These statement in 2017 give us the direction of the President early on. He states "SOME OF US?" Who is Q? Some of us? Yes Q is a military Collective that has been forced to stand by while our country was over run by rats for the past 50 years. However during that time data was collected. Now suddenly everyone is awake saying "Isn't that terrible" johnny come lately must be protected as he is incapable of even getting any answers to act upon. Our prison sentence is over now. The anger of the masses kept in the dark, most their entire lives, will burn like a furnace.
This is a hostile take over of the USA not just Dem's.
29-Oct-2017 11:11:40 AM CDT4ch/pol
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Why is MS13 a priority?
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.
Operation Mockingbird.
No announcement yet.
2020 presidential election
The devil is in the details;
The House passing an amendment to the omnibus defense bill in an attempt to inhibit the President's ability to invoke the Insurrection Act:
H. Amdt. 833 (Escobar) to H.R. 6395: To require certification be made to Congress when the President deploys active duty military within the United States during civil unrest by amending the Insurrection Act in Title 10, Chapter 13 of U.S. Code.
Nothing more needs to be said from Orange except 'execute order 66'.
The usual suspects are all over MSM this week talking about removing him before the 6th because the evidence of fraud is clear in the swing states needed for his re-election and is coming out into the mainstream.
The bill, H.R. 6395, will now return to Congress where the House and the Senate both have the votes and may decide to override Trump’s veto.
Numerous provisions of the Act directly contradict my Administration's foreign policy, particularly my efforts to bring our troops home. I oppose endless wars, as does the American public. Over bipartisan objections, however, this Act purports to restrict the President's ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea. Not only is this bad policy, but it is unconstitutional. Article II of the Constitution makes the President the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and vests in him the executive power. Therefore, the decision regarding how many troops to deploy and where, including in Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea, rests with him. The Congress may not arrogate this authority to itself directly or indirectly as purported spending restrictions."
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Originally posted by Danny B View PostThings are moving very fast.
'We're Headed for a Bitter Struggle in America'
Ex-House Speaker Gingrich Says Amid Vote Fraud
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Things are moving very fast. When I leave links, these are only notes to give you the short story. I don't read all the articles. I don't believe that it is necessary in most cases. Obviously, these notes are not likely to be 100% truth. I post them to give you an idea of forces in play.
BOMBSHELL - AZ Lawmakers Try To Certify President Trump As Winner - Vid
President Trump Vetoes $740 Billion Defense Bill Calls Bill 'A Gift To China And Russia'
Trump Urges Americans to 'Stop the Theft of the Presidential Election' - That YOUR Job, Donald
Absolutely NOT TRUE. It is our job to let our voices be heard. If not, "they" will just roll him over figuring that we won't do anything.
Oathkeepers To Trump - 'Invoke the Insurrection Act or We Will Fight a Bloody and Desperate Revolution to Throw-off A Biden - Chi-Com Puppet Regime'
Make the 3%ers into 10%ers.
Dumb As Rocks Biden CIA Appointee Worked With CCP Propaganda Org Conducting 'Undercover Intel Ops' Appears on China State Media
The war between China and the United States has already begun and America is the battleground
Nope, Aussie and japan could easily get ground up. Not to mention Taiwan.
SolarWinds Hack Happened Just Before Company Announced New Chinese Expansion, Partnership
US Code and Constitution Require Pence To Reject Unlawful Electoral College Certificates, Must Act Today
Pence Plans to Oversee Jan 6 Electoral College Vote And Then Leave America Immediately for Israel
” Politico notes. “[But the Israel trip also] allows Pence… to put distance between himself and Trump’s complaints about the election outcome that are likely to intensify after Congress affirms Biden’s win.”
GA Senate Committee Releases DAMNING REPORT On Election Fraud...Recommends De-Certifying Electors
Never Trump pundit Bill Kristol predicts Trump MEGA COUP on Xmas Eve, based on...hearsay
I'm sure that the devil is preparing a special place in hell for this mega-criminal.
Sidney Powell says WH 'officials' have blocked her from speaking to President Trump Since Friday Says Trump Is Being Undermined by His Own People
Nothing new there.
Acting SecDef Chris Miller Thanks Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?
Gingrich - Why I will not accept Biden as president
'We're Headed for a Bitter Struggle in America'
Ex-House Speaker Gingrich Says Amid Vote Fraud
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Hint---Ezra Cohen
09-Nov-2018 5:32:17 PM CST8ch/patriotsfight
Logical thinking required.
A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?
B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]
C) What is the role of the SENATE?
>Role of GOWDY?
>Role of SESSIONS?
>Who did SESSIONS appoint in NOV 2017?
>Who is HUBER?
>Mandate charged to HUBER?
>Resources provided to HUBER?
>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?
>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?
>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?
>What is the advantage of having a ‘temp’ (‘acting’) in a leadership position?
“The appointment itself, on 21 July, triggered a shake-up at the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his hiring.” —Mission Successful
>Laser designator(s) locked on target(s)
>Who was assigned directly to SESSIONS by POTUS?
>Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]?
>NAT SEC ADVISOR TO SESSIONS [counterintelligence and counterterrorism]?
>Who briefed NUNES on classified intel re: HUSSEIN spy campaign v. POTUS?
>Who briefed Goodlatte & Gowdy on classified intel re: DOJ & FBI?
See Ezra inside. FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE. No more slow walking boys and girls. Da Zhit is gonna hit the fan and always runs down hill.
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Evergreen is hung deleted tweet by Melania Trump, hahaha feels yummy
Originally posted by Danny B View PostPresident Trump
to certify President Trump as the winner.
News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, close the deal before Christmas.
Emergency Test coming Thursday, What were we told?
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
Important to fully digest and understand.
Follow for days ahead [DECLAS].
[note the pen]
You have more than you know.
Nothing can stop what is coming
565461b0-35ee-48fc-8bd1-585833c5b349.0000001.jpgLast edited by BroMikey; 12-23-2020, 10:10 PM.
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President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast this morning. During the interview, Giuliani said the Arizona legislature will attempt to pass a resolution tomorrow (Wednesday) to certify President Trump as the winner.
News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, but Giuliani said Arizona lawmakers did not have the votes today to make that happen. Giuliani said he’s hopeful Arizona lawmakers will be able to close the deal before Christmas.
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Never forget that mainstream Democrats are generally in favor of law & order.
Nancy Pelosi Says She Plans To Pull Trump Out Of The White House 'By His Hair' - Use The EO, Donald, And Lock her and Hundreds more up
Pelosi Gone ! AOC is a tissey, Conservative Democrats may just spoil the party
"The Conservative Democrats, who are more middle of the road, are very anti-AOC and very anti-Pelosi."
Poll: Nearly half of registered voters believe election was fraudulent
Obviously, the Supreme Court is compromised,,, to say the least.
Trump and camp have made it painfully clear that seating Biden (in his Depends) in the White House will NOT be the end of the investigations.
Kunstler points out that both Biden and Harris are MISSING IN ACTION. Not a word or appearance from them. Kunstler speculates that something is going on out of view. That may very well be the NSA and military.****-nat...e-visitations/
Even alternative news is limited on what they will say on the Net. This is NOT true for what people say in blogs and in the comment section.
Fortunately, Aaron has been very hands-off here. Thanks.
Here are some comments lifted from the Kunstler article.
"Why has the gay, trans and socialist agenda been pushed so hard these last sixteen years. A gay communist Obama, a trans Michelle, both owned by a sociopath monster Soros, that’s why America!
In a hyper-feminized country where a significant portion of the population treats a virus with a greater than 99% survival rate as if it’s the Black Death, who knows what is possible. I suspect that aforementioned group could see a light shining out of the sky accompanied by the requisite booming voice illuminating electoral fraud and it would make little difference. Convincing the country en masse that something went down is never going to happen. Rationality, much like Elvis, has left the building but in the same breath, that is the dilemma for those who believe the fix is in. There are certainly quite a few shady-appearing aspects to the 2020 debacle but proving them may well be another matter.
My guess is if Republicans prevail in GA, this debate will pass into history as Biden will be hamstrung and harassed for two miserable years until the inevitable parade to the political abattoir of the 2022 midterms. If on the other hand, the people who believe Trotsky had some good ideas tip the Senate, then all bets are most certainly off.
King of comedy, you’re right that men and women think and act differently, and to a large degree the women’s viewpoint prevails now all around us: safety, ‘hurt feelings’, ‘don’t rock the boat’, everybody gets a trophy. Most women and maybe about half of the men are tuned in to that wavelength now, it seems. Mr K talks about president T as the “daddy figure” to hate. He may have something there. Women are superior to us men in some ways, but in my experience, generally men react better under pressure, stay calmer, don’t freak out. Something to ponder as stormy weather approaches.
You may get what you wish and probably deserve with the left taking over by election fraud as there doesn’t seem to be enough men with balls left in this soon to be $hithole country, to do anything about the stolen election. Most people i try to talk to about this seem to be giving up. The fuking mass media bull**** is working on all the feeble minded mutherfukers.
Part of me thinks what we have right now , “because of the holidays” in lack of better excuse, is the calm before the storm. Election-divided country with ruined business and lives can not last for long as is.
If anyone is really interested, here’s a link to an astrological forecast for the president who takes office in 2021– Described as being like “walking face first into a buzz saw.”
The Biden Mob / Antifa Mob / BLM Mob think this fight is over. They are whistling past the graveyard and they know it. There is a reason a Kamala STILL hasn’t resigned from her Senate seat yet. She knows that it could still all go south on them at any moment.
75 million fighting mad Trump voters also KNOW that they were swindled by the Dems and all their supporters in the MSM, Silicon Valley, and China.
The FRAUD does not sit well. The endless election shenanigans by Democrat fraudsters smells to high heaven.
If allowed to stand it means the end of authentic democratically elected government and the beginning of Banana Republichood with an express train ticket to Wokester Totalitarian Hell.
Oh, by the way, the CDC decided to throw in the flu and pneumonia with the ‘ro, in their count of hospitalizations. That’s where the rise in hospitalizations is coming from. That and all the delays people experienced in getting treatment for anything else.
Whoever holds the Oval Office these next four years will also be left holding the biggest bag in the history of American politics, and it ain’t full of rose petals.
That bag will surely be aflame on the White House porch soon into the next presidential term, and what could be more fair than for Old White Joe to be the one who has to trudge out there in his bedroom slippers and try to stomp it out?
Problem is this, you’re a fool if you vote Democrat and you’re a fool if you vote Republican, because if you vote for either one you vote for an unworkable and calamitous status quo.
Each successive presidential administration is the seamless successor of the last, this last administration being the exception with respect to overseas supply chains and unrestricted immigration which both Democrats and Republicans worked for. Both the overseas supply chains and immigration worked to lower costs and raise corporate profits which was the objective of both political parties because both are funded by monied interests.
And both worked to the detriment of what we’ve been calling Deplorables. Trump was the exception which is why he must be overthrown.
Trump 1, was a severe miscalculation by those with the levers of power. They did not “program” correctly for the hate towards Hillary.
This is why the swamp boiled. Not because of Trump, but because they had failed and had to implement a plan B.
The bureaucratic coup.
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There must be an ongoing bidding war.
Soros is buying politicians and judges.
Bill Gates is buying politicians and doctors.
MOSSAD is buying and trapping politicians
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted and later deleted a tweet last week that suggested three Jewish, billionaire Democratic donors were attempting to “buy” the 2018 midterm elections.
How congress maintains endless wars.
I want to address the most basic question of all.
It has long been claimed that all democracies fail,,, usually after 150 years.
America was founded as a democratic republic.
What if a democratic republic is also unworkable?
I'm going to do a long excerpt from Armstrong where he claims just that. Remember that he is a history professor from Princeton. He also has a data base with all of the world's history.
"What Schwab is doing is trying to take over the world, not by any democratic process, but by advocating tyranny. I have stated many times that the Founding Fathers did not understand Roman history. They assumed that Julius Caesar was some evil dictator and Cato with Cicero were the good guys. Unfortunately, they were not fully informed, for had they been informed, they would NEVER have advocated a Republic. Every Republic in history has turned into an oligarchy."
"Schwab has sent his new Communist 3.0 Manifesto to every world leader and every governor/premier of every state and province around the world. He has been exploiting the danger of Republics, for they can promise you anything to get elected and then do exactly the opposite. This is what a “representative” form of government is all about. The Founding Fathers were not fully aware that the Roman Senate was never “elected” by the people. Senators were only the aristocrats — never the plebs. There was no right to vote afforded to the people and this is precisely where we find ourselves once again. Tell us anything, and do precisely the opposite."
Now, go back in time to the Bretton Woods conference.
The U.S. dollar would be tied to gold.
All western currencies would be locked in to the U.S. dollar.
No state could inflate their bond market to finance a war.
The gold standard also put a limit to how much a State could buy votes (finance a welfare state)
The U.S.S.R. was not part of the Bretton Woods agreement. They espoused Marxism and, eventually went broke. Ludwig Von Mises predicted this 35 years before it happened.
The STATE neither wants, nor admits ANY limits on the growth of the STATE.
This blindness has a price that must be eventually paid.
U.S. GOV is creating $3 trillion in new liquidity just for the month of December.
The Western world sees an eventual crash. Armstrong claims that the lockdowns are forced on us to forestall revolution.
Schwab & company want a TOTAL crash. They will build back better. NOPE
Society and the economy are just too complex to generally survive this planned crash. Billions will die.
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Over the Target
colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli
McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose
People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush
Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen
Reuters – Amanda Becker
Tina Brown – Tina Brown
The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai
Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+
Why did the Podesta Group close?
Public charges?
Why close?
When did Huber start?
JP/ Huma NOV.
Do they know?
Why did the Podesta group close?
Why no leaks?
Who else knows?
HRC deal request?
Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
Why not?
Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?
Everyone has an opinion.
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This is what we were told in 2017 (Question form only) Awaken
Who are the bad actors?
Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Commander in Chief?
Is this possible?
Is the US political / election system corrupt?
Who owns poll machines?
Why is this relevant?
They never thought she would lose.
They never thought she would lose.
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
POTUS is our savior.
Military-savior of mankind
Operators are active.
We are at war
.The ‘fix’ has always been in – no matter which party won the election (-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).
This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).
Power of the (3) letter agencies.
Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other nations and install like-kind).
These people are really stupid.Last edited by BroMikey; 12-21-2020, 05:29 PM.
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