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Obama Deception

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  • #46
    Obama is just trying to stop them from evading taxes
    Havent you seen the administration he assigned? There were a handful of democrats he promoted that were busted for not paying theyre own taxes..hell Obama made Timothy Geithner the "Secretary of the Treasury" while the man owed something like 50 grand in taxes. His story doesnt even match up with the one Obama gave as to how that happened. Its pure corruption.

    Heck even look at all the Czars obama has. What he has been doing is helping his buddies from back home using the tax payers money to get them pay checks.

    the United States is actually a corporation
    The only difference from all other coporations being, we decide who runs this one. Even if what you say about the loans being fraud is true, trying to bypass the lender would be like an inmate behind bars trying to walk home because he swears he's innocent. Even if its true, we're still inmates.

    Whats scarier than corporate corruption or healthcare corruption is national corruption. How can the USA ever pay off its debt from interest, to the Federal Reserve by paying them with the money that created the debt in the first place. Its not possible.


    • #47
      Blah, blah. . . .fear, blah, blah. . . .fear.

      Mental terrorism. . .
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #48
        I realize you like to look at the bright and positive side of live and that is good cause without that you will become a very miserable person.

        But there are some miserable and very evil people in the world and you need to be aware of them to prevent them from taking advantage of you. I would place the FRB right up there at the top. It is a private bank and not part of the government as many people have been led to believe. So why has a private institution been allowed to print our money and then charge us interest when they loan it back to us? Why did our congressmen relinquish the right for government to print its our money interest free?

        I do not look at Obama as being some savior or messiah as the MSM portrays him. To me he is no better the Bush, well ok he can read off a teleprompter and give a better speech, but other then that they are just two sides of the same coin. We are manipulated to only auguring over which one is better but never ever question the puppet masters who are actually pulling their strings.

        When you do read about these puppet masters, call them whatever you like, the illuminati, Bilderbergers, NWO group, etc. their stated goal is to make you a slave to their system.

        David Rockefeller, a consistent member of the Bilderberg steering committee and unabashed globalist, wrote in his memoir: “Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.”
        On March 5, 2005, during a Bilderberg meeting at the isolated Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt in Rottach-Egern in Germany, Rockefeller stated: “It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.

        So yes I think that is something to be fearful of and opposite it.


        • #49
          If you cant hold yourself back from saying "blah blah " after my posts, how about you dont comment at all? Spreading information is not mental terrorism. Dont throw a fit because you dont like what i said about obama.

          As mad scientist pointed out, these are powerful people. To ignore the truth and put yourself in a bubble is exactly what the FED wants. Politicans will always be puppets, that included bush and currently includes Obama. The title of a politican wont save them from assassinations. Society is the only thing more powerful than the elite, the day society as a whole demands an end to the private funding that no one has to account for, is the day it will happen.

          The government works for us, we dont work for them. Thats what we all need to tell our friends and family so people will wake up and Real change can occur. Change such as Abolishing the FED, no president will ever make that a priority unless society demands it.


          • #50
            All I'm saying is I choose not to live in fear whenever possible.

            Nadda, my "blah blah" comment had a point which is that I personally think attempts you have made in this thread to instill fear are not helpful.

            You have your ways I have mine. But I'll post when I damn want to, k?

            If you don't want to read it fine.
            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #51
              Its no use!

              If there were giving a Phd in conspiracy theories, I will definately be a candidate. I have a line by line rebuttal for all the posts here from 8 20.
              Yes of course, we have puppets as politicians but I will not be calling out names here because it just doesnt matter.
              Democrats and Republicans are from the same brass. There are just personal issues that get air time that we so can all riled up about it. Reading a piece of legistlation is harder than rocket science. Check out or of this country has no clue what is going on in Washington. Read about it all you want. You know nothing. If anything get this point straight in your heads and do not let it leave. Whenever there is widespread anger about an issue, they win. In anger, the powers that be always win. They know so! They know in anger, you will never get to them or ask the right questions.
              The thing is we do need a revolution that would sweep the world. However, when we replace the one we have, who will lead then? The system is complicated by design replacing it with new people will just corrupt them.
              We cannot fight them with words. They know what they are doing, before you know it they will tear you down by personal attacks killing off your followers. Guns will only take you so far.
              Just stay in perfect peace with your neighbor, bless the politicians and send them love
              Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


              • #52
                The point here is not so much to instill fear but to instill awareness of what is actually going on. Are you willing to take a mandatory flu vaccine? A vaccine that is already producing some very serious side effects? And if you refuse to take a vaccine that contains who knows what, are you willing to be arrested and taken to a “relocation camp”? Camps that just a few years ago no one would have even believed existed.

                Having a positive attitude is wonderful but being aware of what some in government are trying to do to you is also essential.

                [AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE]*

                *Some restrictions apply - void where prohibited.


                • #53
                  Sorry Mad Scientist

                  That will not happen! Thank goodness people like you found out about it before it was made law. There is no way they can make us take a vaccine that we do not want.
                  It was a nice try though
                  More love to you
                  Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                  • #54

                    J Koenig Says:
                    August 19th, 2009 at 6:23 am
                    The story of Man never grows old,
                    For this story is often told.
                    From the first gasp of breath,
                    He is not far from his death.

                    He lives a short, and unmeaningful life,
                    unaware, he is, of his historical plight.
                    To do repetition of those who came before,
                    even as they leave us through the door.

                    What? You ask, is the problem here?
                    Is is lack of understanding, or lack of Fear?
                    It is really simple, as man is not to smart,
                    For \"It Is\" he can not wait to depart.

                    God give us some light to follow,
                    so we can build a life not so hollow.
                    Show us how Goodness in our Heart,
                    Is a beautiful place to Start.

                    The Men who gave us such a bold direction,
                    Penned the many papers of Constitutional perfection.
                    Now, please God, grant us thy will to succeed,
                    doing nothing, means their guidance we did not heed.

                    The Gathering Storm… A Must Read!!! |


                    • #55
                      Mad Scientist,

                      I totally agree to be concerned about vaccines!

                      And I agree with people about being aware.

                      I am just saying, I've seen corruption and goodness in all walks of life, poor, rich, all nationalities, genders, occupations, etc.

                      I am concerned that there may be some cases of fact being mixed with fiction. Maybe the conspiracy behind the conspiracy theory is really to get people against Obama, ya know?

                      Also I don't think this information is hard to come by. Anyone who's been on youtube can't have missed it. All someone has to do these days is photoshop a pic of someone doing the "illuminati hand sign" and it instantly makes that person someone to blame for all evil in the world. I'm just not so ready to believe everything I read and see.

                      I encourage everyone to explore info but just remember the divide and conquer thing. It'd be a good way to stop progress if in fact Obama is a great, just, and fair leader after all to lump him in with a group that is said to be trying to enslave us all.

                      If it were really that bleak it seems that battle would have been over a long time ago to me, but that's just my opinion.

                      (Also it makes me think of someone with germaphobia. They may start out with some correct info about microscopic bacteria, etc., but their mind gets stuck in fear. Information is easily distorted. They end up shorting themselves of a full life.)

                      The important thing is we are all free to think and write about this stuff so thanks everyone for your thoughts
                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #56
                        more Obama deception

                        A report from FDL:

                        Failure to disclose $780,000 in payments to one of the most prominent proponents of your idea of reform undermines the entire debate.

                        For almost the entirety of the health care debate, the Obama Administration has relied on economist Jonathan Gruber to make the public case for its idea of reform - even the most unpopular parts. But as Firedoglake revealed on Friday, the Obama Administration has failed to disclose that it paid the same economist more than $780,000.

                        Jonathan Gruber's work has been cited by the White House, Members of Congress, and countless media outlets, but not once did the Obama Administration disclose it was paying him more than $780,000 in tax dollars. This is a huge ethical violation that undermines the entirety of health care reform.

                        Sign our petition to President Obama: come clean on Jonathan Gruber and anyone else receiving public money to push health care reform.

               | Sign our petition: We Want Transparency in Government

                        Once we broke this scandal, The New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, and other publications all said they should have disclosed Gruber's lucrative contracts if they were aware of the conflict of interest. Dozens of Members of Congress cited Gruber's work in their floor speeches. The White House pushed Gruber hundreds of times to the press and on its website.

                        While Gruber's ethical lapses are his own personal and professional issue, the true problem here is that the White House used Gruber and his research as a seemingly unbiased source in support of its unpopular reforms.

                        When Obama wanted to tax middle class health care plans, Gruber defended the tax. When Obama wanted to force people to buy private insurance, Gruber defended the individual mandate. When Obama did not want a public option, Gruber said a public option was not important. When Obama needed to pretend the bill had cost controls, Gruber said it had the greatest cost controls ever.

                        It is simply not right for the White House to cite Gruber's analysis to illustrate the benefits of the bill they support without disclosing that Gruber is on the government payroll. A biased insider can't be an unbiased outside observer. But that's exactly the approach of the Obama Administration, to the tune of $780,000 in tax dollars.

                        The Obama Administation's $780,000 "buy-an-economist" scandal threatens to shake the foundation of health care reform. We need to get to the bottom of this.

                        Sign our petition to Obama: come clean on tax dollars used to pay any other undisclosed contracts.

               | Sign our petition: We Want Transparency in Government

                        Thanks so much for your support.


                        Jane Hamsher


                        • #57
                          Thanks for the info Antiquer, I signed the petition. This is not the change americans voted for. Obama promised transparency but he has proven he was just another politician saying what people wanted to hear to get elected.


                          • #58
                            Is mainstream media finally waking up to the Obama Deception?

                            Until quite recently, CNN has been an Obama advocate and supporter, but after so many broken promises it looks like the tide is turning.
                            YouTube - Jack Cafferty Rips Obama on Failed Openness Pledge: 'Just Another Lie Told for Political Expediency'

                            Looks like Obama's approval rating is plunging ever lower with the public too, as evidenced by the latest Rasmussen poll. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of negative 14. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, the discontent with Obama is even more telling, with 18% Strongly Approving and 43% Strongly Disapproving. This equates to a negative 25 rating for independents. Here is a month by month chart of Obama's decline:
                            Last edited by rickoff; 01-19-2010, 07:38 AM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • #59

                              "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                              “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                              Nikola Tesla


                              • #60
                                He would be KING !!!!!!!!!

                                B.O. could become KING.

                                While folks are looking at deception .. they forget about misdirection ..
                                "Watch my lips" .. that was some line .. Never ever watch their lips
                                you might believe what they say. But that is in your face deception.

                                It's the misdirection that is harder to spot.
                                Misdirection to hide H. J. Res. 5 Introduced on January 6, 2009
                                It's in hiding ...hiding out until another misdirection allows the
                                smoke screen to cover it when it is pulled out for a vote.

                                This was referred to the Subcommittee on Feb 9, 2009.
                                This allows B.O. to be KING .. unlimited number of terms an
                                individual may serve as President.

                                This has been going on for some time now.
                                110th Congress: H. J. Res. 8 Dead
                                109th Congress: H. J. Res. 9 Dead
                                108th Congress: H. J. Res. 11 Dead
                                107th Congress: H. J. Res. 4 Dead
                                106th Congress: H. J. Res. 17 Dead
                                105th Congress: H. J. Res. 19 Dead introduced Jan 7, 1997

                                Rick, "failed promises" ..
                                Does not the word failed imply an attempt was made?
                                Does not one have to try before one can fail?
                                A promise without effort to keep it, is not a failure that i'm aware of.

                                All is going as planned. (it is just not our plan)
                                For example, Haiti is going as planned.
                                No disaster shall be wasted, is not that the motto?
                                Watch and you will see history repeating itself, again.
                                The air force took over an air port on day two and
                                it was being reported that it will be total chaos in days.
                                Ask yourself: Why is that?
                                Little effort is needed to create this planned chaos.
                                Just don't give out food and water.
                                It's only 600 miles from Miami, a 1 hour trip by air.
                                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

