Hi all,
I know many people have different opinions on "torture", what is reasonable and you know it when you see it. There has been many photos and information on torture in the past months and the definition to some including myself seems the goal line has been moving. To some it appears listening to the "Partridge Family" loud for 24/7 could constitute a violation or incests put in your holding cell.
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During WW11 Franklin D. Roosevelt had all Japanese, Germans and Italians incarcerated in camps around the United States one was in Oregon at the "Portland Stockyards" where cattle and pigs were transfered, living in those same buildings with dirt floors, 99.9% of those were innocent having done nothing, was that torture?
What are your thoughts can we be going to far today in the definition of "torture" or not far enough, is this a political knee jerk reaction in todays conflicts and dangers we face or well founded, what should we do ??
I found these Photos depicting what to many could constitute torture to some not, these were taken possibly when the "Geneva Conventions" were in effect.

I know many people have different opinions on "torture", what is reasonable and you know it when you see it. There has been many photos and information on torture in the past months and the definition to some including myself seems the goal line has been moving. To some it appears listening to the "Partridge Family" loud for 24/7 could constitute a violation or incests put in your holding cell.
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During WW11 Franklin D. Roosevelt had all Japanese, Germans and Italians incarcerated in camps around the United States one was in Oregon at the "Portland Stockyards" where cattle and pigs were transfered, living in those same buildings with dirt floors, 99.9% of those were innocent having done nothing, was that torture?
What are your thoughts can we be going to far today in the definition of "torture" or not far enough, is this a political knee jerk reaction in todays conflicts and dangers we face or well founded, what should we do ??
I found these Photos depicting what to many could constitute torture to some not, these were taken possibly when the "Geneva Conventions" were in effect.
