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18 Spiritual Myths That Hurt You And Hold You Back

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  • 18 Spiritual Myths That Hurt You And Hold You Back

    Here is a blog article from Lola Jones with Divine Openings. I like here point of view. Click the Divine Openings link to read all 18

    Here are some common myths to bust free from:

    1. Your will vs. God's will?

    When you are living as your Large Self, there is no difference in your will and God's will. Your will IS God's will. This also relates to...

    2. God is some authority figure who tells you what to do or what is right.
    I hear a lot of people saying, "I'm supposed to do this or that mission on Earth" or "If it's meant to be, then I'll get to" or "I want to do God's will." You co-create with the Universe! You're not a pawn who is moved around the chessboard. God is not your "boss" or the big parent in the sky who says you can have the car keys, or not. You have free will, so use it. Decide what you want. God, your Large Self, the entire Universe, lines it up for you. Even if what you want is your small self's idea, you still can have it -- God isn't judgmental like humans. But when you're living as your Large Self you have more power, things come faster and easier, and the things you want will work out better for you and everyone else. Want! Ask! Create! Enjoy!

    3. Humility is the mark of a true spiritual person.

    Not necessarily. You are a magnificent being. Express it, be it, know it, radiate it. Why hide your light? Where did that idea come from? Now, when the small self thinks it's God, it can cause you some trouble. But jettison this false humility thing. Forget what others think. That's an old-paradigm myth. Very often it's unworthiness in saint's clothing.

    4. Heaven and Hell.

    Heaven and Hell are conveniently located right here on Earth, in your back yard. Choose which one you want to live in, and let go of anything that takes you somewhere else.

    5. Being good.

    This is one of the biggest myths, that you get some kind of points for being "good" or "spiritual". Again, that is a human perspective that says you have something to achieve or earn. In God perspective, you're here to experience, you have free will, and you can do anything you want without judgment. Now, here's the kicker: Up in the higher vibrations, being your Large Self, you wouldn't hurt anyone anyway. But neither would you have to sacrifice for anyone. How about this? Live in the higher vibrations because it feels good and works better, not to earn imaginary points. High vibration is its own best reward.

    6. Unworthiness.

    Spiritual people are too often the most plagued by unworthiness, probably due to centuries of conditioning by religions and leaders who didn't want people to know how powerful they were, and who wanted to be in control. It's hard to control magnificent, powerful, worthy beings.

    7. You gotta deal with karma.

    Grace wipes all that out. Karma only existed anyway due to man's feelings of unworthiness and guilt, which reside at the bottom of the Altimeter (explained in depth in the book). God doesn't chalk up your wrongs! Man does that to himself. Haven't you ever had a bad thought about someone, and instantly stubbed your toe? If you choose to believe in karma, good luck. You have millions of lifetimes to pay off and work out. See you in a few thousand years. You could be having a good time.

    8. You shouldn't be selfish.

    Every creature created by the Creator has built-in self interest, and this is a good thing. Some humans make that wrong, and label it ego. Most of the great art, music, innovations, institutions, charities, and inventions sprung from those with healthy egos. Those with no drive to express their genius were often relegated to obscurity, and so their genius was never recognized, nor benefited from.

    We've been told doing what we want is selfish, and to sacrifice, and that somehow that works out. Master your mind and your small self, and put it to work for YOU, and humanity will just naturally be served.

    When people tell me large corporations are bad and greedy, I ask them "How many jobs do they provide? How many paychecks do they pay out?" People could go start their own businesses if that was what they really wanted or were willing to do. But most choose to work for someone else who'll bear all the risk, and provide them structure and a steady income. Is that so wrong?

    9. The meek shall inherit the Earth.
    I asked within about this. What I got was, "The non-resistant shall inherit the Earth," those who are minding their own business and not fighting or pushing against what others are doing. They will find Heaven on Earth. I promise you the less resistant you get (higher on the Instrument Panel), the more you'll feel like you do own the Earth, and really will be able to do what you've been hearing about: create your own reality.

    10. The material world is bad or inferior to the spiritual world.
    Then what the heck are you doing here? Did you take a wrong turn at the 11th dimension? You came here to experience the delights of the senses and the slowed down energies of the physical -- to play and create here in this special environment of greater contrasts. To pretend you can die. To pretend you have limits so you can overcome them, and remember who you really are. To smell the scent of dry grass on a summer's day (as I did this morning). For the past 23 years, my intention has been Heaven On Earth. Not to get out of here. I came here on purpose!

    11. Misunderstanding what materialism is.
    Believing that money is scarce is buying into material limits -- even more than the rich person who believes money is just a tool and is no big deal. Being obsessed with money, even the lack of it, is materialism. The person who works too hard for too little, and has no time to be the magnificent being they are, makes money their God. Believing in your physical/material limitations is materialistic.

    12. Be in the world but not of it?
    Live here on Earth to the fullest, but don't buy into the material illusions of limitations. Know that you are a magnificent creator. Even in the face of challenges, know who you are. You know for sure that there is no true danger in all the Universe when you get this, deep down.

    13. Spiritual or good people cannot also be rich.
    To cut to the chase, first of all everything is spiritual. There is nothing that is not. Money is spiritual. Dirt is spiritual. So stop throwing it all into two convenient boxes: spiritual and not spiritual. God doesn't care.

    Related: "Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." It can be tempting to put all of one's faith in the material when one has a lot of material stuff. One can become it's slave rather than it's master. Remember that your Large Self created all of it. Assign the power to your Large Self (God) rather than to the "stuff". The stuff is only stuff, and tools. Worship the Giver, not the gifts. Value the Giver, who is permanent, more than the gifts, which are not.

    14. Spiritual teachers cannot be passionate about worldly things and worldly endeavors.

    There is this weird stereotype that spiritual teachers, if they're the real thing, do nothing else. They wear robes and meditate all day. Not so. I know one who has traveled the world and taught for decades who is soon retiring to raise bees. I LOVE living a regular mundane life, and teaching quietly from the ranch.

    My first spiritual teacher in 1985 was amazing on every level. He still travels the world speaking, piloting his own jet, having earned his commercial license at age 13. (He said, "No one asked how old I was.") He sat with hippies and laughed as they did acid in the 60's, then showed them how to get high without it. Once he took apart an old Mercedes down to the last nut and bolt, cleaned the parts by hand, and put it back together again. He did computer animations for fun back when that was new, in the mid-eighties. He has a giant fire hose he uses for the Hindu Holi celebration. A raging fire swept his Malibu coast neighborhood, and he personally got out there and saved all the neighbors homes by soaking them with the fire hose. He writes, plays with his kids, adores his wife (a former flight attendant he met at age 16 back when he flew on airlines) and expresses his genius in many, many ways.

    He was born enlightened; I wasn't, but he was my first inspiration, and I've followed his lead, and have always been multi-creative. Since The Presence woke up in me, it wants to express in so many more ways than spiritual teaching... from business, to inventing, to art, graphics, music, internet marketing genius, decorating, writing... the list is long and getting longer. And my gift is teaching how to have all this work in the physical world. There will soon be business courses on the site. My creativity and productivity is out of control. This website is a virtual world I've created, and it never stops.

    I LOVE, adore, and relish mundane, everyday life. I love simple things like cooking, working on the computer, and walking in nature. It's why I am here, not to try to ascend somewhere else or achieve something, or live a jet set life (although I could if that was my true heart's desire).

    I'm HERE....

    15. If someone said it in a book it's true.

    Part of the waking up game here on Earth is the hide and seek from yourself, including the red herrings and the dead ends. To see how effective a path is, look at the students. Popularity is not necessarily a good gauge. For some strange reason, many flock to paths and follow them for decades without achieving any degree of liberation, either emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or materially.

    Esther Hicks, who has channeled Abraham for over 20 years now, has said, "There's never a crowd on the leading edge." Her work is just now breaking into the big time. People are ready for it and things like Divine Openings. For many years she spoke to small rooms of people, like I do now. Just about the time you see a very big crowd gather, it can be a pretty good indicator it's no longer leading edge.


    PS - I'll add more as it comes to me.

    OK, more came:

    Myth 16. Once you discover the power of spirit you must quit your job and become a healer or teacher.
    Divine Openings seems to make people clear about what their true path is, and they either rekindle their passion for their current gig (they weren't there by accident) or find one they love that really suits them. Few of those who complete the 5 Day Silent Intensive end up getting guidance to be Divine Openings Givers. Most get who they really are, and find the most authentic way for their real gift to come through, whether in construction, sales, or as a school teacher.

    Click to read what a California teacher did with Divine Openings after attending the 5 Day Silent Intensive. Her true calling is obviously to be a school teacher! Another grad gives Divine Facials, and the recipients get a Divine Opening as they get their yummy, nurturing facial.

    There are so many ways to help and contribute, and if everyone were a healer, there'd be no one to build websites, create music, fix cars, teach our kids, or do accounting. Starving healers are in the wrong profession for the wrong reasons. Guidance can be interpreted in many ways, and "heal people" doesn't always mean "be a healer". By the way, your ability to hear and interpret guidance accurately increases if you do and stick to Divine Openings. Follow your passions rather than listening to others. I know psychics who tell everyone who comes to their table that they will become a healer or author, or that they're "supposed" to be this or that.
    Marnyka Z. Buttry
    Divine Openings Giver & Healer