Obama actually said this for his nobel prize acceptance speech:
"Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe."
Obama is either grossly miseducated or he is intentionally and willfully rewriting history
in a serious Orwellian manner...
Here is a video clip of this speech:
YouTube - fallacy
I almost can't believe my own ears... and Obama is saying this in context of it being
a good thing. Introducing a more democratic way into a communist society does bring
more freedom to it's people. But instituting socialism into a democracy is taking power
away from the people under the guise of being all about "for the people".
Here is the definition of perestroika as described by Gorbachev:
The essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice.
You can read the whole definition here:
Perestroika Defined (1987)
We know this is what Vladimir Lenin said:
a dictatorship - he also said:
come into power through majority vote because the money gets the
votes. America was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.... not
majority rule! This isn't even taught in American schools for obvious
In either case, Gorbachev knew what's up... he said Obama will bring
Perestroika to America!
Gorbachev says Obama will bring 'perestroika' to US: report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
People naive enough to believe moving into socialism is good for the
people have never understood history that it will inevitably lead us into
a full blown communist dictatorship, which is the goal of the NWO
and Obama being hell bent on giving the UN control over Americans
making our Constitution subordinate to the Copenhagen treaty.
Socialism is evil and dark and sets out to replace God with government
created ideology about how people are supposed to act, in my opinion.
This is the "change" the democrats never saw coming. The Americans
and the whole world have been hoodwinked.
Here is a scary death sentence for freedom and I pray to God this does
NOT become what is taught in school as it follows very closely several
principles in the Communist Manifesto:
Hollywood and Howard Zinn's Marxist Education Project - Opinion - PatriotPost.US
And the federal government HAS NOT BEEN AUTHORIZED TO DEAL WITH
EDUCATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. It is up the the sovereign power
of the states to deal with education.
#9 ...gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country
The Communist Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is exactly what the propaganda is about becoming a "global citizen".
Our government is wanting our children to not identify with being an
American. This is what is in this Howard Zinn project...those celebrities,
do they have any idea whatsoever what in the world they are supporting?
I don't' think so.
I am all for uniting the world under peace...but this is when mankind is
mentally and spiritually evolved and mature enough to do it naturally
and on our own accord and NOT under the oppressive rule of greedy
power mongers.
The entire globalization scam is fake...it is to benefit
a few that will rule over the masses with complete power. There is
nothing authentic about it.
I think that people that truly desire world peace and are good intentioned
are simply being taken advantage of such as that school education project,
etc... the Copenhagen scam, etc...
I would love to see our planet united under one common vision but I
would rather it be under the rule of God instead of the rule of man by
"Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe."
Obama is either grossly miseducated or he is intentionally and willfully rewriting history
in a serious Orwellian manner...
Here is a video clip of this speech:
YouTube - fallacy
I almost can't believe my own ears... and Obama is saying this in context of it being
a good thing. Introducing a more democratic way into a communist society does bring
more freedom to it's people. But instituting socialism into a democracy is taking power
away from the people under the guise of being all about "for the people".
Here is the definition of perestroika as described by Gorbachev:
The essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice.
You can read the whole definition here:
Perestroika Defined (1987)
We know this is what Vladimir Lenin said:
- Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
- The goal of socialism is communism.
a dictatorship - he also said:
- Democracy is the road to socialism. (I know most American's
have no idea why - but our founding fathers knew...)
- “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
come into power through majority vote because the money gets the
votes. America was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.... not
majority rule! This isn't even taught in American schools for obvious
In either case, Gorbachev knew what's up... he said Obama will bring
Perestroika to America!
Gorbachev says Obama will bring 'perestroika' to US: report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
People naive enough to believe moving into socialism is good for the
people have never understood history that it will inevitably lead us into
a full blown communist dictatorship, which is the goal of the NWO
and Obama being hell bent on giving the UN control over Americans
making our Constitution subordinate to the Copenhagen treaty.
Socialism is evil and dark and sets out to replace God with government
created ideology about how people are supposed to act, in my opinion.
This is the "change" the democrats never saw coming. The Americans
and the whole world have been hoodwinked.
Here is a scary death sentence for freedom and I pray to God this does
NOT become what is taught in school as it follows very closely several
principles in the Communist Manifesto:
Hollywood and Howard Zinn's Marxist Education Project - Opinion - PatriotPost.US
And the federal government HAS NOT BEEN AUTHORIZED TO DEAL WITH
EDUCATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. It is up the the sovereign power
of the states to deal with education.
#9 ...gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country
The Communist Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is exactly what the propaganda is about becoming a "global citizen".
Our government is wanting our children to not identify with being an
American. This is what is in this Howard Zinn project...those celebrities,
do they have any idea whatsoever what in the world they are supporting?
I don't' think so.
I am all for uniting the world under peace...but this is when mankind is
mentally and spiritually evolved and mature enough to do it naturally
and on our own accord and NOT under the oppressive rule of greedy
power mongers.
The entire globalization scam is fake...it is to benefit
a few that will rule over the masses with complete power. There is
nothing authentic about it.
I think that people that truly desire world peace and are good intentioned
are simply being taken advantage of such as that school education project,
etc... the Copenhagen scam, etc...
I would love to see our planet united under one common vision but I
would rather it be under the rule of God instead of the rule of man by