and regardless of what that work may be. But, when there is extreme damage, to the point where a person cannot bring themselves to feel any kindness towards themselves and consciously remains in the toxic beliefs they were programmed with, Paths will simply have MORE work to do before visable results are seen.

                              The example of the house building describes it perfectly. If I dug up the foundations on my plot, and started laying the new ones, and then I hired "Paths Builders" to come and build my house, it stands to reason the house building would take less time (especially since the foundations are what take the longest time!).

                              Let's say that you then want a new house, but you hadn't managed to prepare the foundations. You heard that they've done a great job on my house, so you hire "Paths Builders" to come and build the house for you. Now, just because they have to first put the foundations in, would that mean they're not working?? Would that mean the house will never be built??

                              You don't SEE the foundations of a house being built from the outside. So those little "Paths Builders" would be below the ground, working their pert Paths backsides off, and you would fire the company because you can't see the house yet? If you want them to hurry up, you could get in and help them - or at least take them a cup of tea (this would be Being Kind To Yourself and Doing Things You Love!!!! That's how you can help speed up the results!!!! Help those little builders by doing things you Love!!!)

                              You don't even have to change your beliefs. Just do something you Love Every Day, and watch your Paths Every Day. That's it.

                              But by continuing to make yourself suffer by refusing to do things that you enjoy, you are basically holding up the building work by kicking sand back into the foundations as the builders dig it out, and then feeling frustrated that they're not getting the job done faster. Now,they can work faster than you can kick sand, but it's going to Obviously take them MUCH longer if they have to keep undoing the damage you continue to do Every Day!

                              Love and Light and Magic xxx
                              Last edited by illusions; 10-26-2008, 08:48 AM.
                              Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                              Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                              Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                              • #60
                                Sorry about the problems with the links! Not sure what happened there.

                                I'm reposting them, and they should work now.

                                Val, this is not about Gregg Braden's beliefs or theories. He happens, in this interview, to talk about SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS that PROVE that our emotions affect matter outside ourselves, and HOW!!

                                Litterally how Human Emotion Changes the Physical Structure of Matter Outside that human. So, do listen to this interview, if you're really interested in finding out how this is possible.

                                Part One YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.1

                                Part Two YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.2

                                I've run out of time having typed the rest of this post before finding these links, so here are the first two - if you watch these, you'll see the other parts come up automatically on the right hand side.

                                I'm well aware that when a person is completely invested in their current negative belief system, they will defend it regardless of counter arguments, and as I've been saying all along, it really simply comes down to CHOICE. Not strength (no strength needed to make a Choice! just Determination and being fed up enough, and being Willing.)

                                If a person is floating in a river, in a boat with holes in it, and they're shouting out for help. And someone from the shore shouts to them, "You have to get out of the boat!" And they say "But I can't." and the person on the shore says "Of course you can. It may feel scary, but you either get out of the boat, and swim to shore, or you go down with the boat!" and the person in the boat says "But I can't swim!!" The person on the shore says "You don't have to swim. When you get out of the boat, just put your feet down. It's shallow enough to stand, and then you can wade to the shore." And the person in the boat is saying "But this boat is leaking and I can't get out of it and I don't know how to swim, and I've been told that if I get out of this boat I'll drown."

                                The person on the shore says "That's not true! I got out of my leaking boat, put my feet down, and waded to the shore, and look, here I am. Alive, dry and safe and Very happy!" And the person in the boat says "But you're stronger than I am!" and the person on the shore says "You don't need strength to get out of the boat and put your feet down. You just have to be fed up enough of being in the leaky boat, and then just swing your legs over the side!!" And the person in the boat says "But I can't. Because I can't believe that it's shallow enough to stand and I've been taught that I'll drown."

                                And the person on the shore says, look, you have a life jacket (Paths) put that on. Now, that will help to keep you afloat if the boat sinks with you in it, and you will eveeeeentually float to the shore, but it'll be much quicker if you put the life jacket on, climb out of the boat, put your feet down so that you're standing, and then slowly wade to shore. You don't have to swim, and you don't have to be strong. It's about whether you CHOOSE to give in to your brainwashing that if you get out of the leaking boat you'll drown ... or if you CHOOSE to put on the life jacket, get out of the leaking boat (or you're DEFINITELY going to drown!) put your feet down and wade to the shore! It's your choice!"

                                And then the person in the boat says, "But I can't because I can't change my beliefs...."

                                And then the person on the shore says, "Okay. Then it's your choice. I've told you I've done it. I've told you it doesn't take strength. I've told you exactly how to do it. I've told you it's as simple as putting on the Life Jacket, and making the Decision, and then simply swinging your feet over the side of the boat - whether you believe it's shallow enough or not - it's still better than sitting in the leaking boat feeling miserable and scared.... and if you still say you can't, then your Choice is to stay where you are regardless of what you say. Maybe that's the game you've chosen to play this time round. And that's okay. And I know that some other people in leaking boats have heard our conversation and I know that it's helped some of them who have then made the Choice to get out of their leaking boats - with or without a life-jacket - and they are wading through, on their way to shore. And it required no strength, only the Decision."

                                Hope this helps clarify.

                                Love and Light and Magic xxx
                                Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                                Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                                Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program

