This new administration is getting too strange to ignore.
Biden never made the obligatory trip to israel to be anointed by Netanayahooo.
It looks like he will never make the State of the Union address
His admin has kept him in the basement to keep him from opening his mouth.
His admin has reversed and is now against the Sauds and, pro Houthi.
Harris has been taking over Joe's duties as the commander in chief. She is talking to the foreign heads of State as if she were the president.
No real surprise there. We kinda assumed that Harris / Obama / Rice / Hillary would be running the show.
Even that is now in doubt.
It is planned for Biden to directly talk to King Salman of Saudi and, tell him that Mbin Salman ordered the killing of Kashogi.
Moscow Blasts 'Extremely Outrageous' Strike On Syria As Biden Stays Silent (He Probably Doesn't Know)
The Kamal Wasn't Informed Prior To US War Strike on Syria - Said 'Very Upset' About Being Left Out ...Think She's Beginning To Figure it out?
Creeper Joe Quietly Revokes 7 Trump EOs Says 'I Don't Need a Reason'
Bizarre - Psaki Says She Delayed Press Briefing So She Could Prep Biden on Texas Trip - As Air Force One Flies To Houston
Sen Tim Scott On The Democrat Party 'They Are 100% Socialist (Communist) Now'
Biden - No One Should Count On Government To Protect Girls Sports From Trannys
why are House Commucrats calling on unelected Biden to give up full control of nuclear weapons?
Another Biden Brain Freeze video during live press conference - part of his farewell tour
Biden Commits To Forever War On Afghanistan
Even By Democrat Standards, Censoring Fox News Is An Insanely Stupid Idea
So, just who is running the show? Who ordered the bombing of Syria/
Biden never made the obligatory trip to israel to be anointed by Netanayahooo.
It looks like he will never make the State of the Union address
His admin has kept him in the basement to keep him from opening his mouth.
His admin has reversed and is now against the Sauds and, pro Houthi.
Harris has been taking over Joe's duties as the commander in chief. She is talking to the foreign heads of State as if she were the president.
No real surprise there. We kinda assumed that Harris / Obama / Rice / Hillary would be running the show.
Even that is now in doubt.
It is planned for Biden to directly talk to King Salman of Saudi and, tell him that Mbin Salman ordered the killing of Kashogi.
Moscow Blasts 'Extremely Outrageous' Strike On Syria As Biden Stays Silent (He Probably Doesn't Know)
The Kamal Wasn't Informed Prior To US War Strike on Syria - Said 'Very Upset' About Being Left Out ...Think She's Beginning To Figure it out?
Creeper Joe Quietly Revokes 7 Trump EOs Says 'I Don't Need a Reason'
Bizarre - Psaki Says She Delayed Press Briefing So She Could Prep Biden on Texas Trip - As Air Force One Flies To Houston
Sen Tim Scott On The Democrat Party 'They Are 100% Socialist (Communist) Now'
Biden - No One Should Count On Government To Protect Girls Sports From Trannys
why are House Commucrats calling on unelected Biden to give up full control of nuclear weapons?
Another Biden Brain Freeze video during live press conference - part of his farewell tour
Biden Commits To Forever War On Afghanistan
Even By Democrat Standards, Censoring Fox News Is An Insanely Stupid Idea
So, just who is running the show? Who ordered the bombing of Syria/