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Obama Deception
This is an amazing video.
I encourage everyone (Obama fan or not) to watch it.
I first learned of these things when I watched Stan Meyers "colorado" videos on youtube. In those videos he talked about free energy and suppression, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and world government. He said free energy technology could diffuse the entire thing, and that is why there is such a resistance to it.
Amazing Video!
Originally posted by Joit View Post
There goes the hope down..
Don't give up hope unless you want to.
Admittedly I did not watch these, although I'm sure I've seen the content before.
Keep in mind Obama does not get total control of everything he'd like just bc he's president now.
When asked at a press conference what is the thing which has surprised him most in his presidency so far, he replied that everyone doesn't just fall in line and he's not able to just get everything done he wants to.
Btw that questioner was pretty hilarious he also asked what enchanted the president the most so far in his presidency and a serious of other verbs which the president answered brilliantly.
Think whatever your discretion tells you. I, for one, could not be happier with Obama
JessicaKeep your mind on the aether
Originally posted by future pather View PostThink whatever your discretion tells you. I, for one, could not be happier with Obama
Pammie !
Well I found the clip I mentioned and it was actually "humbled" that he was responding to like I described. Here it is, I think it is one of the funnier presidential press conference moments I've seen.
YouTube - Obama's Surprised, Troubled, Enchanted & Humbled Question During Press ConferenceKeep your mind on the aether
Those of you that are OBAMA fans, did you know the video is about Bush also, as was their previous video-ENDGAME.
Do you know why the mainstream news media (the same media that pronounced OBAMA as the savior) bombards the public with terrorism, murder, war, pandemics, & rape?
Can you answer the above question???
Originally posted by HMS-776 View PostThose of you that are OBAMA fans, did you know the video is about Bush also, as was their previous video-ENDGAME.
Do you know why the mainstream news media (the same media that pronounced OBAMA as the savior) bombards the public with terrorism, murder, war, pandemics, & rape?
Can you answer the above question???
The way I see it, those who want to keep fossil fuels in power have every reason to want us to hate Obama and not back him so I keep that in mind as well. Divide and concur is a known tactic that seems to work extremely well.
I believe in a spiritual test of whether I decide to keep my faith in good things, focus on good, and support things that seem good to me or whether I decide there's no use and become jaded and start doing wrong myself.
I don't mean to say I am better than others who see things differently, it's just what serves me best.
JessicaKeep your mind on the aether
Did you ever see the CNBC broadcast with Henry Kissinger? He was asked the question, what would define the Obama Adminsitritation, he said:
"He can give a new impotence to American Foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extradorinary around the world. I think his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America, in this period, when really a New World Order can be created, it's a great oppourtunity, it isin't just a crisis"
If you want to see the short clip yourself: (it starts at 2:00)
YouTube - Kissinger calls on Obama to create a New World Order
Does it not make you question? Here Henry Kissinger (of the Trilateral Commission) states that the president is to develop a strategy for America to and a New World Order???
Any country that cannot be defeated through strength of arms can just as well be defeated through control of it's monetary system!!!
Have you ever researched The Federal Reserve? Did you know that they are a privately owned corporation:
I'll just post a link to the short video clip, it's less than 1 minute, and worth your time to see & understand.
YouTube - Greenspan Admits Federal Reserve Is Above The Law and Answers To No One
So Greenspan's admitting the Federal Reserve is an indepent agency, not a government agency. And that no form of government can overrule the actions they take. I don't know about you but that reminds me of the following statement:
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. -Abraham Lincoln
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
-Thomas Jefferson
There is work toward a New World Order, I feel sad for my country and all the many people who will never believe it until it's too late. Our freedoms are under attack not by Obama, but by his leaders, People like David Rockefeller who started The Trilateral Commission, and in his own book "Memoirs" on page 405 stated:
"Some even believe we [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." [2] David Rockefeller's Memoirs
In answer to my first question:
“The media is corporately owned. Proof should be obvious to the individual as all they ever show is war, murder, hatred, terrorism, and rape. It's been proven that the makeup of the individual is such, that when they receive so much negatism, their emotions turn it off. This is done to prevent the masses from resisting major political, social, and economic changes they would not normally stand for.”
That's all I will say!Last edited by HMS-776; 06-12-2009, 01:58 PM.
Personally yes I have seen all that info before.
I still chose to focus on the positive and on constructive things that are happening and can happen.
Imo getting overwhelmed by conspiracy is debilitating. Who wins when that happens? Imo it's just a tool of anyone who wants to keep us powerless to feed us with all kinds of "facts" proving just how hopeless it is.
Yes I know there is evil and there are conspiracies. I see this across the board in people rich and poor.
However I chose to believe that good overcomes both of the above, at least in my life and my reality that is what I believe in. And the way I think that happens is by celebrating the things you see that you believe are good.
It's a law of attraction rule, appreciate the good and you will see more of it. Focus on how powerless you are and. . .well your wish is my command.
It's very easy to point fingers, accuse, and hate. Imo these are emotions others will play on to try to make you feel like you have no control over your life and to get you to waste your energy focusing on how evil someone else is rather than doing something constructive with your life. It's up to you how much you want to invest in that.
This is what discernment is about imo. Yes it's good to be informed but anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Does it ring true to your heart? Does it help you? These are questions one must answer on an individual basis. There is no right way and we are all a part of the web, navigating however we best see fit and in a way that works for us.
JessicaKeep your mind on the aether
I agree! You have a good way of looking at things.
I just hope that people will know what is going on, and pray our freedoms and our liberties will be protected, and those that were taken from us by the private banks will be restored to us one day soon!
There's always hope
There are over 6.5 billion people on this earth,we will always have choice ,different cultures and increased harmony,that's a formidable vibration to embrace,
phew for an elite few to have control of world finance, 125 billionaires controlling world finance, it don't figure up :}.
I watched the clips earlier this week and noticed the good questions don't get good replies from the persons who posted the video.I wondered about the G,Bush/Al.Gore campaign some years ago to,it never got a mention in the clip, remember all those re counts
that's the power of the individuals vote.
to the WOrlds people ~
See life every day~Believe in life everyday
Eternal Vigilance
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson
I believe in focusing on the positive as well and to be solution oriented. That is why I'm involved in the things that I'm involved in. I believe they're part of the solution.
However, being vigilant includes the fact that we should keep on eye on the inherently corrupt politicians regardless who they are or what they're doing. And paying attention to other possibilities is the only way we can be sure we keep out of trouble.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Eternal Vigilance!
Amen Aaron. All the congress folks are lawyers...
Thats part of the problem. Never met a attorney that could be trusted with a billing systemEternal Vigilance and like Regan said trust but Verify!
"But ye shall receive power..."
Acts 1:8
I had some Hope at beginning too, as he started.
But that are to much Points, what fits to well into the General Concept for total Control.
Indeed i did wonder, how it did come, that a Afro-American can be President.
I remember the Politic from USA before ~10 Years, where it didnt looks like, they want to involve Black Peoples into her System.
One of Obamas Cousin even is a dictatorial Leader at a small Country in Africa.
I hope, you did watch the Film complete.
Here is another small Part / 2 - The Obama Youth Corps Wave p2 - Uploaded by infowarsBerlin
A very good comparison at the End of the Film with ' The Wave'.
He want a Civil Defence ? Or he call the Martial Law? We have War ? War against Whom ? War, what Bush and his Helpers did start?
Beside, there are some Rumors, that Talibans even are only a sub organisation from the CIA.
It startet the same Way before 80 Years, with a Civil Defence for 'own security', what did get the totally Control over the Citizens sooner or later.
And if they cant reach her Target with an charismatic Leader, they will try it over the finance System or both.
Why do i have something deep back in my Mind, first, they did try it at Germany, next time, they will try it at the USA.
They should go away from this fraudulent monetary System fast as they can
and remove the unacceptable Laws like the Patriot Act(wich they can bend as they want now).
All his new Ministry is made from Clinton and Bush Peoples, and someone do wait for changes?
Or is it, because the Opinion is, black Peoples are allways Friends with all.
They do nothing at all, just turn the Screw deeper and deeper.
YouTube - High Quality Version: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?
Funny $ -> YouTube - U.S Dollar bills (5, 20,50,100) contains hidden pictures!Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.