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David Icke?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
    that the mind is a much more versitile entity then I , for one, had ever given it credit for. Personaly I'm one of those people who if I can't see it, it doesn't excist,
    You are not alone, most people believe that way.
    But you create your own reality. You choose or at the very least allow what happens to you to happen. You along with the rest of humanity have created and are creating this reality thus you will follow in its general direction. However this does not mean that you must move in lock step with it, there is little that you cannot do or change. But first you must really want that change to occur. If you say your goal is to be a millionaire but subconsciously believe that rich people are evil then you will never achieve your goal.


    • #17
      Let's take a look at what David is really saying.

      Originally posted by future pather View Post
      To me the biggest danger in his ideas, whether on purpose or not, is that people may begin to feel helpless and powerless against the forces he claims are so strongly at work.
      When first reading or hearing David's message concerning what the powerful elite have planned for us, it certainly is cause for some due consternation. That really is not a bad thing, because we need that shock to wake us up to reality. And David does not simply walk away afterwards with the intent of leaving us feeling fearful and helpless. On the contrary, in every book he writes, and in every lecture he gives, David tells us that we have the inherent power to rise up and defeat these predators. Take his book, or lecture, titled The Robots' Rebellion, for example. David makes us realize that we have become robot-like in that, as an editorial review of this book states, "Icke reveals the alarming extent to which people of all nations have allowed themselves to be programmed by the ideas fed to them by those in power. Fearlessly, he tears down the veils of hypocrisy, built up for generations by the corrupt forces of Church, State, science and commerce - and reveals the true pathos of the human condition beneath. Hidebound politicians, bankers, economists, educationalists, scientists and the leaders of the world's established religions are not going to welcome Icke's challenging book. But it is not intended for those who wield and abuse power. This book is for the world's unwilling robots who, says Icke, in an upbeat conclusion, have it within themselves to rise up - and take control of their own exciting destiny." In another of David's books, I am me, I am free - The robots' Guide to Freedom, "David Icke exposes the mental and emotional prisons which billions of people build around themselves - prisons which allow a tiny few to control the direction of the world. He shows how shallow and ridiculous are the fears, guilts, resentments and limitations which blight the lives of humankind, and he offers the key to mental and emotional liberation. Icke also reveals staggering information about the almost unspeakable activities of world famous politicians and 'entertainers'. This devastating expose of the human condition and those who manipulate the human mind is a getaway car for the psyche."

      When David first started out on his mission to educate the masses, people laughed at him in disbelief and his lectures were not well attended. Now, years later, people can see that a great many of the things he warned about have already come to pass, and that we are now entering the final stages of the New World Order's plan of domination. Now people are listening to what David says, and he is lecturing to packed auditoriums wherever he goes. So people are finally waking up in large numbers and getting off their knees. We do have the opportunity, and the power, to turn this situation around if we will have the courage to say no to this tyranny, but this does require action on our part. I don't mean armed rebellion, of course, as that would only be playing into the hands of those who would then use all the tactics and weapons available to the police and armed forces to slaughter us and quash such a rebellion. What I am talking about is billions of people the world over standing together and saying, "No! We will have no more of this!"

      Originally posted by future pather View Post
      Again to me it's a case of if it were really that dire the war would be over and we would all be slaves a long time ago. Since that hasn't happened we must be more powerful than his ideas would imply.
      Again, David does not imply that we are powerless, but rather quite the opposite. And what makes you think that we are not slaves already? Don't kid yourself just because you don't see yourself in chains, or locked in a cage. The power brokers find it much easier to control the masses by creating the illusion that we are free. But think about this - everyone who owes any amount of borrowed money which they must repay to an institution with interest added is a slave to that institution. If you have a monthly mortgage payment, a car payment, a credit card payment (especially if you are paying high usury rates of 10% or more), then you are a slave. Those who are hooked on drugs are slaves, but no more than those who are hooked on watching 4 hours of mindless television shows each day, especially the shows that feature canned laughter which is supposed to let us know when something is supposed to be funny. If you have ever worked at a job that you hated, or worked for someone who treated you badly, then you have been, or now are, a slave to that job and/or person. And so it goes - on and on and on. But until you listen to David Icke, or someone like him, chances are that you will not understand this. It's not that we are all stupid - it's just that we are floating in a sea of denial, and are all pretty much in the same boat. We accept this as the norm, and have been indoctrinated since childhood to believe that the status quo is simply the way things are supposed to go.

      Now, more than ever, it is time to take off our blinders and wake up to reality. We are about to face the greatest crime ever perpetrated upon humanity - one of the final steps of the power brokers' plan. I am speaking, of course, about the engineered swine flu epidemic and the forced vaccination and incarceration program which has already been approved by our federal government, and many of our state governments. This is the proverbial "line drawn in the sand," and the side where we stand on this issue may well be our last available chance to take a stand on matters of conscience and freedom of choice. I'll stand on the side of freedom. Will you join me?

      Best to all,

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • #18
        I thumbbed through one of his books while standing in hastings a few years ago. And I recall all of what is being said here. That there are beings which have a longer life span which want to keep the control of the masses. The thrive on our ignorance and our negative emotions that most of the peoples stress filled lives are filled with. They don't want us to become aware of the truths out there that's why it is so hard to find truth in this world. Unless you have been directly connected to it/source/etc..

        Currently they are in fear, that is why there is such a fear based agenda going on by em. They wanna get it under control and keep the populus in a dumbbed down state. Yet they have absolutely no control of what is coming, and its gonna reveal em and cause em to find a new home.

        You see we are all beings of light/love and when we all become 100% aware of that we have unlimited power and possibilities. Something which the beings trying to control people don't want us to all know nor fullfill. They simply won't have a purpose here anymore, they won't be able to thrive here anymore. Energy coming from the positive side of things has infite possibilities while the energy that these beings possess is from the opposite of possitive and there is a limit to it. And it is all for a reason. Everyone on this planet of the light/love energy will become aware 100% in the coming few years. We can take the reins though if we wish and come into this aspect much sooneer if we wish/have the willpower.

        They want you to fear. They want you to fight with one another. They thrive on it. We don't require anything to survive except this light/love energy, and we will all develop into this understanding and awareness soon. Even if one doesn't take the necessary actions to get there oneself it will simply given to all. "Veils lifting sota speak."

        We are unlimited, and our inner ness cries out for us to all understand and embrace this. There is no reason for ones body to age and decay, that is a designed part of these beings. We ar infinite we can do anything when we are connected with light/love. Yet most all of the things around us are designed to keep us unaware.

        So embrace these beings for what they are and love them for it, for they are helping to bring "heaven on earth". Even though it is difficult when you look around and see chaos and find nothing to be happy at. Try to find your way back to the center and feel the love that is everywhere and then give thanks to the moment which pushed you into the dark so you could simply find your way back to the light/love. I could go on and on but tis enough.
        If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


        • #19
          Originally posted by future pather View Post
          To me the biggest danger in his ideas, whether on purpose or not, is that people may begin to feel helpless and powerless against the forces he claims are so strongly at work.
          Since I was quoted on this I wanted to amend it a bit. I still the danger of feeling powerless as a result of some of David's info is a big problem. Perhaps it's bc I was checking out his stuff some time ago and it seems he has gotten more into solution based info rather than just reporting on bad stuff. I can say I have definitely seen talks of his that had nothing to do with self empowerment and were very scary and depressing. If he is on to more positive stuff now, that's great.

          But my amendment is to add the problem of lumping leaders who don't deserve it in with those who have used their positions of power to do wrong.

          This pits people who are really on the same side against each other due to false accusations and works against progress. Imo there are those out there deliberately and aggressively putting out propaganda with this goal to divide.

          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #20
            Statements without information don't say much

            Originally posted by future pather View Post
            I can say I have definitely seen talks of his that had nothing to do with self empowerment and were very scary and depressing.
            Really? What were they? I'll check them out if you'll provide the info.

            Originally posted by future pather View Post
            But my amendment is to add the problem of lumping leaders who don't deserve it in with those who have used their positions of power to do wrong.
            And specifically which ones didn't deserve it?

            Originally posted by future pather View Post
            Imo there are those out there deliberately and aggressively putting out propaganda with this goal to divide.
            I would agree with that, and they are the secretive groups behind the New World Order movement. David goes to great lengths to explain the divisiveness that this causes. For example, the pitting of one country against another, or one religious group against another, or one race against another, or Democrats against Republicans, and on and on and on. The plan is to keep us so occupied in opposing various other groups of people that we won't even have time to notice what is really going on behind the scenes. I do think all the bickering and fighting will end, though, at some point in time, when all have awakened to the realization of who the enemy really is.

            Last edited by rickoff; 09-30-2009, 07:05 PM. Reason: sp
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • #21
              Originally posted by rickoff View Post

              And specifically which ones didn't deserve it?

              Well for one thing I believe everything on this page:

              Deadly 1991. Two Senators Deaths Predict the Demise of a Presidency by Virginia McCullough and Kathryn Joanne Dixon

              and while I specifically picked a figure who is not a current representative (to avoid too much conflict here) my point is that I believe there were, and are, some politicians who do an incredibly good job of serving. In this example, self sufficient funding seems an important attribute.
              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #22
                Conspiricies Everywhere !!!!!

                OMG ! From David Ick, to here. OMG ! Swine flu, the Vaccine, reports of millitary excersizes, on civilian targets. Private Millitary force walking unabashidly in small towns. LISTEN TO US !

                We gota get out more. There's gota be a ballance.

                There is a reason why our courts, have a prosecuter and a defence lawyer.
                Its expected that individualy the lawyers will give very one sided stories. But putting both lawyers together you can hear both heavyly onesided stories. Hopefuly, giving the judge the ability to find the TRUETH when ballancing the two arguments.

                But to keep reading these threads, and not looking for a totaly different souce, we ( I ) fall into the, trap of listening to only one side of the story. And thus being a judge, who hears just one lawyers arguments. Lacking an alternative view, or evidence , I ( we ) have to come to the only conclusion left to us ( me ).

                Is that not just as scary as Mister Icks story?

                Are we hearing only part of the story? Are we selectively listening to only part of the story? Are we pushing this fear mongering, because it excites us ?
                Or is it all true. Just looking for a ballance here.

                In my experience, there are always 2 sides to the story. Other explanations for what has transpired. And usualy, if there is no alterior motive, both sides are on the same side. But that does not sell newspapers.

                Andrew T.
                PATHS ~ Mind Energetics


                • #23
                  We are all welcome to get out the bag of Doritos, and watch "Hardball" on MSNBC, or "CNN" or "NBC Nightly News", or "CBS Evening News". Or read a major newspaper. THAT is the "other side" here. And imo, it is just as one-sided as this information is (..and in some cases, more so ).

                  If you believe that the US corporate owned mainstream media is not tightly controlled; suppressing, misdirecting, and ignoring important news we all need to hear.... i would love to have that debate with you sometime

                  The issue we must all remember here is this: The mainstream media control is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT key to what they are trying to do. Without the tight control, they cannot hope to get away with all the stuff they do, because dangerous questions are asked, the questions that require real answers.

                  Lol having said all that, i would not take everything Icke, Wilcock or any of the others say as accurate !

                  I believe many of these guys are seduced by what long-time researcher John Lear calls "UFO Fever" which is, that as they become popular and have been around a while, they need to come out with something new and outrageous every so often to maintain interest, help sell books, and fill lecture halls. It can tend to bend their sense of what should be claimed a bit

                  But on the other hand, that does not mean their general drifts and central themes are all wrong either... Just embellished. Nothing is black and white, the world comes in 256 shades of gray.

                  The beauty and wonder of the internet is that we can research these things and find out thousands of times more data than was previously possible... Lol it is also a "Bane". When it comes to these things regarding "world-views" we are responsible for what we accept as "real", and not those we listen to. It is up to us to do the research, do the thinking, and decide for ourselves.


                  • #24
                    That's not an answer, Jessica.

                    Originally posted by future pather View Post
                    Well for one thing I believe everything on this page:

                    Deadly 1991. Two Senators Deaths Predict the Demise of a Presidency by Virginia McCullough and Kathryn Joanne Dixon

                    and while I specifically picked a figure who is not a current representative (to avoid too much conflict here) my point is that I believe there were, and are, some politicians who do an incredibly good job of serving. In this example, self sufficient funding seems an important attribute.
                    Jessica, you have not answered either of the questions I posed to you in post #20, which I repeat here for everyone's convenience:

                    Originally Posted by future pather
                    I can say I have definitely seen talks of his that had nothing to do with self empowerment and were very scary and depressing.

                    My response was, "Really? What were they? I'll check them out if you'll provide the info." You haven't answered the question, or provided any info.

                    And regarding another statement you made:
                    Originally Posted by future pather
                    But my amendment is to add the problem of lumping leaders who don't deserve it in with those who have used their positions of power to do wrong.

                    My question was, "And specifically which ones didn't deserve it?" What I am asking is which "leaders" did David Icke name with blame that don't deserve it? You don't provide an answer to that, but instead refer me to a web article saying, "I believe everything on this page." That is not an answer. I have read the article, and agree with the facts presented in it, but what does it have to do with the question at hand? Did David Icke bash senator Heinz? If so, provide a link to ta reference where we can confirm that and see what it was about. Did David bash senator Tower? I don't recall, but he probably should have if he didn't. As the article points out, Tower, an old buddy of president George Bush senior, was appointed to chair the Tower Commission and investigate the extent of government corruption and involvement in the Iran Contra crimes, and as the article points out, "In that position he had handed President Bush a major gift, virtually exonerating Bush of any criminal activity in the Iran Contra fiasco. Tower expected a quid pro quo resulting in an easy confirmation by the Senate to the position he had always coveted." So this is a prime example of the political buddy system, and the kind of abuse that David Icke brings to light. The article goes on to speak of Tower's involvement in speedily admitting Lee and Marina Oswald into the United States before the Kennedy assassination. If David did say anything derogatory about Tower then Tower surely deserved it. Actually, the entire article is focusing on two senators who died in plane crashes under dubious circumstances, when both were planning to make a lot of waves for others in high level government positions. What that tells us is that anyone who bucks the status quo is considered expendable, and that the powerful elite have ways of dealing quickly with any person or situation which annoys them. And that, Jessica, is a large part of the message that David Icke is trying to get across to us. David doesn't hesitate to name names when he is exposing evil, but he certainly doesn't lump together all persons in government, military, or questionable civilian organiziations or societies, as being evil. On the contrary, David points out that most of the participants have no idea as to what actually goes on, or what the agenda really is at the highest levels, and that this is due to compartmentalization. In other words, those at the mid and lower levels are only told what they need to know to do their jobs, and the great majority of these people truly believe they are performing their jobs in the best interest of our country. So, by David's reasoning, only a small percentage in each of these groups are the evil ones, and since they are at the very top levels it is all that is required for the powerful elite to maintain control. Now politicians are in a category of their own, because all of them are in high level positions, and a great many of them are corrupt. That is largely due to the system by which they are elected and re-elected. I would agree that there are a few good and patriotic representatives in Washington, such as Ron Paul, for example, who do have our best interests at heart, and I believe that David Icke would also agree.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • #25

                      As I mentioned in another thread I am being selective about how much I am willing to engage with you. I also spelled out in this thread why I posted that link and did not take your bait for a full blown war on the forum.

                      I don't keep a library of Icke vids and don't think it's worth my time to find ones which I already stated are negative and unproductive. Why would I want you or anyone to watch that. I am not on a mission to spread negativity or to denounce Icke. Imo you like to argue for the sake of argument. Otherwise why would you ask me to watch that vid?

                      Regarding the link I posted, if you think Tower was the shining star I meant out of the politicians profiled on that page I just don't know what to think.

                      We must have very different brains bc you can not seem to understand what I mean a lot of the time. That is fine but sometimes I don't find it worth it to go into what I consider tedious and unnecessarily further explanations. Especially when I don't really think you want the info, you just want someone to rage against. I'm sure there are others who want to rage with you, just not me.
                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #26
                        Reply to jibbguy:

                        Hi Steve,

                        I agree 100% with everything you have said. Rather than accept any reported viewpoint as one's own belief of reality, we need to get busy and research all the available information or theories before forming opinions, and even then we should keep an open mind to any new information or viewpoints that emerge. Of course we can't really research all of the available information on whatever subject is at hand - especially on the Internet - as that could take a lifetime, lol, but we can certainly explore things well enough to make an informed decision. David himself said, during a Coast to Coast radio interview, that the last thing he would want is for anyone to simply take his word as gospel truth on any of the things he speaks of, as that would be just as bad as people accepting the "other side" as truth without doing any comparative research.

                        Best to you,

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • #27
                          Reply to Jessica:

                          Originally posted by future pather View Post

                          I don't keep a library of Icke vids and don't think it's worth my time to find ones which I already stated are negative and unproductive.
                          That's just the point - you never did state any specific example about any Icke book, video, or audio that seemed negative to you. You say you're purpose is not to bash Icke, but you do offer up negative statements about him that you are unwilling or unable to justify by presenting any factual information. You accused David of "lumping leaders who don't deserve it in with those who have used their positions of power to do wrong," and in my last response to you I showed how incorrect that assumption was. You also went on to say, directly after that statement, "This pits people who are really on the same side against each other due to false accusations and works against progress. Imo there are those out there deliberately and aggressively putting out propaganda with this goal to divide." To me that sounds like you are definitely bashing Icke, and that you are the one doing exactly what you accuse him of.

                          I don't come to any of the threads here looking for arguments, as you suggest. I come to read what others have to say. Generally, I respect everyone's opinion on whatever the subject is, but when I see someone posting negative comments about someone else, and without having the courtesy to support those statements with any factual information, I am not afraid to respond and request that you present the facts. If you aren't willing to do that, then don't post such disinformation and negative comments in the first place. If you fail to respond to a legitimate and politely asked question regarding any of your statements of fact or opinion, then you by default concede that your statements have no merit. Just remember that, as I said in post #20, "Statements without information don't say much."

                          Have a nice day,

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • #28
                            Reply to Andrew (BobBrown):

                            Originally posted by BobBrown View Post

                            Are we hearing only part of the story? Are we selectively listening to only part of the story? Are we pushing this fear mongering, because it excites us? Or is it all true. Just looking for a balance here.

                            In my experience, there are always 2 sides to the story. Other explanations for what has transpired.
                            Hi Andrew,

                            I think that Steve (jibbguy) has already answered your question quite well, but I'd like to point out that the "other side" is the information that you have been hearing all of your life - from educators, government sources, television, newspapers, radio, etc. You already know that side of the story. Now you hear something else that is a completely different viewpoint, it sounds scary, and you don't know what to believe. That's only natural, and it is also a natural tendency for us to want to cling to the viewpoint that we have for so long accepted as reality, especially since it is far more utopian in nature and makes us feel better. Just keep in mind that disclosing an alternative viewpoint which is equally opposing, and on the sinister side of things, is not fearmongering. That would only be true if the intent were only to cause fear and panic. The intent of sharing this viewpoint is to educate through historic examples - both past and current events. If what is being said here is largely, or even partly true, don't you feel it would be important information that you and everyone else should know? The things we have talked about are only a small fraction of the overall picture. I would suggest that you determine for yourself what is real rather than to accept anything at face value. For example, go through one of David's audio or video presentations, such as The Robots' Rebellion, for example, and each time he cites a historical example, take it to task. Research it, and see if it holds up through other sources besides David. Ask yourself if these sources appear to be credible, and if they have "the ring of truth." At first sight, you may chalk everything up as a conspiracy theory, and that's okay. But if you find that other credible accounts and information support that theory, it becomes less of a theory and more of a reality. By all means do the research personally before deciding either way.

                            Hope that helps, and best wishes to you,

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • #29
                              Sir Rickoff

                              You have proven that no question is a stupid question. Your answer to my dillema , is clean and to the point.
                              Though I think I like the idea of a bag of Doritos

                              Thankyou for your replies, Sir Jibguy, and Sir Rickoff.
                              I'm glad I asked the question.
                              Your asnswer if looked at fully, may even help others to ask, " Am I getting the whole trueth? ".

                              Andrew T.
                              The Path to enlightenment, can only be found by searching.
                              PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
                              Last edited by BobBrown; 10-01-2009, 01:53 AM.


                              • #30
                                Sticking my head in the sand.

                                YouTube - Endgame:HQ Full Video- Blueprint For Global Enslavement

                                Ok, now I'm starting to poop

                                Andrew T.
                                PATHS ~ Mind Energetics

