Originally posted by rickoff
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David Icke?
Keep your mind on the aether www.PathsToSucceed.com
If that's not an accusation, then what is it? It certainly isn't a statement of fact. And my intent is not to provoke an argument, but rather to dispel misinformation and replace it with truth. One could not possibly argue or debate with you because you refuse to bring any substantiated facts to the table in support of your assertions."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
David Icke, he used to be a TV news and sports reporter here in the Midlands UK and a breath of fresh air for a younger generation.
This all changed when he announced he was 'God'.He became ridiculed and ruthlessly perused for some time after that by the press and chat show hosts.{I couldn't endorse their response,he would not be the 1st to make this claim or be the last}
My personal thoughts are 'caution' about his views ,I say this with love.
See life every day~Believe in life everyday
When and where did he make that announcement, and in what context? I'll check that out if you provide references that I can search."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Hello Rick, it was the early 1990s that Icke changed direction from TV sport commentator, he joined the Green Political party who I supported myself .
During a chat show he made the statement, if only it were a 'off the wall' comment,it was some while before he retracted the announcement and claimed to be unwell.
There is a abundance of good information on UK web pages regarding Icke during the 1990s.I guess we all see things differently and that is our right.
Interestingly I share the same views as he does in some areas such as Healing and the environment, but in other areas such as his Holocaust Conspiracy theory, well as far as I'm concerned history does tells the truth.There were concerns he is of far right politics too.
Interesting character, my personal view is do some research those that only know a little about him,there is a abundance about Icke here in the UK.
No axe to grind, but in my eyes I see only caution regarding Icke.See life every day~Believe in life everyday
Reply to Frederick:
The only logical reference that I can find to the show you appear to be talking about would seem to be an appearance David made on the Terry Wogan show. His actual statement was that he was the "son of the godhead." and David qualified that statement by saying that we all are. David believes, and teaches, that the entire universe is a living consciousness which we are all a part of, or sons and daughters of. In other words, the universe is an infinite ocean of conciousness and we are all droplets within that ocean. If one understands David's teachings, it is easy to understand that is what he meant.
When you speak of David's "Holocaust Theory," exactly what spoken or written statements of David's are you referring to, and specifically what information within those statements is it that you would challenge? And, in a nutshell, exactly what is David's "Holocaust Theory" as you see it?
Thanks for any clarifications that you can provide.
Rick"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Hello Rick, when I get some time I can send you some info and linksmost likely next week.He was treated appallingly by the media and I would not want to post any links from there view point.
I have one of his books somewhere from that eara,we have to remember this is 20 years ago and David retracted his original statement.
Im sure in hindshight he would have chosen the words, The children of god :]See life every day~Believe in life everyday
Thanks Frederick, I will look forward to receiving your info and links."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Big Brother, The Big Picture
Hello !
Just saw this David Icke movie. It was made after 2000, so its fairly modern.
He does not talk about his reptile races, which makes it easyer to absorbe.
As with his usual zeel, he brings forth all the arguments that have been enslaving us for meny decades, and encourages us to stop being complacent and start noticing those things that are done to enslave us.
Sorry I don't have a quick click to it, but I encourage you all to see this one its very straight forward, and is well put together, further strengthening all that these forums have said to date .
Big Brother, The Big Picture
By David Icke
Andrew T.
Yes Andrew, this video series is well worth watching. The full length video, with improved audio, can be seen here:
David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (Final Edit)Last edited by rickoff; 10-23-2009, 06:51 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Hi Rick, from a sceptics web page{Im sure Icke won't mind there being a balance }
david icke
Ickes current web page{ gross rubbish in my opinion! }
David Icke Website - Obama Article
I found it strange Icke talks about no food on the table and hope being a bad thing, yet no mention of the backroom hospitals for those who have no chioce because they can't afford to have choice! this in the worlds most powerful nation.
There will be choice now, hope is a good thing and there will always be hope for all.
FredSee life every day~Believe in life everyday
It would be easy to dismiss David Icke and his message as a lone nut case if he was the only one making these claims. But there are others that espouse similar ideas. Plus if one is willing to take off their politically correct blinders and look up they will see that much of what he talks about is actually going on all around them. This falls back on the old adage that if you don’t want people to pay attention to what going on but it out in plain sight for then all but only the most observant will ignore it.
It nice to have hope but just having hope will not get one a better future. You need a definite goal and a realistic plan on how to achieve it. For example our current heath care system is obviously flawed in many ways and needs fixing. But will the proposed new system actually cure these problems or will it in reality just make it worse?
I would be in hopes that there is accountability.
In the UK we have the National Health service and private health care too,the main area of flaw is where cost savings are made, this always costs life and treble the savings made to correct, followed by lengthy enquires.Staffordshire being in chaos through cost savings, this is being corrected.
Overhaul the service is A1, little gets said about this or the amazing developments and treatments available{many deriving from the USA ,especially the treatment of breast cancer} little is said, we now have a system that the same care and treatment is available to all hospitals treating in this area, before it depends where you live to what treatment you can get, a disaster and unfair.We are grateful for change, those of us who lost close friends to this, were united in the bringing about of change.
United is a golden asset and empowering like Hope and Faith.
The air ambulance service here is totally funded by public donations, this includes the purchase of helicopters too, that we need to amend.
I believe Icke is a very intelligent man, fingers in many many pies .Early this year some of my friends on Myspace bombarded me with requests to have his videos on my main page, I can't feel at one at all with most of his stuff and I will not post any, Im ignored by them now, great.
Good questions and accountability are a great way forward.See life every day~Believe in life everyday
Reply to Fred:
Originally posted by frederick4life2004 View PostHi Rick, from a sceptics web page{Im sure Icke won't mind there being a balance }
david icke
Ickes current web page{ gross rubbish in my opinion! }
David Icke Website - Obama Article
I found it strange Icke talks about no food on the table and hope being a bad thing, yet no mention of the backroom hospitals for those who have no chioce because they can't afford to have choice! this in the worlds most powerful nation.
There will be choice now, hope is a good thing and there will always be hope for all.
I'm not quite sure what you are getting at. I read the Obama article, and must say that everything David related in that article is spot on. If one has lost their job, lost their home due to foreclosure, can no longer make their car payments, is up to their neck in credit card debt, and cannot provide for the needs of their family, then what should he do - hope that things will get better soon? That's ridiculous. A situation like that calls for personal resolve and action. Hope does not put food on the table.
Now what in the heck are these "backroom hospitals" you are talking about where the poor in the USA must go because they can't afford the choice of going to a real hospital? That's utter nonsense! A penniless person can walk into the emergency room of any hospital in the USA and receive free medical care. They do it in large numbers every day, and this includes illegal immigrants who are even provided with the services of an interpreter if they can not speak English. Actually, they prefer going to a hospital emergency room rather than a physician's office even for the most minor ailments because they know they will be taken care of promptly. I have gone into an emergency room due to work injury (5 instances) and have seen that these persons were treated just as well, if not better, than I was, even though I was covered by insurance. Your notions about health care in the USA are false, Fred. Furthermore, no one in the USA needs to go hungry. Anyone who can not afford to pay for groceries can apply for and receive Food Stamps. Actually they are not stamps, nor are coupon books used any more. Rather, a person is issued a special debit card and allotted a hefty monthly amount which can be used for pretty much anything one could buy at a supermarket, other than alcoholic beverages. Beyond that, there is the Surplus Foods program that distributes free food staples such as grains, flour, cheese, peanut butter, etc., and there are local community pantries that stock donated foods to give away to the needy. There are also charitable community and state organizations that provide cooked meals, clothing, and shelter to the needy free of charge, as well as fuel assistance for home owners or renters who can not afford to pay the cost of their utility bills. Here in the USA we take care of persons in need, and we don't need expensive, inefficient, and wasteful programs designed by government bureaucrats to get the job done. Obama Care will result in lower standards for medical care and higher costs, and we just saw an example of this in a report that a government panel has now stated that women do not need mammograms until they reach age 50. Before this, the recommendation was that women should have regularly scheduled mammograms when they reach 40. Sure, this will save on costs initially, but many breast cancers will go undetected and end up costing far more later on and also end up devastating the women and families who are affected. And this is but one example of how the government will define what adequate health care is. It's a total sham and a total scam, and those who fall for it will be sorry.
The "sceptic" link that you provided goes on a long rant to attempt to convince readers that everything David Icke espouses is pure nonsense, but doesn't present any fact based arguments to disprove any of what David says. At least David does name names, give dates, and other information that one can investigate further. David has been saying for many years now that we are heading towards a one world government, a one world currency, a police state with ever increasing loss of freedoms, and a micro-chipped society. Those who can not see that these things have either already come to pass or are now in the final stages of deployment are either asleep at the wheel or wearing rose colored glasses.
In post #36 you mentioned David's "Holocaust Conspiracy Theory," and I take it that you believed that the author of the "sceptic" article was correct in identifying David as a Holocaust denier. I don't get that impression at all from any of David's recordings, books, or website material. In fact, on David's website it is pointed out that there have been several Holocausts, and that some caused even more suffering and death than the one perpetrated by Hitler and his Nazis, including one perpetrated by your own country in the latter 1800's, which is known as the British-India Holocaust and killed more than 29 million people through British induced mass starvation. I'll bet you didn't read about that in your history books when you went to school in the UK, but it's an indisputable fact. Compare this to the Jewish Holocaust, which killed about 6 million Jewish people, and you will understand why David Icke, and others mentioned at his website, have a problem with the Jewish Holocaust being labeled by historians as "The Holocaust." David is no apologist for Hitler and the Nazis, and has never stated that the Jewish Holocaust did not happen. He is certainly no Holocaust denier, and if anything could more rightly be called a Holocaust reporter.
Rick"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff