Biden and the Pope are at GITMO, the blue beam will cover the Jan 20th swear in and MAS this Sunday....In the name of the Father and the Son and the.... "YOU KNOW THE THING MAN"
No announcement yet.
2020 presidential election
“Copy of the Foreign Election interference for your review and sharing,” Pulitzer wrote on social media Mewe. “65 foreign countries participated in attacking 7 key states and over 600 county polling locations. This is vetted and factual.”
Impeachment after inauguration
VIDEO: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Will File Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden On Jan. 21
So, we could potentially have 2 impeachment trails at the same time.
DEM Whip James Clyburn Proposes Making “Black National Anthem” Official US National Hymn To “Bring The Country Together”
Yeah, that is sure to work
More Than 1.1 Million Attended President Trump’s Rallies Since Labor Day – Not a Single Window Broken, Policeman Attacked or Attendee Killed – Clearly Trump Wasn’t Behind Violence at the Capitol
Macron spent $700.000 for flowers in his palace even though it was closed to the public.
He also spends 11,000 Euros to have his barber on standby.
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All democracies are fated to crash when the politicians find that they can buy votes with benefits.
LBJ made the war-mongers rich.
LBJ started the Great Society program.
America was not rich enough to afford these programs. LBJ printed the money even though America was on a gold standard. This broke the gold standard.
After LBJ, we slowly slipped into socialism. NOBODY wants to disappoint the electorate when an election draws near.
Nobody wins an election if there is an economic slowdown / collapse during a president's tenure.
Bush, Reagan et al pushed the FED head to make everybody happy leading up to an election. This involved printing new money. The new money wasn't really free. We all paid the inflation tax. The cost to prop up both the rich and the poor was borne by everybody.
Along comes obummer and, he wanted a second term to get Marxism off to a solid start. He doubled the debt he had originally inherited.
In the case of Donald Trump, he wanted a second term to destroy Marxism, rather than supporting it.
Trump also found that he needed to continue the money printing. Exactly like his predecessors.
The Marxists reasoned that; they could crash the economy with the plandemic and, Trump would get the blame.
Well, the Dems got the blame. Everybody voted to approve the stimulus because nobody wanted to take the fall.
The Dems crashed the economy with their "poison pill". Trump's popularity continued to go up. That wasn't part of the plan.
There is speculation that Trump will use all those troops in D.C. to arrest tons of people at inauguration time.
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Originally posted by Danny B View PostI'm trying to post a couple of messages from Twitter
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I'm trying to post a couple of messages from Twitter
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"Unrestricted Warfare: Two Air Force Senior Colonels on Scenarios for War and the Operational Art in an Era of Globalization is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.
Coauthored by Major General Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, the book has been required reading at West Point. "
The Chinese came to the conclusion that they couldn't beat the American military. They came up with the concept of unrestricted warfare.
This included drug running, bribery, corruption, , financial manipulations, etc.
The problem with unrestricted warfare; your opponent might take out all the stops to defeat you. These 2 Chinese came up with the idea of introducing a pandemic to weaken America.
ALL indications are that; the Chines are FAR more susceptible to the Wuhan Flu that are Americans.
Also, China is signatory to the Geneva convention;
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925
China hoped to slowly boil the American frog. If the book is required reading at West Point, that doesn't seem very likely.
It appears that China bought up politicians by the boatload.
China Joe plans to make nice with China.
Trump has crammed the globalization ship into reverse.
1/12 China outstanding debt up 13.3% in 2020 – Reuters
China is fast running out of food AND, it is picking fights with all of it's neighbors. It cut off much of their water.
China spread around the Wuhan Flu and garnered LOTS of hatred. Everybody is dead broke trying to counter the effects of the lockdown.
1/12 Italian government on verge of collapse amid battle over EU covid relief – ZH
China started fights with <30> other nations, including Russia and India AT THE SAME TIME that they were trying to collapse America with subversion.
Trump pulled the plug on them with his reversal of globalism. Out of desperation, they bought up creeper Joe.
Japan & Australia have joined the party and, are preparing for war with China. They are cheering Trump.
The war with China will eventually turn hot. Why not now?
The Thucydides Trap makes war pretty much inevitable.
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The State is going broke. The Patriot Act just didn't go far enough at locking people down and, squeezing out money.
1/11 Prepare for the new “domestic terrorism bill” – OffGuardian
This domestic terrorism bill is well named. It is terrorism by the State against the people.
Euhud Barak and Dick Cheney knocked down the twin towers to instil fear and get the people locked down tight.
This domestic terrorism bill needs some big terror attacks. The big party in the capitol building was supposed to kick this off. There were people with zip-ties to take hostages. That plan just didn't work out. The partiers left peacibly,,, with lots of souvenirs.
The next BIG attack was going to be at Twitter.
1/12 San Francisco police prepare for pro-Trump rally at Twitter headquarters – ZH
Barricades, police & media: Twitter battens down the hatches in preparation for pro-Trump crowd that never came
But at 8am local time, when the demonstration was set to begin, local news acknowledged there were plenty of cops and media on site – and not a MAGA hat to be seen. Indeed, the only demonstrators on site, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, were two “leftist protesters” who’d showed up to counter the “unruly mobs”
were actually warning Trump supporters away from Twitter HQ, suggesting it might be a false flag operation.
Indeed, one of the instructions included on the original post advised demonstrators to bring “big” zip ties in order to “citizen arrest violent agitators” – a directive that may have been a nod to Wednesday’s chaos. A zip-tie-toting demonstrator clad in full body armor took part in the raid on the Capitol and was arrested on Sunday for his participation.
Twitter took the opportunity to do additional housecleaning, removing thousands of followers from Republican politicians’ accounts and allegedly adding them to Democrats, according to a screenshot posted by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Trump just doesn't seem to get the terrorism message
1/12 ‘Let’s all remain peaceful,’ says Trump in clear incitement to violence – BB
US Representative Hank Johnson, who told a Navy admiral in 2010 that overpopulation could cause Guam to capsize, said the police shooting of a protester who breached the Capitol on Wednesday saved black lawmakers from being hung.
OK, you get the idea. They NEED more domestic terrorism to justify a domestic terrorism bill. AS LONG as it is terror from the right.
BLM and ANTIFA just don't qualify.
FBI Warns Of 'Armed Protests' Across Nation As 15,000 National Guard Deployed To Capitol
If you remember the color revolutions in the Ukraine, and elsewhere, There were agents provocateur shooting at both sides to get a real slaughter going. I suspect that lots of lefties will be buying MAGA hats.
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Evidently, Trump is on GAB
Reportedly, Pelosi has been arrested
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Special operations with Pepe.
Running down rats is time consuming. Operators are standing by. People are dying. Infestation. No mercy.
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Just in, unverified.
This is why they are censoring everyone. They just DECLASSIFIED everything! Share it far & wide.
Here we go!
Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging!
Here you go, please read and pass it on..... [](
These are Clinton’s emails: [](
Index file! [](
Send to everyone you can as fast as you can!
Military takedowns and arrests begin this wknd and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv's, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time. Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.
DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People will start rioting once this intel breaks thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down.
The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump's broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.
Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs.
Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence. He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused.
His press release of a "smooth transition" did not include the word, "concede" as he has no plans to do so. Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn.
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A few more notes;
The Great Purge: Twitter Has Suspended More Than 70,000 Accounts Since Friday
The Fear?,,,,, engaged in sharing harmful QAnon-associated content
Patriots' Belichick Refuses Trump's Presidential Medal Of Freedom
...remaining true to the people, team and country I love outweigh the benefits of any individual award."
Taibbi: We Need A New Media System
"The rival media ecosystem chose cash over truth..."
"Very Incriminating": Hacker Archives Every Deleted Parler Post
Over 70 Terabytes?
They're going to round up all of us.
Germany And France 'Shocked' Over Twitter Decision To Ban Trump
The "digital oligarchy."
The "Crisis" Is Corporate Liberal Authoritarianism
House Dems Introduce Article Of Impeachment Against Trump, Have The Necessary Votes
We actually have the votes... There’s no doubt about that.”
How A Snap Impeachment Could Shatter Our Constitutional Balance
Goldman To Punish GOP Leaders Who Challenged Election; JPMorgan And Citi Suspend All Political Donations
ACLU Warns Of "Unchecked Power" After Facebook, Twitter Suspend Trump
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I received an interesting PDF but, my computer has had so many attacks that I can't open a PDF. A friend sent me the text.
A Letter from the Chairman
• January 8, 2021
As I write to you today, I have no doubt that this letter will find many of you crushed under the weight of
despair or perhaps lost in a maze of confusion. It is my hope that by the time you finish reading this letter you
will be able to confidently join millions of others who support the president and another four years.
Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those
are shocking words in these crazy days.
I have been approached by many saying, “It’s over…” and “Trump conceded the election…”. Nothing of the
sort has taken place. Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention
Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new
administration and he does say that this is only the beginning. Those phrases are important to note. Indeed, we
will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made
their treason complete. I will touch on this in more detail shortly.
We do well to remember that for more than four years Donald Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone in
every attempt to derail him, impeach him, or confound him. For example, he announced on election night in the
early hours of the morning that he “didn’t want a dump of ballots at 4AM.” What happened in just a few short
hours at almost exactly 4AM? A huge ballot dump took place which showed that he already knew that it was
going to take place. That was a public word to the enemies of our country that he was on to them. Also,
consider the recent incident at the capitol building in DC. Trump was late to his speaking engagement and then
spoke on a number of rehashed things to the crowd of 500K+ but this created a problem. You see, if Trump had
spoken on time and briefly, the MAGA crowd would have been at the capitol building with the Antifa faction
and likely would have been drawn into the fray by accident and confusion due to the crowd size. With Trump
speaking late and long, the MAGA crowd was PROTECTED and SEPARATED from the Antifa groups. It
would be very clear that the disguised Antifa people were 95%+ of the people in the building. Again, Trump
countered because he was steps ahead of them. This was clearly a staged event meant to blame Trump
supporters and try to frame Trump so the 25th amendment could be used by Congress but it failed. Nevermind
the numerous videos showing the police opening the gates for Antifa (they didn’t fight their way in) and then
leading them throughout the building.
I say all this as only two examples out of many that at no point has our president been in a fight of desperation.
Now you may ask, “Why hasn’t Trump arrested anyone yet? Why did this have to go all the way to
Congress?” Multiple reasons: first, Trump has been adamant in following the rule of law and the
Constitution. He gives everyone, no matter how dirty, an opportunity to do the right thing (sometimes with
warnings such as the phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State recently). He pushed cases through the
courts, he presented evidence to the legislatures, and he even told the vice president to do the right thing. But
with the betrayal by Pence and Congress, the treason is now complete and nobody can say that Trump did not
allow the process to finish before acting. Second, in order to drain the swamp you have to know who are the
swamp creatures. They can blend in very well with the crowds. But the false event in the capitol revealed the
final traitors for who they were regardless of party affiliation. Trump flushed them out of hiding.
I need to take a moment to speak on Pence. With his treason completed, many of you may not know of his
dealings and political posturing prior to the infamous day in the capitol. Pence was already wheeling and
dealing way back during the 2016 election season with…wait for it….Paul Ryan. Remember Ryan? The RINO
speaker of the house? Look at these emails that were recently revealed:
Pence-Ryan Emails
Pence was also involved with a scheme to oust Trump sometime during his first four years that was orchestrated
by Rod Rosenstein and supported by the Clintons. The plan: get rid of Trump, become president and then
appoint Rod Rosenstein as the new VP. Why would they want that? Because they felt Pence could be
controlled. See these links for the 3 part series for more information:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
More could be said but I don’t want this letter to become more of a book than it already is. Suffice it to say that
when Trump said at the DC rally that he hoped Pence would do the right thing, he already knew what he was
going to do but was, yet again, giving the man space to choose to do the right thing.
Now, nobody has been more supportive of Trump than Lin Wood. This man’s career has been fighting
defamation lawsuits which means that he doesn’t say things, no matter how outrageous they may seem, without
them being true as he knows the consequences of slander. With this in mind, Lin Wood has become a fountain
of information and leaks of hitherto unknown information revealing some of the depths of corruption and evil in
our highest offices. This is the same man who recently said that arrests are coming over the next few days. He
called Pence a traitor well before the counting of the elector votes on the 6th. But did you know that he also said
that the president, following the capitol incident, left DC on a “Doomsday” aircraft (used for communications in
the event of a nuclear war) with his family and was in Abilene, TX. This aircraft was confirmed by both flight
trackers and eyes on the ground. In short, he is a trustworthy source of information. If you have a means to
follow Lin Wood on Parler, I would highly recommend that you do so to stay abreast of things taking place.
You can also listen to this podcast: Podcast
So, what comes next? I don’t have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days
1. Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated. The FCC just recently released a memorandum
speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public. See
this link
2. Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that
they are accusing Trump of doing. In battle, there will be disinformation but know that plans are being
3. Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time. You may wake one
morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
4. Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end. This is not a television show where things are resolved in
45 minutes.
5. Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan. 20th.
6. Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely
going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a
good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.
7. Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
8. Expect the executive order from 2018 and/or the Insurrection Act to be enacted. This DOES NOT mean
martial law. Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the
president many powers to act.
These things may happen out of the order listed and some may happen multiple times. As I have been watching
closely, many things have been and are in play as we speak. Remember that Trump has not and will not give
up. He actually takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic very
seriously. This is why they are so panicked in DC: they know that Trump will fight while Congress just rolls
I’ve mentioned this before but it bears repeating. None of us would have believed what we all now know except
that Trump and his team have painstakingly taken the time to show the public. Want to show what Congress
thinks of you? Highlight that the stimulus bill only sent $600 to each American but billions to other countries
(payoffs, money laundering). Want to show the extent of collusion with the CCP at all levels of
government? Bring multiple lawsuits against the election fraud from the local courts all the way to the Supreme
Court which will show just how brazenly treasonous the judges are. Want the public to see how rigged the
election system has been for many years? Present the evidence openly as we have seen. Even this week we have
sworn testimony out of Italy that the Leonardo defense contractor used satellites to change the votes from our
election in the USA from Italy. These Dominion voting machines were actively sending data to Germany,
Serbia, China, Iran, and now Rome. This corruption is MUCH bigger than any of us expected but none of us
would have believed it until now. This is why things seem to have taken so long.
Now, the American public is awake and ready to take back their long forgotten responsibilities to hold the
elected officials accountable. I have heard from many of you how upset you are with the obvious and willful
disregard for the truth and for justice.
As the days unfold, let’s maintain communications among ourselves and try to help our neighbor to understand
what is happening. Turn off the television as they have demonstrated they are clearly only falsifying the media
to maintain control over your thinking. Do not despair but pray for our country, for Trump and his supporters,
and for a national repentance to be stirred nationwide.
The next 12 days will be something to tell the grandchildren! It’s 1776 all over again!
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