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Fun Poll | Paranormal

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  • Fun Poll | Paranormal

    Do you believe in the paranormal?

    Check all that apply.

    Share any thoughts/experiences you'd like.

    Should be fun!

    Do you believe in the paranormal?
    Do you believe there is a God outside yourself?
    Do you believe aliens exist?
    Do you believe telekinesis is possible?
    Do you believe ghosts exist?
    Do you believe angles exist?
    Do you believe in a devil?
    Do you believe some people have ESP (extrasensory perception)?
    Do you believe there is life after death?

    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2

    Intrigueing poll. Should be exciting results over time.
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      Yes I believe in paranormal experiences.

      Hi Kevin,

      From 12 years old to 27, I studied and experimented in occult science following the teachings and footsteps of my father. During that period, I studied magnetism(human), white and black magic, yoga, occult teachings and later in my studies spirit-ism.

      The last spirit calling session was what made me quit. At that time, I was alone in the house with my 2 Siamese cats and I was lying in bed preparing for an out of body travel. As I was exiting my body, a black shadow (humanoid form) appeared in the corner of the room, rushed to my side and started to strangled me. I was able to chase away the form mainly because I stayed calm and had the knowledge of how to gain the upper hand. Soon after, the shadow dissolved and standing by my side my 2 cats in attack mode.

      Since I have always had a Siamese cat or two in the house.

      That is why I believe in paranormal having experimented during 15 years the ins and outs.

      Take care all and be careful what you call for cause it may just pop in for a visit.



      • #4
        I did the poll but some of the wording of the phrases was a bit ambiguous. For instance, do you believe there is a God outside of yourself? Well, I believe in God, but I do not believe he/she is outside of myself.

        Do you believe there is life after death? This question implies there is death, which I do not believe in. I believe we are all eternal, immortal beings. Some of the time we are manifested in a physical body and some of the time we are manifested in the non-physical. So, I believe there is a transferance of energy, but no death. However, I did answer yes because I think the intent of the question was do I believe that once I leave this physical body, is there still life?

        These are fun questions and I appreciate the chance to elaborate

        Thanks Kevin!!
        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


        • #5
          Tough poll. Good questions but hard answers lol. Similar to what pamela said people could take the word angel different ways and vote differently.

          Michel, thats very scary. Do you ever encounter anything unordinary while on the brink of falling asleep?

          To this day, i still experience very odd things when on the edge of falling asleep. Just last night as soon as i fell asleep i had fully awoken because i though i heard a womans voice in the room. I turned the tv on and went back to sleep, literally only a minute or two later i woke up again because i felt something rubbing my chest..I jumped up to see if there were any marks but nothing was there. Once i fall asleep i never have any problems, whatever it is.. its just strange.

          I do believe the paranormal exists. I can prove telekinesis does.


          • #6
            Hi Nadda,

            Michel, thats very scary. Do you ever encounter anything unordinary while on the brink of falling asleep?
            No, I never did. I control my dreams for most parts and the parts I don't have any control on, I warp it out of context. Before, almost every night I would fall off cliffs, open doors to nothing and from many other strange location. I started to control that part, the falling off, by rotating the situation 90 degrees from "just falling" and continuing my stroll without falling on the rotated plane.

            That is how I first started to control my dreams. The rest is history as we say, no more bad dreams.

            Take care,



            • #7
              Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
              I did the poll but some of the wording of the phrases was a bit ambiguous. For instance, do you believe there is a God outside of yourself? Well, I believe in God, but I do not believe he/she is outside of myself.

              Do you believe there is life after death? This question implies there is death, which I do not believe in. I believe we are all eternal, immortal beings. Some of the time we are manifested in a physical body and some of the time we are manifested in the non-physical. So, I believe there is a transferance of energy, but no death. However, I did answer yes because I think the intent of the question was do I believe that once I leave this physical body, is there still life?

              These are fun questions and I appreciate the chance to elaborate

              Thanks Kevin!!
              Yes, I believe I currently inhabit this physical body. Someday it will die, but I will continue on.

              I did not mean the question about God to be ambiguous, I specifically wanted to know if people believed in a God outside themselves.

              These polls are fun!


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michelinho View Post
                Hi Kevin,

                From 12 years old to 27, I studied and experimented in occult science following the teachings and footsteps of my father. During that period, I studied magnetism(human), white and black magic, yoga, occult teachings and later in my studies spirit-ism.

                The last spirit calling session was what made me quit. At that time, I was alone in the house with my 2 Siamese cats and I was lying in bed preparing for an out of body travel. As I was exiting my body, a black shadow (humanoid form) appeared in the corner of the room, rushed to my side and started to strangled me. I was able to chase away the form mainly because I stayed calm and had the knowledge of how to gain the upper hand. Soon after, the shadow dissolved and standing by my side my 2 cats in attack mode.

                Since I have always had a Siamese cat or two in the house.

                That is why I believe in paranormal having experimented during 15 years the ins and outs.

                Take care all and be careful what you call for cause it may just pop in for a visit.


                I agree!!!


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #9
                  good questions, Kevin, I felt challenged answering them, as if it were some kind of high level comprehension skills test.

                  Ghosts? Oh yeah. I'm a pretty untalented, totally unschooled medium. Had a few experiences. I also "know" when female friends have fallen pregnant, usually before they do, I just have an unmistakable sense of there being something "more" about them.

                  ESP? Perception beyond the five senses? Intuition IS the sixth sense, and it's real, and it works once you learn to differentiate between true intuition and your own attachments and fancies. There's also practices you can do that will enhance and train your intuition. Strange to say, but developing and investigating ESP actually requires a more level head than an academic career. And I know you believe in ESP, you TRV. You know the sense that perceives that data isn't one of the classic five.

                  Life after death? Not sure if I even need an opinion on that one, what is, is, and what will be will be. More to the point, it remains unknowable until we know for sure. There's something after death, I don't know if life is the right term for it. Is there self after death? Yes. I believe so. What form it takes should, IMO, stay hidden until it's your time, surprises are nice! One way I deal with my own mortality is the idea that I won't know what comes after death until I die, an answer to greatest mystery of all is only a few decades away, and I've a lifetime to live out before I find out, what a great deal! Afraid to die? It'll be amazing!

                  A god outside of myself? Sorry to get all quantum here, but I subscribe to the concept of unity, and I see myself as a simple, elegant and essential cell in the totality of God. I'm a hard agnostic, I believe it's beyond our functional capacity to truly know or understand what god truly is, but I certainly agree, most of the world's theological traditions that there are set of morals and behaviors that are closer to divinity than ignorance of them is. (Not calling anyone ignorant!) The teachers, prophets and visonaries have all presented self similar moral paradigms, in that regard religion is wonderful thing, but does it prove theres a god, or just that there's a higher truth? I especially love the precepts of the eightfold path, and draw great comfort, inspiration and reason from the Tao.

                  Should also mention, I've almost drowned twice, once I was unconscious for two minutes, but I've never had a near death experience nor had a classic OBE.

                  All that said, what if the things we call paranormal are actually perfect normal functions of systems and natural dynamics we either don't fully understand or are even aware of? What if things like telepathy could be explained, tested and proved under an as yet undiscovered (or a discovered but discredited or forgotten,) scientific paradigm? What if we don't actually have all the answers, just all of the evidence?
                  “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                  • #10
                    I believe in paranormal activity and believe that any direct communication with intelligent non human being is dangerous. Anyone learning paranormal knowledge should learn the risk first.

                    For bad dream, try sleeping with head at the north (scientifict reason).

                    Agree that some natural occurence has been mislabelled as paranormal activity. And also the opposite.


                    • #11
                      Interesting results so far! Come on! More people vote

                      sucahyo, could you explain?

                      For bad dream, try sleeping with head at the no
                      rth (scientifict reason).


                      PATHS For Healing
                      Energetic Science Ministries
                      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                      ESM Forum Support Link


                      • #12
                        Great Poll..

                        I believe most things are possible, so of course I think most of the things on your poll are possible in one form or another.

                        God? A master advanced architect of life or an all encompassing energy, I do not know but I believe in it.

                        Aliens? Of course, if there are only humans, this universe would be in serious trouble.

                        Telekinesis? I hope so and if I can master it I'm heading straight to Vegas.

                        Ghosts? unrested spirits who have not crossed over and poke and prod the living? Maybe, but I haven't experienced it.

                        Angels? Where there is a God, I would think there would be Angels.

                        Devil? Where there is God and Angels, I believe a Devil would exist, or at least some juxtaposition of what we deem as good.

                        ESP? yes, but I believe in the collective unconscious and an all encompassing record, so a crystal ball, no, but subconscious's ability to access the record, yes.

                        Life after death? Reincarnation?, no, but I believe in some type of continuation after physical death.

