There is a game called "Countries." The game consists of subgames with names such as "U.S.A.," "France," "U.K.," "Australia," "China," etc. Each subgame has its own "territory," often bordered by rivers or seas, which is shown on a map with all the other "territories," to define the area of each subgame, so all players "know" which subgame they are playing.
The players have different pieces they move around. Some pieces are considered more important and more powerful than other pieces. The pieces are called names like "king," "queen," "emperor," "president," "prime minister," "senator," "representative," "secretary," "judge," "general," "captain," "governor," "attorney," "marshall," "sheriff," "policeman," "policewoman," "lawyer," "businessman," "businesswoman," "doctor," "soldier," "citizen," "employer," "employee," "taxpayer," "voter," "parent," "child," "teacher," "preacher," "journalist," "unemployee," "criminal," "illegal immigrant," etc.
The pieces considered to be most important (joined in associations called "governments," "monarchies," etc.) make up the rules of their games as they go along. The rules are called "laws." The "most important players" change the rules whenever they like. The scores of the games are kept with tokens called "money."
The boards on which the games are played have good squares, neutral squares, and bad squares. If a piece lands on a good square, the player might win a million tokens or get a promotion and exchange his or her piece for a more important piece. If a piece lands on a neutral square, the player just continues as usual. If a piece lands on a bad square, the player might get sick or die, or might have "money" tokens or "property" "seized" by the "most important players," or is locked up in "jail" by the "most important players." Sometimes when two pieces land on the same square, they form a union called "marriage" - this could be good, neutral, or bad.
The "most important players" compel the players with pieces called "children" to move them into squares called "schools," where the pieces are "educated" so they will learn that this game called "Countries" is the only game. The children of some subgames are also "taught" that their subgame is the best game in the world, and that other subgames are bad. Of course, they are also "educated" on how to play the game.
Sometimes the "most important players" organize their own subgame called "war." The purpose of this subgame is to destroy as many pieces as possible. When a player's piece is destroyed, the player is killed and buried. Sometimes these "war" games also involve taking over the subgame of others, so as to expand the "territory" of their own subgame.
The silly little game called "Countries" also has elements called "problems" that need to be "solved." These "problems" are called names like: "terrorism," "unemployment," "inflation," "depression," "drug addiction," "pollution," "crime," "suicide," etc.
Practically all humans have been "educated," throughout their lives, to believe that they must play the silly little game called "Countries," and its silly little subgames like "U.S.A.," "France," "U.K.," "Australia," "China," etc. And if they don't like their silly little game, they must change their silly little game, for example, by begging "the most important players" to change some of the rules of their silly little game.
Horror of horrors! Humans are "educated" to believe that their silly little game is real life. They have no idea that what they are doing is just playing a silly, arbitrary, optional game, and that they can play many other games if they wake up. Is it justified to ask whether practically all humans are like characters in an Alice-in-Wonderland dream who never wake up?
Free Sovereign Individuals "jump out" of the silly little game ("the system") to the maximum practical degree. They think and live freely. They create their own new games and make their own rules. Of course, there are "most important players" with guns and jails who try to force everyone else to play their silly little game. Free Sovereign Individuals apply freedom technology to safely play the games of their choice.
It is a principle of political propaganda that:
As Nietzsche wrote, "Everything the state says is a lie." This essay sets out to demonstrate that everything about the pretended "state" is a lie - including the pretended "state" itself. It is a gigantic fraud, a hoax, a nothing.
(I believe this is Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche , October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900)
There is a game called "Countries." The game consists of subgames with names such as "U.S.A.," "France," "U.K.," "Australia," "China," etc. Each subgame has its own "territory," often bordered by rivers or seas, which is shown on a map with all the other "territories," to define the area of each subgame, so all players "know" which subgame they are playing.
The players have different pieces they move around. Some pieces are considered more important and more powerful than other pieces. The pieces are called names like "king," "queen," "emperor," "president," "prime minister," "senator," "representative," "secretary," "judge," "general," "captain," "governor," "attorney," "marshall," "sheriff," "policeman," "policewoman," "lawyer," "businessman," "businesswoman," "doctor," "soldier," "citizen," "employer," "employee," "taxpayer," "voter," "parent," "child," "teacher," "preacher," "journalist," "unemployee," "criminal," "illegal immigrant," etc.
The pieces considered to be most important (joined in associations called "governments," "monarchies," etc.) make up the rules of their games as they go along. The rules are called "laws." The "most important players" change the rules whenever they like. The scores of the games are kept with tokens called "money."
The boards on which the games are played have good squares, neutral squares, and bad squares. If a piece lands on a good square, the player might win a million tokens or get a promotion and exchange his or her piece for a more important piece. If a piece lands on a neutral square, the player just continues as usual. If a piece lands on a bad square, the player might get sick or die, or might have "money" tokens or "property" "seized" by the "most important players," or is locked up in "jail" by the "most important players." Sometimes when two pieces land on the same square, they form a union called "marriage" - this could be good, neutral, or bad.
The "most important players" compel the players with pieces called "children" to move them into squares called "schools," where the pieces are "educated" so they will learn that this game called "Countries" is the only game. The children of some subgames are also "taught" that their subgame is the best game in the world, and that other subgames are bad. Of course, they are also "educated" on how to play the game.
Sometimes the "most important players" organize their own subgame called "war." The purpose of this subgame is to destroy as many pieces as possible. When a player's piece is destroyed, the player is killed and buried. Sometimes these "war" games also involve taking over the subgame of others, so as to expand the "territory" of their own subgame.
The silly little game called "Countries" also has elements called "problems" that need to be "solved." These "problems" are called names like: "terrorism," "unemployment," "inflation," "depression," "drug addiction," "pollution," "crime," "suicide," etc.
Practically all humans have been "educated," throughout their lives, to believe that they must play the silly little game called "Countries," and its silly little subgames like "U.S.A.," "France," "U.K.," "Australia," "China," etc. And if they don't like their silly little game, they must change their silly little game, for example, by begging "the most important players" to change some of the rules of their silly little game.
Horror of horrors! Humans are "educated" to believe that their silly little game is real life. They have no idea that what they are doing is just playing a silly, arbitrary, optional game, and that they can play many other games if they wake up. Is it justified to ask whether practically all humans are like characters in an Alice-in-Wonderland dream who never wake up?
Free Sovereign Individuals "jump out" of the silly little game ("the system") to the maximum practical degree. They think and live freely. They create their own new games and make their own rules. Of course, there are "most important players" with guns and jails who try to force everyone else to play their silly little game. Free Sovereign Individuals apply freedom technology to safely play the games of their choice.
It is a principle of political propaganda that:
As Nietzsche wrote, "Everything the state says is a lie." This essay sets out to demonstrate that everything about the pretended "state" is a lie - including the pretended "state" itself. It is a gigantic fraud, a hoax, a nothing.
(I believe this is Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche , October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900)
13th Amendment, was adopted on December 6, 1865
14th Amendment,was adopted on July 9, 1868
A sobering look at the Constitution. Suggested Reading!
Vol I: No Treason
Vol II: The Constitution
Vol III: The Constitution of no Authority
Source link
"There is not, in the Constitution, a syllable that implies that persons, born within the territorial limits of the United States, have allegiance imposed upon them on account of their birth in the country."
"The Constitution itself, uses no such word as "allegiance," "sovereignty," "loyalty," "subject," or any other term, such as is used by other governments, to signify the services, fidelity, obedience, or other duty, which the people are assumed to owe to their government, regardless of their own will in the matter. As the Constitution professes to rest wholly on consent, no one can owe allegiance, service, obedience, or any other duty to it, or to the government created by it, except with his own consent."
"There is not, in the Constitution, a syllable that implies that persons, born within the territorial limits of the United States, have allegiance imposed upon them on account of their birth in the country."
"The Constitution itself, uses no such word as "allegiance," "sovereignty," "loyalty," "subject," or any other term, such as is used by other governments, to signify the services, fidelity, obedience, or other duty, which the people are assumed to owe to their government, regardless of their own will in the matter. As the Constitution professes to rest wholly on consent, no one can owe allegiance, service, obedience, or any other duty to it, or to the government created by it, except with his own consent."
Eight Elements of the Spooner-Insight (Source link)
1. The pretended "U.S. constitution" has been a fraud and a hoax from the outset. It was never signed as a contract in any legal way by anyone. It never bound anyone. It was foisted on a naive, gullible, credulous populace.
2. Therefore, the pretended "United States of America" has been a fraud and a hoax from the outset. It is pure imagination or make-believe.
3. The pretended "government of the U.S.A." has no legal authority whatsoever. It is a hoax and a fraud in its entirety.
4. All the people claiming to be "presidents," "senators," "representatives," "secretaries," "judges," "generals," "ambassadors," etc. of the pretended "U.S.A." are liars and impostors, whether they realize it or not. They are hucksters and hoaxers.
5. The pretended "laws" of the pretended "U.S.A." are in reality no more than absurd noises and scribbles made by liars and impostors.
6. The same applies to all other pretended "states" and "countries" of the world. Their pretended "emperors," "kings," "queens," "prime ministers," etc. have all been liars and impostors all along. Likewise, all their pretended "laws" have in reality been no more than absurd noises and scribbles of liars and impostors.
7. The real rulers all along have been the major money lenders behind the scenes. The pretended "presidents," "senators," "representatives," "secretaries," "judges," "generals," "ambassadors," "emperors," "kings," "queens," "prime ministers," etc. are mostly pawns of the money lenders.
8. In reality the whole world is ruled by secret bands of money lenders, tyrants, robbers, and murderers.
1. The pretended "U.S. constitution" has been a fraud and a hoax from the outset. It was never signed as a contract in any legal way by anyone. It never bound anyone. It was foisted on a naive, gullible, credulous populace.
2. Therefore, the pretended "United States of America" has been a fraud and a hoax from the outset. It is pure imagination or make-believe.
3. The pretended "government of the U.S.A." has no legal authority whatsoever. It is a hoax and a fraud in its entirety.
4. All the people claiming to be "presidents," "senators," "representatives," "secretaries," "judges," "generals," "ambassadors," etc. of the pretended "U.S.A." are liars and impostors, whether they realize it or not. They are hucksters and hoaxers.
5. The pretended "laws" of the pretended "U.S.A." are in reality no more than absurd noises and scribbles made by liars and impostors.
6. The same applies to all other pretended "states" and "countries" of the world. Their pretended "emperors," "kings," "queens," "prime ministers," etc. have all been liars and impostors all along. Likewise, all their pretended "laws" have in reality been no more than absurd noises and scribbles of liars and impostors.
7. The real rulers all along have been the major money lenders behind the scenes. The pretended "presidents," "senators," "representatives," "secretaries," "judges," "generals," "ambassadors," "emperors," "kings," "queens," "prime ministers," etc. are mostly pawns of the money lenders.
8. In reality the whole world is ruled by secret bands of money lenders, tyrants, robbers, and murderers.

Remember to wear your special sunglasses !
