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My Apology

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
    I had a look at the website and the cd you mention for Val. I've been working on forgiveness for quite a while. I've managed to forgive some of the lesser players in my life but there are a few "biggies" that I'm really struggling with. Ones that one minute I think I've forgiven them then the next realise I haven't. And two people who I haven't been able to forgive. I can do it with my head but no matter how hard I try there's more to do! Am just wondering what the difference is between that cd and say the Paths hopononono (probably not spellt at all right!)?

    I looked at the youtube thing - butterflies and dogs are two of my very favourite things ever so couldn't resist. Loved the pictures! Thanks
    Hi there Sunshine,
    The PATHS programs work much faster and with little time involved -- 3-4 mins a week. With the subliminals it takes longer. Ha, it is tough to remember the spelling (you don't type that every day) it's Ho 'oponopono. I really like that program and it did a nice job for me and even helped with an ex that I'm even doing business with these days! (we parted as friends) Between the two the cd took me from being very angry and fed up with all the shenanigans to being more normal and outgoing. Ho 'oponopono gave me an almost euphoric sense -- everything just looked better -- similar to the old "being in love" deal that you notice.

    Does that help? Yeah, those were great pics for the song.
    You're Welcome!
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    Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


    • #92
      Hi Guys, you have been so kind.

      I stopped writing because I figured you guys were sick of my "woe is me" attitude" Well, here is one more.

      I just found out that the pain I am experiencing is probably caused by my Endometriosis, and since I cannot tolerate any kind of hormone therapy, the end result is surgery to have a hysterectomy.

      I had surgery last year and never got over it mentally. The thought of a worse surgery is too much to bear.

      So it is not all "In my head"...I cannot face this pain, and I cannot face probable surgery in the next few months...............With so much physical suffering that is dominating my life, I really at this point don't feel any thing to live for .

      And paths is still not helping after 3 months. I wrote to them but they didn't answer me. So much for a placebo affect.

      Thanks, if I sound bitter, it is because I all drugged up against pain and trying to find something to live for. I come up with nothing.
      Blessings and Peace to All --Val


      • #93
        contacting PATHS

        Hi Val,

        If you write to the office, use info @ You should receive an answer the same day or the next day at the latest. If it is over a weekend, that is the only time it could take longer.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #94
          Hi Val,

          I so appreciate the energy that it took for you to post here on the forum and to get a feel for how you're doing!

          I get the sense that you're pretty scared about the surgery and that you are continuing to feel a lot of pain and that you would just like to be free from all of that pain and have some ease in your life.

          hmmm...Do the doctors feel that you will be freer from pain by having the hysterectomy?

          Love, Light and Hugs,


          • #95
            Aaron and Raindancer

            [/SIZE]Thank you Aaron and Raindancer,

            Aaron, This is the letter I sent twice, one last week, and one Monday.......


            I have been listening to PATHS for three months. I find no change, nothing at all, not even cog dis. I am getting enough aminos.

            I am very disappointed.......can you advise?

            Thank you

            Update:.....I just got an e-mail from paths, This is what I got...I take Hemp protien powder...which tells me I should quit Paths.....nothing can help me......

            Hi Val!

            We are sorry you have not been receiving the results you expected.

            PATHS has maintained which amino acid supplements provide the necessary tools for the Modules to work. These are Spirulina, E3Live and Zrii.

            You said that you cannot take any of these and we were hoping that you would find another supplement that would support the Modules, because not only would you experience the benefits, but we would have another optional source for others. It appears that your source does not support the Modules efficiently.

            Happiness and Health,

            I thought I would at least experience cog dis if it wasn't working, and I havent!!!!! It has been nothing!! I have no hope left.....

            All you guys find results and your lives improve, and it seems so easy.......apparently that won't happen for me. I am devastated.


            Raindancer, my GYN only suggested that she thought my bowel pain was caused by endometriosis (which I have). She isn't 100% sure. I am in peri-menopause, so it could just be that, but I can't tolerate any kind of hormones, I have tried. Hormones are a treatment for endometriosis... In two weeks I have an appointment with a specialist in endometrisis.

            I never, never got over my Post traumatic stress disorder from the last surger I had a year and a half ago, which was minor compared to this one. Even if they suggest surgery, it doesn't mean it will solve my problem, because hormones change in menopause, you know? I could go through the surgery and all that pure hell and it does nothing.

            I don't know, I can't stand this monthy bowel pain any more, and the thought of possible surgery is stuck in my head. I don't remember ever being so depressed, and I am in a constant state of panic attack, which is a HORRIBLE place to be...I feel like I am loosing it.

            I only wrote this because I know you all don't want to hear me complain, but to say it isn't all in my head.

            Why,. why would the Universe point me in the direction of something that helps so many people, that I NEED, and help so many people, and after 3 months of hoping, hoping, it doesn't work??????? How cruel is that??

            Last edited by VJoy; 11-19-2008, 01:31 AM.
            Blessings and Peace to All --Val


            • #96
              absolutely gobsmacked

              Hi Val,
              I am brand new here, today, and have just been wandering around the site generally for an hour or two and was just on my way out but had to stop and say something but to be honest I really don't know where to start!
              There are many here with far more, reading training and insight than me, but perhaps despite or maybe even because of that, just something I type may resonate with you and help ease your pain.
              1. Before you do anything else get onto Youtube and search "Simon's cat". As a cat lover if that does not make you laugh I will personally eat the contents of your cats litter tray. Laughter is good medicine. It will open your mind to good stuff. So go on do it. Now, not later. Off you go,THEN get back and read the rest....... (Good wasn't it?)
              2. Reading your posts was so like listening to my ex wife. J. suffered from clinical depression following the loss, very very late in pregnancy of our daughter which "naturally" she blamed herself for. She too read many books but struggled for any discernable progress year after year.
              3. I was divorced because she felt I deserved better. It bankrupted me and left me alone and miserable. She feels guilty about that too.
              4. The stress of this, the effect current economic climate on my "job" and my own stupidity lead to a heart attack and me "dying".
              Well I'm back!!! As you can see from my profile I have my own affinity with cats and choose to believe I am not limited to this one life either, fortunately.
              5. So far then I have been divorced from the one I love, bankrupted and dead.
              There are those worse off. They are really very very dead and just waiting for their bodies to catch up. Just before anyone falls off their hobbyhorse with righteous indignation I am NOT putting you in this category..............
              The good news is:
              1. Simon's cat still hurts my sawn apart chest when I laugh.
              2. J. Has improved. It has taken many many years but she kept going. She has a long way to go but she is choosing her direction.
              3. J & I still love each other very much. Money is replaceable.
              4. After my release from hospital last month J took me back in and looked after me until I was well enough last week to come home and look after myself and one of our sons. The other son lives with her. Complicated eh?
              5. You are still alive and whilst there is life there is hope. OK so yes, life can be a lady dog sometimes. If it was guaranteed milk and honey all the way, how boring would that be? Where could you find a sense of achievement?
              Now without getting into any deep metaphysical arguments just for now, if that's ok with everyone else, there might just be SOME things out there beyond our control (like other people for example) and that may well mean some very poooey things may happen in our lives. What you do have control over, whether you like it or not, is how you react............please think about that, very hard indeed. My gut reaction from a very long way away, never having spoken or messaged that you are INCREDIBLY strong.
              Huh? What? How does he reach THAT conclusion???
              You are clearly amongst a large number of deeply caring intelligent and persistent friends here, desperate to see you break the destructive cycle that you spin in. So boy do you have to be one tough cookie to fight them so hard for so long. I accept that may not be your conscious decision but there is clearly a thorn festering somewhere that you refuse to remove. Now as I said what that may is beyond me for now but what I am qualified to say is stick 2 fingers up at adversity and laugh in its face. If that's too tough then start with one finger!
              My own mistake, one of many obviously, is to have said "Yeah, ok, bring it on I can cope with any cr*p you throw at me." Now so far I have been right. But why ask for the cr*p to be thrown. NOT bright.
              Please now throw nice fluffy stuff, more money than bills, caring decent people etc etc (I got the 3rd one 48 hours after asking, you have had that for months / years.)
              Now I really must get on so in summary......
              You are strong. You haven't quit.
              You haven't lost. Don't quit.
              If you don't quit you CANNOT have lost. It's impossible! You may find a few more ways of not succeeding straight away, but you cannot have lost.
              and finally...Stop arguing!!! You can argue with gravity all you like but it wont go away, neither will your friends.
              The above is sent with love and tongue in cheek, where appropriate.
              Choose how you react.
              Love & Light


              • #97
                first things first

                Hi Val,

                Until your medical problems are addressed, I really believe
                you will be challenged to find anything that will help. I think
                it is clear it isn't that PATHS doesn't work for you, the
                pain will continue to work against anything that you do.

                I mentioned in the past that until your abdominal/digestive
                issues are resolved that it would be the same challenge.

                Now that you know where the pain is coming from, I think
                you are on the right path. Again, it isn't that PATHS
                doesn't work. It is very obvious to me that you are NOT
                hopeless. There IS not only hope, but a LOT of hope. You
                finally know where your pain is coming from and I think that
                is the most important step
                for you.

                Chronic physical pain holds such strong tensions in the
                mind that it is hard to do anything...difficult to read,
                think, study, learn, experience good moods, be optimistic,
                be kind to oneself or to be able to relax enough
                to be receptive to energetic healing and transformation.

                I think what you attracted yourself to was the most
                incredible group of people that you could have found
                to give you support and encouragement through this.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #98
                  you have enormous power over yourself and you destiny but the universe does not revolve around you, or me, Aaron, Doug, and ooo lets go out on a limb here, Mohammed, Jesus, Dalai Lama, Hilary's up to you to take control. There are lots of lovely Californians here. I am an a**hole British lawyer. Good news! I am being honest and not billing you for the usual $300 an hour because I care............. Tricky bit is how often you get pure gold for free................form a Lawyer!!! yeah, I know, breath wasted. Their loss. Hey ho. I am not now in suit, so as I said to my fellow by-passee very loudly in the supermarket today...............Hey Brian!!! How's it hanging? Didn't recognise you with your clothes on!!!
                  2 dead people have a giggle. Et toi?


                  • #99

                    I held off on commenting in the past, and should probably not comment now.

                    Ok, so I won't say all that I almost did. I will just say this.

                    Val, the TRUTH is that you have the cards you have. How you got them is irrelevant at this point in time. You have them.

                    I make the assumption that you are a human being.

                    In that you are a human being, YOU have choices. It does not matter if you feel you don't have choices. The TRUTH is that you do have choices.

                    Your life will proceed, for the most part, based on the choices you make.

                    The TRUTH is that many have given you good advice on choosing how you think and respond to things happening to you that are, for the moment, out of your control.

                    You say you can't do this, can't do that. This is NOT TRUE.

                    You can choose to be grateful for everything, You can choose to grow in your current tribulation. You can choose to view the glass as half full, or a quarter full. You can choose how to experience your current challenges...either as the world being cruel to you, or as a fantastic opportunity.

                    Don't tell me you can't. The TRUTH is that you can. The TRUTH is that you might not choose to do so, and if you don't it will only be your fault, not the universe's, or God's, or your parents. YOURS. Because of the choices you made.

                    Conversely, the TRUTH is that many have experienced challenges as difficult or more difficult than you, and they choose to view, think, believe, act on the TRUTH that all of life is a fantastic opportunity.

                    YOU, ALSO, Can Choose to build a New, Positive Identity for YourSelf. One that chooses to be thankful for EVERYTHING, one that chooses to seek answers on how to make the most of every opportunity-and then is grateful for the kind advice received and then chooses to act on it!

                    oops, ok I have a lot more to say, but I will close with-

                    Val, I wish you the VERY BEST in your Life, I pray you will seek the author of Love, and the Wisdom that created this wonderful universe.

                    You have the wonderful opportunity to be a Light in the darkness, and example of character and success!

                    "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
                    Helen Keller

                    Truth out.

