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2020 presidential election
1. Peter Beinart -- the son of Jewish immigrants from South Africa -- wants the United Nations to intervene if Trump "loses" the election but refuses to accept it.
"Make no mistake. If (((they))) could, scum like Beinart would deploy UN "peacekeepers" to do to conservative Americans exactly what his Leninist-Trotskyite brethren of a century ago did to anti-Bolshevik Russians -- which is to round us all up, intern us, and then kill us!"
Ah yes, bring in U.N peacekeepers. Americans of ALL beliefs will very quickly make pieces of them.
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I rarely follow any one channel on youtube. Bro Mikey has posted links to the X-22 report a few times. X-22 has a lot to say that is worth listening.
Keep in mind that it would be logical for Trump to hold off damning news and indictments until it is close to election time. The people who love Trump are NOT going to change their minds. Would Trump crucify obummer and HRC? It's not like we would turn on him for attacking criminals and Marxists.
Biden is slowly melting. Just not as fast as the wicked witch of the West.
Epstein and MOSSAD got their tentacles down VERY deep into American politics. The investigations go on for months. The details are slowly squeezed out of the underlings.
A lot of people are panicking.
Letter: Soros controls Democratic Party
"the Democrats decided to sell their base and their soul to a very bad billionaire and they got a very bad deal for both.
a former Nazi collaborator had bought the Democrat Party using the spare change in his sofa cushions.
And gone to war against the will of the people. This was what he modestly called his own “Soros Doctrine”.
He vowed that he would become poor if it meant defeating the President of the United States.
e helped buy the Democratic Party as a toy for his yowling dorm room of left-wing activists to play with.
Soros hasn’t had a great track record at buying presidential elections. The official $25 million he poured into this one bought him his worst defeat since 2004. But his money did transform the Democrat Party.
And killed it.
The Democrats became a radical left-wing organization and unviable as a national political party. The Party of Jefferson had become the Party of Soros.
Then the party woke up after Obama to realize that it had lost its old bases in the South and the Rust Belt. The left had hollowed it out and transformed it into a party of coastal urban elites, angry college crybullies and minority coalitions.
Republicans control twice as many state legislative chambers as the Democrats
Had Soros aided the Democrats without trying to control them, he would have gained a seat at the table in a national party. Instead he spent a fortune destroying the very thing he was trying to control.
Soros turned over the Democrats to political fanatics least likely to be able to recognize their own errors. His protégés repeated the great self-destruction of the Soviet Union on a more limited scale
Soros fed a political polarization while assuming, wrongly, that the centers of power mattered, and their outskirts did not. He was proven wrong in both the United States of America and in the United Kingdom.
It wasn't even his own leftists. Rather it was the conservative and eventually the moderate wings of the Democrat party who were swept away by his left-wing avalanches.
The left did not mourn the mass destruction of the moderates. Instead it celebrated the growing purity of the Democrats as a movement of the hard left. It did not notice or care that it was no longer a political force outside a limited number of cities."
Soros and his son Alexander are calling the shots in the Democratic party.
"He wanted to control a country he did not understand."
If you are wondering why the Dems make so many stupid moves, they are being ordered around by a rich old fossil who does not understand Americans.
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Biden Volunteers Complain 'Astounding Number' Of Americans Think 'Biden Is A Pedophile'
Just Declassified - The Russia hoax was Hillary's plan and the Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it
Hillary Clinton Accused Of Approving SchemeTo Smear Trump With Russia Accusations
Trump is a showman at heart. Just how many grenades is he going to throw before the election?
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It looks like the beginning of November will be a REALLY big show.
Here is an excellent vid by a smart woman who finally broke free to think for herself
9/27 I was wrong about the Democratic Party – Georgia H
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I must have got some bad drugs. I just noticed that I had started 2 threads on the same subject.
"We either elect Harris/Biden or the cabal launches a coup and their thugs destroy the country. Hillary Clinton already has told Biden not to concede under any circumstances. It’s a regime-change operation similar to those the cabal has waged around the globe for decades. BLM and Antifa are kissing cousins to the US’s cat’s-paw Islamic extremists and Ukrainian neo-nazis. Fomenting violence and chaos, they’re the violent cover for their sponsors’ intrigues. Order won’t emerge from their chaos, unless your idea of order is Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Ukraine.
It’s all laid out in the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), a blueprint of how the cabal intends to install Harris/Biden regardless of the actual election results."
"he forced the cabal out of the shadows. He has exposed the unholy alliance of scheming bureaucrats, political figureheads, intelligence operatives, military brass, contractors, second-rate academics, media moguls, and Hollywood airheads that presume to rule us. “The Deep State” was a fringe term when Trump became president, now it’s part of the vernacular. "
Ron Paul has been censored for criticizing the W.H.O.
"18 out of 20 Members of Facebook’s Censorship Board Have Some Ties to George Soros"
Federal intel officials cloned phones to surveil, map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests
Once again, I advise you to buy more popcorn and stay away from crowds.
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Kunstler is breaking the news,****-nat...a-knife-fight/
9/20 AOC: Democrats should ‘radicalize and fight’ following Ginsburg’s death – ZH
9/20 If U.S. election winds up in Supreme Court, Ginsburg’s death will loom large – Reuters
9/20 Ginsburg death opens complex partisan chessboard – Just The News
9/20 Picking RBG’s successor: the who, the when, & the hypocrisy – Zero Hedge
9/20 Nuclear scenario for markets in ‘jaw-dropping’ SCOTUS/election plot-twist – ZH
9/20 Reza Aslan: If they ‘even try to replace” RBG, “burn it all down” – RS
Very important article on the coup;
9/19 From Smedley Butler to “7 Days In May”…to Trump today? – OffGuardian
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Emergency election near. Vote Trump, he needs your help.
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It is getting harder and harder to hide Biden in a basement. Here is a video montage of his numerous gaffs.
9/17 Interim report on Biden probe due out within a week – Epoch Times
9/17 Can America survive election day? – Hill Rising
Moving to the surreal;
9/17 Europe: Can Biden fix what Trump broke? – NY Times
Saker, "Not only are some clearly plotting a coup against Trump should he declare himself the winner, but things have now gone so far that the Chairmen of the JCS had to make an official statement saying that the US military will play no role in the election."
"Furthermore, I have the greatest doubts about Trump or his supporters being able to successfully defeat Dem/BLM/Antifa. “Just” winning the election won’t be enough, even if Trump wins by a landslide: we already know that the Dem/BLM/Antifa will never accept a Trump victory, no matter how big"
"As for Trump, for all his megalomaniacal threats and in spite of a few (thoroughly ineffective) missile strikes on Syria, he has not started a new war.
By the way, when was it the last time that a US president did NOT order a war during his time in office?"
"But inside the USA, what we see taking place before us is a weird kind of war against the people of the USA, a war waged by a very dangerous mix of ideologues and thugs (that is the toxic recipe for most revolutions!). And while Trump or Biden won’t really matter much to Russia, China or Iran, it still might matter a great deal to millions of people who deserve better than to live under a Dem/BLM/Antifa dictatorship (whether only ideological or actual)."
"The USA of 2020 in so many ways reminds me of Russia in February 1917: the ruling classes were drunk on their ideological dogmas and never realized that the revolution they so much wanted would end up killing most of them. This is exactly what the US ruling classes are doing: they are acting like a parasite who cannot understand that by killing its host it will also kill itself. The likes of Pelosi very much remind me of Kerensky, the man who first destroyed the 1000 year old Russian monarchy and who then proceeded to replace it with kind of totally dysfunctional “masonic democracy” which only lasted 8 months until the Bolsheviks finally seized power and restored law and order (albeit in a viciously ruthless manner)."
"The US political system is both non-viable and non-reformable. No matter what happens next, the US as we knew it will collapse this winter, PCR is right."
"I still don’t see a typical civil war breaking out in the US. But I see many, smaller, “local wars” breaking out all over the country – yes, violence is at this point inevitable. It is, therefore, the moral obligation of every decent person to do whatever he/she can do, no matter how small, to help the “deplorables” in their struggle against the forces of chaos, violence and tyranny, especially during the upcoming “years of transition” which will be very, very hard on the majority of the people living in the US."
Fox News Panel Silent After Gingrich Exposes Soros As Financier Of Communist BLM/Antifa Riots
Obama Trained Tens Of Thousands Of Organizers At Communist Alinsky camps
Obummer has always been a Marxist.
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Sadly, there is an emerging question: Will the military back Trump during a coup attempt
Will the military go against Trump.?
You will find opinions everywhere. Here is one.
It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”
The former United States Senator (for 26 years) and Vice President (for eight) has not once, not twice, but thrice confidently asserted that the military will “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” should the president refuse to leave. Another former Vice President, Al Gore, publicly agreed."
The aforementioned Chairman has already stated that the military will play “no role” in the outcome of the election. That’s probably not a feint, but one wonders if it will hold given the obvious attempt to influence military thinking by people like Jeffrey Goldberg in his recent Atlantic essay.
Can the Dems rely on the Secret Service to drag Trump out? I have my doubts on this one. I’ve seen the Service up close; it really is (or strongly appears to be) apolitical. It has a job to do: protect the president, whoever that is. Officers take that job very seriously. If they don’t believe Trump lost, I don’t think they can be counted on to oust him.
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