I'm very happy that there are hospital places for all, I'm not going to trawl the NET for evidence ,what I put in print is fact and Im happy for rapid change.
Are the UN a bunch of rumour monger sceptics too in their recent reports on the dire conditions for some?, rating them as third world conditions.
What has brought about Health Reform?.
The new president of the USA a Fraud, ?.{I think he's great

Icke, well he names names, why do the majority take no notice?.perhaps wise.
Yes there is talk of a World government and currency, wow exciting times ahead.A stabilised currency and interest rates for world trade,that's what this is all about,what a awesome thought

But the world is still flat, I forget.
The world banks can print money,it won't resolve a thing,fiscal education will

I'm from a family of ten children, being miserable and blaming the world, overspending etc, don't put food on a table. I know.Hope and Faith are great.
Police states etc,do you seriously expect that out come?.
Can I ask Rick, are you genuinely convinced this is where America is going, the Icke conspiracy ways, reptillians and all,
Best wishes, Fred.
ps: Rick,World History , thats a subject I spend much time studying,we are very very lucky .