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Recession Ending

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  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
    A friend send me this.
    Everyone is happy that the Federal Budget Deal was finally passed. Right?

    Federal Budget: 3.82 Trillion
    Income: 2.17 Trillion
    New Debt: 1.65 Trillion
    Amount Cut: 38.5 Billion
    Well Mad Scientist, looks like they are going for a major overhaul..

    Originally posted by Yahoo Article
    As the government grapples to find ways to trim the bloated federal deficit, a new report suggests officials might start with cutting out $16 muffins and $10 cookies.


    • @Rickoff

      Thanks for the information and link, your knowledge on these matters is astounding to me and i appreciate your insight. With one post you multiplied my awareness to the reality of the situation and i cant express my gratitude enough for that. I agree with the plan to revert the government although i fear your efforts in this time span may be futile. I dont imagine the fierce urgency of now can exist in most people considering we all experience a normalcy bias. I imagine it would require no less than an unwavering demand from more than the majority of people to enact such overhaul change especially in such a timeframe. I fear such change will not happen until the twelfth hour hits and its beyond too late to change whats comming.

      I've already heard many different people demand more spending as the answer to our problems. I dont imagine anything will change their minds until its too late. I'm glad you have hope that things can be changed before then, but I cant say that i do.

      This video is a wake up call to say the least.
      Stansberry's Investment Advisory

      I would suggest everyone make preperations, weather anything ever happens or not, it never hurts to be prepared to survive independently.
      Last edited by Nadda; 09-21-2011, 06:54 AM.


      • Originally posted by Nadda View Post

        Thanks for the information and link, your knowledge on these matters is astounding to me and i appreciate your insight. With one post you multiplied my awareness to the reality of the situation and i cant express my gratitude enough for that. I agree with the plan to revert the government although i fear your efforts in this time span may be futile. I dont imagine the fierce urgency of now can exist in most people considering we all experience a normalcy bias. I imagine it would require no less than an unwavering demand from more than the majority of people to enact such overhaul change especially in such a timeframe. I fear such change will not happen until the twelfth hour hits and its beyond too late to change whats coming.
        Nadda, I fully understand your thinking that it is probably too late at this point in time to implement any plan that can restore our Republic and turn our nation away from the brink of disaster. If you have read all the information found at the link I gave you, however, you would understand that the plan outlined there has already been underway for several years (since 1993) and is very close at this time to achieving success. There is absolutely no reason why this plan cannot be completely implemented by 2012, and it does not require a majority of people from each state. In fact, only a few intelligent, dedicated and patriotic individuals from each state are needed to assure success. If you want to see our Republic, and our freedoms, restored by 2012, I urge you to do the following:
        1. Go back to the link I gave you and read all the information given there so that you truly understand what the plan is, how it can work, and why it is the only realistic plan for restoring our nation by 2012.
        2. Go to this site and read the information given there. Then scroll down to the US map shown near the bottom. Click on your state's name, and you will see information about who your State's original jurisdiction Governor is, or who has volunteered to be a candidate for that office if a Governor has not been elected.
        3. Contact your original jurisdiction Governor, or candidate for that office, and ask what you can do to ensure that he or she is elected or reelected to office, and follow through on what is needed.
        4. The four original jurisdiction states holding elections for Governor this year (2011) are Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and West Virginia. Each already has a candidate, but if you are from one of these states you need to take action to ensure that candidate is successfully elected or reelected. In 2012, several more original jurisdiction Governor seats will be up for election or reelection, and if your state is not one of the 4 mentioned above then you need to determine what is necessary to secure the o.j. Governorship of your state in 2012. The important thing is to find out what needs to be done and to follow through on it, and not simply be assuming that someone else will.
        5. Even if your state already has elected an o.j. Governor, and that Governor's office is not up for bid in 2011 or 2012, you still need to get involved in ensuring that an adequate backup plan has been established. For example, what if your o.j. Governor passes away while in office? You need to examine your state constitution (pre-1968) to determine if a Lieutenant Governor can be appointed by your current o.j. Governor. If so, the Lieutenant Governor could lawfully assume the office of Governor if the o.j. Governor dies, becomes otherwise incapacitated, or simply needs or wishes to drop out for some reason. It is also of critical importance to determine whether a currently elected Governor fully intends to carry out his or her present term, or seek reelection. Likewise, it is of critical importance to determine whether or not any persons in your state have stepped forward to offer themselves as willing to serve a U.S. Senate appointment. If not, offer yourself for such appointment. Remember that the main purpose in filling all the 48 original jurisdiction Governor positions is so that those Governors can each appoint two U.S. Senators. In turn, those Senators can elect from among themselves a Senate President Pro Tempore, and currently that position is filled by the former o.j. Governor of Colorado. The President Pro Tempore, in the absence of a President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House, is lawfully in line to serve in the capacity of President until such time as a new Presidential election can be held, and when such election is held the appointed Senators will have the authority to confirm an Electoral College vote for both President and Vice President.

        I think you will be amazed to see just how much has already been accomplished in this planned effort to restore our Republic, and how little is left to be done. You are correct in assuming that public apathy is the strongest deterrent to achieving the restoration, but this can be overcome. As I stated earlier, only a few dedicated people are needed in each state to ensure success. Determine which states are lagging behind others in their efforts, and converse with people in those states to educate them about this restoration plan, and what they need to do. Look for such people at the state forum sites of patriotic organizations such as the TEA Party Express, TEA Party Patriots, FreedomWorks, Oath Keepers, and whatever other such groups you can think of which are likely to have forums dedicated to individual state affiliations. Nearly everyone who reads or posts at such forum sites has already decided that something is very wrong in Washington D.C., and that our nation is going to fall by the wayside if we don't do something about the situation very soon. People understand that, and are angry, depressed, and frustrated because they don't see any possible way that we can turn things around at this late stage of events. Show them the way, and assure them that all hope is not yet lost, and some (at least a few, or even one or two) will opt to take the appropriate actions that are needed.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Recession

          I fully agree with this which say, there will be no recession.
          It will be general financial catastrophe, which sinks this civilization of jews-catholic idiots and pigs.
          Dr Adolf Nowak
          III Reich Polen
          60-143 Posen Grunewald


          • @Arius: I guess that means you will be going down with those who sink, as you would appear to fit quite well into the latter category. I would also say that you would appear to have lost your way when wandering in here. Your religion and ethnic bashing comments might be welcomed at a neo nazi forum, but have no place here. Read the forum rules, and either abide by them or silently and quickly leave.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Recession ending?

              Yesterday the US dollar dropped to a post World War II low against the Japanese Yen. The yen’s surge on Friday came after it set a record on Aug. 19, which followed a 4.51 trillion-yen ($59 billion) intervention earlier in the month by Japan. The nation has intervened in the foreign-exchange markets three times in the past 13 months to weaken the yen. The currency is up 6.5 percent against the dollar in 2011.

              Most Americans would say that we won the war with Japan. It surely must have seemed that way when WWII concluded, and Japan surrendered and lay in ruins. But nowadays it would appear that perhaps Japan's defeat was the cause that effected their ultimate windfall of economic opportunity. Not being allowed to have a military presence after WWII, Japan has continually surged ahead economically because of the great savings realized by not having to pay the staggering costs associated with maintaining a military. In 2010, the US budgeted $689 billion for military expenses, but of course our actual expenses were far greater with the deployments to Afghanistan.

              In the years following WWII, through the 1950's, and to around the mid 1960's, I remember that anything marked "made in Japan" was of very poor quality and considered junk. But as we helped Japan rebuild, and gave them the keys to electronics technology, their manufactured products greatly improved. Nowadays, Japanese cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, TV's, stereo and other electronics are among the world's best, and American consumers just can't seem to get enough of that stuff.

              We did the same in helping Germany rebuild after WWII, and as with Japan, Germany was prevented from having a military presence so saved untold billions of dollars over the years while we were busy borrowing and spending in order to have military superiority. Now Germany and Japan are both very strong financially, while we have gone bankrupt. Strange, isn't it?

              As other nations ponder their financial plight, don't be surprised if they adopt a plan learned from the experiences of Germany and Japan. It's quite simple, really. Just attack the United States, dig in until our retaliation is over with, surrender, and then reap all the benefits of rebuilt infrastructure and modernization at US taxpayer expense. Never again worry about military expenses, or being attacked by another nation, since the US will have to provide all the defenses at - you guessed it - US taxpayer expense. Better yet, simply learn from Iraq, which didn't even have to go to the expense of attacking us.

              Ron Paul definitely has it right when he says we need to close down the 900 military bases that we maintain in foreign countries, and bring all our troops home. And after that, let's concern ourselves with defense of our nation and its borders rather than with aggression and preemptive attacks.
              Last edited by rickoff; 11-18-2011, 12:05 AM. Reason: sp
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Spring.

                In Spring, the answer comes.
                Dr Adolf Nowak
                III Reich Polen
                60-143 Posen Grunewald


                • An interesting 30 min video describing how our economy works.

                  The American Dream (Animated) - YouTube


                  • US very country.

                    Hey Folks, how it is really with recession in Your very US Country?
                    I've heard from serious sources, that with end of this year many millions of You will be but into special "trainig camps".
                    And to 2020 some 1/3 will simply vanish from soil.
                    Is this really truth?
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Arius Nowak; 01-08-2012, 07:53 PM. Reason: photo insertion
                    Dr Adolf Nowak
                    III Reich Polen
                    60-143 Posen Grunewald


                    • Only in your dreams. US would be much better off if we stopped borrowing money from China to help support the rest of the world.


                      • Soviet Union

                        Same speech (about supporting of communist countries) had Soviet Union too.
                        Till his last day.
                        Dr Adolf Nowak
                        III Reich Polen
                        60-143 Posen Grunewald


                        • US will always support communist countries, as we continue to buy what they produce. That wont change any time soon...Guess we are fortunate China has actually supported us lol. I was speaking of the middle east and the nation building we have spent trillions on.


                          • We have shipped much of out manufacturing to foreign countries so that they can sell these products back to us and then have the money to buy our debit.

                            If this sounds like a stupid economic plan that is designed to fail you are correct.


                            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                              If this sounds like a stupid economic plan that is designed to fail you are correct.
                              Agreed, if you happen to be a European with huge vested interest in both the American corporation doing the retailing, AND the Chinese entity doing manufacturing. Throw in a nice package of shares with the largest banks in Europe that devise mortgages and derivatives for the U.S. that are destined to fail, and be "bailed out". Then,... I'd call that "bringing the money home".
                              Last edited by kcarring; 01-13-2012, 09:35 AM. Reason: add
                              Alberta is under attack...

                              Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

