Trump was the last chance to rescue America from the planned destruction by the forces of communism. The bankers were allowed to destroy the middle class to get rich. This, in turn, made socialism more attractive to those who had been ripped off. Socialist teachers made things worse.
"Donald Trump is probably the luckiest presidential candidate in history to have lost an election. He doesn’t realise it yet
Nor does Biden yet realise how unlucky he is to have won. But that will soon change as his presidency goes from crisis to crisis in all areas from monetary to fiscal to social and political
When Trump won the election in November 2016 I wrote an article, dated Nov 18, 2016, called “Trump Will Grow US Debt Exponentially” .
The article also contained the following graph. In the article I predicted that US debt would double by 2025 to $40 trillion and that it would be $28t in January 2021 at the end of the four years.
Well, surprise, surprise, the debt is today $27.77t which can easily be rounded up to $28t.
So what will Biden and his masters do? Well Biden has already called for $ trillions of further support.
He also said: “If we don’t act now, things are going to get much worse and harder to get out of a hole later.”
But no one should believe that Biden will stop at $40t. The US economy is already leaking like a sieve. And the problems have just started.
Between the Fed and the ECB just under $8t of “fake” money has been created digitally since Sep 2019. It must obviously be called fake since nobody had to perform any work or produce any goods or services against this money.
Jim Rickards;
"iscal policy isn’t stimulus because the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is now over 130% and rising quickly. Extensive research shows that at debt-to-GDP ratios above 90%, the multiplier on new debt is less than one. This means we’re in a debt trap (in addition to a liquidity trap caused by the Fed).
We cannot print our way out of a liquidity trap. We cannot spend our way out of a debt trap. The Fed and Congress may try to stimulate the economy, but they will fail."
Democracy worked in Athens because 1/3 of Athenians were slaves. Socialism does not work because nobody wants to work.
They have to keep us poor or, nobody would go to work.
"To stop civil unrest and the threat of revolution, they are going to use COVID to restrict movement. They are turning our free society into a prison camp and there is nobody willing to stand up in our defense."
"This is the collapse of our free society. It is over. Socialism is unsustainable so they are moving to authoritarianism. Everything is unfortunately on schedule. May God have mercy upon humanity."
“This battle is really the PEOPLE v CAPITOL HILL.
“Those who think this is about supporting or opposing Trump for some political philosophy are plain gullible. There is so much more here going on behind the curtain. Those in power still REFUSE to accept that Trump was elected as a vote against THEM.
The London FT did a piece on “populism” and how all the politicians were frightened that they could be thrown out after Trump won in 2016. As the FT said, populism “horrified” the global political elite because they feared losing power!
"Donald Trump is probably the luckiest presidential candidate in history to have lost an election. He doesn’t realise it yet
Nor does Biden yet realise how unlucky he is to have won. But that will soon change as his presidency goes from crisis to crisis in all areas from monetary to fiscal to social and political
When Trump won the election in November 2016 I wrote an article, dated Nov 18, 2016, called “Trump Will Grow US Debt Exponentially” .
The article also contained the following graph. In the article I predicted that US debt would double by 2025 to $40 trillion and that it would be $28t in January 2021 at the end of the four years.
Well, surprise, surprise, the debt is today $27.77t which can easily be rounded up to $28t.
So what will Biden and his masters do? Well Biden has already called for $ trillions of further support.
He also said: “If we don’t act now, things are going to get much worse and harder to get out of a hole later.”
But no one should believe that Biden will stop at $40t. The US economy is already leaking like a sieve. And the problems have just started.
Between the Fed and the ECB just under $8t of “fake” money has been created digitally since Sep 2019. It must obviously be called fake since nobody had to perform any work or produce any goods or services against this money.
Jim Rickards;
"iscal policy isn’t stimulus because the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is now over 130% and rising quickly. Extensive research shows that at debt-to-GDP ratios above 90%, the multiplier on new debt is less than one. This means we’re in a debt trap (in addition to a liquidity trap caused by the Fed).
We cannot print our way out of a liquidity trap. We cannot spend our way out of a debt trap. The Fed and Congress may try to stimulate the economy, but they will fail."
Democracy worked in Athens because 1/3 of Athenians were slaves. Socialism does not work because nobody wants to work.
They have to keep us poor or, nobody would go to work.
"To stop civil unrest and the threat of revolution, they are going to use COVID to restrict movement. They are turning our free society into a prison camp and there is nobody willing to stand up in our defense."
"This is the collapse of our free society. It is over. Socialism is unsustainable so they are moving to authoritarianism. Everything is unfortunately on schedule. May God have mercy upon humanity."
“This battle is really the PEOPLE v CAPITOL HILL.
“Those who think this is about supporting or opposing Trump for some political philosophy are plain gullible. There is so much more here going on behind the curtain. Those in power still REFUSE to accept that Trump was elected as a vote against THEM.
The London FT did a piece on “populism” and how all the politicians were frightened that they could be thrown out after Trump won in 2016. As the FT said, populism “horrified” the global political elite because they feared losing power!