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Obama's Perestroika

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  • Obama's Perestroika

    Obama actually said this for his nobel prize acceptance speech:

    "Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe."

    Obama is either grossly miseducated or he is intentionally and willfully rewriting history
    in a serious Orwellian manner...

    Here is a video clip of this speech:
    YouTube - fallacy

    I almost can't believe my own ears... and Obama is saying this in context of it being
    a good thing. Introducing a more democratic way into a communist society does bring
    more freedom to it's people. But instituting socialism into a democracy is taking power
    away from the people under the guise of being all about "for the people".

    Here is the definition of perestroika as described by Gorbachev:
    The essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice.

    You can read the whole definition here:
    Perestroika Defined (1987)

    We know this is what Vladimir Lenin said:
    • Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
    • The goal of socialism is communism.
    Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto - the how to manual for creating
    a dictatorship - he also said:
    • Democracy is the road to socialism. (I know most American's
      have no idea why - but our founding fathers knew...)
    Thomas Jefferson:
    • “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
    Because it is a system of slavery where the ones with money will also
    come into power through majority vote because the money gets the
    votes. America was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.... not
    majority rule! This isn't even taught in American schools for obvious

    In either case, Gorbachev knew what's up... he said Obama will bring
    Perestroika to America!
    Gorbachev says Obama will bring 'perestroika' to US: report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    People naive enough to believe moving into socialism is good for the
    people have never understood history that it will inevitably lead us into
    a full blown communist dictatorship, which is the goal of the NWO
    and Obama being hell bent on giving the UN control over Americans
    making our Constitution subordinate to the Copenhagen treaty.

    Socialism is evil and dark and sets out to replace God with government
    created ideology about how people are supposed to act, in my opinion.

    This is the "change" the democrats never saw coming. The Americans
    and the whole world have been hoodwinked.

    Here is a scary death sentence for freedom and I pray to God this does
    NOT become what is taught in school as it follows very closely several
    principles in the Communist Manifesto:
    Hollywood and Howard Zinn's Marxist Education Project - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

    And the federal government HAS NOT BEEN AUTHORIZED TO DEAL WITH
    EDUCATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. It is up the the sovereign power
    of the states to deal with education.

    #9 ...gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country
    The Communist Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    This is exactly what the propaganda is about becoming a "global citizen".
    Our government is wanting our children to not identify with being an
    American. This is what is in this Howard Zinn project...those celebrities,
    do they have any idea whatsoever what in the world they are supporting?
    I don't' think so.


    I am all for uniting the world under peace...but this is when mankind is
    mentally and spiritually evolved and mature enough to do it naturally
    and on our own accord and NOT under the oppressive rule of greedy
    power mongers.

    The entire globalization scam is is to benefit
    a few that will rule over the masses with complete power. There is
    nothing authentic about it.

    I think that people that truly desire world peace and are good intentioned
    are simply being taken advantage of such as that school education project,
    etc... the Copenhagen scam, etc...

    I would love to see our planet united under one common vision but I
    would rather it be under the rule of God instead of the rule of man by
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Amen Aaron

    You said it brother...
    The signs are written in the heavens.
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      Who is this God person, anyway?

      Well. Here here to that. However, where do I find this God person, so I can offer the job to him / her / it?

      I mean, there must be someone we can ask, right?

      And how do we know, after we find God, that we are doing the right thing, without doubt?

      Can we commune with this God thing at all?

      How can we be sure then, when and if we do, that it is the good side of the field we are conversing with?

      If God is in all things, does that mean that, if we tapped into the field that binds all things together, to power our systems, are we then invoking the power of God into our reality, at our will?



      • #4
        Amen to that, Aaron. At least it looks like a lot of people are awakening to the fact that the Obama presidency is not evolving in the way that they expected it would. Only 46% of Americans now think that he is doing a good job, and that is the lowest approval rate ever for a US President in office less than a year. It's a shame that we have another 3 years to go under the Obama deception. I believe the Democrat party will lose many seats in 2010, but if those seats merely go to Republicans then not much will be gained. We need to kick all the bums out and get a fresh start with people of integrity who can not be bought, and we should vote in a new batch every two years. Electing the same people over and over again will not bring about positive change. The average term of service for the 100 senators currently in office is 14.46 years! As Mark Twain said, "Politicians are like diapers - they both need changing frequently, and for the same reason."

        Last edited by rickoff; 12-13-2009, 05:25 AM. Reason: sp
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • #5
          Socialism (with a capital "S") is not inherently evil, it is really about how it is actually governed on the ground. Austria and Finland being examples of a more-than-average Socialist system, that works for them.

          Again, it is 256 shades of gray here...not the simplistic black and white that Americans seem to be so caught up in (i guess its easier to think about these things that way). NO ONE ever had a purely socialist system yet on this planet (lol because it is impossible to do with human nature being what it is).

          The US government is about 30% "socialism" now, and if the socialist ideas that are currently embraced would be taken away suddenly (and not gradually as they are now), there would be riots in the streets, and we would face old age with no health care or income (...since the elite Capitalists have stolen our retirement savings...). there would be NO laws protecting Women or anyone else in the work place, no Workers' Compensation, no trade Unions AT ALL (which would lower EVERY worker's standard of living).. No paid vacations. No Sick Days. NO HEALTH CARE assisted cost at all. And NO MIDDLE CLASS. Just rich and their peasant vassals... As servants and slaves.

          Our forefathers in the Labor Movement worked hard, many of them died, to give us these things in the early 20th century... Now people are just pissing it away out of stupidity, and the pricks who run the world for themselves just laugh at us for being so stupid as to allow it to happen.

          Pure capitalism IS pure evil. And this is what has happened in the last 20 years here. You let the sociopathic elements run the world, and they run it into the ground. Corporations and the elitists behind them run this planet now, and they are running it for their own greed, and to enslave us all... They are FEUDALISTS, not even remotely "socialist". There is NOTHING that says that a "more-socialist" economy (that stops the excesses of the elites, and provides healthcare to ALL not just those they want to have it as a "perq" that can be taken away at a whim to keep their employees in line)...

          ...Cannot be fully compatible with a system that is a Democratic Republic Ruled by Law.

          Blaming "socialism" for our problems now is silly... the socialist ideals of protecting the average citizen from these elitists through "socialist" regulations is exactly what was removed (in Clinton's time, no less..); and so we have Wall St and international bankers deliberately destroying the US economy for their own gains... Affecting the ENTIRE country and world; just so these bastards can make more profits and put us all under their heel?? That is the crux of the problem here, not poor people demanding their rights as human beings LOL.

          I always get a kick out of those who want to blame the poor for the problems on this planet, it is so frigging stupid it is sure proof of childhood anti-communist brainwashing.

          The idea that the New World Order is about "socialism" is ridiculous, and is based on preconceived notions held over from the bad-old days of anti-Soviet propaganda, and there is absolutely NO evidence to support this... The completely unsupported 20 year old video of an ex-KGB shill spewing disinfo not withstanding... Lol listening to a professional liar is not wise.

          It is about Corporate Feudalism, and we are the Serfs. So pick your poison lol... What is in a name when we are being screwed anyway? Either way, i frigging guarantee you, we will not benefit from these changes they are pushing, only the elite will

          Just don't confuse the ideals of socialism with the reality of fascism, they are diametrically opposed. To get down to it, is it better to have fat cat capitalists running the world for themselves, or a "Politburo" of brutal fanatics? Lol both are bad, and are not the answer. Give me another choice!


          • #6
            government and the people

            There are socialist systems that appear to work but pound for pound, the people actually get what they want for their tax money, or at least what they've been lead to believe they want or need.

            If America was that deep into it, Americans would get a tiny little sliver back for what they put in, which is what has happened for ages.

            I lived in Japan for 14 years off an on and their medicine is socialist and the people love it for the most part. I don't really know the quality of the health care...I always used Air Force hospitals on the base. But again, people are getting what they actually want. It is a constitutional monarchy similar to the UK where the royal family are figureheads and they have their own congress/parliment, etc...

            Our government is way more fascist than it it socialist as it is the corporations pound for pound that get way more benefit from our tax dollars (corporate plundering of the commons) than the people that pay the majority of the taxes.

            Plus the dirty power that comes with corporate influence, which we see that BOTH the republicans and democrats in this country are corrupted by the corporations, while the republican leadership pretends to be capitalists for the sake of the strength of the country when it really is corporate socialism (taking money from the poor taxpayers giving it to the rich) where the system is stacked in the corporations pockets and the democratic leaders pretend to be for the people, while still stacking the deck for the corporations as well. And both have moved to take away people's rights.


            2 accurate definitions of facism:

            (1) "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism." --American Heritage Dictionary (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983)

            (2) "Extreme right-wing totalitarian political system or views, as orig. --The Pocket Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1984)


            The communist un is working hand in hand with the fascist banks, oil companies, pharmaceuticals, etc... to take power away from the people while making richer nations richer and making the poorer nations poorer.

            For example, coke takes advantage of columbian labor for slave wages and when the people speak up, they are murdered. These fascist crimes are covered up by multiple governments and is the un peacekeepers there to guard the workers and keep them safe against a fascist corporation?
            Killer Coke
            This has been going on for years with MANY corporations, especially the
            oil companies just like the one conde rice worked for - labor leaders were
            brutally murdered under her watch.
            I don't believe a corporation is fascist just because it is a corporation but when they use their money power to influence how things get done, well, it speaks for itself.

            Take haiti as a prime example. The country is so poor that many people are literally eating pies made out of salt, shortening and MUD straight out of the ground... because the UN/World Bank has pinned them to the ground. Clinton forced the Haitians to stick with the World Bank's "starvation policy" - meaning that Haiti MUST import rice at prices that undermine their own countries production driving them into poverty... And much of the good land is used for growing crops for biofuels instead of for feeding the people and biofuels are a complete joke as a "green" solution. It is much more involved with that but the idea that the un is a peacekeeping unit is a complete joke.

            Too bad national geographic can't report the real reasons for much of the poverty and starvation in Haiti, but...
            Poor Haitians Resort to Eating Dirt
            Poor Haitians Resort to Eating Dirt

            A democratic administration working with a fascist banking system and a communist un to help aid in the legalized genocide of an entire nation. And when the countries need money, loan them money then suck the tax money or natural resources out of their country to pay for it.

            In my opinion, this is why pure capitalism does not work in America. 1) That is because corporate profits are not taxed as they are supposed to be. 2) Compensation for labor is not supposed to be taxable but it is now labor and not corporate profits that are taxed the most. 3) To institute a slave system of communism through the democracy>socialism route is to have a graduated tax system for the people.

            If the constitutionally authorized tax system was in place, the corporations can be as capitalistic as they want and the people won't be paying for it in more ways than one. The corporations would pay almost all the taxes except for individuals paying taxes on their own profits if they're in business to make a profit, small businesses, etc... that should pay their equal share of taxes based on PROFIT.

            High taxes I believe is the #1 cause of poverty in the entire world. If labor was not taxed and only profits were, which is what is legally taxable, and corporations paid their fair share, our economy would be so incredibly robust there would be no country in the world that could ever catch up unless they instituted the same constitutionally authorized tax system.

            I'm completely for taking political power and illegal riches from the corporations and empowering the people by simply having the corporations pay a GREAT majority of the taxes since they make the great majority of the profits while stop taxing labor since compensation for labor isn't taxable. People just fill out the 1040 tax form because they think they have to even though it is voluntary and about 25-50 million people in the us do not pay income taxes because they opted out - we're pre-volunteered in with our ssn, etc.. and all the preaching to the choir that many of us are familiar with...

            "Socialist" ideas of protecting people from the elite... I agree with the intention behind them, but those that are behind the movement are profiteering scoundrels...speaker of the house, etc... you name it... I'd be more inclined to buy swamp land in florida than believe they have the people's best interests at heart.

            And protecting the people from the elite I don't believe is the job of socialist ideals or the government... it is the exclusive job and DUTY of every American as the Constitutional Republic was setup.

            These 10 items are what protect us from the corrupted elite...

            Bill of Rights

            Amendment I

            Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
            Amendment II

            A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
            Amendment III

            No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
            Amendment IV

            The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
            Amendment V

            No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
            Amendment VI

            In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
            Amendment VII

            In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
            Amendment VIII

            Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
            Amendment IX

            The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
            Amendment X

            The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              government and the people 2

              I understand that these contracts are only technically binding to those who signed them and really the constitution shouldn't even be enforceable on anyone that didn't sign (everyone alive today), but it actually works as long as the govt abides by it and people keep the govt accountable to it.
              The human race isn't mature enough to have "no government" for the fact that we are very human. Spiritual and moral decay is like a plague running through both sides of the fence, and that is alarming.

              Anyway, I don't think we need any more laws or regulations... just the respect for what is already in place. People just need to stand up and assert their God-given rights.

              The un is absolutely working towards a nwo. what is their agenda? they destroyed the sovereignty of all the European countries. I don't see much of a distinction behind the eu and the powers behind the un. it was said that when Germany gave up their own currency and moved to the euro, it was the single biggest voluntary surrender of sovereignty in one fell swoop in history. The president of the European union, etc... are not voted on by the people, the people in the countries have no say so, they can make any laws they want and the people can't do anything about it. It is a dictatorship backed by serious fascist money powers while the people are led to believe it is all good for the people. And the rompuey the first president of the ue - calls 2009 the first year of GLOBAL GOVERNANCE! lol

              "The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the "first year of global governance." During Rompuy's intervention as President on November 19th,he stated,
              "2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.""
              The idea of "social justice" is how those that have been oppressed by the money elite are brainwashed into believing that justice is actually being done - by reshuffling the deck a bit. The way we're moving more into that direction isn't about serving the people...yeah, the people will be tossed some bones here and then "to appease the poppers" with the little stimulus tax rebates, etc... and all that token nonsense...

              I believe in social justice in terms of the people being compensated for the social, economic, etc... destruction that the fascist corporations have caused. So put those corporate crooks in prison, alleviate the tax burden on compensation for labor, remove the illegal marxist graduated tax system that only pays for interest on money printed out of thin air by the illegal fed, institute legitimate taxation on corporate profits, close down all federal institutions not authorized by the constitution and give them to the states, ENFORCE the 10th amendment to support the sovereignty of the states, dismantle the federal reserve and ERASE the debt to the fed that is illegal to begin with, there's more... lol

              I may have my head in the clouds to believe this, but it is the way to eliminate poverty while instituting honest and constitutionally authorized govt. I don't expect this to happen anytime soon but it is possible in our lifetime for this to be demanded by the majority of the people and actually instituted... I hope the state sovereignty movement keeps moving forward for sure...

              The socialists are simply taking the left way around the mountain to get to the same destination that the fascist's are moving around the right side of the mountain to get to.... global enslavement. They're both moving in that direction.

              I agree that only the elite are going to benefit from the "change" and the other choice... is a revolution, which I hope to be peaceful, but the powers that be, both democratic and republican have moved to stop dissidents from both sides with FORCE, the civilian detainment camps that are setup around the country (army documents admit this), etc... It is very dark and both sides are behind it. The powers that be on both sides can only squeeze their hand around people just so tight until the people start slipping through the fingers. Rule by force is not sustainable and always has led to the inevitable collapse of itself, which will happen - just a matter of time.

              The masses need to wake up on both sides. People believe that thoughts occurring in ones own mind is evidence of thinking. The masses are so numb for so long. Inspiring awareness and the ability to think are going to be necessary - but the odds are stacked against all of this.

              Anyway, keeping the conversation about these topics alive are an absolute necessity I think.

              For fun, or not... a few free movies:

              1980 version of Brave New World 3 hours long, I saw the 1998 version
              and not this one
              Brave New World 1980

              1984 movie 1 hour 50 min
              nineteen eighty-four 1984
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                The Perestroika Deception 1


                The Perestroika Deception

                By John Griffing
                The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record...The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends.
                - Dimitri Manuilski, Prof. at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow, 1930[1]
                The Cold War is over and Communism is a non-issue for most Americans. Communism is such a non-issue that Communist plans to undermine American society have proceeded for years virtually undetected and unhindered. Recent events have aided this process, with President Obama's aggressive drive toward Socialism fitting neatly into decades of Communist strategy.[2]

                That long and patient strategy of deception was developed in the halls of the KGB, and dutifully carried out by Communist subversives in the United States. Prominent KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn has called it the "perestroika deception."[3]

                According to KGB documents published by Golitsyn, "perestroika" and "glasnost" were always intended from the beginning to serve as a media ploy to deceive the West into lowering its defenses to the point where Soviet goals could proceed unchallenged. Of Golitsyn's 194 predictions, 139 had been fulfilled as of 1993.[4]

                Even former Soviet Premier Gorbachev, the eventual face of these policies, later acknowledged their true nature: "The decision to launch a new economic policy, which substantially widened the notions of socialism and the ways of building it, was imbued with profound revolutionary dialectics."[5]

                Translation: world conquest will proceed as planned. The "revolutionary dialectic" is a tactic that has been employed throughout Soviet history. The word "glasnost" appears in Lenin's writings 46 times.

                In his book, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, Gorbachev said outright, "Perestroika is closely connected with socialism as a system."[7]

                Answering those asking, "Are we giving up socialism?" Gorbachev replied, "Every part of our program of fully based on the principles of more socialism...."

                Gorbachev has even been as blunt as calling perestroika a "continuation of the October Revolution."
                The "perestroika deception" worked like a charm. American leaders were all too eager to pronounce the end of the Cold War. Then President George H.W. Bush declared, "We live in a time when we are witnessing the end of an idea -- the final chapter of the Communist experiment."[9]

                President Bush went on to spearhead a guns-to-butter policy resulting from this "peace dividend," culminating in a massive diversion of military spending to social programs. From 1989-2004, military spending as a percent of GDP dropped from 6.2 percent to a scant 2.9
                percent. Over the same period, entitlement spending went from 28 percent of federal outlays to nearly 40 percent.

                US military cuts have been so drasticthat former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger has said, "The simple reality today is that we cannot fight two MRC's [Major Regional Contingencies] more or less simultaneously."

                The consequences of this hasty disarmament have exposed America to attack and freed Russia to roam the world reclaiming the now "independent" Soviet republics. President Obama is even now continuing to play into Russia's hands by abandoning missile defense plans in Eastern Europe, leaving our allies exposed to Russian aggression.

                The second facet of the "perestroika deception" has been to engineer a "peaceful transition to socialism" in the US by way of a manufactured economic crisis. Soviet manuals from the seventies outline this dimension in some detail. In 1974, Alexander Sobolev of the Moscow Institute of Marxism-Leninism developed the means by which a "peaceful revolutionary process" could take place. To do this, Sobolev stressed the need for a "nationwide political crisis" to be followed by "effective measures to neutralize wavering social strata." It was Lenin himself that said, "A revolution is simply impossible without an overall national crisis."

                The aim was to co-opt well-meaning Democrats in Congress into advancing a "peaceful transition to socialism" in the wake of US economic collapse. Why the Democrats?

                One reason is that the Democratic base is so closely aligned with the interests of big labor. If anyone doubts this claim, consider that President Obama virtually gave GM to unions with little outcry among Congressional Democrats, allotting unions an 89 percent stake in the company. Ditto for Chrysler, now 55 percent owned by unions. Since a big aim of Communist strategy is "unity of the working class movement," and since organized labor owns the Democratic Party, this conclusion seems only logical.

                In 1987, Chairman of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Gus Hall said as much: "The U.S. trade union movement has taken the lead in the struggle against the reactionary policies of Reaganism.... We must not even inadvertently undermine... trade unions."[10]

                A second reason for the Communists' alignment with the Democratic Party is that the Communist Party still lacks a "mass-political organization" in the United States able to achieve their radical ends and the Democratic Party provides a springboard from which to instigate these policies.

                Democrats may take offense at this assertion, but to do so they will have to counter the remarks of James Steele, Communist Party USA Legislative Director in the eighties. He said, "In the absence of a mass-based third party, it is possible and necessary for the people's movement to make use of the Democratic Party in the struggle for reforms...."[11]

                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  The Perestroika Deception 2

                  He then went on to suggest that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was growing in importance and would eventually drive the party, signaling hope for his plan. Even a cursory glance at the recent policies of the present Democratic leadershipmake Steele's declaration prophetic. Forget the term "progressive"; the Democratic Party has become the party of Lenin.

                  If the idea that the Communists could use an economic crisis to turn the United States into a Communist country sounds far-fetched, perhaps Gorbachev's recent remarks will serve to enlighten:
                  The model that emerged during the final decades of the 20th century has turned out to be unsustainable...It was based on a drive for super-profits and hyper-consumption for a few...I have no ready-made prescriptions. But I am convinced that a new model will emerge, one that will emphasize public needs and public goods....
                  Will this new model be called Communism? Almost certainly not. But whatever it's called, the outcome for the US will be the same.

                  We may no longer be worried about nuclear attack or Russian troops marching on Washington, but the threat to our liberty has never been more real. There is still hope for America, but we need to see the truth clearly and take immediate action to reverse course. Let's stop playing by the enemy's rules.

                  [1] Washington Times, 10 Dec. 1987, p. 1.

                  [2] Alexander Sobolev, World Marxist Review, February 1974, p. 28.

                  [3] Anatoliy Golitsyn, The Perestroika Deception : Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency, (Edward Harle Ltd 2nd ed., 1998).

                  [4] Mark Riebling, Wedge-The Secret War between the FBI and the CIA, (Simon and Schuster, 2002), 407-8

                  [5] Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: The Revolution Continues, 2 Nov. 1987, Northen Neighbors edition, p. 7.

                  [6] Washington Times, 15 Sept 1989, p. A6.

                  [7] Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, (Harper & Row, 1987), p. 36.

                  [8] Ibid., 36-37.

                  [9] Remarks by President George H.W. Bush, Coast Guard Academy Graduation, 24 May 1989, Office of the Whitehouse Press Secretary, p. 2.

                  [10] Guss Hall, Working Class USA: The Power and the Movement, (New York: International Publishers), 1987, pp. 171, 311.

                  [11] James, Steele, Political Affairs, Sept./Oct, 1988, pp. 12, 16
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #10
                    About political parties

                    It is strange how names become attached to political parties, and how people identify themselves with those parties. Since those of us who live in the United States are living in a republic, we are actually all Republicans, whether we realize it or not. I can understand why many people don't want to be thought of as Republicans when it comes to political parties, but just what is a Democrat, and is there such a thing as a Democratic party? Not really - that is a misnomer. We should rightfully refer to Democrats as being members of the Democrat party. And more correctly we should define Republican and Democrat party members as, respectively, Conservatives or Liberals. Traditionally, Conservatives wanted to keep government small and protect US and states' sovereignty, and uphold the ideals of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Democrat party has traditionally sought to expand the federal government and federal spending on an ever increasing array of entitlement programs which promote reliance upon government. Somewhere along the lines, the disctinction between the Republican and Democrat parties became blurred, and now we see both parties doing the same crazy things. The party in control changes, but that's about all that changes - just the name. The Republican party lost their way when they failed to uphold Conservative values. Many Republican Senators and Congressmen became moderates who could not take a stand on any issue, and simply voted with the perceived majority. So the Republicans shifted left, while the Democrats shifted even further left to the point where we now have a radical leftist liberal President. We can see the radical agenda unfolding all around us, and around the world, and it's not a pretty picture. People demanded change when they elected Obama, and people are now demanding change in Copenhagen. They will see many changes occur, but those changes will not be what they expected. The deception is massive and all-encompassing, and to those who have removed their blinders it seems incredible that so many people just can't see what is going down.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • #11
                      AAron. I wonder when the change happens from when a person gets into a g great school has great dreams gets that great promotion that eventually lands themselves into a place of great power, to when they become controlled by a terrible government. Are you saying that all corporations are either evil or they are controlled (or ARE the government) by the government? A little distinction must be made I feel. ALL corporations are not this evil conglomerate that is bent on taking over the world. Unless we live in the Matrix and the GOV does control all and keeps our eyes veiled. Yes we do live in a corrupt and non caring society. and our "elected" leaders are leading us down a slippery slope that I feel is definately the wrong way. But do those leaders also pull every string of every corporation in the USA? Or the world for that matter. Big oil (who only made like 2percent profit) for example what do they control? yes 2 percent is a lot of $. And in the end it is the consumer who empowers those folks. We can make big oil, big brother crash in one day. JUst for one day no one buy gas. (It wont happen of course) the PEOPLE in all walks of life are just as greedy as the corporations and the Government that represents them. IT is human nature I believe to be greedy. We supply the demand for these goods and someone has to supply them. If there werent the demand there would be no supply. So you wanna stop an out of control government? STop being human!!! Stop buying those designer jeans, stop taking the life saving medicines that keep us alive longer than a system was designed to financially support you after you quit working with healthy years left to live, stop driving your cars, stop going to work, stop paying you taxes. Then what could they do.. ALL people in this world all seem to gravitate to the same end. consumption. All of these evil BIG anythings are born from a need from a weak and insignificant form....the human. A squirell put a nut in a tree for later and saving weas born...another squrell takes that nut and war is born, another eats it and a quasi peace is obtained, its the circle of life. And weve done this to ourselves.


                      • #12
                        political parties


                        Those are all good points. The party names tell nothing about the party.
                        I wondered about the names republican and democrat growing up. Are
                        democrats for a democracy and republicans for a republic. Seems
                        a logical deduction but they're not, both work for democracy (majority
                        vote) even though we are in a republic.

                        And our govt continually wants to "spread democracy" around the world.
                        The American people, the mass majority that is, don't even know what
                        it means.

                        Parties arose out of competition for the presidency even though the
                        founding fathers warned against factions, which is what the parties are
                        that divide the country. Of course different parties back then but the
                        history of where the parties come from is interesting.

                        So much seemed to switch towards the left because everyone was sick
                        of what the republicans have done throughout the last 8 bush years.
                        They're so corrupt they didn't stand up against bush and all his illegal
                        activities and now they're seen as being untrustworthy by the whole
                        planet. Now the democrats, just as corrupt, will hardly stand up against
                        illegal activities of Obama such as his unconstitutional and completely
                        illegal czars that circumvent congress. Czars are dictators within a

                        Most "independent" parties fall into the same trap of not even knowing
                        that we are in a republic. It seems only the constitutional/libertarian
                        type of candidates come close to representing America actually does
                        stand for - a free sovereign republic, with sovereign citizens. But of
                        course we have the issue of the 13th, 14th amendment.... there haven't
                        been any technical sovereign citizens in this country since then... but
                        of course if they were not properly ratified and are unconstitutional to
                        begin with, then we are sovereign citizens of the states we live in and
                        not just residents.

                        And with the media that is absolutely hard core biased and filtered will
                        only push the person that is in alignment with their own agenda. The
                        blatant push for Obama was overwhelmingly obvious in my opinion.

                        Brzezinski should be watched- his influence isn't to be underestimated.
                        Zbigniew Brzezinski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                        "In a comment about the similarity of religion to totalitarianism Christopher Hitchens has said "the urge to ban and censor books, silence dissenters, condemn outsiders, invade the private sphere, and invoke an exclusive salvation is the very essence of the totalitarian".[7]"

                        Both democrats and republicans have moved towards censorship, silencing
                        dissenters, etc... shame, shame, shame...
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          crooked corporations

                          Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                          Are you saying that all corporations are either evil or they are controlled (or ARE the government) by the government?

                          A little distinction must be made I feel. ALL corporations are not this evil conglomerate that is bent on taking over the world. Unless we live in the Matrix and the GOV does control all and keeps our eyes veiled.

                          And in the end it is the consumer who empowers those folks.

                          We can make big oil, big brother crash in one day.

                          stop paying you taxes.
                          I don't believe all corporations are evil. I clearly see that many of the top
                          most powerful corporations are absolutely crooked and corrupt up one
                          end and down the other. Xerox got busted for cooking the books hiding
                          one or more billions in losses - ripping off the shareholders. Look at enron.
                          All the banks that took part in the pre-meditated housing crisis, I would
                          say, that is pretty evil. They jeopardized our entire country as well as
                          the economy of many countries. And they get millions in bonuses from
                          tax payers money? They should be in prison.

                          See , mercenaries have worked closely with the
                          manufacturing plants in columbia, etc... and have outright murdered
                          people protesting for workers rights. That is pretty evil to be involved
                          in covering up these crimes for the sake of profit and cheap labor.

                          When you see "retired" cia running citibank and other major corporations.
                          What do you think? They just happen to be qualified for the job with no
                          agenda attached? Look at the actions of many of these corporations.
                          They are extensions of a political agenda, whatever those agendas may

                          Look at the pharmaceutical companies.
                          Do you realize Bayer has hemophiliac medicine/blood that was 100%
                          contaminated with "aid virus"? So they couldn't sell it in America. The FDA
                          let them sell it in europe, japan and elsewhere. NOBODY
                          was in trouble in this country over it? Do you think there just might be
                          a little internal relationship between the corporations and government
                          officials up into the highest offices? There is no question that absolutely
                          the government is working hand in hand with these corporations
                          in the coverup of these crimes. And somebody goes to jail for 10 years
                          for possessing marijuana for personal use? lol

                          There is a very powerful orchestrated movement between many of these
                          corporations and govt officials to take rights away from people and make
                          the corporations more powerful and make the govt officials that assist in
                          these matters, more powerful. It isn't even a secret and I believe the
                          movie the Matrix is one of the most clear analogies of what is happening.

                          Many of these power players own stock in multiple companies including
                          many members of congress others in the govt. Look at the cheney,
                          rumsfield, rice, bush, pelosi, etc... major stockholders in companies that
                          their efforts move towards making more profitable.

                          I agree it is the people that empower these companies and officials.
                          There are a lot of things I personally won't buy because I am active
                          in living up to my own values and beliefs. I haven't even worn a tshirt with
                          a corporate slogan visible for almost 20 years. My shoes, you
                          wouldn't even know what brand they are. For one, I'm not going to pay
                          money to a company for the privilege of advertising for them. lol
                          And for two, I don't believe in name brand corporate worship, which
                          unfortunately so many people are indoctrinated into at ALL ages.
                          I'm not saying I don't like to spend money on nice or fun things, just
                          that I could care less about "keeping up with the jones'"

                          You're right, the companies can crash fast. But getting enough people
                          on the same page at the same time won't happen until enough people
                          are sick and tired of being sick and tired at the same time. People are
                          so comfortable in America, even when times are bad for the most part
                          most people are too comfortable and get too complacent. This attitude
                          has been breed into people for ages. I believe parents should be the
                          #1 primary influence on children and if they were and if the parents
                          understood what is going on, this kind of complacency would never happen.
                          There is a lot to be said for ethics & values in my opinion.

                          There is an underground network here in my town of teachers that actually
                          do care that are getting together with students and teaching them what
                          is really beneficial to them instead of the dumbed down ridiculous program
                          that the educational system is staying the kids need, which is designed
                          to decrease their thinking ability, intelligence, etc... it is not a conspiracy
                          theory, it is fact. This underground movement is with the teachers working
                          with some parents. They both realize that the school program is simply
                          not doing it. When you have 12th graders graduating with an 8th grade
                          comprehension, it is not by accident.

                          If everyone boycotted not paying federal income taxes because of a
                          major grievance against the govt, that would make the founding fathers
                          proud. I choose to pay my illegal extortion payment every year because
                          I have to pick my battles. I spend most of my "activism" time locally
                          on local issues.

                          I have more than one source of information that justifies my beliefs and
                          most are not available online.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            It is strange how names become attached to political parties, and how people identify themselves with those parties. Since those of us who live in the United States are living in a republic, we are actually all Republicans, whether we realize it or not. I can understand why many people don't want to be thought of as Republicans
                            A Publican served as tax collectors for the Republic and later in history became a slang term for a pimp.

                            A Republican is "again" or "once more" a Publican .. (well, who would have guessed ...)

                            Those "names" you speak of, denote political/govenment status.
                            Status denotes standing in law.
                            Political is defined as government, government is defined as political ..
                            Legal: political=government one in the same.
                            Taking a political status equals a governmental status
                            and status effects how law applies to you.

                            A publican is as a heathen man.
                            Mat 18:17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church:
                            but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an
                            heathen man and a publican.

                            "names" are used in statues to denote your STATUS: driver, taxpayer, owner, tenant, etc.
                            Claim the name, you claim the status and jurisdiction.

                            Legal: RECOGNITION, contracts.
                            Recognition of the name seals the deal and/or confirms the contract.

                            The smoke and mirrors are in hidden by redefined meanings of the words.
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                              A Publican served as tax collectors for the Republic and later in history became a slang term for a pimp.

                              A Republican is "again" or "once more" a Publican .. (well, who would have guessed ...)
                              Hmmmm I don't think that's quite right. That would be like saying that a reward is again, or once more, a ward.

                              A Republic is a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

                              A Republican is a person who favors a republican form of government, and therefore chooses to live in a republic, such as the United States.

                              A Democrat is an advocate of Democracy.

                              Democracy is government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is either:
                              1. vested in the people and exercised directly by them in majority accord.
                              2. vested in the people but exercised by their elected agents under a free electoral system. By this second definition, the United States is a democracy.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

