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2020 presidential election

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  • #76
    Abiding by their own state law? Yer kidding right? The land handed path was not given a choice. Separate the legal from the illegal, kidding right? Nope, very serious.

    BREAKING: SCOTUS Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania ballots received after 8pm on election day be separated, secured



    • #77
      We ALL knew that there would be weeks of litigation. We all knew that there would be twists and turns to the various plots.
      Here are a couple of vids.

      Just entertain the thought that; the courts hand the election to Trump.
      What will the reaction be?
      Armstrong's computer has this to say;
      "I was told by a journalist in one of the top 5 newspapers, that they were INSTRUCTED there will be NO investigation stories into fraud. The press is part of the conspiracy and has been taking money from Gates as he has admitted giving the media “grants” anyone else would call bribes."
      "Trump is not conceding and this will end up in the courts. We still see the target being the week of November 23 and then Panic Cycles come in December."
      "Our computer has NEVER been wrong, and it was forecasting a 50/50 popular vote, and Biden is claiming only 50.5%. So we are still in this period of chaos and uncertainty."

      I have some reservations about the computer forecasting a 50-50 vote. Maybe it knew how much fraud was in the works.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        We ALL knew that there would be weeks of litigation. We all knew that there would be twists and turns to the various plots.
        Here are a couple of vids.

        Just entertain the thought that; the courts hand the election to Trump.
        What will the reaction be?
        Armstrong's computer has this to say;
        "I was told by a journalist in one of the top 5 newspapers, that they were INSTRUCTED there will be NO investigation stories into fraud. The press is part of the conspiracy and has been taking money from Gates as he has admitted giving the media “grants” anyone else would call bribes."
        "Trump is not conceding and this will end up in the courts. We still see the target being the week of November 23 and then Panic Cycles come in December."
        "Our computer has NEVER been wrong, and it was forecasting a 50/50 popular vote, and Biden is claiming only 50.5%. So we are still in this period of chaos and uncertainty."

        I have some reservations about the computer forecasting a 50-50 vote. Maybe it knew how much fraud was in the works.
        Nice work Danny, you are a real researcher. We have heard about election fraud for decades poo poo-ed of course by the media with hardly ever a consequence. This game has been played along time in various ways. back when we were kids all we had was a land line telephone and a radio to communicate. No selfies. The news was one sided in the 1960's telling the people what they wanted you to know. THEY being the people with all of the money and power.

        Today digitally we have surpassed the lying news media. We can now see the corruption that has always been there. Good morning wake up call, hear the alarm? Information warfare. Welcome to the digital battlefield.

        BTW I sat up the entire vote count thru the middle of the morning hours and the count stopped at 1am and started back up at around 3:30am- 4am. In PA the count was quickly being done with 54% trump lead and Biden had 43%. There is no way on earth that Biden could have caught up. I have watched election counting before.

        When it is all said and done we will see the watermarks pay off and the time stamps from the USPS postal service as votes must have some form of validation. More ballots than registered voters if a fraud.

        BTW a watermark is a secret ID and the intelligence professionals who engineered it are not going to share how it works just yet. It is like the store clerk checking your $100 bill with a marker. So we don't know what it is YET.
        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-08-2020, 07:10 AM.


        • #79
          Socialist Superstar Joe Biden, free and easy here we come. Taxes will skyrocket Hee Haw

          Dynamite a few holes in THE WALL and keep the rest for a wind fence.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-08-2020, 12:54 PM.


          • #80

            “We should look at the votes. We’re just beginning the tabulation stage. We should look at these allegations. We’re seeing a number of affidavits that there has been voter fraud. We have a history in this country of election problems. In Pennsylvania you had an order by a.......Supreme Court Justice to compel them to separate ballots that were received after the legislative deadline. It required the intervention of Justice Alito. That’s a large group of ballots. When you talk about systemic problems, it’s these ballots were authenticated, because if there’s a problem in the system about authentication, that would seriously affect the ENTIRE ELECTION - And what concerns me is that we had over a hundred million mail-in ballot in cites like Philladelphia.....and Detroit with a long series of election problems (to put it mildly).”


            • #81
              This has always been the process and certification of all US Presidents. The media has pulled her skirt up over her head and continues to think she is okay with the American people to run naked. The media has strip herself bare. Never will the people trust any of it unless something is correctly done. Count every vote? Or see a pattern and call it against those who have been bias for 4 years? Something must be done. How many trump ballots were burned? recount?


              • #82
                Ballot software code hearing, J Naddler


                • #83
                  Vote switching before your eyes straight off the stream. This is a detailed expose so don't get in a hurry.

                  Vote fraud and switching in detail, very specific, so these guys are not treating us like idiots. Bring your brain.


                  • #84
                    I know a few people who don't use a computer and, of course, don't read alternate media. Talk to them and, you will see that the media blackout is very complete. According to the media, everything is said and done with. They look forward to the formal coronation of Biden.
                    Here are some headlines from Rense;

                    Detroit Resident Brags On Facebook - 'I work for
                    Wayne Co, MI and I threw out EVERY Trump ballot
                    I saw - Tens of thousands of them and so did all of
                    my co-workers'

                    Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with
                    Many Thousands of Ballots

                    Just under 10,000 confirmed DEAD PEOPLE returned
                    absentee ballots (For Biden) in Despicable Michigan

                    Developing - Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief
                    Executive...and Feinstein's Husband Is a Major
                    Shareholder Of Dominion Ballot Counting Systems!

                    'There Are Facts of Fraud' - Giuliani Says Trump Team to
                    File Lawsuits against on PA on Monday for Violating Federal
                    Law...800,000 Votes Are COMPLETELY INVALID - Watch

                    Election Destroyers - 'Hammer' And 'Scorecard'

                    O'Keefe Releases Video Exposing Ballot Destruction
                    in Pennsylvania, Immediately Gets Censored by Twitter

                    With Biden a tool of the Chinese communist party and, the CIA controlled from Tel Aviv,,,,,, and MSM controlled by Tel Aviv, there is no doubt that Trump has very formidable enemies. BUT, there is another facet to all this.
                    The rush by the communists and chosenites to block a fair election would bring a destruction to the American political system. There are a lot of people who don't care so much who is president BUT, they want to see the preservation of our political system,,,, flawed as it may be.

                    "Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and most of all, the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with the narrative that a 78-year-old, early-dementia former V.P., who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just beat D.J. in a fair election."
                    "Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it. Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust voting rules. A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the Constitution. OK, wanna bet she does?

                    Remove the after 8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania. Biden 270"
                    GOOD article

                    Here is the prospectus if Biden actually is in the White House;

                    "The first camp is the Biden family led by Joe Biden’s wife Dr. Jill Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden’s brothers Jim Biden and Frank Biden. These are the individuals who have been enriched through association with Joe Biden by using or selling access to Biden’s power to win lucrative investment management roles, consulting engagements, construction contracts and other remunerative pursuits.

                    The Biden family will want to keep Joe in power (with Jill Biden pulling the strings) in order to keep their shakedown operation intact and avoid scrutiny.

                    The second camp is led by Kamala Harris and those who control her, including the Obama crew and the Resistance. If Biden is removed under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, Harris becomes Acting President. If Biden resigns under threat of removal, Harris becomes the president.

                    She would be a front for the Obamas and Valerie Jarrett who would operate through a cabinet consisting of Obama family retainers including Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Sally Yates and Eric Holder.

                    The third camp is led by the extreme left wing of the party including Bernie Sanders, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (and The Squad), Elizabeth Warren and radical organizations such as BLM. This group is already embedded in the Biden campaign as part of a deal whereby Bernie Sanders agreed to end his primary campaign and endorse Joe Biden in exchange for Biden adopting most of the Sanders platform.

                    The most likely outcome is that the Obama crew and the Bernie Bros will join forces and run the Biden family off the road. The Bidens will be allowed to keep their Chinese and Russian money and will not face any scrutiny or prosecution in exchange for going away quietly."

                    At the moment;
                    Biden camp tries to reassure Dem Party's AOC wing - promising
                    An 'INCREDIBLY (Communist) PROGRESSIVE' agenda

                    AOC vs DNC - Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Quit Politics
                    Slams 'Hostile' Dems For Not Being 'Progressive' Enough

                    So, we would get HRC, obummer Jarrett, Rice and Kamala.
                    They would all be ultimately controlled from Tel Aviv,,,, and maybe, China.
                    Biden may well return to Dem warmongering policies
                    Yeah, color me surprised.

                    Barr & Durham hedged their bets on releasing their respective reports until after the election. Now, Fox is hedging their bets concerning the fraud. I SERIOUSLY doubt that trump advised Fox ahead of the election that he had a couple of tricks up his sleeve.
                    The Fairness Doctrine was repealed 25 years ago. Maybe Trump can bring it back.

                    Trump in England,
                    Last edited by Danny B; 11-09-2020, 03:43 PM. Reason: mo info


                    • #85
                      New information just in after votes are recounted. Al Gore would be proud



                      • #86
                        Spreading the wealth around.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          Spreading the wealth around.
                          I don't see the correct link, may have been something else.


                          • #88
                            "Dominion Voting Systems" is used in all of the SWING STATES and has big share holders such as Nancy Pelosi and Finsteines husband.These systems are have said to fail, flipping over 6000 votes in one Michigan county alone. Investigations are underway to see if the 47 other counties in Michigan also experienced vote flipping. Vote switching is one form of computer fraud where 1000 votes are subtracted from one candidate and given to his or her opponent. Not to mention all of the hundreds of other counties in these swing states where this may be happening. Now reported that the computer was not at fault rather the upload to it the night before election that may have caused it to fail.

                            Last edited by BroMikey; 11-10-2020, 06:36 AM.


                            • #89
                              Election results delayed in favor of due process. China is not going alone with Biden


                              • #90
                                Many at Fox News are opposed to free speech, watch Neil mock the press secretary. Listen folks the deplorable may be uneducated but don't play us for stupid. We put our blood on the line to protect this beautiful Lady Liberty. The woman has been briefed, she carries the message only.

                                We are not going away, the corrupt are. You decide.

